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Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-18 17:26:47
No it's not the OVA with Koto's is a special DVD that came with the PS2 game. Sort of like an extra episode....i'm not sure when it takes place in the School Days guess somewhere in the middle.

I'm in the process of uploading it as we speak (about half way)...

Remember you asked about a pic & wondered who that girl was & i said it was Sekai's mom. You were a bit suprised about how young she looks. Well she's in this OVA & she's cute for a mom. Sorry Koto-chan's busty mom is NOT in this OAV.

It is funny cause all the girls are running after 'that guy' all over the world & some of them are carrying their special items. Like Koto with her saw & Sekai with her knife...all sort of SD style. it was pretty cool & funny.

Hopefully the upload will be done soon.

Re: School Days
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-18 17:30:32
I look forward to it. Thanks~! =^-^=

Sekai's mom is pretty, I think if I'm trying to remember the right character from the School's Day website.
So he really is controlling the world... SHAMEFUL!


Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-18 17:42:04
ewwww i want to see the pic of every girls that involve in the game or anime, really i fo want to know,

anyway, the more i see makoto the more i wonder......... average guy, less average guy, low average guy, low guy, lowest guy, X marks the spot all over his body (???), more little tiny cute red dot appear, START HUNTING with MAUSER!!!!!

why, and again, why, why, why it has to be that guy, isn't there any other guys in that anime, oh i see passerby, but why don't the girls get that passerby or other schoolmates??? ARGHHH!!!!!

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-18 18:14:51 (edited 2008-01-18 18:26:30)
Finally it is done!!!!

Again there are no subtitles for this cause of it being ripped from the DVD....the images will tell you what is happening. I'll post this up at my profile after a few days when i decide to change some of my vids around.

Very cute & much different from the anime series....far more lighthearted...Sekai's mom is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For your information i choose Koto-chan's gift....NOT!!!

Enjoy....again if Gendou-san wants this removed for whatever reason i will do that...sorry.

Re: School Days
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-01-18 19:14:47

finally i can get to see sekai's mom..

man i wish i can find visual novel games for the ps2 here >.< hahaha

ohh girls in the bathhouse!hahaha

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-20 06:53:49
yeah the game came out early this month but i finally recieved my copy a few days ago. it was a pleasant suprise that this OVA came with it....i knew of a special DVD will come with it but i thought it would be some trailer or whatnot about the game.

I'm in the process of playing it...i wanna see what new scenes they added to replace all the h-stuff. Also if any of the nasty blood & guts will be left in or replaced as well.

As for the video...even though it was pretty short i found it pretty cool. LOVE the scene with Sekai's mom (when she's baking things for valentines day) & Sekai doesn't really know how to react to all of it.

The girls trying to give their gifts to 'that guy' was hilarious....what the heck is Koto-chan's reached out & touched him O_O!!!

The end was a bit even his best friend has the hots for him...scary!

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-20 07:25:15
@izumo so basically the one you're playing is a bit different than the H-game on the PC????

with no H and stuff then does these mean that the wrong point is just all the girls when to him???

wew.... if this going to be like that then it was turn into harem game ^^


as long it is decent in manners i'm going to like this

i mean the one he did in the anime and PC game is unforgivable, his death in the end is just consolidation price of what he did, he should deserve more

(anyway i think my post going on circle again *^^*)

Re: School Days
Link | by sai on 2008-01-20 08:06:42
I just finished watching this lately... lol, if i haven't heard the rumors about this show i'd tought that this is just another average romance anime... With an extra sex maniac in it...

No one would've expected the WIN ending XD

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-20 08:07:44
@ Key-san
Since it is ported to the PS2 they had to remove all the hentai stuff out of far as i know they just added new scenes to it. Basically the same thing they did for the Fate/Stay Night PS2 game. I'm not that far into it so i haven't seen anything new yet. As for the killing aspects & suicidal scenes in the orignal i don't know if they removed those as well or just censored them. We'll see when i get one of the bad endings.

I would imagine 'that guy' will still get what is coming to him if it is still similar to the i said they'll probably censor all the grapic content the same way they did for the anime series (ie: black blood). Or they could have added new death scenes in it...i'll post what i see in the coming days as i continue the game.

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-20 08:33:45
@sai hahaha it's not the win ending, but subbers community called it the boat, i mean M.3.3.W shout out always talked about new anime that based on hentai game, that they hope in the end they would not see the nice boat again LOL

and it always get me, nice boat, LOL

@izumo wew then it almost the same as baldr force then

well if they going to put more graphic into the death scene, i really do hope that they giving all their best to make it "great" ^^

Re: School Days
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-20 09:27:11
I just finished this, and I really liked it I must say.
I think if people saw this before the anime series, they would've hated him later after seeing the series.

This special or whatever you wanna call it, was indeed different than the anime.
If some series was made like this, or if the actual series was made like this, I would've loved School Days even more.
It's all a part of the game(s) for this series, so playing those might've been fun as well.

The ending theme song sounds familiar. I wonder if it's out or something.
Some subgroup is gonna sub this sooner or later and label it as some SPECIAL or OVA.

The girls are really charming in the first scene or so.
It's like some reunion in the hot springs, although we know it didn't happen after the series ended.
I didn't know Otome started hanging around them.
I kind of thought to myself that was kind of unexpected, but it was still pretty okay. ^_~`

We got to see all the girls again, and Kokoro-chan, too. KAWAII~~!!
If I had to choose a gift, I'd've chosen Sekai's mom's gift. JESUS~!! /nosebl33d~~

Indeed, I thought she was very charming. You mostly love all the mom's in this anime (after reading about them elsewhere like me).
I love seiyu voices like the one who did Sekai's mom.
Not only that, when she was jiggling around like that in front of Sekai, with those cute noises as well, I thought that was pretty cute. =^-^=


Re: School Days
Link | by Dai on 2008-01-21 00:46:07
The character design is good..And the girls are cute too..But there are some h things..

Re: School Days
Link | by KeLRei on 2008-01-21 01:13:38
There's a sequel called summer days..

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-21 18:04:06 (edited 2008-01-21 19:08:53)
The fansub of the Valentine Days special is out!

now i understand what i missed while watching the RAW version.....Sekai's mome is a hopeless romantic...Kawaii. I'm suprised that she & Sekai are related...they seem so different.

I believe the end song is 'Hello my happiness' by Kiriko....i think it is in the anime vocal album. The insert song when they were in the restaraunt (which is the setting for SummerDays) is 'Look at Me' by Yuria. So it is probably in the database already...i haven't checked yet.

I kinda figured DAngel-san will want to have Sekai's moms sly 'devil'. That thing from Koto-chan is so 'Bible Black'....if you guys don't know what Bible Black is well....go search for it...*grins*

Now all we have to is wait for the 'Magical Girl' OVA featuring Kokoro later this year!

Re: School Days
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-21 18:14:47 (edited 2008-01-21 18:19:59)
lol, oh you know me oh to well, Izumo.
And yeah, I know what you're talking about with "Bible Black", too. /sweatdrop~

Trying to find the special before I get something to eat again. No luck yet.
Oh, I forgot. This was the anime that had a million fansubs to it that I saw. /snickers.
I'll wait until later or tomorrow. Some sites are down due to limited bandwidth so I can't enter the sites.

The torrent is out, but that'll be Plan B+.
I even forget where I dLed the anime series. Probably torrent. D:

My Japanese is pretty weak, so I hardly understood the Valentines Day OVA.

And the end song is nice. I knew it sounded familiar.


Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-21 18:22:59
Here i'll help you is the site i got it from...SchoolDays LXH valentine days special is about half way down the page.

The fan subber group is 'EnA' & is about 170MB in size so it won't take too long. I'm still seeding it so get it while you can...i'm uploading about 10kb...kinda pathetic. i wonder if my connection is an issue...i usually upload close to the 20 or 30s. Oh well....maybe a bad day for uploading.

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-01-21 19:28:59
well animesuki has put the list that someone has torrent the dvd version, you could check there

Re: School Days
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-21 21:13:03 (edited 2008-01-21 22:13:50)
Yeah, dLing the OVA now (from another source; directly). Thanks.
I'm also dLing episode one, since I don't have it anymore, as well as 2, 4, 7, 9, 12.
Must've lost them in the crisis, but I'll get them back by tomorrow night or so.

[edit] As episode one is about ten minutes away from getting done, I saw the OVA again (subbed).
It's even funnier the second time, and having the subs made it a LOT clearer since my Japanese is very weak.
I guessed a few parts right, and the rest was just "IDK".

At first, I wasn't sure if that was Kokoro in the hot springs with them at the very beginning.
Her voice, for some reason, seems different.
It's been a while since I've seen Kokoro in the anime, but I'm not sure if there was some seiyu change or something.
Maybe it was the same person, but it sounded just a bit different to me. Nothing bad though.

Valentines Day sure brings back memories.
It's coming out in a few weeks, to, oh snap~!
That thing that Koto made, wtf was it?
Some kind of mutated, nuclear, fusion chocolate or something.
And yeah, I saw the first time how it reached out and touched his face. O.o`

My first gift choice is still the same... she can give you some adult pleasure. /NOSEBL33D~!
I'm not sure what the second choice would be though:
  • Kokoro in normal clothes, but wrapped in a cute bow
  • Obligation chocolates from Sekai being stuffed down your throat
  • Obligation chocolates from Otome being stuffed down your throat
  • That nuclear, strange aura of a package of chocolates from Kotonoha
  • That HUGE box of chocolates from, Taisuke!!
  • Maybe someone else's mom? ...
Oh, my second choice would be the normal, yet dull obligation chocolate(s) from Setsuna, lol.
I can't believe how much I really like this OVA though, in comparison to the anime series.
I wonder how a 12 episode anime could've went, if the series was like this OVA.

Can't wait for the next one! =^-^=


Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-02-29 19:06:51
Well...the release date for the "School Days ~Magical Heart Kokoro-chan~" the OVA featuring everyones fave little sister will be out in mid March. About 2 weeks after the release of the CLANNAD movie.

If it is anything remotely similar to the Valentine Days special...i'm gonna enjoy this ALOT!

Here are some pics i found of the DVD cover for the various versions. judging by the cover it looks like it is gonna be a crazy anime!

Regular version

Limited version

I see Sekai's mom is back....she's the one on the far left.

@ DAngel-san
My mistake the song at the end of the valentine special is 'Hello my happiness' by Miyuki Hashimoto. It is available not in the anime song collection but is found in the game song collection.

Source: SchoolDays vocal album

Re: School Days
Link | by on 2008-03-05 04:51:25
Know where I can watch the valentines speccial on the net... im currently on ep 8 and im maybe the only person who feely sorry for makoto(dun know why... weird actualy cause all guys whoud hate his gut's for doing waht he did in the anime)

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