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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-20 10:41:19
*Rebuilds the raft* Hey I already went that way to the... bleh... I wish I could go to T__T *sob sob*

Guys! I'm really really sorry for all the time I'm not here, but please lemme tell you that I'm always thinking about you and the lots of fun I have get when I'm here talking to you guys hehe... Take care!

>_< argh, I'm having an importan exam next month, wish me luck

@Zparticus: Amigo! good to see you again. And about the last post where you said how does it feel to live the after college life?... lol, no man, I'm not there yet, I still have next year, which will be the last year if everything keeps going the way it is right now, but basically I won't have classes the whole next year, just have to do my final project (which is a requirement in order to graduate) and then just wait =P... let's see if everything goes that way and I'll kinda graduate a the same time with my friend DN-san ^_^.

Me misshes Suzaku-san T__T. I'm going to be online on YM every night this week, lets see if I can catch her there or any of you guys too. =D... hey! that's an improvement, at least I'm there at night XDD lol.

*glomps everyone*

I want to wear a costume this 31th XDD lol... still don't know what, but I will, XD maybe something funny. If I do, I'll post a pic here, laughing is allowed XDD.

Party tiiiimmmeeeee!!!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-20 16:48:45
>_< Since I can't go to Pame's party maybe I'll host one myself. :D Hmmm....

@ KK:
Welcome baaaaaaack. <3333333
Ahh, I have been more active on YM lately...hopefully we'll meet each other there tonight. =D

And please make your studies priority one. :P I'm sure you'll do fine on the exam!

I might just end up wearing my kendo uniform for a costume. xD And wear it to school next Thursday for the "Halloween costume day". We have no school on Halloween, woot~!

This week is going to be horrible. T_T And last week was awesome...

I have a literary analysis essay due Monday, and the first draft is due tomorrow (I have about 3/5 done though).
Our wire sculpture art project is due on Monday as well, but I've messed up so much. She's too skinny she looks like she's anorexic, and her legs are too short. =/ She's supposed to be Katara from Avatar. xDD And I still have to build the base for it...
And ummm...
We have two chemistry quizzes this week (I bet I'm gonna fail them bleh).

And yeah, school life is HECTIC right now. (how do you spell that?)

but yeah, sorry for dumping school stuff on you guys, I'm sure it's the least thing you wanna read about, lol.

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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-21 07:43:28
@Occhan>~<: Oh... souka... another miss knowledge from me... sorry>~<

Oh... Glomps-glomps!

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-21 08:35:53
@sya-chan: occhan?? O.o
the only one that have call me that so far was vie-chan, now sya-chan XD

@Suzaku: Katara from avatar eh? ganbatte Suzaku chan... but if made of wire...
is not supose to be skiny? XD
naa JK =P *snuggle*
And dun't worry about talking about school, this is a club for you, you can say whatever you want =D

@KK: I'm glad to see you around. See? you can do it ;D
We are only in 660 posts so ypou have still a lot of time as the main president
of this club ^^

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-10-21 09:17:59

@kei-kun AMIGO!hahaha! its good to see you back pal!
so you still have a year huh, but from the looks of it,the hard part is over and
that's good to hear! hopefully everything would go smoothly for you and DN!hahaha
and good luck with that project pal ^_^V

a funny costume huh ? why not try this effortless costume.... a cardboardbox and write gundam on it!hahahaha

school stuff huh? dont worry about ranting about it since everyone in this club has gone through hell and back
with school work and if you have survived last year, you can to do it again! your suzaku for crying out loud!hahaha

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-21 19:29:21
@ DN:
Hehe. >.< She IS supposed to be skinny but we have to make the person with right proportions, and anime/cartoons don't have proportions. @_@;;

@ Z:
Haha, thanks. <33


Lina Inverse for DN~
I'm sorry it took so probably forgot about it already, lol...
She doesn't look right in my style -heh-
I hope you like it still. >.<

Line Inverse by ~suzaku009 on deviantART

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Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-22 06:33:03
@Occhan (DN): "Hehe... so I'm right about Occhan? Rarely... but thankfully >~< Ah... don't hug me too hard I'm fragile 'kay^~^

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-22 09:54:48
@Suzaku: omg!! thank you!!!
and yes I ahd forgotten about it XD
Thank you so much, I like your style so it looks good =D
*hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs *

@King... I mean , Z: Thats a weird video XD
but funny ^^'

@sya-chan: yes, you can call me occhan if you liek to :3

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-10-24 02:38:17
btw didn't VIE refer to you as OCCHAN as well?

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-25 09:31:56
@Occhan: so... there you are... Occhan-chan... eh... does Occhan means Oc~chan?

hehe... just asking>~<

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-26 20:41:15
@Zparticus: dude... that is one of the best costumes I have ever seen!!!... I am soooo going to try that one this halloween, and it doesn't cost a single thing!! hahahaha fantastic! GUMDAAAAAAAAAMMMM

@DN: hello, Occhan =P XDD

@Suzaku: *glomps a million times* hehehe, good luck at school ne!!! I know you're the best!!! go you!!

Ok now I'm off to look for the perfect cardboard box XDD lol

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-27 07:26:56
@Z: yes Z, in fact, was Vie who gave me the nick of Occhan.

@KK: PhotobucketKisama!!
occhan janai!!!

@sya-chan: mmm... Occhan is because of my real name so mmm...
I don't know if it means something, you'd have ask Vie-chan XD

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-10-27 10:39:43
@dn/occhan hahahaha
that sounded weird and awkward hahahaha

@kei kun
hahah good luck finding a cardboard box, i want to try it at a convention but someone already
dressed up as box gundam >.> hahahaha
cant wait for the pics hahaha

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-28 15:10:26
Hellloooo heelloooooooooooo

Just passing by

I'm at work T-T

Umm news let's see

Halloween Costume Party this Friday! Yaaaaay

I will create a myspace music page so you can add me! Yaaaay will put pics and music there! My original songs!


Kisses to all

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-28 17:06:45
@ DN:
i'm glad you liked it. :)

Finally done with essay and art project~~ I think both turned out pretty well.

No more stress. XD Until next week. V_V urgh.

Halloween...I need a costume. D= I have lots of ideas on who I wanna be but I don't have the clothes for them. >.<

My deviantART!
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Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-28 17:13:45
[@Pame] Oh sweet, is anyone from actually?
Sorry if I missed this, but what are you going to be this year?

Or... is that going to be a secret? >_<;;

[@Suzaku] What are some of your ideas, lemme know. :D


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-29 06:35:45
why is everything on my space?? >_<

you're gonna make me create one ¬¬
oh well... what can i do about it

@Suzaku: a costume.. mmmm.... *thinking*
dress like Lina inverse!! XD

@Pame: yes yes, I want to know too what is your costume =D
or is a secrete?? >.<

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-29 14:22:28
@ DA:
Well, they aren't really ideas, more like who I WANT to be.
I want to be Link, Ike, or Marth. xD Or Hibari. Which makes it even harder cause they're all guys.

The only way I CAN dress up is just wear my kendo uniform, lol...I guess I'd be a blue Soul Reaper. @_@;;

Are you dressing up? Or are you too old for it? C:

@ DN:
I don't have a myspace anymore. :D Don't make one, it'll scar you for life. v_v
Personally I think it's pointless. However did my friends manage to brainwash me?!

Lina Inverse? XDD I don't even know her. I just know of her.

@ Pame:
Don't forget to post pictures after the party! :D

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-29 17:48:44
Halloween!! Wooohoo

I'll be...

tantantan tan taaaan



I'll be Hellen of Troy! XDDDD

I will post piccies!! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-29 18:16:16
[@Suzaku] Those are pretty good choices, and I'm not sure about you,
but being Link during Halloween this year, especially if you live near my area, you'll be pretty warm since his clothes are like... warm? :P

But yeah, d00d it's going to be so cold.
Everyone's either gonna be wearing thick jackets and sweaters,
and others are gonna be courageous, yet risk a cold night of picking for candy and show their costumes.
I'm trying to get out and go somewhere, since I can drive now, it shouldn't be an issue. ^_~`

Oh, and what's a blue soul reaper?
Like the students in the Academy in Bleach before they get accepted into the Gotei 13?
Jesus did I sound like some uber Bleach nerd there. -_______-" (ha)


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