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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-01 21:07:35
really cute song!!... and u guys did all those talking!! I'm amazed~~~~ u guys are good...i mean... AMAZING!!!

After listening to all these hyper songs... my monday blues are slight lifted... I wanna do a hyper song too... but i wonder if i can... with this voice of mine... gonna try it when i get home~~~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-01 21:08:43
engelwings - yeah hes got huh?!! he's friggin awsome.. maybe thats because he's the original singer XDDDD
I love his voice and his acting. XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-01 21:22:41
@mystuhmusic: loLz~ dunno.. i'll tell you later.. >.< nice song ^^

@Engeliz-san: ahaha~ my recordings always too soft,, ehh?? >.< well.. not a good quality.. maybe that's why ^^'

@Yinzhao: cOOliEs~

oh yeah.. and.. all conversation about karaoke club's theme song.. better if we talk about it there ^^ [mizuki said this] xDD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-01 21:27:18 (edited 2007-07-01 21:29:24)
btw Yinzhao, after careful consideration, I finally acknowledge that there is some male in Kimeru... I swear, he looks like a girl... and he acts like one in the musical...

I actually thought he was a girl the first time I saw Dream Live 2...

Oh yes, I will be on hiatus for about a day or two, I dunno how much the flight will take from me, I is goings to Hong Kong! will post there, so yeah, last post till I'm in Hong Kong! Latez everyones

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 01:03:35
@Rei: Roger that!

Everyone~~~~~ please go to Karaoke Club to share with everyone what are the songs we can use as KC's theme song (I dunno what else we can call that =X)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 01:36:35 (edited 2007-07-02 02:44:47)

~phew...finally net connection this afternoon ish okay now....~weeeeeeeeeee..
i can listen to new song~ness... ^^

@yinzhao: i can but teh deadline~ness... i'll try today... gomen.. gomen...TT.TT

@engel: i've been having problems with teh net connection today.. i talked to rEi
about teh discussion~ness of the theme song~ness.. in the KC thread... ._. (note teh serious~ness
face of ebil)

@rEi: /stab + ebil laugh ~finally... yay... ~kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
~yeah.. i agree with engel's suggestion~ness.. record teh guitar~ness..
and then sing LOUD~NESSSSS!!!! *another ebil laugh* *listens* *faint~ness*
good job on teh crystal~ness.. ~weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... *_______*
*gets up* *wink* *wink* ~not done with teh postness....

@mystuhmusic: ~woah.. dancing while singing.. I DO THAT ALL THE TIME.. THAT'S WHY
song~ness... wooott.. going to hongkong~ness... been there once.. uhh... errr..
safe trip~ness... ^^

@yinzhao(again): omg omg omg! kyon... i wuv kyon's voice~ness...

*outz* ~not done with chores~ness... O_O



motteke sailor fuku trioness by tana, mizuki and saru

~comments please... ^^ *mizuki ish being lazy while she ish singing...O_O*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 08:12:22
It still amaze me how u guys can sing this song... coz is sooooooo fast!!! hahahaha... but is nice~~~I like alot of ppl singing together!!!! i wanna sing too~~ (but not this song... too fast =.=)

OK... like I said i'm gonna sing a hype song too... but aft listening to the lyrics... maybe is not that much a hype song but... oh well... tt's the hypest song i have now in Karaoke ver~~

This is what happens when I push my voice to its sharpest~~~ Sorry if I sound strange... is hard to control my voice when I'm pushing it to the limits =.= and no... I still can't hit very high notes... not even with my already sharpest voice >_<
@William: hear this n my usual singing (eg: God Knows) n u shld see the diff... this song I can only sing using "fake voice"

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by ayu_mia6 on 2007-07-02 08:38:04
*pokes* to the people who likes my voice~ness
and... soweee for not using teh karaoke version~ness cause I can't find
a site for teh karaoke~ness...

my father was shocked... O.O
nyahaahha I explained to him that this was a song
and he could not believe... cause its so fast...
*claps* you three are good!...

your voice~ness is kawaii~nessss...
nyahahah... *hugs engel's voice*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-02 09:18:45
Ok... -.-" this is too much, they are almost 4 new pages in just one daty i didn't came... i can't keep it up...

I can't listen to all, but the few songs i have heard are really great...
Keep the good work

*Glomps Mizukiness*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-02 14:22:56
ZOMG there are so many new song-ful-ish-nesses!!!! :O:O:O

...I can't listen to them ish impossible lol..XP

but i already heard teh ToD (Nikku) and rEi's songnesses so...and I told them what I thought so...:D:D:D

@zomg mizuki you ish teh singing machine!!!!

so many songnesses!

the motteke sailor fuku was crazyness you guys actually followed the words!! :O:O:O

@mystuhmusic--i listened to your koori no emperor and it sounded really good...haha i liked your chantingness!!

@yinzhao--kentai life returns was soooo awesome and hilarious!!! zomg i loved it! who ish kyon though?

@mia--your yume no nakae was good, like someone else said your voice fits it well.

i have trouble finding the karaoke songness too! :p

@engelwings- your snow kiss i thought was good..ish amazing you can change your voice and sing like that!!

new one from me, i had to make my own "karaoke" version though...cause i couldn't find one XP

Kotoba by Katou Idzumi...Kattdesu style :P

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 16:25:37
@Mizuki + Saru-san + Tana-san: loLzZ~ awsome xDD cOOliEs~

@Engeliz-san: it's soo cOOl~ great ^^

@Katt-san: nice singing.. and.. nice song.. soo sweet.. I think xD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 16:28:55

@engel: "practice makes it perfect" < - - - - taken from somewhere...uhhh..errr..
wuv teh song~ness.... want to redo it again and again.. and again... teh "motteke
project" ish still not complete... got to wait for miyu's part...uhh...errrr.. TT.TT

~woooottt another d.gray man song~ness... ^___________________________^
i envy teh voice~ness.... waaaaaaaa... *goes into teh corner in teh darkness*

@mia~dokiness~gwapuuuuuuuuuuuu: ~hahahahahaha... eeeeeeeccckkkk.... /why mia!!!!!
*pokes mia in teh darkness*

*sees DN~ness* *gloooooooooooommmpaaggeee~ness*

@katt~ness /whug: i wuv kattdesu style~ness.. of teh song~ness... ^^

*panics* O_O


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-02 17:53:01 (edited 2007-07-02 17:56:51)
*hugz back* thanks~~~ hope to hear a song from u soon~~~

hahaha... thats what make us all so diligent to come back to check this thread every now n then... coz if not.... there will be just too many pages to read~~~~ Ganbatte ne~

hahaha... I love to change my voice around... I play with my voice as much as possible but stilll there are some songs I'll have trouble singing T__T and snow kiss is one of them... if I push my voice too far... I'll end up having sore throat =X
Nice mellow song... very sad though.... and u sang it with lotsa feeling!! great job!
I still don't get how u guys make karaoke versions... :(

Away with envy~~~ <-- learnt from Yinzhao~~
hahaha... u too did manage to change ur voice for diff songs... or did u not noticed? Hee... Ya... practising do perfect a song... but practising in that voice will end up with sore throat =X But oh well... I managed to do most of that song in 2nd recording and some parts had to redo and redo... thats whr the practising come in... hahahahaha (PS: thats why the middle part of the song sounds better than the opening... no comments for the back part of the song coz... is just to high and I keep redo-ing it but it was abt the best I can do but still I think that sucks :X )

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by William on 2007-07-03 01:22:20
Erm...still not finished listening to song~ness..

@Engel: Thanks!! Ahaha, I was near the edge of my voice when I sang that, so I'm glad you liked it!

@Rea: Ahaha, your Love Slave kinda gave me the idea to sing Last Regrets! Thanks! ^_^

@Rei: Soft and mellow...nice...wee..maybe you should turn up the recording!!

@Mystuhmusic: Woah...serious flashback...makes me feel kinda sad..but great job!

@Yinzhao: Weee~ That's so cute..I love it! Kyoooon!!! Wahaha! XD

@Mizuki: I kinda want to try singing that too! It's really amazing that you guys can keep up with the song!

@Mia: Great job! It would be even better if you used the karaoke version!

@Kattdesu: Somehow...I felt sad all of a sudden...nice singing!

@Engel: Ahaha, that's so cute!! *pulls Engel's cheeks* I'm also amazed that you can still control your voice well while singing high notes.
I don't think I can do that...ever..>_<

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kali-chan on 2007-07-03 01:34:32
No no no wait... O_O >_< O_O >_< O_O

10 PAGES?!?!? T____T OMG you guys are so awesome! I've been left behind BIG time!! If I eben try to comment on every one, my post is gonna take up a whole Gendou page ;_;. I am gonna have to work it out.

Sorry you guys haven't gotten a new song from me. Timing here isn't bery good for me lately, and plus after I completely lost my voice, my singing voice isn't, uh, exactly all that great T_T. I'm getting the point where I'm just gonna post whateber -_-'.

Well keep singing my friends! So far you all sound great! *huuuugggsss*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-03 02:25:37
hahaha... like Mizuki said... practise makes perfect~~~~ hahaha....try singing in the bathroom... that helps when u r trying to sing high notes... n sing w ur head slightly tilted back so the voice gets to shoot out straight fr ur throat~~ hahaha

wb~~ be waiting to see ur very long post and.... a song from u too~~~~~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-03 09:27:40 (edited 2007-07-03 09:28:13)
@engelwings---if you have audacity this link explains how to make karaoke versions, they don't always come out useable...but some of them do...:D

how to make karaoke songs with audacity

i got that link from link btw...XP lol

also thankies for comments!! it's a sad song so if it makes you feel a little sad then that is good i think...^.^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-03 18:33:54
thanks U~~~ I'll go check it out when I have the time... is awfully quiet this time in the thread... I've been away for more than 12 hrs and only you posted someting... has everyone gone on holiday/anime expo?

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-03 19:20:07


~so quiet~nesssssssssssssssssss... *yawn*

*looks left* *looks right* *looks up* *looks down*

*time to spread more ebil~ness* *no one ish here anyway* *ebil laugh*

~hare hare yukai~ *ebil version*

~modokashii sekai~ *out of tune~ness version*

~love so sweet~ *no serious~ness version~ness*

side little note~ness: i can't sing these days... so these are old
tracks from 10000000 years ago~ness

@engel: teh ebil~ness has many version of ebil voice~ness.. *ebil laugh* jk
yeah.. you're right about teh sore throat thing.. i can't sing these days.. TT.TT

@william~ness: *drags william`ness in teh darkness* ~woah.... you know teh song~ness...??? *shocked* O________________O

@kali: kali ish doing the blinking thing... o_o ._. o_o ._.

@kattdesu: i tried that "how to make karaoke" works!!!! ~i'm so happy.. ^^

~wooooooooooooottt.. time to take a nap... *yawn* *goes back into teh darkness*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-07-03 19:32:32
i was here all the time just not posting lol xD gonna listen to your songs now XD

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