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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-27 05:53:19 (edited 2007-03-27 06:01:12)
@key, damage done is 401...hmm...i think i should redo the calculation table...

ps:click on 'Headache, anyone' for a bad headache...*_*

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-27 06:03:33
i have done editting my post^^

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-27 06:17:42
@ugo, i'm thinking of going to attack skills first

Kay A.Serenade: lvl 59

Kay:now then...i'm sure by now everyone should get the hang of attacking using basic skills. now we'll move on to attacking with your skills.similar to basic attacks, skill attacks has two types, physical or special. for physical attacks, use the damage calculator for normal physical attack. for special attacks, use the damage calculator for special attacks. i'm sure you're confused on what is normal physical attacks and special attacks.
*thinks for a moment*
Kay:normal physical attacks are attacks that you damage them using physical damage them physically. special attacks are attacks that, like physical attacks, damages the enemy physically, but instead, it uses energy based attacks...

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Username on 2007-03-27 08:39:59
gomen guys for such a idiot for not
knowing the rules..hehhe..

i just edited my profile..but im quite busy..coz of
my job..

can you guys see my profile?

i wish to bleed for you

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-27 11:49:48
@ Devil: well there's only a couple of things missing. First off would be for your attacks, you need to put in how much mana they drain each time used. (or how much per tern if it's a continued effect) Also dont forget to include what armor you wear, and maybe you could post up a pic or description of your character. At the moment that's all I can mention, be sure to look over other people's profiles (as in Symeria, Noh, and Key) to make sure you got everything you need and so your character isnt vastly overpowered to them.

@ Kay: Alright, you're the instructor. ^^

~Flight Deck~

Isayana: *crosses her arms* You planning to give them a demonstration captain?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-27 15:18:17 (edited 2007-03-27 15:20:40)
Kay A.Serenade: lvl 59

Kay:hmm...maybe i should....i'm going to use a special attack...Attack>Sword>Dance of the Endless Moon.
*energy is focused into Masamune,followed by drawing sword at high speed,followed by slashing of sword downwards, creating an 'X' shaped of condensed energy that is visible to the naked eye.inflicts damage 1761 damage on Symeria, 1703 on Key 1732 on Noh*
Kay:oops, overshot...but don't worry, since this is a practice round, you won't receive any damages. ok, what i used just now is a special attack, as you can see (and probably felt), it uses your spiritual energy to attack. i want to demonstrate a normal skill attack, but looks like it's the end of my turn...

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-27 20:53:55 (edited 2007-03-28 01:42:53)
Symeria: Himm I think I will give it a try Attack>sword of wind>Meo Twister

*Symeria charges at kay, spins around and creates a Magiacl twister that hits kay for 8 damaage for 6 hits for a total of 42 damage*

^kay A serenade: lvl 59
status normal
HP: 1042/2998
MP: 2450/2500

(not to sure bout the calculation so plz check it...)

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-27 21:40:24
(it's 8 damage for each's the calculation: ((50+65)*3 -384)*20%=(345-384)*20%=-8*(number of attacks)=8*6=48...looks complicated, that i'm getting a headache...XD)

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-27 22:19:03 (edited 2007-03-27 22:33:22)
@ All: Just one note, just a reminder, remember to post your character's current status (her HP, MP, etc) each time your turn comes up, makes it a bit easier to keep track of who's hurtin'. Who's running outta mana, and if somone has a status ailiment.

@ Xero: Oh when you reposted Kay's stat it seemed like you forgot to deduct 50 MP, from the attack he used (attack of the endless moon which uses 50 MP according to his skill tree. Everyone remember when using an attack that uses up mana to post how much mana it uses each time. Better than having someone have to look though your profile each time.


Isayana: *raises her arm blocking the wind* Urm... *looks at Kay* that seemed to hurt a bit captain, *smiles at Symeria*

*pulls out a large golden fan and quickly resettles the wind*

Isayana: Everyone remember to pay attention to what goes on, even if it isnt your turn! Remember you and your party is a team, and a single party has to be aware of what's going on with them and their comerades; or else disorder, confusion, injury, and death is likely to happen in that order.

Pirate: *staring at Isayana's fan*

*looks at Noh*

Isayana: Alright let's see what hidden talent is in that sword of yours trainee. Gambatteyo!

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-28 04:18:23 (edited 2007-03-28 04:29:04)
@ugo and kay, um... i think it would be easier if you just post all the stat like: defence and S.def since it use on the calculation, so we wouldn't search for that particular char profile, each time we attack.

@kay, could you give the new caculation->your previous post or it's the same as before(ugo post)?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-28 04:23:26
@key, hmm...yer right i guess...

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-28 10:09:56
@ Key: I dont get exactly what you said because of the wording, but are you asking that we post our DEF and SPECIAL DEF at the begginging or middle of a battle?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-28 17:26:50
@ugo, he suggested that we should post all our stats right from the beginning till the end of battle. it's a good idea since we won't have to search for the character's stats. even i haven't thought of did this escaped my mind in the first place....

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-28 20:17:50
@ Kay: Ah, hmm, well yeah that is a pretty good idea actually.... I didnt think of it as very viable for space reasons, but there isnt too many people that wont be a problem. (I think)

@ All: rule change, when it's your turn you're also required to post your stats along with your HP and MP when it's your turn, it's probaby as simple as copy and pasting so it should look like this:

Kalabiv Attacked Velidia with (somtihng)....

Velidia Took 500 Damage!

~Velidia's Turn~

Velidia Leonne

HP: 4500/5000
MP: 2200/2200

Special Attack:
Special Defense:

It's also useful to post up stats since some attacks specialize in hurting your stats. This way you can keep track of a person's ever changing stats. SO you can have like somone lower a enemy's defense points and the other character that will score the killing move. (that's called strategy!)

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-28 21:17:17
@all, anyways, i'll continue...

@xero, the damage you dealt to me is 34 (you dealt 48 damage to my chara. his eq has a physical damage reduction of 30%. so now it's 48-14(after 48*30%)=34

Kay A.Serenade: lvl 59
Weapon:Berserker + Masamune
Attack: 376 + 50(with Cthaqa as weapon) + 450 = 876
Defence: 449 + 200 + 50 + 25 + 25 = 749 (+30% physical damage reduction)
Speed: 672 (+25 with Cthaqa as weapon) = 697
Intelligence: 523 (+50 with Ithuqa as weapon) + 50 = 623 (+30% elemental damage reduction)
Special Attack: 389
Special Defence: 384
Luck: 241 + 100 = 341

Kay:yes, that's the,it's Noh's turn...

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Burn you fools! BURN!Noh Seyako on 2007-03-29 04:56:41
Noh Seyako;Lvl: 20
Hp: 700
Atk: 100
Def: 75
Int: 100
Spd: 200
Luck: 20
Sp. Atk: 100
Sp. Def: 100

Noh: *coughs a bit* Yeah, captain, that DID HURT a little...Oh well. *crouches down* Here I come! *command prompt: Attack>Sword Skills>Moon Strike. Runs at Kay and slashes down twice, up once, stabs threes times, jumps backwards and jumps up, slamming his sword down so the after swing looks like a crescent waning moon.*

Mp: 380

*Kay took (calc needed)

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-29 05:34:02
level: 20
status: accuracy up
HP 400/400
MP 250/250
Atk: 150 + 75 + 5
Def: 105 + 40
Spd: 100 + 10 + 5 + 5
Int: 10
S.ATk: 150
S.Def: 150
Lck: 55 +5

*my turn right??*

key: ugh... that's hurt, but how about this??

attack>skill>dual pierce

skill quote: drill that armor!!
2 shining bullets hits kay

damage 663

level: 20
status: accuracy up
HP 400/400
MP 250/235

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-03-29 06:38:26 (edited 2007-03-29 06:38:37)
@ noh: Not to sound grumpy, but you should be the one who calculates how much damage your attack inflicts. Here's the calculation for it.

Special Attacks: ((Total S.Attack + Intelligence) x 3) - Enemy's S.Defense xSkill Mastery= Damage inflicted +- 500 [for attacking player characters]

So in you case it would be:

((100 + 100) x 3)= 600 - 384) X 100% = 216 (total damage)

@ Kay: hmmm. uh are we still uing the + 500 damage for the last part in attacking player characters? Or is it just limited to monster and boss battles plus PVP matches?


Isayana: Well appears we managed to salvage some talent off of that cruise airsip... you all pass this part...

Pirate: *scratching his head*

Isayana: Well then Kay, that appears to be just about it... You want me to go on to teach them how to use their inventories and Ship Armory? Or, I dont suppose you want to keep going... *looks at Kay*

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Burn you fools! BURN!Noh Seyako on 2007-03-29 06:49:17
@ugo: I know I was about to, but the period I was posting in ended. Gomenasai for not saying that V_V;

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-29 07:03:07
(i just noticed something...can't ya calculate them yerselves!? XD. anyways, it's 1046 for Noh's damages & 562 for Key's damage*)

Kay A.Serenade: lvl 59
Weapon:Berserker + Masamune
Attack: 376 + 50(with Cthaqa as weapon) + 450 = 876
Defence: 449 + 200 + 50 + 25 + 25 = 749 (+30% physical damage reduction)
Speed: 672 (+25 with Cthaqa as weapon) = 697
Intelligence: 523 (+50 with Ithuqa as weapon) + 50 = 623 (+30% elemental damage reduction)
Special Attack: 389
Special Defence: 384
Luck: 241 + 100 = 341

*looks at Noh and Key*
Kay:so the both of you attacked with Physical Skills. when using such skills, you use the physical attack calculator. looks like i don't have to go through that, now it's time for magic
*MAGIC is now enabled*
Kay:well, magic is used by almost everyclass. the only classes that can't really use magic is swordsman, martial artist and sword mage. gunslinger, archers and buffers can use buffer based skills and the rest that is not mentioned can use every types of magic except high level magics. remember that higher level skills that mages and buffers can use can't be used by those other classes which can use magic.
Kay:magic is simple to use. just like your Attack option, magic will have a sub window as well. here's what it'll look like. Magic>White Magic>Agility
*agility increased by 60%. Kay can now attack 5 times in the next 3 turns*
Kay:with this, i can attack 5 times, inclusive of the turn just now. reason why i am able to do this is due to the Agility skill. it increases your Agility of course. during PVP, the number of turns you can gain depends on total speed/enemy's highest speed, which in this case is 200 Symeria and Noh. but when fighting monsters, you'll only gain an extra attack. this effect will last for 3 to 5 rounds
Kay:since it's still my turn. Magic>White Magic>Seventh Symphony
*fully recovered HP*
Kay:Magic>White Magic>Absolute Barrier
*barrier caster over Kay, neglect all damages received. barrier will break once attacked three times*
Kay:i still got 2 more...let's see...i know...Magic>White Magic>Reflect
*red barrier casted over Kay, will reflect all magic back to its user. if that magic damages a group, it'll reflect and damage the caster's group as well*
Kay:i feel i'm kinda cheating...well, my last call. this time round, i shall use Black Magic. Magic>Black Magic>Death Blow Thunde
*dealt 2012 damages on Noh, Key and Symeria*
Kay:end of my turn. as usual, since this is a practice run, you all won't receive any damages. also, as you notice, Buffer Magic and White magic is under the White Magic sub directory. attack magic is under Black Magic.

Kay A.Serenade: lvl 59
Status:Negate 3 damages received, reflect all magic for 1 turn, agility increased by 60%
Weapon:Berserker + Masamune
Attack: 376 + 50(with Cthaqa as weapon) + 450 = 876
Defence: 449 + 200 + 50 + 25 + 25 = 749 (+30% physical damage reduction)
Speed: 672 (+25 with Cthaqa as weapon) = 697 + 60% (due to agility) =1115
Intelligence: 523 (+50 with Ithuqa as weapon) + 50 = 623 (+30% elemental damage reduction)
Special Attack: 389
Special Defence: 384
Luck: 241 + 100 = 341

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