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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-01 18:44:51 (edited 2006-09-01 21:17:51)
Please note I am not a fan of Halo or XBox and couldn't care less about either of them, but I feel I should end this now before you two start argueing and someone makes a comment they will regret. So for better or worse here it is.


"This I find humorous, six year olds champions? Give me a break, their minds aren't built enough to be able to be "champions", you're over exaggerating here. Show me a video of a six year old child owning a 14 year old, if you can provide this I'll shut my mouth and never post here again. Maybe YOU should think a little bit before insulting other peoples knowledge. Honestly..a 6 year old being a "champion".."

@Dragoon- Well not to burst your bubble but there is a kid who owns people on Halo. You wanted it so here you go:

"Victor De Leon III is an eight year old certified professional Halo player who already has enough money saved up to pay for college from his game playing.

De Leon, known as Lil Poison played his first tournament at age four and is now the youngest pro gamer in the world. He started gaming at the age of two."

Link to site. If you still don't believe me then search the net for this kid. You'll find more and more stories on him, also I've seen him play on "Attack of the Show" on Tech TV once. Kid is good. Anyway, here's one of the news articles:

So Shishio , hope you don't mind me using your pic here for a sec.
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Dragoon- "Also, the money you lose from the system does matter, you lose 4 billion dollars, you think just from "licensing" you can make that back? You have a lot to learn then, if a company could make that much money back, Nintendo wouldn't have been in the situation they were in years back."

Well here: From

"By comparison, the PlayStation 2 cost 39,800 yen ($364) in Japan and $299 in America when it launched in 2000. During its first year of release, Sony Computer Entertainment suffered a loss of 51.1 billion yen ($458 million), but it recovered the next year with a profit of 82.9 billion yen ($759 million), followed by 112.6 billion yen ($1.03 billion) the year after.

It is normal for game companies to take a loss on hardware whenever a new console launches, since they typically focus on acquiring market share rather than generating a profit during the first year. During the second year and afterward, they can recover the losses with the savings that come from mass production and with licensing fees from publishers."

It seems your the one with a lot to learn. I stated this is one of my posts not to long ago, this is where I got that info from.

So hope you don't mind again Shishio.
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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-09-02 01:01:03 (edited 2006-09-02 01:02:10)
Oh yeah, lil' Poison's 8 years old now! It's been two years...

Dragoon does know a lot though, I would find it hard to believe there are six year old champions if I had not seen it with my own eyes, too. But don't stop posting, this site needs people to keep the forums alive and to argue! It is always a good thing and challenges our minds and keeps us thinking.

But of course, I never overexaggerate or pull stories out of my ass, I have been to the U.S. National Tournaments for Halo, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Tekken, Marvel, and even Mario Kart. I am a professional gamer, I revolve my life around becoming a Guilty Gear Champion, a hard, lonely road that requires a lot of moving and discipline. I got the honor of playing on stage before though and actually winning against US champions on some occasions, and these few moments are what an entire year's training lead up to. (unfortunatly, it's still not enough for the finals :p ). So I do know what I'm talkng about when it comes to games, at least on the tournament scene. I've seen little kids at these events making fools out of grown men, including Harry Potter, a thirteen year old who made it into the Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Finals, one of the absolute hardest games to play competively, period.

Anyhow, I will change the name to "Halo 3 and the Next-gen debate"

Back to Halo and the 360:

Gears of war is picking up steam, and it is the first legitimate shooter IMO, since it relies more on FPS "skill" and not chance/circle strafing/and glitches. This game could be really important as well as big AND fun.

Also, I have to say Johnathon that price does have a small impact on a system's sale. Now, if price were everything, Gamecube would have been flying off the shelves. But Gamecube had no major games as Halo 3, and now with 360 we have a cheap system with good games, and one of the most anticipated and popular ones at that. 360's chance and problaby plan. I am starting to want one now after playing DOA4 and seeing GoW. And if Halo 3 provides the long awaited intergaltic war game, something we've dreamed about since we were little!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-02 03:22:28
I never said price never had an impact, of course it does.

@Shishio- You used my line to try and debate against me.XD

"Bottom Line: Price is not everything everyone says it is. If it was the Gamecube would be flying off the selves"- This was my line a few posts

and no Dragoon, don't stop posting here because of that. Like I said, I'm no Halo or XBox backer and couldn't care less about them. I just saw that kid on TV once and as for the other thing, it seemed that things would get out of hand if it didn't end so I ended it.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-09-02 03:26:24
Sorry, misinterpretation...

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-09-02 11:21:46 (edited 2006-09-02 17:29:46)
I'll take the hit darksamurai about the 8 year old kid, my only thing to say is that he got "help" from his dad one of the reasons why he's so good, there are just some of those gifted people out there who do surpass adults. Sports, academics, gaming, the works. I won't deny it, my friend's cousin was already at a university level of knowledge by the time he was around 8. You've just packed my bags, time to get out.

As for the part where you said:

"By comparison, the PlayStation 2 cost 39,800 yen ($364) in Japan and $299 in America when it launched in 2000. During its first year of release, Sony Computer Entertainment suffered a loss of 51.1 billion yen ($458 million), but it recovered the next year with a profit of 82.9 billion yen ($759 million), followed by 112.6 billion yen ($1.03 billion) the year after.

It is normal for game companies to take a loss on hardware whenever a new console launches, since they typically focus on acquiring market share rather than generating a profit during the first year. During the second year and afterward, they can recover the losses with the savings that come from mass production and with licensing fees from publishers."

My point was, Microsoft lost FOUR BILLION dollars. No one said anything about Sony. If Sony couldn't make FOUR BILLION dollars, then I'm quite sure Xbox could not make a profit. If you lose four billion dollars just from the system, there's no way in hell you could make that all back.

Well looks like my presence will not be seen the likes of here anymore, good day.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-03 12:10:23
@Dragoon- Don't leave. I already said I'm not a halo or xbox backer, I was only saying that to make the point so that things never got out of hand. Besides, Shishio has been banned now so we've lost a good debate guy. We still need people for good discussions.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-03 14:02:06 (edited 2006-09-03 14:09:08)
What? Shishios been banned! How could this happen? Now who am I going to talk about xbox related games with? Well guess I should start talking about games made by nintendo and sony, since I have all three :)

P.S: I still think this thread should also include discussions concerning Halo 3 as a game and not as a tool that microsoft will use, I think the console war debate has gone on long enough for now. When the Wii and PS3 come out in two months then the debate can begin because we will have had experience rateher than speculation on the systems we're fighting over.

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-03 14:17:09
@Feo- I have no clue why he was banned.I want to know myself, he was going to leave to go to the other forum anyway, but I want to know if he did something to get himself banned on purpose or something else.

Also there is already a topic discussing Halo 3 as a game, so discussing it here will just be repeating a topic.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-03 14:18:39 (edited 2006-09-03 14:18:49)
Alright, do you have a link to the thread jonathon?

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-03 14:24:44 (edited 2006-09-03 14:26:09)

That should be it. Sorry I couldn't hyperlink.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-03 14:27:40

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