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Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 00:21:15 (edited 2006-09-02 01:02:47)

Halo 3 is out next spring I believe, and I am thinking, just thinking, that it may be the blow that wins the console war. Think about it, why buy a PS3 for $500 or higher, I've heard $700 after taxes in some rumors, when you can have the 360 and Halo 3 for problaby much cheaper (especially after the holidays and in competetion with PS3)? I don't think a lot of people are going to buy PS3 when it first comes out, and very few do when a new system first drops compared to how many own it in the future. Granted, not everyone is a Halo fan, I'm not, but I do own the game and it is a lot of fun. Many are the same, and then there is the HUGE fan base out there.

When a lot of PS3-less (PS3-less because of the huge cost) people see the amazing Halo3 graphics and get a little taste play here and there, I think they'll forget about the PS3 for a while. In that time, 360 can do everything it can to gain loyalty before they remember PS3 again.

It happened before. Many bought the N64 for it's promise, but when PSX started to bedazzle us with it's games, including FF7, it was over. Those who had'nt bought either yet flocked to the PSX. Even Zelda Ocarina of Time (the best game ever to many) could not save the system from actually losing to PSX.

That was a lot! What do you think?

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 10:54:41 (edited 2006-06-28 11:10:19)
I believe that's wrong. Just about every person I have talked to knows that that would be Microsoft's plan. It's a very simplistic and predictable one if you ask me. Yeah, release Halo 3 when the PS3 comes out, who thought of that? A 3rd grader? No, Halo 3 will not win the console war, far from it. You have to remember as well that when the Xbox 360 came out, a full system was around 600, while the core was about 400 or 500. Price won't be much of a difference.

Although Halo is a popular game and all it doesn;t have enough of an impact to end the console war. You have to remember as well that XBox has sold horribly in Japan(About 1/3 of it's initial stock has been sold), both the first one and the 360. Nintendo has it's new design and interactive promises and the PS3 has it's graphics and games, but XBox 360? Not really anything to show from them. They have about 70 games out now, most of which are either Multi-platform or sequels.

Either way. We'll never know for sure until all three systems are on the market.


Here is the weekly sales in Japan for the week of June 12-18th 2006

Nintendo DS Lite - 141,487
PSP - 24,653
Nintendo DS - 22,748
PS2 - 20,737
Game Boy Advance SP - 4,642
X360 - 1,407
Game Boy Micro - 1,294
GameCube - 1,002
Game Boy Advance - 20
Xbox - 15


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 11:13:21 (edited 2006-06-28 11:13:55)
I'm talking about the U.S next year, not in Japan now or the U.S last year.

In the U.S, don't forgot how many copies Halo 2 sold, even in the first day. And it is a very fun game. Halo 3 will most likely be insane, with huge multiplayer wars and new things we can't even anticipate. I don't like FPS and I'm intrigued by the trailor! When confronted with the choice of a Halo 3 and a cheaper system post holiday season versus a very expensive PS3, many (albeit shallow) U.S. gamers may go with 360 for a next-gen fix, ESPECIALLY little kids. Have you seen how many kids play Halo 2? And the fan base? In those cases, $200 DOES make a difference, to the majority of American gamers, families trying to save money when they buy their next-gen system, single guys with normal jobs, and the already rabid and huge Halo fan base.

Again it's just a theory based on U.S. gamers' tastes, not a prediction. I myself, I'll buy a 360 during the holidays IF it gets cheaper for that time of year, and PS3 next year for sure when and (if) they launch Tekken 6 then.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 11:23:36 (edited 2006-06-28 11:23:45)
Yes but the Japanese market is a major market. Yes Halo 3 will sell good (Because of the fans), but it won't make a difference in the console war. Even PS3 may be expensive but it has more to offer. Like I said, XBox 360 doesn't offer much. It's basically an XBox with a few minor changes, nothing new, spectacular or innovative. As for me I have never been a fan of the XBox, I will be getting a PS3 for sure. There is also the extremely obvious market strategy by Microsoft of realeasing Halo 3 when the PS3 is about to launch, it is the most obvious and worst attempt at a strategy ever. (If they do it.)


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 11:33:48
A bad strategy that will probably sell millions of Halo 3s, millions of games, and lots of 360s in the US? (LOL) I wish I had strategies like that! (LOL)

The market will problaby split off, an extremely diverse market of U.S. gamers and Japan gamers; this is what I theorize based on what I've seen as an owner of both systems. Don't forget, Halo saved the XBox and allowed Microsoft to even have the capacity to compete. It's hard to predict what will happed as there has NEVER been a US console maker so influencial in the past. And we haven't seen the capabilities of 360 until we see Halo3 take advantage of it in the closest a game will get to Star Wars episode 5! (LOL) Should be lots of fun...Don't underestimate the capacity of the US gamer's market, which has no choice but to grow exponentially or crash in the coming years with all the extreme changes coming...

Think of it as a Console Cival War LOL.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 11:39:06 (edited 2006-06-28 11:39:55)
That is not what I meant by bad strategy. I meant that the plan is so obvious that everyone already expects it, including Sony and Nintendo. Which means they can counter it with ease by either annoucing the release and then delaying it or by releasing it sooner than Microsoft expects them to. The predictablility of the strategy makes it a bad one.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by keternal on 2006-06-28 11:51:58
News flash: Not all US gamers play FPS games. Halo 3 isn't likely to exceed Halo 2's sales by much... at this point, the potential audience of this game is pretty much exhausted.

Yes, Halo 3 will be popular. But it will only win over at most the FPS crowd, and it doesn't create exclusivity with Wii, with its low price range. Also, you could say the same about Metal Gear Solid 4 and PS3; both the PS3 and 360 have high prices, and MGS is a popular series. Neither really makes sense to pin the console fight on, as they are both single games. Neither has unlimited gameplay, and both represent only a single genre, which is typical of a single game.

Even in the US, Halo 3 won't win the "console war", although it may make the 360's standing much stronger than it currently is. Halo 3 won't make everyone forget the PS3 as you say... that doesn't make sense. It would definitely attract the Halo fanbase and perhaps other FPS players (though ones who aren't already Halo players are likely PC elitists), and the Halo fanbase is already XBOX-loyal.

In any case, I don't see this as game-changing any more than Halo and Halo 2 were for XBOX. And they didn't win the console war for the previous generation consoles.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 11:54:22 (edited 2006-06-28 12:01:01)
If you're in a war and the enemy sees you have tanks and nukes on the horizon, they can call it predictable all they want, but it doesn't mean they can stop it! LOL. It only serves their enemy's fear and panic, so- it's a good strategy!

The only other nukes I see making anything of an argument to the orgy of fun that will be Halo 3 is FF13, and maybe the Revolution's Zelda, even though it's on Gamecube too. Sure there are a lot of better PS3 games, and more variety, but to gamers a single game can make a difference over a lot of other games. And 360 does have a nice and fun selection, Oblivion (this is a VERY GOOD game), DOA4, lots of shooters, Phantasy amd Fianl Fantasy 11 (still addictive). Case and point: Final Fantasy 7 taking us to PSX, over all the Nintendo-made games on 64. A mortal blow for years to come! And a lot of people don't really care about the Wii in the face of Halo fans and PS2 fans!

BTW Keternal: Halo 2 sold millions of copies and had record breaking sales. Don't forget such a game won people TO the FPS crowd. There were not that many before. That is a lot of gamers. And this is just a theory, not my final oppinion or prediction, I'm just debating it...

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-28 12:02:00
....i thought that DOOM 3 was more groundbreaking than Halo....

....the DOOM marine mustve been right handed, because apparantly he couldnt hold a gun in the right and keep the flashlight lit at the same time...pure made for interesting gameplay....

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 12:05:52 (edited 2006-06-28 12:07:15)
Really? So to use your analogy, if the enemy has nukes and tanks and you can see that they have them, what's to stop you from bombing the hell out of them before they get a chance to use them? Or move your forces to a safe location discretely? It's a bad plan, Sony and Nintendo and everyone for that matter can see it coming so they don't take it as a threat, it's just a matter of making the right move at the right time.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 12:20:54 (edited 2006-06-28 12:21:48)
PS3 and Wii don't really have the nukes to to compete with Halo3 though, and it's "grabbing" of the market, and their equipment still costs more for the consumer... and there is no running away in the console market, enter too late and expensive, and you will finish late and beaten if not still successful! It's has happened before. Many times.

Buy PS3 for a gajillion dollars and expensive games and a sytsem (Blu-ray) which could fail as Umd and Beta max have,


participate in the daily Star Wars Clone wars battle for 200 (or more) less dollars, with a little Oblivion on the side?

It's easy to say we'll all buy PS3 for it's higher qaulity, but i reality what will the public do? That is where the blow in the U.S. market will be made.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 12:33:46 (edited 2006-06-28 12:35:22)
I highly doubt that. A predictable foe is one easily beaten. Halo 3 is just another game, yes it's the best game XBox has, but it won't be making any decisive blows in the console war. Your saying people will not buy a PS3 just because XBox has 1 game coming out. Not likely to happen. Even when the first Halo came out and the second was just released, PS2 was still selling at a great pace. No console has been beaten due to the release of one game.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 12:51:55 (edited 2006-08-31 13:35:16)
You're ignoring the eqaution of:

possible cheaper prices by the hundreds+ extremely anticipated fun game+ other fun games motivate sales + what will people do when it comes to their hard earned dollars + shallow/thrifty US gamers= 360 may win in the US.

And a game has never had a decisive blow in the console war? That's debatable, but one can not argue they have not had a HUGE impact leading to the winning or barely losing, or huge comebacks...

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Mario Bros.? Final Fantasy 7? Super Mario World? Sonic The Hedgehog? HALO? Countless games that define and motivate purchases of the systems?

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 12:58:54 (edited 2006-06-28 13:06:58)
I'm not ignoring anything, this is from a realistic approach. Halo is popular, but it is NO-WHERE near popular enough to beat a console. As stated by keternal, the MOST it can do is win over the FPS crowd.

However none of those games have lead to the defeat of a console. They have only lead to another greater game being made.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by rene17 on 2006-06-28 18:22:52
I know I won't buy a 360 so I can play Halo. I never liked Halo (i've played online and with one of my friends, and by myself) I didn't think it was that great as everybody says it was. The 360 isn't having a price drop buy holidays. I cannot wait to get Wii!!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 19:53:50
"Most it can do is win over the FPS crowd?" (sighs) Halo has more than a FPS crowd, it has the a huge portion of the next generation of gamers. Young kids. Kids whose parents buy these systems and are a huge an extremeely significant consumer base.

Let me tell you about Cloud, Mario, and Master Chief. They have one thing in common- they were all a generation's game mascot. But the mascot is not what is important to note here, it's the game. No one knew who Cloud was or had even played FF, but when 7 came out, it sold millions (and continues to)and arguably sold a lot of PSXs. Many FF fas started on 7. There is now a new generation of young players whose first big game is Halo and especially Halo 2; many went on to SNES and 64 out of loyalty, their first game was Mario, and the NES games helped of course, and PSX drew it's fanbase, many drawn by FF7, and they went to PS2 out of loyalty and the reliable games... Now, the kids in elementary/middle school, many of the actual players love Halo and Master Chief, and their freinds familiarize Master Chief with games now. Couple in the parents who buy the great majority of systems, who when choiced between an expensive PS3 and cheaper 360, obviously in this bad econamy, will go for a 360! And the many of the new generation want to play Halo 3 anyhow, especially after it's ads dazzle them on TV. These kids make up the next generation of gamers. There are many older people who play games now who make up the old fanbases, but it the real world there may not be room for a PS3 in the budget or any system even. However, parents have a lot of money and are always buying systems for the kids..

In my theory, it's not Halo by itself is winning the war on it's own, it is attracting many people, and then when they get hypnotized by the many new good games that are on the 360, like Oblivion (and if Microsoft is smart and produces other games we can't think of yet) the 360 sells more games and that is what wins it the console war. Again this is just a theory, so debate the facts like the consumer base...

its attracting not only-

1.Old Halo Fanbase (huge)
2.People who bought a 360 and won't shell out for a new system
3.FPS fans
4.Young kids who love Halo and are the nex generation as Mario fans and FF7 fans, etc, were before them.

(already a significant consumer base)

But also attracting-

4.Many people dejected by the HUNDREDS of extra dollars for a PS3
5.Many American/Canadian/Mexican TV veiwers (especially kids) taken in by the crazy ads that will play for Halo 3 during Naruto, MTV, even Sci-Fi channel, everywhere...maybe even the Super Bowl!
6.People looking for a cheap Next-gen fix
7.Parents who are urged to buy a new system or PS3 but won't shell out that 2-300 extra dollars.
8.Players of PS2 looking for new games and RPGs but turned off by the huge price

(much more of the consumer base)

There is a lot left, like PS2 loyalists, FF loyalists, DMC fans, fighting fans, etc...but can this group of people compete with the rest in the US especially at the price disadvantage. If someone can afford both systems, but buys 360, the difference in price allows them to buy at least 4 more games, and the console war is won by games, not system sales. And with PS3's insane price, those who buy will be broke to buy as many games as a 360 owner, and if they buy both it evens out anyhow.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 20:05:37
Really? If price is everything you say it is then why is the Gamecube the lowest selling console out of the three? and if it's all true then the Nintendo Wii should own XBox and PS3.

Listen, all we can do is wait and see what happens when all of the console's are out. I however HIGHLY doubt that Halo 3 will end the console war. Despite the fanbase it does not have the power to overthrow two consoles. I actually think it's pathetic that XBox is relying on one game to hold it's own. Sort of like how Nintendo is becoming more dependant on Mario.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-28 20:10:57
I gave that image out to a new member one time, lol.

Halo 3, I saw the brief preview on G4: E3 but it didn't show any new weapons, story, etc...but it looked cool. The REAL preview will come out later or something.

I kinda agree with Itachi about the DOOM thing too. Halo was kinda simple easy and DOOM was really fun!


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 20:26:33 (edited 2006-07-15 20:36:53)
Gamecube didn't have the loyal fanbase and reliable game that Halo is to an entire generation of new I made clear price is not going to be the only factor. Halo and Halo 2 is MUCH bigger than anything that was on N64, or the Gamecube for that matter.

(side note: many of the NES/SNES gamers loyalty was insulted with the 64. No FF? No Megaman? No 2D Mario? No 2D fighting EVEN though the system is technically weaker? That, IMO, is what killed it's fanbase off who now belong to the PSX)

Agreed, all we can do is wait. I theorize that Halo has a huge chance of delivering the mortal blow to both systems, coupled with the environment of the competetion and reasons I already mentioned. However without Halo 3 360 does not stand a chance, even with the advantage of price and time. That is why I theorize Halo 3 is that "mortal blow". It doesn't really "finish the fight" persay cuz console wars are long, but it would be key in 360's victory (if it does win); but fact is it undeniably can have a devastating impact on the competetion's market, that is very hard to dispute considering the HUGE fan base and possiblities, and that blows like that are so important to any war.

And you all can doubt my theory all you want, and I thank all of you for disputing it and testing my debate skills, it was enlightening, after it's just a theory not a fact or oppinion,

but my OPPINION is undeniable and indisputable- PS3 is going to be rock with Tekken 6, DMC4, Virtua Fighter 5, NEW METAL GEAR, Castlevania PS3, and of course FF12, and...

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-06-28 20:31:14 (edited 2006-06-28 20:32:18)
Your welcome for the debate. I was hoping this would stop for a bit, it's really late and I am half asleep, so I'm not really fit to argue anymore.

Yes, I really want them to remake FF VII. I would love to see it seeing as how FF VII is my all time favorite game.


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