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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 19:05:23
well my bro gave me his fat one to me...but its lens is so horrible it can't read any new's like WTF! DX
so i'm borrowing his ps2 (ebil laugh)

miss it already? the anime still ongoing wor XD
oh yea do you have psp?

maxis actually...>_>
there's no phone line here so we have to use mobile >_>
which translate group you choose?
i watch shinsen subs or sometimes abyssal chronicles LOL

wth is that contest? anyways good luck XD

can you do one for me? lol jk
so i guess you have DA account? XD

and lol i'm not a fan of AF XD

and wth pondan? XDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 19:19:16

Hard gay ?!!

lol i have difficulty to give recognition to the existence of Hard gay..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 23:06:53
sooooo many replies!!! *mouth stood ajar*

tomorrow got kawad first thing in the morning!! giler pe skul ak nih??
then kamis de kawad petang 2.. homework belambak gler...!!
tasukete minna!!!

I'm just going to reply what I remember... loads of thing to stuff in me head. bio is getting tougher these days..

ohisashiburi desu! how's study life?? mine is getting worse...
so that's why jarang online dah these days

ne~ can't you get the relationship??
new phone means transfer songs and other stuff from compy to phone,
then while tranferring the songs and other stuff online lah skali.
'alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan'.
arasso?=paham?=understand?? hehe..

~baby holkie;
*look into meh eyes*
I am a hot-tempered girl. x caye tanye saya-chan.
that is even if you know who she is.
I'm like a human bomb-time clock waiting someone to trigger the spark and then
KA-BOOM!! explode. get it??
so you're writing a story? make sure you put me name in it. as an protagonis of course. hehe..

later, mayb. bye!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-17 00:03:50
8D hey all meh beauties... LOL
I'm going nuts already D:

Esh: GOOD. I hope i just make ya jump up and down cuz the whole gendounian's malaysian and coming to ur town..
"Malaysian ish coming to my town.."
Sing tht song before we came 8DDDDDD

adel: thnkies >3

Angelus: my name have been called/type twice.. 8D AWESOME
8D yeah~~
thnkies ^^ VERY enjoy in here..
xD wait which one are u talking about? xDD

"*cries while running away like a 'pondan'*" ROFL, 'pondan'?? xDD

serge: it's a MPH contest >3
it giving away free money and free a laptop.. >3

kira: refer to my to serge post >3
D: but then the theme ish hard i'm struck on the first line.. >3
i'm making to many stories right naw..
all i have finished was ....... none .____.

Adera nee-chan: *looks into adera's eyes*
O.O *twitched*
*shivered while reading adera's post*
my god.. have u taken ur "fire resistance hot-tempered, human bomb-time clock" pills?
8D i wonder if there is.. wait thar is >3 in my head! hoho..
"I am a hot-tempered girl." no i dont see any of ur "hot-tempered" D:
maybe u show it but i missed it >w< too bad..
but then adera, if u explode.. then.. i.. will be HAPPY >3
hahaha rofl ok i should stop tht xD
D< no i wont put ur name in it.. people will say "wat ets this, why the name so like this one D<"
and then i wont have the prize :<

about my storying contest, the theme is about "Staying and Leaving"
i'm struck on the description and the theme :<
i hate it above 18 u dont have any theme, but below 17 u got a theme :<
totally not fair.. :< anyhow.. imma SQUEEZE my little breeze into a juice then i dri -- no wait tht's eeww.. xD

*hops of to story work*

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Karuichan on 2009-02-17 01:22:00
Hi~ Just reporting in~ I'm from Malaysia too~

2 tahun saya join website in, nak download lagu. Tahun ni baru mula masuk forum...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-17 01:27:04 (edited 2009-02-17 01:30:18)
hello to all malaysian here!!!sorry for my improper introduction here before i hope you all don't mind bout it....anyway how should i introduce myself here? hmmmm...ok...hello i'm dean! nice to meet you all!!
Hello there...pokebech!!!!.....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2009-02-17 01:29:15
heh i'm BACK!!! xD long time guys! heh. being busy on my web, so i don't really sign in here that often

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Karuichan on 2009-02-17 01:38:43
Ada siapa org Sabah sini?

Dean> Hai~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-17 01:45:30
i just knew that I'm going on 6am, on wednesday.
mhmm, yeah, this might be last post before I go for MTE.
wish me luck, guys.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-17 01:54:03
@kira one is starting to have problem too..
i guess it cant be helped since my ps2 is with me for 5 years ad..

yesh..i have psp too..but i cant play it often..since i study in university..
and my younger brother took away from it lo..
he can play both ps2 and psp in home..unlike me..T.T

MPH..?err..what its stands for..(imma searching abbreviation dictionary)
lol..i mean i still dont get what the contest it..T.T

phew..luckily u made some introduction there..or else..
/poke dean..hey..hey..dean..its me,serge

hi there..pokebeach..
so..i presume that u from sabah,is it..? since u wan to find ppl from there here..well not me lol..
anyway..welcome to the thread!!

still busy eh..when u fully complete yor web..tell me..i be the 1st person visiting


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-17 01:55:18
Hello to you i didn't know my post draw much attention from people here,anyway i just opened page37 of this thread woww it look like i'm gone into trouble if i hadn't read it hohohoho..>_>..anyway let try to post my first reply hohhoho...:)...(err like this i think..)

hello there serge..thanks for supporting me...:)

hai to you are from sabah? i'm from peninsular malaysia..hohoho...:)

wow...sorry....are you angry?i not mean anything by sending that kind of just for fun...please don't feel angry to me...bout that 'rape' are you really mean it?!!!!!!!!!!oh no please don't do it i promise i will not repeat it again!!!!really!!!!....><

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by *-* on 2009-02-17 02:20:49 (edited 2009-02-17 02:21:27)
dont think i've posted here yet, so here i go...

hi Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-17 04:44:19 (edited 2009-02-17 04:44:47)

me → ←esther.. good luck~~


me &rarr &larr dean ~~ welcome to Malaysian thread..
Angelus is just kidding with the reap thing lol..


Hello Mini pepsi(though we met in gendou chat )

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-17 19:21:40
hishashiburi~ genki ka?

kawad? hmm sports day i guess? it's dang tiring DX

i think bio is ok least for now >_>

mine is pretty messed up. seriously >_>
i'm afraid the fate of mine always absent is repeating itself...>_>
so i have to make sure i study moar! DX

hope you're doing well in school

free laptop! /moe
ME WANT! lol

what theme actually? i don't really understand that one O.O
and good luck!
lol thinking dirty? /smacks

selamat datang ke forum ni XDD
introlah sikit...simple je XDD
dari sabah ke?

well what about more intro? like where are you from and such

welcome back! so err your web? O.O

good luck! and picceh! or else i'll /furz you!

pretty old eh...i think mine is like 2-3 years
since you have psp...DL tales of the wolrd radiant mythology II when you have the chance! :D

@mini pepsi
hello~ i think i saw you in chat but you were afk. lol
more intro?

i want meds XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by *-* on 2009-02-17 23:18:39
hi hi kira and adel~~ ^^
>>adel<< heheh, yeah, of cuz we met 8D
>>kira<< aww, sorry bout that, hmm, about me... i've just been told by an uncle yesterday that i looked too dark for my own good =.=lll lolzz that's one random thing bout me i guess =X

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-02-17 23:44:50
huu~ finally im done wif most of my assg.. onli 1 more to finish.. for this week..
(yeah.. still have tons of assg, but thankfully, its done for the week..) XD

guess aina-chan wont be here.. the hotel she's staying is onli around 600m from my campus.. XD (better keep it a secret from her till she come back here..) XD

ok then.. ill post all the reply later.. too tired now.. ~_~'

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-18 05:27:02 (edited 2009-02-18 05:29:30)
o.o,sowy,tis time i cant reply all..
juz came in to c the forum for awhile..]
will ans u all tis sundy hopefully..

juz wana tel to all,who is going to take a visit esther at MTE*pwtc*..
welcome to see me too at the mall bookshop*1st floor*,oposite of pwtc..xp

juz hoping to meet anyone of u guys n gurls..o.o.

have a nice day..XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-18 09:09:29
Minna-san , me ish now Hard Gay's twin brother , Soft Gay ..... kyu ~~~ !

I can do one for you , but now I don't have a lot of time . Maybe later ^^ .
AND , if you visit my DA site , you'll be mesmerized by what I have there , ..... blank ..... .
And yesh , 'pondan' ..... so very 'pondan' :P

Nice to meet joo XD !
If I'm not mean enough , I can kiss all my effort from keeping this community thread alive goodbye (Gendou might not allow anymore continuation of this thread if anyone breaks any rules) . Got it ? Plus , am I that mean on that post just now ???

You have to , because Hard Gay's in front of your door now ..... he wanna be joor boyfriend XDDDD .
No , I'm not joking about the rape thing :) *ebil laugh*

Lol , like your name to be called twice ? Okies then , Holkers XD .
I mean the work joo posted on page 35 XDD .
Well , that's reality :P . Still , I don't get teh theme meaning o.O ?? .

Ummm , what nick should I call you ? Pokebeach or Keichan ?
Kamu orang Sabah ?? Tak banyak orang Sabah dalam sini , maaf ya ? Oh ya , saya dari Marikh XDD :P , tak , tak , saya dari Melaka XD . Tapi buat masa ini , saya di KL buat sesuatu kerja XD .

Welcome back then ^^ .

Good Luck To Joo ! X333

Lolzzz , I'm not angry orrrrhhh ~~ ._.* . And I know you don't mean no harm to the people here by sending that post , just that the admin already came in here warning people not to do 'instant messaging' like 'hello' or 'hi' only . Plus , it's his only warning (means this thread might never get a continuation if this incident happen again . In fact it already happen before to another community thread of the same kind [a Malaysian thread] in the anime section but I was lucky that I'm able to do so here) and because of that , as a person in charge of this community , I'm trying my best not to allow such similar incident happen again . So fun or not , you got to do a proper introduction of yourself instead of just saying hi only (like telling your name/nick , where you live , age etc.) , it's not difficult :/ .
And yes , I'll rape you if you do that again *ebil laugh* XOO ..... kidding only XD ! Just don't do it again , or I'll REALLY rape you upside down :) .

Welcome to the Malaysian community ^^ .
Ummmm , like your way of saying hi , but you need a much proper self-introduction here . No one knows you here :/ (including me) . Plus , your siggy is over the size limit . It might get zapped but by the mods here XO .

=__=* , so far to go to PWTC from here =__=* . If I were to go there , I will get lost immediately (not a KL person :/)

Okies , I got to highlight this issue now , again =__=* :

Proper Way Of Self Introduction

1. Name (both real and nick . Want to say both is up to you)
2. Age (optional)
3. Where you're from (recommended)
4. Whatever things about you (I don't know , up to you :/)

-This must be done by all newcomers of this thread and to those who came back after a long departure (short leave is not nessesary , but if you want to , go ahead)

-If any of you all don't do a proper introduction , but you just say 'hi' or 'just passing by' , it will be considered an instant messaging (or spam under different cases) and you'll be reported .

..... I feel like a doofus doing all this 'I tell you to do *beep*' things =__=* . Just obey the rules , please ?

That's it for now , later .

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-18 13:38:39 (edited 2009-02-18 13:39:13)

call me adeirin ~


soft gay ?!!


*locked myself in the room* TT__________________TT

Yamete yamete yamete ~~~♬

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-18 16:48:06
lol ok XD
so i want meds /shifty

yea everybody's been so busy >_>

the only problem is i dunno your DA account. LOL
i'mma stalk one possible place 1st though XDD

k so i imagine a man who is wearing a wig, high heels and mini skirt O.O
/kill mental image

have a nice day too XD
wish i could stalk come there XD

good luck! XD

@mini pepsi
lol that's random
a proper intro is nice now...wait...more like, a MUST! +_+
so there like angelus do it! +_+

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