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Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by stash on 2010-08-25 11:43:53 (edited 2010-08-25 18:38:55)
The demos of Narutimate Shippuden Storm 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 2 are finally out and I'm downloading them now, I'm not a exactly a fan of Naruto games but what the heck never hurt to try right?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-25 14:02:45
ninja storm looks amazing and worth my money

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by coolname32 on 2010-08-25 15:40:12
*coughs to announce his presence*

Black Ops has a lot of hope in my mind. You're all probably thinking, "Riku, you sexy devil! I see it's being done by Treyarch! Have you forgotten about 3 and WaW?".

No. No I have not. The reason that Black Ops has hope is for 2 reasons. 1) It's something new. That's what made MW so popular. And 2) Treyarch is devoting their entire studio to this game, whereas with 3 and WaW, they only used half of the studio.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-25 16:20:36
And big red one. That was treyarch's first cod game that no one seems to ever remember. Their track record is horrible even with games that aren't cod (web of shadows anyone?). Regardless the game will still sell because it will have the cod name


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-25 16:57:42
Ys seven is so underrated don't ya think so fellas?


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-08-25 18:24:10
Yeah I played the Japanese demo of Narutimate. I'm going to re-dL now on PSN, or later,
even though there's not much to do, I'd still prefer the one on one, cause two people can play,
but I'unno, I hate how in general, they're spoiling the boss battles...

And yeah the only reason people are gonna get COD, is cause of fanboys or just cause of it having the name COD in it.
Their game series are gonna fail and every other game after that is going to fail.

I wouldn't be surprised if MOH is better. The more popular game doesn't necessarily mean it'll be good (aka HALO).


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-25 19:01:38
@sasis - I don't think so. It's more popular in Japan than here, but it still has a rather large fanbase.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by Maiku on 2010-08-25 19:25:40
"And yeah the only reason people are gonna get COD, is cause of fanboys or just
cause of it having the name COD in it.
Their game series are gonna fail and every other game after that is going to fail."

Really? There are many of us who are getting it because they're fun. I didn't
play MW2 for a year because it sucked: I played it because it was a polished and
excellent shooter, and I know Black Ops will be the same.
I'm as excited as Riku for this one. All footage I've seen looks spectacular, and
I have to wonder when gamers became such pessimists about new releases. Call me a
CoD fanboy or whatever. In the end, I'll enjoy the near endless replay value of
one of the best in multi-player FPSs.

End rant.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-26 18:16:27
my beef with mw2 was that iw didn't put anything new into the single player. They made all these things for multiplayer but the single player was more like mw1.5. I did not see any significant changes. I know cod is mostly known for its multiplayer but does that mean half ass the single player. The story was great but that's all that was great. The gameplay felt recycled. I know if ain't broke don't fix it but jeez you can add to it and make it better. I don't expect much from treyarch but infinity ward is better than this. I'll probably rent black ops for the story but I don't expect much from treyarch. I hope it will be good though. I know this rant mostly against cod but I'll say this, bad games don't sell especially when they are series. Cod is a good series, I just would like to not play it safe and think about both single player and multiplayer crowds.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-08-26 22:44:01
Well other than that, the controls are gimmick and the weapons functions weren't like, realistic.
I mean how many people go on like crazy killstreaks of like 50+ kills,
friggin' what was it called where you ranked up, prestige, people cheated with that,
people camp so much in COD, like there's so many things wrong with online.

When it was compared with battlefield, the single-player/story mode might've won but Battlefield: BC2's online was better.
And now those head Infinity Ward guys work with EA now (lol), so it might bring a new style to EA, and I think it'll begin with the new MOH.

Black Ops is definitely going to sell cause of fanboys who have no other games to play but that,
the same reason why Reach might sell, cause of Halo fanboys. And since there's absolutely no games for XBox, cause it's a soon-to-be dead system.

But really when you look at it, when it comes to online FPS shooters, when does single-player really matter? It's ALL about online.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-28 20:41:47
Picked up Ys Seven today. I haven't had a chance to start playing it yet, since I only just got back from a movie a little while ago and it's way too late at night to start playing now.

The Premium Edition is very very nice however. Totally worth the price. It came with a full soundtrack CD (27 tracks, all of which are longer than a minute and a half), cloth map of the region the game takes place in and a beautiful art book. Hard to believe it cost as much as Mimana did, but is of a far better quality.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-29 21:10:01
Time for one of those famous updates that i do here in this thread :D

Still working on platinum for Trinity Universe...though i come to understand there is a glitch for this game regarding trophies. There are 3 trophies that you can get if you make 100x something (synthesize items, make metorites, create monsters), from what i heard & read on forums these are glitchy & often frustrating to obtain. I managed to get 2/3 but there is one that is what seems to be taking forever. I have created what is to my understanding over 100 monsters yet still nothing, the advice is to keep at it & eventually it will pop up. It sucks but at least i can work on the other trophy which is to drift away 50 times. I think i have logged over 200hrs so far.

@ Jon-san
heh welcome to the Bayonetta platinum club! :P So what was your overall impression of the game as you were playing to get 100%? Did you try to get the best score or just plowing through without caring for that too much. If i remember i found that infinite climax was easier than going through hard mode cause i wasn't looking for when to activate witch time instead i just attacked. For the most part in the mode i abused the rocket launcher glitch alot. Good game & not as bad as many others say about the PS3 version.

Oh this is one game i'm looking forward to cause i do need another game for my PSP. Z.H.P - Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman (oh NIS you & your crazy names) is one game i WANT. Why? Take a look at this!


OMG is that who i think that is!!!!

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-08-31 11:37:06 (edited 2010-09-02 17:01:46)
@Izumo-san - It really wasn't that difficult. I had a pile of items kicking around from playing through Normal and Hard, so I was always able to fall back on them. I just did the hardest chapters first and got them out of the way right out of the gate (the Jeanne fights for example). I mostly got Stone awards, although I did get a few Silver and Gold. The biggest pain in the butt were the constant Gracious and Glorious fights, since you couldn't use witch time on them, they were fast attackers, took little damage from the Evil Harvest Rosary, could reflect most attacks after a few hits, always attacked in pairs (or sometimes more) and they could do roughly 3/4 of your health gauge in damage if they managed to connect with their uppercut attack.

It wasn't that difficult overall. It just took some time. Some of the portals were annoying though.

I'm about 5 or 6 hours in to Ys: Seven now and I'm loving it so far. The only downside I've seen up to this point is that there is almost zero reason to use many of the characters that join your party. Most of the party characters are only temporary and leave your group after their respective dungeons. I'm hoping that this changes, because there are characters I would love to have as part of my permanent fighting party.

Not sure when Valkyria Chronicles 2 will get in. It's out tomorrow, but last time I checked it wasn't part of the shipping, so I could be waiting on that for another week (which isn't that bad considering I have Ys: Seven to play until then).

Edit: Will be picking up VC2 next Friday (I need to get paid and I have to finish Ys first.

Also, the old party members joined back up with the group, which I'm happy to see. They did scale up in level, but that also means that there still is not reason to use them the first time around. You are better off just sticking with your normal characters during the dungeons. There aren't that many dungeons where you have to pick a party though, so I guess it's no big deal.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-09-03 19:12:33
@ Jon-san
Yeah the fights with Jeanne were brutal especially on Hard, again i found it easier on Infinite Climax so go fig :D. I take it you didn't try to fight that dude who runs the item shop...forget his name. Tried it alot actually & basically fluked out one time & barely beat him. You get the 'pillow talk' lightsaber thingy for beating him. It's an okay weapon, just like a regular sword but if you charge it it gets REALLY big but only lasts a few secs before it shrinks. *ahem* like a certain friend we all know...*cough*

Attempted the optional portal once events (not the alfeim ones you do in the game, but the secret ones when you finish the game) which are kinda like a neverending tower battles. STUPID HARD! The first few levels were easy but the deeper you go the more but hurt you are gonna get.

BTW did you see the new supposedly Valkyria Chronicles website that Sega has set up that hints at a possible VC3 game in the future. Tokyo Game Show is only a few weeks away so an anoucement may be made. The list of games that Sony is showing off is impressive & there are 2 unanncounced games coming one for PSP & the other for PS3.

Finally we'll see more on FFvs13 & TLG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ico & SOtC HD incoming!!!!!!!!

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by Maiku on 2010-09-03 19:21:27
I saw the thing about VC, hopefully it'll be for Ps3 (the system I happen to own
c:) TGS is going to be awesome, especially with Disgaea 4. I really can't find it
in me to care about anything else lol.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-09-03 19:27:25 (edited 2010-09-03 19:28:27)
@Izumo-san - You get Pillow Talk for beating NSIC actually. You get the Rodin thing for beating Rodin.

I did see that. I'm picking up my copy of VC2 on Friday when I get paid and will have the weekend to play it (as long as school work doesn't build up that is). They had better bring it back to the PS3. Don't get me wrong, I think they did an amazing job fitting everything they did on to the PSP for VC2 (although I still don't like the change in character design) but I really want to see it go back to the PS3 with the same beautiful graphics that made me drool over the first one and that helped put it on par with FFVII as my favorite game of all time.

@Maiku - Did they actually announce/tease Disgaea 4? NIS has been in quite a bit of trouble this year from what I know, and they have frozen development on like 3 games.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-09-03 19:30:26 (edited 2010-09-03 20:00:24)
@ Maiku-san
If you visit the NIS forums you can find a supposed poster pic of the possible next installment of the Disgaea franchise. I'll try to find it...give me a sec....

*jeopardy music*

Found it!

It is very likely these are the main characters for the next game cause if i remember NIS did the same thing when they first revealed Disgaea 3.

@ Jon-san
You are right....i knew it was either pillow talk or the angel weapon swiss army knife. Shows you how long ago i last played the game. All i remember was it was really really hard!

There was an interview with the president of NISA on a gaming website (i believe Siloconera) that mentions that there will be an anouncement at TGS regarding Disgaea 4. The interview also talks about localizing AR Tonelico 4 as well as other games like Cladun & ZHP. The disappointing sales of Sakura Wars & apologizes for Last Rebellion.

Here is the interview:

NIS was in finacial trouble in 2008 & 2009 when stocks of the company were at a low. Which is when the president stated that they will focus on only one single platform mainly Sony. Don't quote me on this but it is what i read once before.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-09-04 17:37:07
More game footage of Narutimate Shippuuden Storm 2 are out! And beginning characters, too.
THE FOUR TAILS AWAKENING IS SO INSANE!!! I can't wait until the end of this month!!


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by on 2010-09-05 16:42:46 (edited 2010-09-05 16:48:53)
@Izumo-san - I knew that they were in financial trouble back then in relation to stock values, but during this (or the last) fiscal year they took a big hit in terms of profit. I think it was something like operating profits being down by 95%. I'm glad to hear they are going ahead with Disgaea 4 though on the PS3. Hopefully they show something on it during TGS.

I just finished playing Ys Seven. I got about 25 hours out of it, and I didn't complete all of the side quests (just the big ones. I didn't want to farm the items needed for the others). Really good game. Very satisfied with it. The party system works well and it's definitely a welcome change over the typical 'Adol goes from one sword to the next' style of some of the older ones. I loved the soundtrack especially. Now I need to try and get the PSP remake of Ys: Oath in Felghana.

I'm going to go back to Disgaea Infinite (or possibly Megaman Battle Network 4: Red Sun which I found for like 99 cents a few days ago) until I pick up Valkyria Chronicles 2 on Friday.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club
Link | by coolname32 on 2010-09-12 10:12:03
My favorite part is that they're going to be recording all the matches. This means any hackers will be caught just by pressing the report button and having Treyarch review footage of their matches. It's like recording demos in Source games.

Possibly my favorite part about CoD7 is that they're adding a very popular CS:S mod that is the only reason why I own CS:S. Gungame. It's gonna be so fun. Also with the dedicated servers being a part of the MP experience, this will open up the door for custom mods and maps. I agree MW2 was crap SP wise (though I enjoyed climbing a mountain and riding a snowmobile). I think they tried to put a story where there wasn't one. In MW1, I had no idea that there was a story to it. I just went and killed stuff, cause that's what I do. It's like introducing a character at the beginning of a movie, never seeing him again, then at the end of the 4th sequel, telling you he's the bad guy that's been doing everything the whole time.

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