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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 14:00:41
~Hallicai Mountain Range, nearing mirage town~

Ayeca; getting close...

Ujji: We still have an entire mountain range to pass!

Ayeca: well it's closer hear thean from chanz city right?

Ujji: *thinking* always anti-pessemistic when I complain...

Priestess: according to the map we need to go through the cave there...

Guard: ah, somilii passage, that's what the original Jiriian prilgrims used to get in and out or Mirage town...

Priestess: it's also said that during Noman times, it was a sstronghold for the Seck... the last force opposing Noman forces....

Guard: when the seck where cornered in the caves which formed a natural fortress, the Legion General offered kind terms should they surrender... however the seck responed by throwing severed heads of captured Legionaires down the cliff walls.

Ujji: Bloody times...

Guard: yes indeed, in the end the Legion captured the fortress... though it was decomissoned years ago... reports say thet one can hear bloodcurdleing screams of men from within the caves ans some secret chamers of the once mighty castle... standing as undieing evidence of the horrors commited during those times...

Ayeca: *looks away from the cave* Maye we should just cluimb over the mountains... you know better exersise!

Ujji: *whispers to himself* coward...

Ayeca: I'm not!

Guard: well there are also reports that zombies of the seck and dead legionaires still fight aboe in the mountains as they did for three grueling months before-

Ayeca: alright into the cave!

*leads the way in*

Ujji: really?

Guard: *smiles* no, just that the cave is much easier to trek thean through mountains..

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 17:41:23 (edited 2006-12-18 17:41:56)
@kay, yo! i've been reading your plot with Z and i read that Maveric has a Rare Armored arm. Does that mean that normal armored arms can have a duplicate? or have someone else using an identical arm? and another question.. can irregulars have the capabilities to speak, even just to another irregular only?
Cyrone: i must warn them and evacuate the people of the town

[Cyrone stood up from his position and carefully sneeked away from the irregular's gathering place. But as he was doing so, he was spotted by a patrolling group of irregulars]

Irregular 1: [sees Cyrone and speaks in irregular language] [roar] GET HIM!

[The irregulars quickly lauched their attack on Cyrone. He ran deep into the forest in hope to outrun and loose the irregulars. But it was futile, they are faster and can maneuver better better in the forest.]

Cyrone: [running] Damn..! this is hopeless.. [looks at his ring and spoke the activation spell] Wrath of lightning hear my call! Defeat my adversaries, make them fall! [Arm activates and his weapon materialized in his hand] but fighting them now will be just a waste of energy and time, i must return to the city..

[And with the Arm now activated, Cyrone bursted into high speed and jumped high into the trees. The irregulars we're confused of Cyrone's sudden disappearance. They stopped for a while to seach the area, but soon enough they gave up and ran back to their camp. Seeing that the irregulars had gone, Cyrone jumped down with his Arm deactivated and headed towards the city.]

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-18 17:49:54
@Fallguy, interesting question. the Arm can be similar but not 100% identical. the capability might be a little different.maybe i should put down the different types of Arms down in the first page(but it's like...too long already XD). and yes, Irregulars can talk to each other, in their own language that is. i suggest using bold-italics for Irregular sp34k.

{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Kay:we've been walking for 2 hours...maybe we should take a short break...
*takes a seat at a nearby rock*
Kay:my achy legs...
*he looks up to the sky and then across the road*
Kay:hey...that looks like an irregular...and it's carrying something...

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 17:56:50
(@Bloodymoon- I asked you that question a while back about whether they could speak human or not and you never said anything about it.)

Irregular: *looking along the road. thinking* [I don't see any others nearby.....I should hurry up before another comes along and tries to take her for themselves.]


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-18 18:07:01
(@Jon, oops...sorry...must've missed it *bows down*)

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 18:48:59
(That's fine. I guess your waiting for zparticus to post huh? I've got to get some sleep myself. So tired and still another 3 days before holidays.)


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 19:04:49
(same here, this is my last week before break... but I still have Finals on wednesday and thursday... T-T)

~Somilii passage, Nearing mirage town~

Ayeca: this place isnt too nice...

Ujji: *Holding a torch* you got a map or somthing?

Guard: *leading the cart* you dont need one, just follow the arrows on the walls...

Prietess: you know I've heard that there are times when there are painted arrows of blood, fron the unrestful souls of the people who where beheded here... some bodies whwer left here for years before the Legion came in and helped... Who knows! What is a headless ghost misleads us with his blood arrows and-

Ayeca: *about to scream*

Ujji: *stuffs the Priestess's mouth with an apple* Can it... we I'll get headachs from the reprucussion of the scream...

Priestess: *smiles*

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-18 19:13:28
@kay, thx dude!
{Quale outskirts}
[After a long walk he saw something in the sky. Smoke. There is fire. And it's coming from the direction of the city. He quickened his pace to almost running, still warry of enemy ambushes.]

Cyrone: damn it..! am i late..

[Cyrone activated his Arm and ran towards the city. When he arrived at the main gates. He almost didn't recognize the scene. He was here a few hours ago, and now all he could see are blood spills everywhere. And most of it, human blood. Bodies of soldiers looked as if they were toyed and just thrown around. There was still a bit of resistance from the defenders of the city. But they are fighting a battle already lost. He has the position to attack from the rear of the enemy, but he was alone. He know that if he has company, even just a few dozen men, they could succesfull strike from behind. But it snapped to him, his men are gone.]

Cyrone: [clinching his fist] i.. i.. i'll have to do what i can...

[Cyrone ran into the enemy lines, swinging his polaxe. He managed to take out several irregulars before they noticed the lone fighter attacking from behind. He succesfully drew their attention on the weakening defences.]

Cyrone: ..just run, and slash..

[Cyrone, was using a clever tactic to take out the enemy one at a time.]

Cyrone: heh! whoever runs the fastest.. gets killed first...[smirks]

[Cyrone managed to draw the quite a number of enemy back into the forest and there, he changed his tactic. From the open spaced "run and gun" to a more stealthy "strike and hide". But he know that even that kind of tactic is not gonna fool the irregulars for long. He is just buying time for the residents to flee the city.]

Cyrone: [behind the trees, gasping] huuh... hah... this is tiring...

[Cyrone showed himself to the enemy and they chased him deeper into the forest. When they were far enough. He hid again and sneeked away and headed back towards the city.]

Cyrone: [running]that'll hold them off for a while..

[Cyrone arrived to the city to see that the defences have made quite a progress. And are starting to take the advantage in the battle. Cyrone ran towards the line of defence and gathered a number of archers with him. Together he led them towards a house roof top. He pointed that they should start firing at the back of the attackers line to disorient them. The plan was successfull. The enemy line got thinner and thinner until they got them running back into the forest.]

Cyrone: thats gonna take care of them.. for now...

???: Cyrone..!

Cyrone: !!! [looked at the direction where the voice came from]

???: im so glad you're alive! thank you very much for your help.. [tears began to fall from her eyes]

Cyrone: wh... why are you crying..? are you hurt..?

???: [embraced Cyrone]

Cyrone: wh... [slowly put his arms around her to comfort her and whisphers] hey i'm alive.. nothing to... ugh! [feels dizzy] i.. over used... [blacked out of consiousness]

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-18 20:51:38
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}
Kay:hey...that looks like an irregular...and it's carrying something...

Zpartan: what? *looks up* what the? is that a girl?! we gotta help her!

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-18 21:44:21
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Kay:a girl?
Kay:why does this have to happen...?

(we hafta wait for jon to continue...but i think he's asleep right about now...)

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-18 21:49:38 (edited 2006-12-18 22:06:41)
(yeah...hehehe btwsorry wasnt able to reply yesterday!hahaha
edit:i'll reply here= hehehe and i was playing dota!hahaha)

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-18 21:58:21
(no probs, i was to engrossed killing Martins for Jurs...i forgot all about the RP XD)

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-12-19 01:31:12
@all, specially for stievu and kyoshiro
I won't be Online here for several days, have tests and experiment's report to do.
I permit you (stievu or Kyoshiro) to control my charachter if you want....but don't kill it.


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-19 05:50:17
(I can reply once for now.XD)

Irregular: *noticing Kay and Zpartan* Damn. *starts to run away*


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Huy on 2006-12-19 11:34:25
Ok red.

[Offspring Kingdom - East Gate]

Shiro`s part

The gate opened. Shiro saw them coming, but the first ones died before they could even grunt. Rena`s arrows hit them, three were killed by just one arrow cause Rena aims at the soft parts of the bodies, so that the arrows can breake through the whole body and fly further behind the victim. Shiro whispered a spell that made the irregulars a bit slower. This allowed Yuki and Rena to go right in the crowd of irregulars to approach Reivant. He was so concentrating on the spell that he didn`t notice that two irregulars were dashing towards him. Luckily Yuki noticed it. Two Shuriken hit the irregulars' neck. They fell in front of Shiro. He opened his eyes and sees Rena and Yuki throwing Kunais and...irregulars arms?... against Reivant.

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-19 20:20:46
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Zpartan: crap!its getting away!we gotta do something kay!

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-19 20:28:25
~Somilii passage, Nearing mirage town~


Ayeca: what was that!?

Guard: Keep your composure Lady-

Ayeca: I dont like this place!

Ujji: *thinking* isnt she able to just purify the space?

Priestess: *puuls out a staff* just let me purify the cave...

Ujji: *suprised* She read my mind!!

Ayeca: oh... I forgot about doing that...

Guard: *thinking* Teens these days...

Priestess: *waes her staff* !!! *quickly backs off* This place...

Guard: What is it?

Priestess: this place has a high concentration of poltregiest activity...

Ayeca: pultregiest.... you mean Ghosts!?

Ujji: *jabs her in the side* Oi... dont yell....

Guard: well it's just ghosts right?

*hears a crash nearby*

Guard: *jums* Or maybe not!!!

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-19 21:55:26
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Kay:why are we standing here anyways!? AFTER IT!!
*starts chasing after the irregular*

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-19 22:12:09
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Zpartan: *starts to run* damn,why does a irregular kidnap a girl?
*still running* damn its getting away! why dont cha fly and stop it!

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-19 22:21:11
{main road to Offspring Kingdom}

Kay:i'll intercept it from the front!
*starts flying*
Kay:we'll sandwich him like my favourite BLT sandwich!
*flew away*

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