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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-21 07:13:20 (edited 2007-06-21 16:44:49)

@rEi: ~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... uhh..errr.. okay.. ^^ /staaaabb more...

@kaoru: ~take care, ne? oh and don't forget to vote for the karaoke club..^^

after watching lucky star ep11... i am motivated to sing this song~ness... ^^
weird..but i sang the song~ness in teh conshert (live on skype) ...last time.. ^^
{with dokiii doku.. mia..and *bleep*}...

~anywhooooooo~ness... here it ish ebil doraemon~ness

~oyasumi... ^^


EDIT: ~waaaaaaaaaaa... i missshh rEi's voice... *ebil laugh*
/staaaaaaaaaabb rEi

Kanashimini Makenaide by ~ebil mizuki

side dish note: i was pretending to do teh mizuki ebil radio so you can hear me saying..
~ebil words.. *ebil laugh*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-21 17:29:46 (edited 2007-06-21 17:35:05)
You've got a nice voice! Nice song! Post more!

hahahaha... good to know that you are not going anywhr~
Think I won't be recording anysongs for the moment... I feel that I lack the energy to perform well recently... is as if I'm sick or sth >< Maybe I'llpost sth that I recorded previously... Hope I'll get back the energy to sing soon... thr is this song that i wanna sing badly~~~
Your doraemon is sooooo cute!!!! *hugz Mizuki*
your Kanashimini Makenaide is lovely~~ awww..... makes me wanna cry~ =* (think I'm getting more emo these days)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-21 17:52:21 (edited 2007-06-21 19:13:07)
@Mizuki: Haha, love the Doraemon song, it's funny!
I agree with Engel, Kanashimi ni Makenaide was sweet...

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-21 20:23:05
@Ehmz: woaH~~~ you're sooo cOOl~~ post moreEE~~~!!

@Mizuki: nicey~~ Doraemon.. ahahaha.. brings back memories >.< and yep.. kanashimini makenaide ish an awsome song~~ me love it..

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-21 21:13:00
..I hate mediaputfile.. it doesnt work for me most of the time. or it loads very long. oh.. wait im hearing ehmz. xD

wooht... well if Ehmz is a guy, I want to marry youuu xDD .. if you're a girl.. awesome singing.. such smexy voice omg.. but then i dont have to marry you.. XD
your voice is nice and flowyyy xD nice low notes O_O
love it!!

mizuki - you're always cute. xD

so someone asked me to do this song so I did it.. one shot..
and then my voice disappeared again xD.. i can only sing short whiles because my voice is still lost.. and it was back this afternoon.. and now I killed it again.. bleh.

anyway ---> <---

please copy and paste in your browser. If I hotlink it you get the lowfi version..
Self made instrumental so its not TOTALLY clear from the original but.. I do cover it enough I hope.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-21 23:17:53
Erm..^^" this is my version of "Lost my Music" from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya..yeah..its very short coz..^^" the back part which I sang skipped..something wrong with the this is only the front part..*hides in one corner while throwing the link of the song*

Click here to listen "Lost my Music by Tanakacchi"

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 01:00:37
Wow! though u mentioned that your voice is lost now, you did well! and you sounded so sweet in the song! And no worries, your original in the background make it sound like you have back up singers singing for you~ (wait... are those ppl behind who sings during a concert call back up singers??)
Hahaha... I don't think I can complete any song on 1st try... coz I can never get the lyrics right =X

Hi! are you new here? never seen you before >< If you are, HI!!!!! *waves* and welcome to the thread!
Hmm... it seems to be quite abit of disturbance (static sound?) in your song. Also... you have a nice voice and it'll be nicer with you can put in more feel into the song (sing it like you are Haruhi performing the song... u'll love the feeling!)

Approximately 2 more dates till closing! Don't forget to come and give us a piece of your mind!! (OK... i meant to say... who you want as the P, VP, S, SP & VCs) KC

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-22 01:09:01
@Engel - eh? new here..? as in new in..Gendou? if thats what you mean, XP nope..I've been in gendou for quite some time now XP anyway thanks for your comments and hi!!!! hmm...for the buzzing sounds..I think thats static or thingy thingy XP My friend's mic abit weird though XP..more feel(was feeling sleepy when I recorded it XP)..hmm might try that XDDDDD *rolls off*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 01:10:30

~woah.. tana actually post her song~ness in the thread...i was kidding in the gendou chat ~weeeeeeeeeeeee....
teh ebil~ness ish spreading... *ebil laugh*

i listened to your song tana.. and you're great.. i love your kawaii voice~ness..
post /why!!! shortness... TT.TT ~anywhoooooo.. welcome to the karaoke
thread... ^^

click here tana! KC

*gotz to go and spread ebil~ness*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-22 01:12:52
o.o..whats the KC for..? tricked me..XDD well anyway I wanna share anyway XP *rolls around* XD thanks for your comments too Mizu~ *hugs*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 02:18:24
hmm... is not a good idea for us to reveal the exact name of KC in this thread.... cause we were warned~~ go and u'll find out!
I meant that you are new in this thread right? =X from what Mizuki is saying... i guess thats a yes!
Be looking forward to see ur post on KC~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 02:55:32
...Is my post being deleted all the time, or is it not going through? I'm sure it's the later, though.
Anyway to repeat what I said, I don't think simply mentioning the club name breaks any rule, but discussing the activities here does.

@Tanakacchi: The recording wasn't really smooth... but you've got a nice voice. Um, use background music next time?

@Yinzhao (Why do I always almost add "u" at the end of your name...): Listening to your song right now, and I've only listened the beginning due to the slow connection today... Cannot comment on your vocals yet, but for a self-made instrumental, it was really good (at least the beginning, I'll tell you what I think about the rest of the song when I finish listening to the whole song)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-22 02:59:54
T.T..I can't add any BGM to it..@.@...Audacity hates me..(makes me lag most of the times @.@)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 03:41:12
@YinZhao: O.O; so cute~ your voice.. awsome ^o^

@Tanakacchi-san: woaH~ I know it's a silly question.. but how old are you?? and are you a boy or a girl?? xDD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 04:35:37
@rEi: From the song, I'm sure she's a girl, and it says so in her profile. And according to her profile too, she's 15 this year.

@Tanakacchi: How about recording with the song playing while you're singing? That's what I do.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-06-22 08:27:13
I love the ebilness of Mizukiness!!


Keep posting...
I couldn't listen all the songs because of putfile >.<
But you all do great job in singing...
Not like me XD

Since i haven't been able to record, i'll post some old songs for Mizukiness... I think she haven't hear them yet...

here is something in spanish =P

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 08:39:34
@Dragon Negro: I'm half awake as I listen to your song and type this, but despite not being familiar to the song, I kinda enjoyed it :)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 16:10:06
@ Ehmz:
You have a really good voice...I'm trying to decide if you're a guy or girl o.o You sound like a boy, but like ICD you might be a girl with a low voice.

@ mizukiness:
Hehe, ebilness and cuteness!! POST MORE!!

@ Tana:
You have a good voice, but try recording with the background music again. :D Sometimes it just does hatefuk things :P

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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 16:15:04

~waaaaaaaaa...i am not used to see teh dark DN~ness...~nyu!
~nice song~ness... ^^ ~the song ish kinda familiar....but it ish in spanish..~nyu! ^^

post new song~ness dn~ness...^^

wooott..i'm gonna /staaaaaaaaaaaaabb rEi again to post new song~ness.. *ebil laugh*

~oh i am helping tana with the BGM thing... ^^ so watch out for her new song~ness..
tana ish cute... ^^ saw her pic..and she's a girl rEi... ^^ *staaaabbbss rEi again*
/drool blood..~nyu! /tango w/ tana... ~weeeeee.... *rolls* *rolls*

I am so ebil so i am going to post a song from garuuuuuuuuuuu... ^^
if garu ish reading this... *waves* *ebil grin* ~yooohoooooooooooo!!!!
get well soon!! ~nyu.. ^^

believe in heaven by garu

*ish spreading ebil~ness all around* *ebil laugh in teh darkness* ~nyu!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 16:36:31
Hm, he sang it pretty well, but he could have put in more energy and emotion to the song. The song sounds pretty, um, "lifeless"?

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