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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 17:59:43 (edited 2007-06-26 18:02:05)

~he play.. guitar~ness... ^_______________________________^

I think rEi ish going to kill me now... *hides in teh darkness*

yume no tsubasa by suzaku and rEi

woot... why i am still here? @_@


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 18:12:55 (edited 2007-06-26 18:16:42)


me sang this song with my brother XDD
should I post it..?
hmm. yeah! XD its an old recording and my bro wasn't satisfied so we're actually in the process of doing it over.. only im too lazy to sing it again xD
Yume no Tsubasa ~ Sian Gwan & Mei Yin Tjioe XD

im so jealous of suzaku xD (she duetted omg! i want too!!)
Suzaku omg.. i had really much trouble with the high notes in this song and you just hit them o___O whats this nonsense about not being able to sing high <__<
love this song XD its soo sweeet.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 18:13:20 (edited 2007-06-26 18:14:50)
Feel Your Breeze-Gokusen(LiveAction)
I missed this series... so I sang the opening song.


me still have no time to listen to ALL the karaoke. But I'm doing it, slowly... just too lazy to comment because it's all great... me can't be a critic because me ish not so good. Hahaha~ Anywoot, minna-san did a very good job... ^-^

*still listening to some songs*

me suddenly want to do a duet or a trio... Hahaha
who wants to do it with meh? ^____^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 18:16:54
Gah... man... gomen Yinzhao...I forgot... Uhm... Sigh...^^;; Can I still give it to you? It's fine if you say no...

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 18:20:26 (edited 2007-06-26 18:20:39)
me! i'm all for a trio actually trio's are fun xD

feel your breeze s such A coool song!!
its so feel good ^_^ is there a karaoke from that one ? i think there is one! imma search for it later!
let's sing that together? who more's in????

mystuhmusic - send send send send XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 19:53:37
@ mizuki:
XDD're truly evil. rEi's gonna get a nice surprise when he gets back xD

@ Yinzhao:
LOL...haha, yeah. I really love Crystal!! I seriously thought it was an instrumental..but no, he was playing the guitar in the background o.O

Why are you jealous? I bet if you ask rEi he would sing a duet with you ^^
And uhhh...
I used a lot of head voice in that recording. When I mean not being able to reach high notes I mean with my chest voice. I really suck at that =P
I really liked your version though ^^

My deviantART!
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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 20:15:11
tish tosh suzaku xD
when i need to be cute i use headvoice during THE WHOLE SONG lol...
i know its officially not good singing but. if it sounds okay, screw the rules XD
and i used falsetto.. or headvoice whatever too in yume no tsubasa.. couldnt totally get that notes.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 20:58:11
@Mizuki: OoO; what did I do wrong to you?? D': *sobs*

@YinZao: that's a great duet ^^ nicey~ and.. yesH~ me ish a male vampire.. >.<

@Neon: cOOliEs~ that's a nice song ^^ posT moreE~~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-26 21:23:05 (edited 2007-06-26 21:57:01)
ssh.. suck my blood anytime DX

and mizuki did it for me !! HA!pwned!

Once Upon A December
Song from the movie Anastasia... lol. Sang it today XD Lots of mistakes but its a one shot. Can't sing it again. my voice is gone lol.

I wanted to sing it in japanese but didnt have time to write the lyrics out so I sang it in english. which sucks!! bleh.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by William on 2007-06-26 23:35:07
@Mizuki and DN: Ahaha~ Your duet is too cute! I love it!

@Mizuki: Yaaay!! Thanks for posting Rei's songs! You are so ebil! Muhahaha!!>_<

@Neon: Nice! You followed the tune very nicely!

@Suzaku: Fushigi Yuugi!! I miss that's too bad I never got to see the ending..
Oh yeah, great duet! Did you two do that long ago? ...And Mizuki suddenly just pulled it out of nowhere? XD

@Yinzhao: Nooo!! You beat me to singing Tokimeki no Doukasen! sang it much better than I did! Muhahaha!
Oh yeah, I think it sounds a little bit..different?

Wooooo!!!!! It's the Rei funtime variety hour!!
@Rei: Ahaha, that was way too cool! I got to listen to Rei's song~ness!
*hides from Rei* Muhahaha!! XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kali-chan on 2007-06-27 00:41:41
So many songs @_@. Wow! lol Lookout for my usual page length post coming soon! ^_^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-27 01:38:01 (edited 2007-06-27 02:20:48)
This is why I should never leave the karaoke thread even only for 2-4 days: By then, there'll be a big number of new songs, and I'm no Kali :P

Well, my dad just bought a new mic, and told me to test it. So, I tried to use it to record a song :P Uploading it right now...

EDIT: Upload finished! My voice is pretty loud compared to the music...

Seishoujo Ryouiki

...but what about my "vow" for not singing any other Ali Project songs? ...might as well just ignore it...

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-06-27 07:14:46
@Yinzhao: wow!! tha firrst song (duet) was great Nice work *hugs*

@Neon: Ohh!! i loved that song, so soft and nice ^^
good work *glooooooooooooooomp*
[Who has the harder head?]
@Asd: Rozen Maiden O__O ahahahaha
Nice work, i think that's a reallly hard song to sing, but you did it great *GLOOOOOOOOOOOMP*

@Rei: *pats Rei* Don't worry, you sing really good =P


I wonder whta Mizuki will do with this O__O


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-27 07:43:43 (edited 2007-06-27 08:15:27)
@DN: There's just something in you guys SOD singers' voice that makes me like your songs though you might not be the best singers... the "doomness"? :P
You tend to stress some syllables, and the songs seems like it's, um, "not one", "not a solid song"... (last phrases taken from what my piano teacher says about songs that are played with poor legatos) Better than most previous songs though (IMO)
And my dad's planning to buy a much more expensive mic; my youngest brother put in IN his mouth when he tried recording with it, the crappy mic didn't work well afterwards, my dad got upset he literally throws it away and broke it into two.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Erkun on 2007-06-27 08:07:03
Sorry I can't comment to the other songs but wait... didn't know rEi was THAT good!
Bravo! Thanks to Mizuki I got to hear those rare performances hehe...

Oh yeah I really liked the clean guitar strumming on Crystal. I need to practice haha

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-27 09:29:24
@ rEi:
-.- you never listen do ya? XD

@ Yinzhao:
Hehe, yeah :3
Yume no Tsubasa is so worth the headvoice though~ such a cute song x3

@ William:
And yep...that was quite a while ago. =P I'm glad you liked it :D (SEE REI??)

@ DN:
xD I love your doom classics!!!!

@ Asd:
o.O i think your new mic is good ^^ You put a lot of energy into that song.

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-27 11:05:59
I feel a little lost................:( but hey here's a song from me after a long while..
wanted to record something 'fun'..*blush*

Love Slave
the voices are all me in there..AND just to clear things up, this song is not my style :P really!lolz


@Rei-kun: i could hear those were all great! although a little on the soft side^^ hey, someone's in love with ya lol(Yinzhao) *pokes* show some response^^*nudge*..anD..*pat* don't sob...:P cheer up..evry1 loved them!

@Mizuki: *glomps* ^^ btw, why do u hav so many Rei's songz? unfair lolz^^ u should stop the 'torturing' lol..
*saves Mizuki from Rei-kun* *snatch*

@Yinzhao: hiya nice to meet ya..don't think i've seen u before, i've been away recently....btw, itz great to be in love :P:P itz summer after all (at my place that is) i see u hav Rei as the target...
your duet ish beautiful! *applause*~yes both hands + feet
love your voice!

@Neon: miss ur songz! i miss the series too...feeling the nolstagia now :P i love Matsumoto Jun!^^ that was nicely sung^^ trio sounds fun! come 2 think of it i've never heard one so far

@Asdertygh: sounds fun fun fun + catchy^^ u got a new mic? seems like a great one^^ i want one too :(..*rushes away to shops* joking lol

@DN: misshhh ur singing^^ nice! :P doom classics eh?nah..


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-06-27 13:58:12 (edited 2007-06-28 03:32:24)
Okay I am le noob here. I am also not really a singer...but I love to sing. I haven't listen to everyone's karaoke, but I have listened to evil-kitty, pame, suzaku, rEi, and Asder and you guys are all awesome!! I will listen to more...right after I post! Anyway, this my rendition of Crucify My Love, By X-Japan...

I haven't gotten a microphone yet, so it is with my comp's internal mic...sorry 'bout that, and yes this is my very first karaoke, ever!

Crucify My Love

*EDIT- It's now smaller, I got lame to work, so it's mp3!! I had to get a special beta version for intel macs... XP*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-27 14:45:25
Woah! there were a lot of songs I hadn't listen to. yowza!

@Mizuki/ you're evil eh? hahahaha, great songs, and the duet with DN was perfect!...

@DN/ all you needed where to do a duet with Mizuki, hahaha este fue muchisimo mejor que el dueto conmigo hahaha. Que bien se escucho esa cancion!!!

@Suzaku/ As I said in the karaoke thread... it was amazing! you are getting better and better each passing second!, cool!

@Neon/ nice performance, I liked it a lot

@Asder/ ASDERRRR!!! I listened to what's up people!!! it rocks! yosh!!!

@Yinzhao/ you sing really good! both the songs you posted in this exact page were awesome! specially once upon a december!

@Rea/ yowza! nice song!

@Katt/ Crucify my love! you know what I told you on msn... I'm your fan now! WOW! it was amazing!, perfectly done!... I liked it a lot!.
Btw next time try to make the file smaller, it took a while to load ^__^

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-27 15:21:54
i'll probably start posting videos of me singing..u can actually upload them using PUTFILE! i just found out today omgosh it actually uploads 3GPP files ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

another one 4 today..i hadda leave in a rush earlier so i didn't really get it sound like i wanted it to...but itz getting late so i'll just post +_+ an after-dinner song!

Forever Originally by Savage Genius


an extra demo for u guyz..i might go on to sing the whole thing
Konna chikaku de (DEMO) recorded using my phone..i know itz only like 20 secs i got interrupted halfway when somehow walked into the room!


@Kattdesu: welcome to the thread^^awesome! your song was nice to listen to...made me feel a little emotional :P seriously i need to get a mic too despite the fact that i've started recording anime music a while back comps hav internal mic? how do u use it?

@Kei-kun: arigato ^^ but honestly..i feel i shouldn't hav posted that song lol..*blush* argh..


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