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Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-13 17:23:57
saw ur PM n replied~~~

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 01:05:05
@ToD: ahaha~ sure.. ^^

@Engel: yeP~ thankieS ^o^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-14 05:23:28
I neeed help from the coaches of the club...
What can i do to make this song sounds better


and thanks for the help

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 07:59:53 (edited 2007-08-15 21:52:13)
I've started doing the back of the card... and so far I've finished all CC members and CM1-CM25... *reference is the members list in the KC Webbie*

↑ just replace the cc1 with your member number... ^______^

I'll continue tomorrow... I think I can finish it since I'm only changing the member number XDDDDDDDD


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 09:37:06 (edited 2007-08-14 09:39:52)
How are the votes going on?? ^-^

Uhh Dn let me hear it and I'll tell you ^-^

Ok...DN Your tune was off at the beginning so it carried on...try to relax...for some reason I feel that you are pushing...just make your words flow...try to soften your voice...and correct the tone...and then it will sound good! ^-^ Remember that if you can reach a note use your head voice(or falseto) or how others might call it "fake voice" you can do it! It just takes a little practice!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-14 12:47:38 (edited 2007-08-14 12:56:31)
i knew it!!

damn tune...

well.. the tune is higer or lower O_O

cause if it's higher i'm gonna have lot's of troubles..
I'll sing again and post again...

And if you think that's push... you should listen the first attemp ~_~"

BTW: que es exactamente un falseto ~.~"???


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 15:33:27 (edited 2007-08-14 15:33:50)
DN: The tune is higher...and let's can I explain what a falsetto is...I tried to explain to my mom who sings in full voice...It was pretty hard to make my point...I;ll try again...a falsetto voice is your high pitch know when you have your regular voice...but when you go high and you feel you can't reach it...then I guess you use your fake voice which is way softer...and that's a falsetto upper range. Aghhh...I don't know how to explain it! >_<

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 17:51:11 (edited 2007-08-14 18:15:25)
wuu... nice.... so I'm CC4 right... hahaha~~ I'll go put it in my signature...though it looks kinda strange with just the back of the card

Indeed... like Pame said... the tune is higher... hahaha... I only notice that there is sth not so right but cldn't pin point it... till I saw Pame's msg...

Yea... is hard to explain Falsetto to someone... hmm...
Definition of Falsetto
If thats kinda difficult to understand... just a summary of what I can come up with...
1) is a higher pitch than ur regular voice
2) In chinese... we call it "nose voice"... cause somehow it feels like u are singing w ur nose... though I totally can't explain that well...
3) try singing tune that are totally out of ur way... like Catch you catch me & doki doki Waku Waku (Ouran)... those songs.... I think is pretty impossible to sing with ur regular voice (esp for a guy) and u'll have to alter ur voice to falsetto mode to sing it

Hope that helps...


The 2nd round of voting for the KC motto have officially ended.
Results are as follows.

M14 - Sing it cool, sing it Loud, sing it will aLL your Heart = 6 votes
M39 - Feel the Passion. FeeL Connected. Feel the Rhythm = 1 vote
M46 - Spread your wings. Create your world = 3 votes
M47 - Fly with your rhythm/passion/burning desire = 4 votes
M52 - 4 S's (Sound, Soul, Stamina, Satisfaction) = 1 vote

Congratulations to M14 - Sing it cool, sing it Loud, sing it will aLL your Heart.

Dear Card makers, please proceed with the making of Karaoke Club Membership card using the above motto. (ignore the "M14" please)


Dear Members

PLease give suggestions on how the KC theme song should go. All the members (my last count was 39 members) sing one song (which mean we might have problem squeezing everyone into one song) or into groupings. If so, is there any particular way the groups should be form or should it be done by random?

Also, feel free to recommand more songs as KC theme song(s)...

The voting of KC theme song will begin soon after we can decide on this.


*listening to Lovely COmplex songs* I'll like to recommand "Hey! Say!" and "Bon bon" for KC theme song~~~

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 20:04:06
@Neon: wOW~ cOOliEs ^^

@Engel: ahaha~ yep.. I'll start working on the card now ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by ayu_mia6 on 2007-08-14 20:09:53
well I guess you guys won't be needing the
table for the member pics...

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 21:05:23
@Mia-san: yep.. I think it's better if you send the image to me through PM ^^

and I also need your preferred name in this Club [in the card].. soo.. please PM me the image and your name ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-14 22:59:13
sent my piccie ^_______^

Back of the cards are done :)
↑ just replace "cc1" with your member number... (if you don't know your member number, go to the KC webbie)

**if there's anything wrong with the link or the card, pm me. I'm not sure if I can regularly check this thread. /shoots exams**

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Terror on 2007-08-14 23:10:19
Go cards!


I could use any suggestions any of you can give.... : /

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-15 02:23:23
I have a suggestion for the theme song thing!

We could decide on a number of songs, then divide ourselves into groups (a little like the singing competition).

The committee will be in a group and will be able to pic their choice of song. The members will divide themselves into groups and each group votes for which song they want to sing...? *shot for not being too sure*

Just a suggestion~~

I also suggest Honey Beat by V6! 8D *loves V6 to bits*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-15 05:44:17
Thanks Pame.. i "think" i get it >_>

for the song...
have you lestened to the song of FMA called "Good"?

I think is a grat song...
well.. can't be singed by 39 members.. but
at least take 3 males and 2 females =P

And the karaoke handmadde in the audacity sounds nice ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-15 08:24:51
Hmm... am I having Daja vu? How come i feel like I've seen ur post b4?

is a good idea but how will the members decide which group they wanna be in? By seeing what are the songs they wanna participate in?
In other words....
eg: Song A, B and C are available. Member 1 will choose... say song A... and then group "Song A" is formed? then from there... Group A ppl go figure out themselves how they wanna spilt the lyrics and parts and also the mixing?

Shall I add "Good" from FMA into the list? I think most members dunno ALL the songs nominated... so right now I'm hoping to get as many suitable songs then make everyone listen to the songs... and decide which are the ones will be good....

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-15 09:37:14
Engel: Yess Good from FMA is such an amazing group songs!! ^-^

Tod: I would have loved to hear a little more of energy in the careful with some of your end slightly went off tune...just slightly..not really noticeable..but the energy did die at the end of the notes. ^-^ You are improving though! I like this song! Of you put more energy to it I'm sure I would sound great with your voice! Try to sound more confident! ^-^


***ATTENTION EVERYONE!! I'm expecting all the member from the karaoke club to be part of the Gendou Singing Idol starting oN Friday...for those who don't know...votes Group 1 will be waiting for your votes...Please Make sure you participate and help your fellow Gendounians in this quest!***


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by DeG on 2007-08-15 10:38:20

Wah sugoii!~ Club is active.. :)

@DN:: Woot! Greenday haha... nice.
Okies, the only problem was that you sang in a lower key..but hey SOD rules still. :)
From the sound of your voice, I know you can sing that in its original higher key..and don't be shy to sing it louder if you want to feel the song..hey, its punk hehe.. :P

Okies, if you want to practice in hitting the right key, go on the piano and hit the chord (or note) G, since Wake Me Up is in the key of G. Then hum the note G, or the notes in the chord or scale of G. Sorry if I confuse you.. T-T
But yeah, keep practicing and listening to yourself until you hum the right note, then try singing again.
Sorry again.. >_>

Woohooo! M14! Cheers~ Hahaha :P

For the KC Theme Song, grouping sounds good. If not by random, I suggest we hear everyone's voice then group them accordingly. Or if no one likes that, then we go random. >.>
I think the song should be a moderate tempo one, not too fast or too slow so everyone can adjust. :)

But if you guys think we should sing more than one song, then that would be better. :)

woot! Singing Idol sure sounds exciting... :D
definitely gonna be there on Friday.. ^.^


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Terror on 2007-08-15 12:45:24
@Pame: Doubt being half asleep helps.

@engel: Get more help if you post in two places, lol.

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-08-15 13:42:04
@ Engel:
Oooh,, so the winner was M14 :o Congrats! ^^

Since Yinzhao managed to squeeze lots of people into one song for her Brand new World project, I think we should try it anyway ^^ Or we could split the members in half and sing two different versions...XDD Or a boys version and a girls version?? i dunno :P song song...

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