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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-17 14:08:38
yea it is

my idea for an RP Master is like DnD ( Dungeons and Dragons ) and in speaking of DnD

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by red_13 on 2010-08-17 14:49:21
My idea for a RP master is someone who can actually take situations from real life and RP with ease. They can also master things no one thought about. Like Haseo said, RPing with the opposite gender is quite hard, I should know, I RP females most of the time. Thankfully, I know how they are and act accordingly. But with OC's, it's quite hard to RP because you risk the chance of butchering them quite quickly.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-08-17 17:44:06 (edited 2010-08-17 18:07:39)


list of RPS; the dojo parts 1-4
critic battle arena parts 1-3
city of the dead
Ronin ookamis ramen stand
gendou restaruant parts 1-2
Trainer quest a pokemon RP
Pichu orphanage
Legends: hero seeker
world of wolves parts 1-3
fuedal magical world parts 1-2
Rurouni Kenshin~Kimochi no Ken
Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
The Relicer Corporation
Gendou City Park and Beach
Life or something like it
Roadtrip! Destination: Gendou Hot Springs
The Gendou City Seraphic Hospital
High School Life *not what you expect*

Quote: creativity sets you free

I still take pride in having one of the longest running RPs in gendou history: The Dojo


I think the number one killer of RPs is people forgeting they are involved in a RP

it would be nice if we could use the PM system to remind people to follow up on RPs they are involved in

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-17 19:28:51
@ Anke- You're right about an RP Master needing to know the right degree of power for their character. That's a big problem nowadays, so many people get power hungry and abuse their power.
And you're right about Free and Dream too, there's a lot of good RPer's there that have helped keep it alive all the time. Plus there's a lot of relationships there, which have helped keep things interesting.

@ Ronin- We talked about that before, and what some people have been doing is sending out participation check PM's to the players in an RP to make sure they're still in it.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-08-17 19:54:36
some rps are hard to start especially if the anime has lots of stuff similar to your RP like my pokemon thread trainers quest but if you work hard enough at it you can get an RP like that off the ground and once you do its fun to write

rps that have maps and stuff like city of the dead thats a double edged sword yes is a neat feature but on the downside it puts a lot of restraints on character interactions and that over all can slow down an RP

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-17 20:30:27
@Jon: I think you may have to nudge Valkyria Chronicles along. I don't have the faintest idea on what to do right now. Is it night or is it morning? I'm pretty sure others feel this too.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-18 07:56:46 (edited 2010-08-18 17:58:22)
@ Haseo- I feel the same way too.

@ Jon- I agree with Haseo, only my problem is that so many people are posting and they're all in one location and I can't really keep track of things. XD
I'll be staying in the RP of course, I'm just a bit confused now.

@ Ronin- Remember there's a 2 post rule here, you broke it a few posts back.


@ Jon- Naru's a guy. XD

[Edit 2]

@ Jon- It's fine, I do that too.
And with Free and Dream, it isn't from the night before, it's from a week before the wedding. When Fenris says "And even though the two of them went to bed early they ended up sleeping less than most", from this post. And she's 17 now. Yes I know it's still young but I am very willing to take that risk. XD

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-18 08:21:36 (edited 2010-08-18 17:39:16)
@Haseo & Toyumi - This was meant to be kind of a transitional thing in to chapter 2, just so that all the new members got a chance to introduce themselves. I was waiting on Naru, but he/she has informed me that he/she won't be on for a while.

I'm going to be moving it ahead tonight when I get back from work. I sort of started it with my last post regarding the enemy General. I know that I can't let it linger too long or people will lose interest, so I do my best to keep the action coming.

Everyone is just talking in the mess hall right now.

Edit: I decided to quickly do it up before I left. Also, I am going to start using the Morning/Evening/etc. thing now. Not sure why I didn't use it before. I'll be the only one changing the time of day however, just so that people don't go doing it themselves whenever they think it's convenient. Hopefully this gets everyone back on the same page.

@Toyumi - I didn't know for sure, so that is how I like to refer to people, rather than get it wrong and make myself look stupid. XD

I've got to bring up something in Free and Dream though. Correct me if I am wrong, for I am not female, but even using todays technology, doesn't it take longer than an 8 hour period to find out if one is pregnant? Also, isn't Vivian still like 16?


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-20 00:51:44 (edited 2010-08-20 00:52:40)
Joining in btw.

Username: emiya_shin
Nickname: Emiya Shin (Emiya for short)

-Project Outbreak
-Immortal Machina
-5 Seeds Project
-Steel Tyrants

Quote: "Y'know, you repeat yourself sometimes."

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 09:11:02
@ Toyumi - I've wanted to say that your little romance with Fenris is getting cuter and cuter by the second in Free and Dream!!! I want that little baby to be born so Anke can dote on him/her like no tomorrow! It's gonna be soooooo great! :D Anyway... Free and Dream has slowed down some in the past few days, and that leads me to ask you guys this questions.

How do you guys keep up with your RPs ontop of school work. I know there are some college students here that probably share my work load or even top it, but still manage to keep with it their RPs... My questions is how?

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 09:45:31
@ Anke- I know I'm excited for it too! >< (And yet I was the one with the idea. XD)
And yeah things have gotten slow there for the last day or so, since we're all split up we have to wait for the other group members to respond before we can respond again, which is kind of bad since it gets slow when no one responds (Like now), but it's also easier to keep track of things this way. But things will pick up again, they always do (It's been like that in Free and Dream for awhile, things are either going slow or it's really active).
And as for managing RP's and school work? I go online everyday or so (If I don't have too much school work) as soon as I get home from school because my parents aren't home then to bother me about getting my work done. And once I reply in the RP's I need to reply to, then I get off and do my work. Of course, I can get distracted sometimes, and then that leads to me not getting around to my work later, and then I'm usually up until midnight trying to finish it and ultimately giving up on it. So the lesson here is don't follow my example. XD

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-08-23 09:51:01
Well I think I'll quit my stalking for a moment now.

@Anke: Well keeping up with RP's isn't that much of a problem for me. I've been out of school and
working for the past year and I've noticed that I have quite a bit more free time in my hands.
Even after cleaning and such are taken care off.

And yeah, agree about the romance (though I'm hardly impartial XD), it has been quite a thing.
Especially considering that when it all started...

Quoting Toyumi's post on the second page of Free and Dream:

"Fenris... scared her a little bit. There was something about him that just seemed to creep her out."

I think it's safe to say things have changed after that ^_^

And also, regarding school + RP's. I think you should try and and keep up with at least one. RP's can
help you to relax and they'll most likely take your mind off from school for a while, which is important
(though I might have been little too good at keeping my mind of school >_<) and it serves to sharpen
your imagination (the RP's I've been on, especially Free and Dream, have made some of my working days
much easier, by giving me something to turn my thoughts onto).

Well, anyway see you in the City.

OK, returning to stalker mode XD

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by zen on 2010-08-23 10:19:00
well...when i arrived home after class, i'll check the recent post in the RP then think of any ideas when i have time then in the morning I'll make sure to post what's in my mind or later after my dismissal before doing my assignments XD

Gendou RPer's United~!

Keiko Kubota (窪田 啓子)
Homura Akemi (暁美 ほむら)


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 10:47:01
In weekdays when I have classes and work, my posting time is usually at night. That's the only free time I have during weekdays when I think about it. During weekend and holidays, or when I have a day off, sometime I post early in the morning and came back at night to check if anyone response. I don't know how everyone juggle their real life with the RP but that's how I run at the moment.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 12:14:32
The way I keep up with RP's is all thanks to my iPod touch. When I'm not on the computer i stalk forums on my ipod every, I'd say about half an hour, and i read the RP posts through that. I then formulate what my post would consist of. It lets me plan in advance, so when i come to post, i don't sit there looking at the screen for half an hour thinking of what to say. It also serves as a reminder to post too, since I'll check it often.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 13:37:49
@ Toyumi - Haha, that's normally what I do, but I have a straight core classes this year with only one break for art. I'm going to have to learn a little more self discipline so I don't get distracted, and I get enough sleep this year.

@ Fenris - Ahahah "Hardly impartial" I love it! Yes, I never would have seen that one coming in the beginning, especially since your character is soooo much older than Vivian. xD Hey, it's all good though.

@ Zen - Since we all have laptops at my school I sometimes get a chance to post in class. I never post before school though, I'm just tooo tired, after I get home I'll check it but if I get too distracted then I wont' accomplish the things I need to.

@ Night - Yeah, gotta love nights and holidays. :D

@ Haseo - Haha yes, I love my Ipod-touch, I just got it though so I'm not too good at typing responses. It is hand to read other people's posts though!

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 13:47:29
@Anke: yea, all that zooming and scrolling and lagging. I get mad at it a lot. I don't type many responses on it though, mainly for one reason; the auto-correction filter. It'll try and correct your words that it thinks you mispelled and you're typing too fast so you have to go back and do it again, then it corrects it again. It's a whole strenuous task.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 14:20:22 (edited 2010-08-23 14:24:21)
I usually have my laptop on all the time when I'm at home, so keeping up with RP's is easy for me. I don't have much of a life. >.>

It only takes about 10 or 15 minutes to post in RP's (depending on how many I'm currently in and how active they are) so it's not like it eats up a lot of my time. I usually have to wait about a day or two for other people to post, so mostly I just make 1 or 2 posts a day in whatever RP's I'm apart of and that's all. It's really not that hard to keep up on everything and get school work done.

I don't make posts from school though. I find it impossible to concentrate on that kind of thing with people roaming around the computer lab as well as the people who like to peek at what you're doing. That used to happen to me in high school a lot, people get nosy.

As for Free and Dream, me and king basically cannot post until Ken does, so I'm not sure when I will get to post there again.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2010-08-23 14:56:13
I work in a school and I have access to any PC at any time since my office is at the PC Labs. So yea, I have lots of time in my hands for a couple of RP a day if there's no major events going on. Though I usually ended up waiting a couple of days for the other participants to make a reply~~ I do ended up posting with my phone once in a while if I suddenly thought of an idea on the go

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-23 15:50:26
@ Anke- That must be terrible. Then again, I'm kind of in the same situation as you. There's 8 periods at my school, and I only have 2 easy periods the entire day (band and lunch XD), and the other 6 are core classes (with 3 of those being honors too). Well, good luck!

@ Haseo- I used to do that with my ipod touch until it's battery started to run out in about 6 hours. Then I got annoyed with it. XD
Also, there's a 2 post rule here and you broke it a few posts back.

@ Jon- Same here, my computer's on pretty much all day too. (And I don't have much of a life either ><)
And you're lucky that your high school even allowed you to go on Gendou. The computers at my high school all have this blocker thing that blocks pretty much every non-educational website. The only sort of non-educational website you can get on are ones for email and such. And in 2 of the computer labs, there are teachers there at all times that can force you to get you off of a website (That happened to me once before, I think I was looking up an anime on Wikipedia because I forgot the name of one of the characters and the teacher forced me off as soon as she saw it wasn't educational). I hate it a lot, so I try not to go on the computers at my school. Plus you're right about people being nosy. ><
And if you're waiting too long for Kenji to post, couldn't you PM him or something, to remind him that you need him to reply in order to continue?

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