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Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-10-22 02:12:58 (edited 2008-10-22 02:57:19)
I think I'm going to take Kaguya's claim. :D [changes teh template]


There, Kaguya. I hope you liked it. ^^

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Kaguya on 2008-10-22 04:27:18
Thanks a lot, Eria!!

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-23 01:42:33
Name : Tsukimori , Len
Series Name : La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~
Type of Series : Anime


Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-10-23 13:43:22
Stolen PMed me and remembered me about my promisse about a Haji claim XD
so he got the level 10 and got this banner fot his profile!


just saying that Haji fom Blood+ is claimed folks!

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by hideki_jill on 2008-10-28 06:49:05
Since I LOve TYPE-MOOn so much and no one has claimed her yet... (Ihope) I would like to claim......

Arcueid Brunestud
Series Name: Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Type of Series: Manga, Anime, Game


Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-28 10:18:25 (edited 2008-10-28 19:48:46)
Ah, Just dropping by here.. Hmmmm, if I Recall correctly I Still have one claimage on hold.. Kelrei's is it?

@arc Ah, finally someone claimed The White Princess Brunestud,, any picture or preference? I Dont think there are that many of Arc's picture lying around on the net (Not until Tsukihime remake is out I presume >.>)

edit : my bad XD didnt see that one

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-28 19:04:00
oh it's been ages since i check this thread >_<

anyways wani thanks for making my banner! :D

oh and i have 2 pm jaydel or something?

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2008-10-29 04:59:49
Wow! An Anime Character claiming thread! HMMM!
So, I will Claim Milfeulle Sakuraba ^_^

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-29 10:52:24
Natsume Hyuuga from Gakuen Alice is claimed XD

Thank yous to DF for teh banner

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-10-29 13:41:42
Eria, Key, Wani, Renma, DFly, my request anyone? ~^_^~
Claire on page before..

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-29 20:19:45
Wow, I've had Kanda YÅ« under my "claimage" for 5ish months...I didn't even realize it till now (and I'm not planning on letting him go anytime soon ^o^)

I did consider switching my claim to Gokudera Hayato from Katekyo Hitman REBORN! after having Kanda for 2 months...but it turns I like Kanda better than Gokudera XD

Hmmm...I was wondering though...if you could request for another banner for your claimed character. Just a random thought...I still love the banner Jaydel made for me >w<

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-30 00:55:33 (edited 2008-10-30 01:03:23)
Name of the Character: Amamiya, Yuko
Series name: ef - a tale of memories
Type of series: anime

pls make me the banner xD
thx in advance

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-30 17:57:36 (edited 2008-10-30 17:58:54)
Banner for K a l l e n S t a d f e l d is finished~! For nel33

<img src="">

Sig Ver.~

<img src="">

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-10-30 18:46:33 (edited 2008-10-30 19:39:55)
pretty, keyybie~ ;0 and yet it's smexii~~


I'll try to do yours, but if you don't mind can't I use other pics too if I've found it? ^^;;


I hope you like this one though Raizoken. If you don't like it then you may ask the others. ^^;

<img src="">


Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-31 00:23:15
omg that's actually so much better than what i expected,
suge.. arigatou eria-san xD

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Fortis on 2008-10-31 00:41:26
@ Key..
Thanks for the Kallen's banner!~...:D
Ohh and I don't need the colour change scheme...
This looks nice after all...*cheers*~^-^

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 01:50:06
Here's the updated claim list so that everyone who visits knows who claimed who and as a guide for banner makers.
My head hurts from editing the list. Sooooo many claims to add... >_< Sorry for being lazy! -.-
I need help in spotting mistakes... If you find one, please point it out so i can correct it.
Did i miss someone?

Everyone, if possible, don't forget to credit the people who created your banner. Photoshop is serious business. ^^;
Flood their inbox with thank you messages! k?

eria, dfly, renma, key, mija and wani... you guys are awesome! *glomps*

Claim List:
[hit Ctrl+F to facilitate your search!]

.hack//GU and .hack//Roots
Haseo claimed by Terror

Air Gear
Itsuki Minami claimed by Zaziu

Air TV
Misuzu Kamio claimed by Schala

A~ Megami-sama
Belldandy claimed by Angelus

Black Cat
Train Heartnet claimed by Ayu Kiryu

Sanakan claimed by T.M.

Abarai Renji claimed by Hisa
Grimmjow Jeagerjaques claimed by andy_s

Haji claimed by Stolen

Furukawa Nagisa claimed by Zack
Fujibayashi Kyou claimed by xiaNewbiez
Sakagami Tomoyo claimed by Darky

Clare claimed by Wella

Code Geass
C.C claimed by Jaydel
Kallen Stadfeld claimed by Nel
Kaguya Sumeragi claimed by Kaguya
Kururugi Suzaku claimed by Kazuki
Lelouch Lamperouge claimed by Melancholy

Darker than BLACK
Hei claimed by Kisa

Dead or Alive
Kasumi claimed by taichokerorogunso

Death Note
L claimed by Quack
Near claimed by Grey
Yagami light claimed by Aikooh

Devil May Cry
Dante claimed by Key

Allen Walker claimed by Saru
Lavi claimed by Shiho-chan
Yuu Kanda claimed by BTL

Ef -a tale of memories
Yuko Amamiya claimed by Raizoken

Fate/Stay Night
Saber claimed by Bkno9
Tohsaka Rin claimed by h4x0r_dud3

Final Fantasy 7
Reno Sinclair claimed by Shinji

Final Fantasy 8
Rinoa Heartily claimed by Zparticus

Full Metal Panic
Sousuke Sagara claimed by Eon Clyde

Fushigi Yuugi
Hotohori claimed by Kyo
Tamahome claimed by Miaka

Gakuen Alice
Natsume Hyuuga claimed by Sayuri

Galaxy Angel
Milfeulle Sakuraba claimed by Ruy Lopez

Gundam Seed
Kira Yamato claimed by Someguy
Cagalli Yula Athha claimed by Mija

Half Life
Gordon Freeman claimed by Lat

Halo 3
Master Chief claimed by iLust

Hayate no Gotoku
Nagi Sanzenin claimed by Aolas

Hatsukoi Limited
Misaki Yamamoto claimed by Ich

Honey and Clover
Shinobu Morita claimed by Jow
Ayumi Yamada claimed by Niaru

Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka claimed by Nay

International Karate+
Old Man claimed by Mola Adebisi

Sesshomaru claimed by Rin8

Jigoku Shoujo
Enma Ai claimed by Ukame

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jotaro Kujo claimed by Aokame

Kannazuki no Miko
Chikane Himemiya claimed by Edo
Himeko Kurusugawa claimed by Eureka

Kateikyo Hitman Reborn
Kyouya Hibari claimed by Ichikon-kun
Sawada Tsunayoshi claimed by Shugoyui
Takeshi Yamamoto claimed by Inx

Kiddy Grade
Kino claimed by Gmeis

Kingdom Hearts
Axel claimed by Dfly
Naminé claimed by Likun
Roxas claimed by Hikari

Kino no Tabi
Kino claimed by Xynuki

La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~
Len Tsukimori claimed by Scarlet

Legend of Zelda
Link claimed by Suzaku

Soubi Agatsuma claimed by Ukissa

Lucky Star
Aya Hirano claimed by Ain
Hiiragi Kagami claimed by Blupper
Konata Izumi claimed by Amar

Makai Senki Disgaea
Prinny claimed by eL

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Nougami Neuro claimed by Night

Megaman X
Black Zero claimed by Kuroi Zero
Megaman X claimed by Flyheight

Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Haruhi Suzumiya claimed by DA

Metal Gear Solid
Solid Snake claimed by Kazuma

Hosaka Asougi claimed by Sousuke

Rin Asougi claimed by hime197

Osaki Nana claimed by Neon

Hatake Kakashi claimed by Imppy
Uchiha Sasuke claimed by Gango

Neo Angelique Abyss
Rayne claimed by Raina-chan

Ouran High School Host Club
Fujioka Haruhi claimed by Hikaru
Kyouya Ootori claimed by vv7

Arisato Minato claimed by Shiki
Junpei Iori claimed by Shiny Apple

Mudkip claimed by Eiji

Rockman Zero
Harpuia claimed by Harpuia

Rosario Vampire
Shirayuki, Mizore claimed by Key

Rozen Maiden
Suiseiseki claimed by Koganei

Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin Himura claimed by Ashley

Sailor Moon
Sailor Venus claimed by Izumo

Cho Hakkai claimed by Kakyou
Son Goku claimed by Yat

Shakugan no Shana
Shana claimed by Kei-kun

Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Arcueid Brunestud claimed by Arcueid
Akiha Tohno claimed by kelrei
Kohaku claimed by Renma

Shinigami no Ballad
Momo claimed by Nights Reach

Skip Beat
Kyoko Mogami claimed by Hikari

Rina Inverse claimed by DN

Strawberry Panic
Hanazono Shizuma claimed by Jansuke

Tales of Symphonia
Kratos Aurion claimed by Kira
Zelos Wilder claimed by Pengin

Kazama Jin claimed by Kotaro Fuma

Tenchi Muyo
Sasami Iwakura claimed by Inflitrate

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Kamina claimed by Kirky

Tokyo MewMew
Zakuro Fujiwara claimed by Rasetya

Saigyouji Yuyuko claimed by Abien
Tenshi Hinanai claimed by Empo

Toward the Terra
Jomy Marks Shin claimed by Ichigo

Uwasa no Midori-kun
Hino Tsukasa claimed by Wani

Vampire Knight
Kaname Kuran claimed by Fiel
Zero Kiryu claimed by Vie

Vampire Princess Miyu
Miyu claimed by KM Revolution

Kimihiro Watanuki claimed by Eria
Yuuko Ichihara claimed by Engel

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Nakahara Sunako claimed by Rin

Zero no Tsukaima
Louise claimed by Ryuki

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-10-31 03:32:51 (edited 2008-10-31 03:51:06)

Meh. It's nothing. I just wanted to help~ ^^ And btw I think you typoed Vella's name to Wella .__.''' . o_o''


@ Raizoken,

Oh you're welcome,,

x] Anymore requests?

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 05:37:53
Hi ^^
I so want to claim...

Name of the Character: Chii
Series name: Chobits
Type of series: anime

Image link:

Can someone make me a banner ^^ thanks

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-10-31 08:21:25
I do Lain's!

AND OMG Key! you rules!

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

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