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Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-26 22:10:45
*The knive whips past, inches from his face*

*Just standing there, in shock*



*reads the chapter*

Ooooh cool, interesting.....very interesting...

hey....what about the cop thing?? What happened to him??

DId they just release him??

OOOooo love is in the air! lolz ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-26 22:43:12
*looked back and saw sero standing there,stunned,with the knife kay threw right next to his face*
OMG >.< i was soo happy that chapert 4 is here i've completly forgot my sorroundings...

he got released straight away after that i guess.since he is the person which brought that angel in and is just trying to save her.
and he was cried on twice in one day(i think)...wonder if there's gonna be one of those love triangle (or maybe quadruple or more^^)

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Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-26 22:52:30
Bwahahaha... my twisted puddle of gloppy goodness of a brain is beginning to lead peple to assume things which may or may not be correct... This is going much better than I thought ^.^

Thanks guys for all of your support; I figured this was gonna end up being something only one or two people would notice and care about it, if that, but it appears that people really like it ^_^ I was halfway to crying earlier today...


Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-02-27 05:10:38
hey, i've just finished reading all the teshizumi's chapters
*eyes were tired for sticking my eyeballs on my screen to read those*

nice work, Sachiel!im really curious..what was that chaotic thingy happening at the hospital?
what's gonna happen to yukio and akina?and the angel??
plus, i really love the love twists!XD

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-27 13:47:47 (edited 2006-02-27 13:48:33)
*read it over and over again*

omg, it's so good!
i love the last part when Yukio gets home and the angel cries on his leg.

it so nice...not the crying part, but the caring part..

i this an angel/human love? if it's not..then, never mind. although i do like it when an angel and a human love each other...XD

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-03-05 05:26:16
just long does it usually take to complete a chapter?

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Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-05 20:06:00 (edited 2006-08-29 20:42:17)
I'm trying to get one up every week, and in case I end up taking a long time finishing a chapter, My time is one hour ahead of Gendou's. So if you think I'm late and it's passed Sunday, then check Gendou's time before you yell at me ^_~

Hashikawa Kanaye
Sex: male
Age: 15
Eyes: green
Hair: white; uncombed, dangles
Personality: extremely perceptive, devious

...Her entire face was covered with her tears, and her eyes were full of loneliness. But after seeing someone being affectionate toward her, she hugged his waist and cried on Yukio's legs, desperate for something resembling love.

Chapter V: Deathbringer

"So what's your name?" asked Yukio after things had settled down.
"...A name?" the angel replied cluelessly. Her voice was very timid and slightly breathy, and you could tell that she had not known happiness simply by her voice. She was sitting in very much the same position she was when she was crying alone, but her head was raised slightly and her hair and wings were covering most of her body.
"Yeah, your name. Don't you have one?"
"I... I'm not sure what names are..."
"You gotta be kidding me," he thought. "Names are what you call people, like my name is Watanabe Yukio. That way, if someone calls out 'Yukio!' then I'll know they're looking for me."
"...I don't think...I have a name," she said with her voice faltering. She might cry at any moment, so Yukio decided he'd be as friendly and helpful as possible.
"What? You don't have a name? Looks like I'll have to give you one, then... But what should it be...?"
"Names can be given by anyone...?"
"Usually you're named after your parents give birth to you, but if what's being given a name has no known parent, then the closest thing to a parent gives the name. Like when you buy a pet, the kid that buys the pet gives the name."
"...Are you my parent in this case, Wata... Waba..."
"Watanabe Yukio, but you can just stick with Yukio if you want."
"Yeah, that's it. But what should we call you? I can't give you a family name, because you don't have a family..."
From hearing that she had no family, the angel suddenly tightened up and started sobbing into her knees again. Yukio sighed after he realized what he said, and tried to get off the topic of names.
"Hey, do you know how old you are?"
"I don't know...!" He said the wrong thing again.
"Okay then, until we have something better, your name will be Sorano. You look about as old as me, maybe a little younger, so I'd guess you're about 13 or 14."
Suddenly, she look up a little with watery eyes.
"...Sorano? That's my name?"
"Yeah, your name I don't think will change, but until we can get more information or something, it's possible your age will change."
"I'm going to start a new life, won't I?"
"Yeah, I guess you will. I'll help you with anything you need, okay?"
"...What does being '13 or 14' mean?"
"Well, I'm 16 because I've been alive for 16 years. As I said before, I don't know when you were born, so I'm just guessing."
"What does it do?"
"Your age does a lot of things, probably too many to explain in one night. See, since I'm 16, I need to start looking for a job so I can earn money."
"To pay for a car?"
"Whoa, hold up. You know about cars?"
"...I believe so, they are the polluting, noisy and expensive boxes on four wheels that take you places in short amounts of time."
"Uhh, yeah, I guess you'd be right... So what else do you know?"
"I have to go to school, don't I? And wear a uniform?"
If she knew this much, maybe she could tell him some things that might explain her age.
"Yeah, you'll be leaving with me tomorrow morning, if nothing's wrong... Did you hear about something that happened in the same year you were born?"
Sorano looked forward quietly, then said after a moment "...Something called the Parallel Inference Machine was developed near the time I was born, I think..."
"Okay, then... I'm not sure what that is, but Takahashi-sensei or Shiramori-sensei might know. If one of them knows, then we'll know your age," he said assuringly.
"...Did I tell you the right thing?"
"The right thing? You told me what I wanted to hear, if that's what you mean. Do you know anything else about Earth?"
"It's a planet revolving around the sun at over 65,000 miles per hour in a nearly round orbit, one of the few known planets that supports life, and is where we are right now."
"One of the few known life-supporting planets...?" Ignoring his thoughts for a second, he resumed making Sorano feel comfortable.
"Wow, you're like a science book. What else do you know?"
"...That's all I know... What's a science book?"
Yukio wanted to learn more about what she knew and where she came from, but too much pressure on her might make her dislike him.
"A science book is a book that teaches you stuff about science. I'll get one for you, one second." He dashed off to his room where he took his backpack and looked for his science book. It wasn't in there.
Coming back with nothing in his hands, he said "Shoot, I must have left it at school on Friday. I'll get it for you tomorrow."
"...It's fine... Why are you so nice to me? I've heard that humans are uncaring and arrogant, but you're being nice to me..."
"Not all humans are like that. I should introduce you to Akina, she's the most cheerful and friendly person I know."
"Is Akina the name of this girl?"
"Yeah, her full name's Izumitaki Akina."
She began sniffing again, and Yukio noticed that she was about to cry again from her watery eyes.
"Since we're both sort of a family, how about Watanabe as your family name?"
"...We're a family?" she asked while wiping her tears off with her arm.
"Well, we're not a real family because we weren't adopted by the same parent, but since both our parents aren't here and we're living together, then I'd suppose we could be called a family."
"What does a family do?"
Yukio wasn't sure himself of what it meant to be a family, so he thought of something he'd heard off of some anime.
"...Living like a family is when you live so close together it becomes difficult to breathe."
"...Living as a family's fatal...?" she said quietly.
"I was hoping that answer would work, because I don't even know what it's like. I'm an only child, and my parents both died before my 10th birthday, so as you can see I don't know either, really."
"I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward situation... I'm sorry for being such a burden..." By the tone of her voice, it was obvious she was nearly crying but trying to hold it in.
"Whoever said that you're a burden? I'm gonna enjoy having someone to be with, especially if I can help you get your life back."
"...I-I'm sorry...!" she got out before she broke down, sobbing on her knees once again. Yukio walked to her quietly and hugged her from behind, and when she felt Yukio's arms she spun around and cryed on his shoulder as hard as she could, gripping his shirt and pulling him down on herself weakly. And Yukio simply held her, letting her cry on him.

* * * * * * * *

"Hey, you waking up?" Etsu said leaning over Akina. Akina blinked slowly and stretched her arms a little, then looked around for Yukio.
"Where'd Yukio go to?"
"He left not too long ago. After he left, you got noticeably more restless and agitated. You love him, don't you?"
"Umm... A little..."
"Ha! You can't lie to me, you're head over heels!"
Akina blushed deeply. "...How long have you known?"
"I've noticed the way you've acted differently around him ever since you first saw him. Add that to the fact that you could fall asleep on his back when he was taking you home, with your parents gone, must show you trust him very much."
"...Am I that transparent?" She asked with wink.
Little Rini came bouncing toward them and cheerfully said, "You two should get married!"
Akina looked down a little, her face turning a deep red and rapidly being covered with sweat.
"I don't think Yukio-senpai loves me back..."
"But when I told Yuko to marry you, he didn't say no!" Rini said, crouching and looking at Akina's face.
Suddenly Akina raised her face and it lost its redness and sweat, much to her relief. Staring at nothing with a serious look, she asked "What did he say?"
"Yuko told mommy to get me away."
"He entirely avoided the question... Yukio-senpai never really answers questions regarding his emotions... so maybe I have a chance!" she said hopefully.
Etsu stepped forward and asked, "If you love him, why don't you kiss him?"
Akina's face immediately regained its redness and sweat.
"...I don't want to kiss him if he doesn't love me..."
"That's why you confess to him and hope he says that he loves you too."
"But... I'm only fifteen... isn't that a little young for loving and kissing? What if it leads to... something else?"
Rini looked up at Etsu and asked "What's something else?"
Etsu smiled and used every parent's favorite phrase. "You'll find out when you're older."
"But mommy, you always so that! What if I don't find out? Will you tell me then?"
"I'll tell you when you turn thirteen and you still don't know, okay?"
"But that's a long time away! I'm seven, and thirteen is... seven years away! That's how old I am!"
"You're not doing your math correctly, Rini! I think you need sleep! Come along, let's go home and allow Izumitaki to get to bed."
"But how will 'Kina get in her house?"
"Oh, that's right! Izumitaki, do you have a key? Your door's locked, which is why Yukio was going to wait here all night."
Akina's eyes lit up upon hearing that Yukio was going to wait all night, then added a hardly noticeable nod as an afterthought.
"He... He was going to wait here, all night... Alone, with me..." Slowly, a little smile grew on her face.
Etsu smiled at Akina, took Rini's hand and headed off for home. "Come along, Rini, we shouldn't disturb Izumitaki's little dreamland there."
"Okay, mommy! Bye 'Kina!" Rini said before scampering off toward her home with Etsu. Akina didn't even hear it, she was busy fantasizing and planning out how to get closer to Yukio-senpai. After a short while, Akina got up and headed for bed. After she had gotten some water, noticed it was 11:00 PM, and did some cleaning up, she laid in bed trying to think of ways to get Yukio-senpai to notice her more. But she had forgotten something; how had he gotten away from the police officer at the hospital?
Ignoring that thought for the sake of asking him tomorrow, she fell asleep.

* * * * * * * *

Yukio's eyes hurt, sunlight was coming in through his window and landing on his face. Drearily, he got up and saw Sorano sitting on the floor where some of the light from his window hadn't reached his bed.
"Hey, do you think you can go to school? I can walk you through everything once we're there."
"...Okay, I'll try." she said before standing up. Once she was up, Yukio noticed she had very little clothing; only what appeared to be some loosely fitting underwear that was probably made as an attempt to duplicate her original clothing, and the top didn't even have shoulder straps.
"Hey, uh, where'd you get those clothes?"
"The people that brought me here said that they would give me more once they had produced some more. I'm not sure how long I've been wearing these, but they said that they'd have some more momentarily."
"Well, you can't go to school wearing just that, and I don't have enough time to take you clothes shopping, so... I don't think you can go to school today."
Her eyes teared up and she looked toward the floor.
"...Okay, I'll wait here..." she said quietly.
"Did they say anything about how soon they'd give you more clothing, other than 'momentarily'?"
"...I ...I don't remember."
"Let's see... I'll need your body measurements so the school can give me a uniform that I can give you soon, and if you need to you could wear that everywhere you go."
"How do you take my body measurements?" she asked looking upward a little.
"Well, I'd take some measuring tape and see how high you are, measure around your waist, measure around your hips, and... measure you around your chest."
"M-My chest...? Why do you need to measure that?" she said in an almost offended tone.
"See, on my clothes, they need to know the diameter of my waist so they can make pants that fit me. And my shirt needs to fit nicely, because if it was too big it'd have folds in it. The size of shirts for women... must be more precise, if you catch my drift."
"...And you're going to do the measuring?" she asked embarassingly.
"Well, no one is here to do it for me, so unless you don't want a school uniform, then we're gonna have to. You can't walk to school in those clothes, unless you want all the guys staring at you in perverted ways."
Her face turned a little red, and said, "O-Okay, measure me."
"That's if I have measuring tape... I think I have some, but I don't know where I put it. Also, those wings will be difficult to deal with because they're so big. Can't you... put them away or something?" he said while looking around for his measuring tape.
"Don't be ridiculous, where would they go?"
"I don't know, I had just seen that in some anime that I've seen, and I was just hoping that it worked in real life. Ah, here it is," he said pulling out a flimsy strip of measuring tape. "I lost the cover for it, so it's kind of tangled up."
"I don't mind," she said quietly. "So what should I do when you measure me?"
"Just hold your arms out a few inches from your sides and stand up straight is all."
She did as he said, and carefully watched everything Yukio did while getting her measurements. Yukio was rather surprised, her skin was very warm, but not so warm that she might have been sick.
"Okay then, your height is 4'9, waist is 23 inches, hips are 30 inches, bust is 30 inches as well."
"Is that good?"
"...I'm not sure, I don't do measurements at all. This was my first time, though people usually judge on what they see instead of what's factual."
"So now you can get a uniform for me?"
"Yup, looks that way. I think our school has a supply of uniforms for unexpected arrivals, like you, so I can get one for you. So now I guess I'll get some food and head off to school."
"Thank you, Yukio..."
"No need to thank me, in fact I should still do some more for you. I owe you a lot more than you think..."

* * * * * * * *

Akina's alarm clock was blaring at her again, telling her to wake up at 5:30. It had been a while since she heard it, in between the hospital and such. Usually she got to talk with her parents for a while before going to school, but they weren't getting home until later today. She hadn't eaten anything that she made herself in a while, either. Hash browns were looking really good right now... But those took too long to make. Maybe she could make some instant ramen with some veggies thrown in... She'd done it before a few times, and it didn't take that long, so she got to work after she showered and fixed her hair. First were the potatoes, she'd need to peel a small one and dice it up nice and thin in little cubes, and boil those for five or six minutes. Spinach, she needed some spinach, and cashews too. Everything else she wanted to put in they were out of, so it was gonna be rather bland this time. Might as well make enough for lunch, to save herself work. With the way it was looking, she'd just get double what she usually would get for one meal and save half of it for lunch. Rice was easy to make, and some baby carrots can just be thrown in a bag, so it was going to be a rather work-free morning.
Eating her ramen, rice, and carrots outside in the fresh air and sunshine made her feel wonderful again. It was getting a little warm, signifying summer's approach, and summer meant no school. She might take up waitressing to get some extra cash, and that way she could also get some experience.
School was to start at 7:00, and it was 6:15 by the time she was finished. That left ample time for running and playing at the school playground, and she could talk with Yukio-senpai about things that had happened. Maybe someone did something funny, and they got a new nickname.
And then she thought of Mamoru-senpai again. Now she wanted to avoid school, and stick with Yukio-senpai as much as she could for protection. She noticed that a lot of guys were being nice to her, so maybe she could get some protection and forewarning from them too.
With her plan in mind, she set off for school. After she was about a third the way there, she saw Yukio-senpai walking toward school ahead of her. This was much too early for him, he usually didn't get there until ten or so minutes before the bell. With her usual air of cheerfulness, she ran up to his side.
"Good morning, Yukio-senpai!"
"Oh, good morning to you too."
"How come you're out so early? You usually wouldn't get here until a half-hour later~!"
"I need to pick up a uniform for someone."
"Eh? How come he doesn't get it himself?"
"It's not a 'he', it's a 'she', and it's because she hardly has any clothes as it is."
"What? Someone came? And without clothes...?" she asked deviously.
"You'll find out tomorrow, or maybe even earlier. Just be patient."
"...Fine then. Oh yeah, how did you get away from the policeman at the hospital?"
"Because I saved her life, the one I'm getting the uniform for."
"Oh, now I wanna know who she is reaaally bad! Please, tell me Yukio-senpai! Please?"
"If you want, you can come by my house after school and see her. You okay with that?"
Akina was suddenly offended and yelled, "She's at your house!? A girl that owes you her life with little clothing is living with you!?"
Yukio just rolled his eyes. "I never thought of it that way, but you're right. Man, Casanova's gonna have a blast after he finds out about this..."
"Don't worry, I won't tell him, but I'm still mad at you for not telling me!"
"I didn't know she was at my house until after I walked you home, and nothing happened, so don't worry."
This threatened Akina's whole plan. How would Yukio-senpai notice her if there was a girl living with him, especially when she's nearly naked?
"Besides," Yukio said consolingly, "she's too short for me. I'm about a foot taller than her."
"How old is she then? She can't be that old."
"No more questions, you'll find out when you see her."
"Fine, okay. Did anything new happen while I was gone?"
"Nope, things are the same, but I can tell you right now that a large portion of the guys are gonna be loving your return."
"That's nice to know~!" she happily yet absent-mindedly replied.
They proceeded in silence until they got to the school, where Akina stayed outside running around and Yukio got a uniform. After he got Sorano's new clothing, he headed to class. They didn't carry clothing that would match her entirely, she was too small, but this would probably do. It wasn't that much larger, and she'd probably grow into it after not too long.
With nothing to do once in his classroom, he started counting the ceiling tiles once again until Shiramori-sensei arrived.
"Excuse me, Shiramori-sensei, but when was the Parallel Inference Machine developed?"
"I believe 1991, but what's the sudden interest?"
"Just determining an age."
Shiramori payed no attention to Yukio's answer and began his class.

* * * * * * * *

"I have here a new student for this class," Etsu announced at the start of her class. "His name is Hashikawa Kanaye, and you all better treat him nicely."
Kanaye bowed and said "Pleased to meet you all," rather politely.
"You can take that seat over there, in the middle."
"Thank you, Takahashi-sensei."
Akina waved to him nicely as he walked by, and he raised his hand discreetly as sort of a wave in return. He had green eyes and white hair, which looked like it had never been combed once but still taken care of. It was slightly spiked, but largely it just hung loose in whatever directions it pleased. He didn't look too shy, and Akina could probably make friends with him.
Etsu leaned over and planted her hands on her desk.
"Now, one of you is lucky enough to show him around. Who will it be...?" she said looking over each student darkly.
Immediately, Akina shot her hand up high.
"I'll do it!"
"Okay then, Izumitaki Akina will show you around, okay Hashikawa?"
"Yes ma'am. Thank you, Izumitaki."
After class had ended, Akina skipped over to Kanaye.
"You ready for your look around, Kanaye-san?" she asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Thanks again."
Akina explained the squareness of the school, pointing out where everything goes, just as she did each time someone new came. He seemed very friendly and polite, even more so then he did in class. Even when Akina told him to call her simply 'Akina', he didn't object and began calling her Akina right away.
Toward the end of the show-around, she saw Mamoru-senpai up ahead.
"And that guy up there with the dark hair," she said pointing, "is the creepiest guy I've ever known."
Right after she said that, Mamoru looked directly at her sternly, then resumed his previous activities.
Akina tensed up and began sweating.
"...If you don't mind, could you tell me every time you see him? I want to avoid him... entirely if possible..."
"Sure thing Akina, it's the least I could do after you've been so nice to me."
"Thanks! In return, want to eat lunch with me and Yukio-senpai? He's my closest friend in the whole school."
"Okay, I'll eat with you two."
Someone abruptly trotted right up to both of them, and stared at Akina in the face.
Akina shyed back a little. "This idiot here is Shimizu Kane. You'll never find an ego bigger than his, if he managed to get it through the door."
Kane slowly moved his head from Akina to Kanaye.
"Ahhh... and who is this green-eyed fellow? I know him from somewhere..."
"Hashikawa Kanaye, pleased to meet you."
"A new student, awesome. First thing you should learn in that all girls here are taken. Even if someone new comes, the moment they see me they'll be taken too."
"Got it," he said sarcastically.
"And the next thing you'll learn," he added with a grin, "is that Akina is the only girl that's not taken by me. She's got it for--"
Akina dashed over and put her hand over Kane's mouth, smiling like nothing was wrong even though the red face would have tipped anyone off.
"No, he's talking crazy, don't listen to that part!"
Then Yukio came up the growing group.
"And who's he? I don't think I've seen him before, though he looks familiar."
"Hashikawa Kanaye, pleased to meet you."
"...Hashikawa...?" Yukio said to himself curiously. Then his face turn from one of curiosity to one of total shock and disbelief.
Upon seeing Yukio get surprised, Kane tried to think of why he'd be surprised, then suddenly grabbed his head in pain and fell to his knees, with some blood coming from his forehead.
Yukio got up to Kanaye's face and yelled at him, not too loudly but loud enough that it was thoroughly threatening.
"I know you! You pushed me in front of a car when I was six!"
Kanaye got wide-eyed, then charged off away from Yukio.

* * * * * * * *

Stupid anime, everyone I watch copies me even more... I can't keep on changing this over and over, they even messed up my original cliffhanger >_<
Oh well, happy face ^_^

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-03-05 20:55:56


I must have more!!

this is getting good ^_^

keep it up ^_^

oh and....


Light and Dark

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-06 02:05:18
What anime keeps beating you to the finish line? Sachiel is gonna have to watch every angel anime to stay ahead of the game.

Finally the angel's turn to speak comes. How is she gonna fit in her wings in the uniform?

Anticipating big kung-fu match...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-03-06 03:18:56
round one,heaven or hell?fight!
man,another cliffhanger....and i think i'm falling soon...

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Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Renegade Bladesman on 2006-03-06 05:26:51
it seems you have quite the following sachiel, quite the following indeed

Even from the realms beyond Life, Death, Infinity and Eternity, I still see you

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-06 07:16:20
Ah, thanks guys... This makes my un1337 skills feel very 1337 XD

Don't feel bad to say where I messed up or anything! ^_^
And don't feel bad to tell me what could happen in your guys' eyes >:-)

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-03-06 10:13:39
lol.....i hope that the angel and Yukio becomes more than friends ^_^
hehehe....great story!!!

i hate it when you put cliffhangers!!!

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-12 21:08:01 (edited 2006-08-29 20:46:12)
Bwahahaha... Here is chapter VI for those of you that care... it's a little short, I've been busy... playing... outside... X_XD (<--- X_X + XD)

Yukio got up to Kanaye's face and yelled at him, not too loudly but loud enough that it was very threatening.
"I know you! You pushed me in front of a car when I was six!"
Kanaye got wide-eyed, then charged off away from Yukio.

Chapter VI: Taking flight

Akina glanced at Kanaye running off, then Yukio, then back at Kanaye. She wanted to hear Yukio's side of the story first, but if Kanaye wasn't treated nicely on his first day then he'd come to hate everyone, so she chased after Kanaye. They both ended up under a staircase.
Kanaye sat down and stared at the bottom of the staircase.
"Kanaye-san, did you push him in front of a car?"
"No, I didn't. At least I think I didn't, but I'm not sure..."
"How can you not be sure about whether you pushed him or not?"
"Back then, me and him used to play together. We were only eight, so carefree and innocent, without a thing to do in the world. On a rainy day, he and I got into a fight. It was over which one of us was better than the other at tag, but with the way kids are it turned into a serious fight over nothing. I remember turning around and going home after he yelled at me really loud, yet Watanabe ended up in front of a car saying that I pushed him. I don't know if I did push him and forced the memory out of my mind, if he jumped in front of it, if someone else pushed him, or what, but I remember it wasn't me."
"Did you tell that to Yukio-senpai?"
"I tried to, but he just waved me off. I don't think he's ever going to listen to me."
Akina didn't want to have to say this, but for the sake of a good impression she did.
"Well, how about just you and me eat lunch together without Yukio-senpai?"
"...Would you really do that? I mean, you love him and everything."
Akina was speechless; how in the world did he know? He had only seen her together with Yukio-senpai for a brief moment, and he knew Akina less than a day, yet he knew already. How did he know?
"W-What makes you think that?"
"I know you do, you don't need to keep it a secret from me."
"...How did you know?"
"A little bird told me. I'm not saying anything more beyond that."
"So, if I'm missing a chance to eat with someone I like, how important is it that I want you to be happy?"
"If I told you I was going to decline, you'd worry about it all day and eating with Watanabe wouldn't be joyful, so I'll accept."
They both walked quietly into the playground and ate their lunches there, something that Akina had grown fond of doing. What she wanted to know greatly, however, was how in the world he knew about her crush. The most suggesting thing would've been Kane-senpai's hint that she liked someone, but there were too many men in the school for that to have meant much. Either he's extremely perceptive, or someone told him about it, someone that knows Akina in and out...
Deciding to break the silence, Akina made an attempt at small talk.
"You enjoying your food, Kanaye-san?"
"It's okay, nothing special. What sounds good to me right now is some pocky, but we have none."
"I never really liked pocky that much..."
"Yeah, I know you don't."
"...Did a little bird tell you that, too~?"
"As a matter of fact, yes one did."
An awkward silence gripped the two for a moment.
"Nice weather, isn't it?"
"Yes, the spring air is invigorating. It's invigorating for you, too."
"Okay, what is it with you? You know everything about me!"
"Yes, I do. Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell Yukio about the time when--"
"DON'T-- don't say it out loud..."
"What? It's not like he's going to find out about that or--"
"THAT must be quiet too. Seriously, you're scaring me... How do you know all of this stuff...?"
"I looked in your window."
"...When?" she asked with a somewhat shocked and intruded tone.
"First you should find out which window I was looking in," he said sinisterly. "Well, I need to get to class early so I can catch up on some reading. See ya later!"
Akina watched with silence and awe as he quickly walked towards class.
"...He knows everything about me. Even... that..."

* * * * * * * *

School was finally over. Making sure he got his science book, Yukio started home only to be stopped by Akina at the gate.
"Hey, Yukio-senpai!"
"Hello, Akina. What's up?"
"...Kanaye-san says he didn't push you."
"Well then who did? It's not like Casper did it, he's too friendly for that," Yukio said negatively.
"...And Kanaye-san knows everything about me... Even some things I've never told anyone."
"He told you something about you that you've never told anyone? Is he stalking you?"
"He didn't say it, but I... knew he was going to say it. Something about the way he was talking, I knew he was going to say it... But I stopped him, so we can never be sure."
"What was it?"
Akina spun around halfway defiantly.
"I can't tell you, it's a sec-ret!"
"Is it a secret because you promised not to tell, or because you're embarassed to say it?"
Yukio could see Akina's face redden even when she was looking the other way. She replied with silence.
"So, it's something private about yourself... Something so embarassing you'll never say it."
"Is it okay if I see the girl now? The one that's living with you?"
Yukio noticed the abrupt change in topics. And now he wanted to know what her secret was even more than before, but he couldn't force it out of her, so all he could do was build up trust.
"Yeah, I'll take you to my house and you can see her."
Akina skipped to Yukio and held on his arm.
"Okay then, let's go Yukio-senpai~!"
Wanting to shake her off, but letting her hold on his arm for the sake of letting her be happy, Yukio slowly walked home with Akina against his side. Akina kept on talking and talking and talking, while Yukio would nod or make an occasional comment. After a while, Akina said the she felt rather unsafe at school, first with Mamoru-senpai and now with Kanaye-san. After that, she was quiet for a moment with a troubled look on her face.
"If you feel scared, don't ever hesitate to let me know, okay? Then I can protect you from whatever is threatening you, so I can feel better knowing you're not scared."
Akina clutched Yukio's arm tightly and rested her head against it.
"...Would you, Yukio-senpai?"
"Of course I would. If you feel unsafe at a place you spend a third of your life at, it must be torture for you. So I'll go to all the effort I can to make sure you can be happy there."
"...Thanks, Yukio-senpai."
They proceeded without saying a word until they reached Yukio's home.
"Okay, I'll need you to wait here for a little bit. She's a little nervous around people from what I've seen," he said before walking in cheerfully. Akina started to say something, but stopped herself and listened to what Yukio-senpai was saying.
"I'm home! You here, Sorano?"
Akina heard something quietly, but couldn't make out what it was.
"Remember Izumitaki Akina, that happy girl I told you about? I can let her in if you want me to, and you two can talk to each other."
There was a brief silence.
"Okay, Akina! You can come in!"
She entered cautiously and said, "Okay! I really want to see this girl you told me about...!" in a cheerful voice. Turning around a corner, she saw Sorano and simply stopped dead in her tracks and stared. There was an angel in Yukio's house. An angel, sitting on the floor that appeared to have been crying recently.
"Don't be paralyzed, come over and say hi," Yukio said optimistically.
"H-Hello," Akina said bowing.
"...Hello..." the angel quietly replied.
Akina stared at Sorano for a second again, then cast a sideways glance at Yukio.
"...Is...Is she real?"
"Yup, she's real. Don't be too shocked, we don't want to offend her."
Akina looked back at the angel, then slowly stepped forward to her. She touched the feathers on her wings curiously, with a slightly scared and curious Sorano watching her every movement.
"...This... is an angel.... Awesome! Can you fly and stuff?"
"I'm... not sure," Sorano awkwardly said.
Yukio stepped forward. "Don't get ask too many questions, Akina. She doesn't remember or know very much of anything."
"Oh... I see... Say, how are you going to put on the school uniform if you have those big wings?"
Sorano just looked confused.
"I was going to see if I could cut out some of the back out of the top, but I'm not sure where yet," Yukio said.
"Well, first you going to need to take some measurements and find out how large her wings are, and where they join on her back, and the space in between each of her wings. After that, I can do the cutting and sewing if you need me to."
"Okay, I'll get the measuring tape again. ...You gotta be kidding me, I forgot where I put it already..."
Akina stepped toward the angel and crouched.
"Do you have a name?"
"...Yukio said I was going to be named... Wa-ta-na-be Sorano."
"Ah, that's a nice name. After we get your uniform on, want to go outside and play a little bit?"
"I can try... Thank you for being kind to me."
"No problem, it's my job!" Akina looked toward Yukio and asked, "You found it yet, Yukio-senpai?"
Yukio held up the tangled up heap of tape.
"Yup, and it's already tangled up."
"I can untangle it for you, Yukio-senpai!"
"Okay, I'll let you do that while I get out the uniform... I don't think I have any sewing material here, though. Could you go to your house and get your stuff, Akina?"
"Okay!" She skipped out the door, still untangling the measuring tape.
Sorano watched her leave, then looked toward Yukio.
"I think she likes you, Yukio."
"Oh, I know she does. She's liked me for a long time."
"Do you like her back?"
Yukio blushed slightly. "She's okay."
"So you two won't marry?"
"Probably not."
The two sat silently until Akina tapped on the front door and hopped in.
"Okay, I'm back! I have white thread, a needle, some buttons, and got the tape untangled," she chimed.
Skipping toward Sorano with the sewing material, she plopped down behind Sorano.
"Do you know how old you are?"
"...Yukio was going to find out for me."
"I think she's fifteen," Yukio said. "As far as I know she is, she was born I think in 1991."
"Hey, you're as old as me then!" she said while measuring Sorano's wings. "Your skin is so warm, you aren't sick are you?"
"I don't think I'm sick, I feel fine."
"That's good, then. Your hair is so thick and fine, it's awesome! I like the colors, too..."
"Thanks, Akina. Why are you nice to me, too?"
"Well, why should I be mean? If I was mean to you, then not only would I have no reason for it, but you would be sad, other people would dislike me, and anyone that may look up to me would either be sad or be mean as well."
"Then why do people be cruel and uncaring?"
"I'm not sure, it makes no sense to me to be like that. However, it's their life, they can live it however they like, as long as it doesn't mess up other people's lives! Ah, there we go... Yukio-senpai, you got the uniform out yet?"
Yukio handed the uniform's top to Akina, wanting to ask her if she knew what she was doing, but she seems skillful enough.
"...I'm glad I met you and Yukio. You two are nice and caring, more so than I've ever been..."
"No problem at all!" Akina replied. "I haven't heard much yet, but it sounds like you've had a rough life here, so far. While I'm fixing up the blouse, you can put the skirt on."
After thinking for a moment, Akina made a cut all the way through the middle of the back of the uniform's top, then cut out an ellipse where the wings would be. After that, she folded the cut edges inward and sewed it like that, to avoid torn edges. Then she sewed in four buttons, one at the top and bottom of the shirt, one under the ellipse, and one halfway between the one at the bottom of the shirt and ellipse, and made small incisions for the buttons to go through.
"Here, see if this works," she said handing the top to Sorano. She examined it briefly, then put her arms through the sleeves and had Akina button up the back.
"Is it comfy? Should I make more space for your wings?
"It fits very nicely... Thanks again, Akina."
"Sure, no problem. If you ever need anything else done to make it better, give me a call! Wanna go outside and play now?"
"You sound sad, Sorano," Akina said cheerfully while exiting with Sorano. "Why not smile and add a little more feeling to what you say?"
"More feeling...? Okay, I'll try!" she said with a smile.
"Okay! First off, let's see if you can fly. Having those wings wouldn't be too useful if you couldn't fly, so we need to train you so you can!"
Yukio sat on the front porch silently, watching intently on how Akina could naturally react so instantly and cheerfully upon seeing an angel. He himself had to prepare for a few days before could possibly handle it.
Sorano positioned herself in the middle of the empty street, barefoot on the asphalt, spreading her wings out as far as she could. She remained motionless for a minute or two, soaking up the sunlight. Her wings got noticeably wider while in the light, not a huge amount, but a foot or two at least.
"Okay, you ready Sorano?"
"Yeah, here I go!" she said as cheerfully as she possibly could.
Sorano crouched slightly, then launched herself upward while flapping her wings with large amounts of force. Despite all her efforts, she only managed to get ten or fifteen feet off the ground before she had to descend.
"Wow, that was amazing! How much higher can you go?"
"I'm not sure, I'll try again."
This time she backed up a little, then got a running start before jumping into the air again. She flew farther and ascended much higher, so much so she landed up on Yukio's roof. Akina was flipping out, jumping and shouting.
"WOW~!! This is sooo cool! You can go pick up groceries in just a few minutes! Oh, wow, this is so cool!!"
Sorano then ran across the top of the roof toward the edge near the street, and took off from there with a smile on her face. She flew around in the sky for a couple of minutes, then landed on the grass near Akina, happy but exhausted. Akina was beaming and praising Sorano for how well she flew, while Sorano said that it was nothing over and over. Yukio, however, remained silent but still in awe.
After five or so minutes had passed, Kane came biking up sweating all over and flabbergasted. After he saw Sorano, his jaw dropped even farther and his pupils shrunk.
"D-- Th-- J-- D--" was all he managed to get out.
Sorano smiled and waved. "Good afternoon!"
"Tha-- That's an-- an angel! And you guys are just sitting there!"
Akina let out a giggle. "Well, what did you expect us to be doing? We've already been introduced and spoken with each other for a while."
"And you never told me!?"
"Well, I just found out today..."
Sorano looked at Akina and asked, "Who is he?"
Kane immediately composed himself.
"My name is Shimizu Kane. These two people didn't tell you about one such as I?"
"No, I guess they didn't."
"...Hey, angel girl, you wanna fly some more? That was too cool for words!" he said charmingly.
"Akina, why is he acting so full of himself?"
Kane drooped his head.
"He's always like that, don't worry. It gets even worse when there are more girls around," she added with a wink.
"Jeez, Akina, you're always so mean to meee...!"
"Only because it's true~!" she said jokingly.
"You're making a bad impression of me on the angel girl...! What even is the angel girl's name...!?"
"My name is Sorano, pleased to meet you."
After hearing her name, Kane's head started hurting again. It wasn't as intense as it usually was, so he could act naturally without people noticing.
"...So let me get this straight. There's an angel sitting in your yard, and you're not getting the news over here?"
"Got that right, Kane-senpai! We don't want her embarassed, so we're gonna keep quiet about it until they find out themselves, which wouldn't be too much longer than usual. But at least she can warm up to life on earth this way~!"
"Oh, jeez, you people have no sense of fun..."
Yukio finally broke his silence and said with a raised voice, "No, we have a perfectly fine sense of fun, we just don't want her getting flooded with cameras and such."
"Well, I hate to be rude, but I need to leave now. I'll come back soon... but it's an angel, and they aren't amazed...! A girl angel!"
Sorano looked downward and smiled.
"I never thought I'd be so popular..." she said to herself.

* * * * * * * *

Shimizu Kameko, Kane's grandmother, was sitting quietly on a chair in her home, head full of thoughts.
"It's beginning..."

* * * * * * * *

Can't end it without some sort of cliffhanger, eh? ^_~
Sorry it's a little shorter than usual, I've been spending more time outside than I usually do and I've had less time to spend typing XD

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Broken in the Mirror on 2006-03-13 01:08:39
Reminds me alor of the manga WISH by CLAMP, but good job!

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-13 06:43:38
Next time I am around Casper the Friendly ghost I'm gonna watch my back, that guy can't be trusted.

Despite its shortness I liked that chapter alot.


No fight happened. Whats up with that? I was expecting a fight to the death between Yukio and Kanaye.

I haven't seen Wish.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by on 2006-03-19 09:54:58
hey hey!! ^_^
This story looks GREAT! keep up the good work!!
bye for now!!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-19 19:38:11 (edited 2006-08-29 20:49:07)
Bwahahaha... Slightly 13+ after a while, but nothing too serious... ^_^;


Shimizu Kameko, Kane's grandmother, was sitting quietly on a chair in her home, head full of thoughts.
"It's beginning..."

Chapter VII: Secrets

Sorano calmly watched Kane bike off, then got a hard but friendly smack on the back from Akina.
"This is so cool! This is so freaking cool!" Akina kept saying over and over. Yukio had a warm-up of a few days, and his mind was still a little out of it, yet Akina was aware of Sorano for less than a day and saw her fly, and she was simply happy and looking at the bright side of things. How did she manage to do it?
"Akina, my back hurts...! Quit hitting it so hard...!"
"Okay, okay... Honestly, you are sooo lucky! I'd give anything to fly like that!"
"....You really think so?"
"Yeah, of course! You can fly! I'd spend all day flying if I could. I'd fly to the store, to Yukio-senpai's house, back home, get a book, and read the book while I'm flying...!"
"Wings aren't all good..." Sorano said quietly.
"Hmmm? What was that~?"
"Well, whatever. It's gonna be a little crowded in school, with your wings. I wonder if we can find a way to fix that...? It's not like we can fold them up into neat little boxes or anything."
"They'll shrink if they're not exposed to sunlight a little... but not too much. You probably saw that after I came outside."
"Yeah, I noticed it. But still, even after they're small, they're like eight feet across. That's a lot of space... of course, you don't walk around with them spread straight out, they're sort of folded behind your back..."
"I think I can deal with it... I'm just worried about how others think of my wings."
"You'll be met with sarcasm and hate," Yukio simply said. "People will think that either you're faking it or that you're too lucky to have wings. There will be some that love you for it as well."
Sorano reddened slightly. "You mean they'd accept me?"
"Yeah, they might. However, most won't at first."
This comment merely confused Sorano. "But didn't the people from the hospital just leave me with you?"
"Yeah, and that was a stupid thing to do. For all they knew, I was someone who'd kill you. Luckily for everyone, I don't do that, as you can probably see by now."
Sorano just looked embarassed and frightened from this entire conversation. Noticing the serious atmosphere looming around, Akina tried to lighten things up.
"When you get to school, I'll show you around and introduce you to other some people I know, okay~?"
"Yes, I'd like that. Thanks again, Akina."
"Sure, no problem. I think I have to be getting home soon, so I'm gonna leave now and get a head start on stuff. See ya tomorrow, Sorano and Senpai!"
The two waved Akina off, then watched her skip off to home.
"Here, I'll give you a little heads-up on what we've been learning at school and who teaches what and stuff, okay?"
"Okay, Yukio. You and Akina are too nice to me..."
"We're not nice enough. We should be even nicer, because you've gone through a lot coming here, and we need to make sure you enjoy your time here."
"...You don't have to, you choose to."
"Yeah, and doesn't that make you happy? People that don't even know you are willing to go out of their way to make you happy."
"It makes me feel uncomfortable...."
"I can see that... However, shouldn't you embrace it? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad; think of the people in third-world countries that are starving."
"That's why I don't like it... I have happiness when others need it more than I do..."
"It's not like you can give others your own happiness, you know. So why not embrace it?"
Sorano was offended by Yukio's thick headedness. "Because it's selfish! You're only caring for people close to you, not others that need it more! And before you say that you can't give others your own happiness, have you ever tried!? Before you give up, give it a chance; otherwise we'll never know what doing it could bring! If you have too much in your life, then give back to other's lives! Make everyone's days brighter, not just yours and your friends!"
"How can I make others happier? I can't just say 'Everyone be happy!' and have the world be perfect."
"The world is never going to be perfect, and there's nothing we can do to change that, but there's lots of things you can do! Aren't there some ways to give money to poor people? Can't you see someone crying, and then help them be happy again? If someone says that they are troubled with something, can't you at least listen to their problems?"
"What do you expect me to do!? I'm not Superman, flying around and saving everyone's lives!"
Sorano let out a short gasp and covered her mouth.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let all that out on you like that... It's just everyone acts like everything is fine, and when something bad happens they act like can't do anything about it... I'm sorry, I'm being so mean to you and you are so nice to me...!"
Yukio wanted to yell at her at the top of his lungs for being so self-centered, but then he remembered Akina saying to help those in need and Sorano saying that it's possible to help others, add that to the fact that Sorano was clearly troubled with something, he'd give it a shot.
"...What's wrong? Something's clearly not fine with you, you're always sad."
"...Nothing, nothing's wrong, I'm fine...!"
"And now who's being self-centered? You've made it clear that you're not happy, and you just said that people should help those in need, and you're not telling me what's wrong."
"I... I just don't want you to worry about me, you're already being so nice to me, I shouldn't ask for more..."
"Well, I'm already worrying, so doesn't that defeat the purpose?"
"...But, but Yukio..."
"Just tell me, Sorano. You wouldn't want to be a hypocrite, would you?"
Sorano was quiet for a moment, then conjured up enough courage to speak.
"...Yukio, Akina loves you right?"
"Yeah, she does."
"And you don't love her back...?"
"Go on..."
"Isn't that cruel and heartless? Akina will be devastated and she'll be unhappy for a long time..."
"Yes, but if I told her I liked her, that brings up a question: Which is better? A fake happiness or a cruel reality?"
"...I see... Yukio, do you... like anyone else?"
"And why do you wanna know?"
"...Is that why you don't love Akina? Because you like someone else?"

* * * * * * * *

Kane was nearly home when he saw Kanaye ahead. He had to make a good impression on him, because first impressions are the most influencing, so he called out to him.
Turning his head slowly toward Kane, Kanaye spoke slowly.
"Hello, Kane-senpai."
"Nice weather today, eh?"
"The weather? Yes, it is nice."
"What'cha out doing today?"
"Just being outside, soaking up some sun."
"...Soaking up sun? That's an odd thing to do."
"It's better than fantasizing about making love with an angel," he said with a wink.
Kane's head began hurting in the same spot it was before, though only mildly.
"T-- G-- W-- I'd never do that! W-- Why do you think that?"
"I was thinking of it because you were thinking of it."
"If you can guess what I'm thinking, then I'll believe that you know what I'm thinking! So, take a guess!"
"Right now you're thinking that I must be an idiot for not realizing that what you said before tells me that you were thinking of making love with an angel. And now you're thinking that you're gonna change what you were thinking so that I'd be wrong."
"K-- St-- J-- How did you know!?"
"A little birdy told me."
"You know, acting like that is only gonna make you end up alone."
"Gifts are meant to be used."
"You're a mean person, aren't you?"
"No, I'm not mean. People are just scared of me because I can tell their thoughts. Most people would have run off by now, yet you are calm and accepting this."
"I'm accepting it because--"
"Because weird things happen to you all the time, I know."
Hearing that increased the pain in Kane's head, enough so that it was bearable, but it was hard to hide it.
"I don't even need to be in this conversation, huh?"
"Conversations are rather useless unless useable information is transferred."
"So I'm not needed then?"
"Two people are needed for a conversation."
"You count as two," Kane said and stuck out his tongue.
"Only because I know your thoughts."
"So can I leave since I'm not a part of the conversation that's heading absolutely nowhere?"
"If you wish."
"I don't wish to, I want to."
"It implies the same meaning."
"Wow, you sound smart."
"I sound smart because I am."
"Not only are you mean, you also know how to really tick people off."
"I know everything."
"Okay, now I think I'm gonna leave..."
"Because you think that I'm an idiot--"
"Yeah, yeah, you know. Seriously, see ya later!!"
With that, Kane biked off as fast as he could.
"Humans are so ignorant. If you have a gift, you should exploit it fully and make as much use of it as you can. Otherwise, it's a waste to have it. If I wanted to, I could be the most popular person at school because I know exactly what to say and when. If I waned to, I could make all the girls in the entire world ignore everyone but me. If I wanted to, I could do anything I ever wished. I know everything, everything you could ever think of... everything but a few things. Why do I know everything? Who pushed Yukio? And how much longer is it until...?"

* * * * * * * *

Akina was so happy that she had met Sorano, Sorano seemed to enjoy her and that would mean that her life would be more enjoyable. Sorano had nothing, only one pair of clothes, and no material possessions beyond that. Literally all she had were the clothes on her body, nothing else, yet she was happy. That was simply astounding. Akina herself was having trouble being happy and optimistic, and she had infinitely more than Sorano did. That's the stuff that creates jealousy...
Passing by an alley, she heard a cat meowing. It was a wretchedly thin cat laying on its side in the middle of the alley, moving its legs slowly and letting out a quiet meow from time to time. It was nearly all black, except little splotches of grey here and there. The fur on it was anything but fine and smooth; it was rough and stuck out wherever it felt. She dashed off to the nearest grocery store, which was not far away at all, picked up the smallest bag of cat food she could, and ran back to the alley. The cat was still there, laying on its side helplessly.
Akina stepped up to the cat and put some food in front of its mouth and petted its head. The cat found enough energy to chew the food, bite by bite, and Akina was going to stay there and watch over it until it had eaten enough food to walk, if it could walk at all. She stayed there, petting the cat slowly and putting food near its head, listening to it purr and watching it devour as much food as it could cram into its stomach.
"You remind me of someone I used to know," She quietly told the stray. "Bairei. He was my twin brother... I hated him. No matter what I did, he was better than me. I hated everything about him... I yelled at him, I cursed at him, I broke his things... I remember one time, my family was out camping, and my mom said we had to go get some wood for a fire... While we were out, he was finding more sticks than me. So I beat him. I grabbed a big, thick stick and clubbed him. Over and over and over, until after a while he stopped moving... I ran off... and after a day or two of living out in the forest and nearly starving to death, someone found me. It was who I now call my dad... I've been living with them ever since... the way my brother was lying on the ground, bleeding and hardly moving... it looked like you do now. I've never missed my family so much... I'd give anything to meet my brother again, and tell him I'm sorry... and say sorry to my mom and dad, I never said goodbye to them. I'd tell my mom that I was the one that took some money from her purse, I'd tell my dad that I'm sorry for hitting him, and I'd beg for forgiveness in front of my brother... I don't think he's even alive... It's been nine years since then, I wonder how much pain my parents are going through... They'd probably want me dead if they found out who killed Bairei... And the saddest part of all this is that the only person in the whole world I can tell is a cat."
Suddenly she felt a hand reach around from her right and cover her mouth, while another hand from her left showed a serrated knife to her face. She wanted to kick the person, who she assumed to be male, below the belt and run. But with a knife and how strong his grip was, it'd only get her into the underworld sooner.
He took her into a building through a door in the alley, and into a dusty room that was empty except for an old wooden bed and a wooden chair in the corner. Nearly everything was made out of wood in the room, except the mattress on the bed and the light bulb sticking out of the ceiling. He threw her roughly on to the bed, and whenever she'd try to fight him off he'd bring the knife right up to her neck. He was wearing a ski mask, so she couldn't see his face, and he pulled out some duct tape from inside his coat that he was wearing. After covering her mouth with four or five rounds of tape all the way around her head, he then taped her limbs to the posts sticking up from the corners of the bed. Akina was screaming as loud as she could, but she couldn't raise enough noise to attract attention with all the tape over her mouth, and she couldn't fight him off even if he didn't have a knife, so there was nothing she could do but protest through the duct tape covering her mouth and hope her tears would loosen the tape. Then he threw the knife away toward the corner of the room near the door, took off Akina's shoes and socks, and began feeling her legs. Then he started licking her face like an animal, and slowly felt and groped up her leg. Akina was screaming as loud as she could from behind the duct tape and tears were streaming down her face. He kept on feeling up higher, and higher, and higher, then when he nearly reached the end of her legs he removed his hand and moved to the task of removing her shirt.
Without warning, something exploded behind the man's head in showers of wood. He fell to the ground, and Yukio was standing behind him with half of a wooden chair. Yukio then grabbed the knife and bashed the man's head with the handle, and cut Akina out of the bed who was crying harder than she ever thought she could.
"Yukio-senpai...! Yukio-senpai...!" was all Akina could crying into Yukio's shirt. All Yukio did was simply hold her and let her cry, taking a glance every once in a while to make sure that the rapist was unconscious, and after Akina cried for close to a half-hour he carried her outside.
"Yukio-senpai... where's the cat?" Akina asked in between hiccups.
"I don't see one, but why do you care about a cat?"
"...The cat's gone..."
"Why do you care about a cat, Akina?"
"...Senpai, thanks for saving me..."
"Don't tell me, tell Sorano. She's the one that told me that you were in trouble."
"How did she know...?"
"I'm not sure, she just said that something wasn't right with you."
"...Where is she?"
"She said she had to thank someone, and that she'd be waiting back at home."
"...I owe both you and her more than I can ever pay... Thanks, Senpai...!"
"No, I still owe you more, Akina. I don't know how long it'll be until I can repay you fully..."
Yukio slowly and carefully let go of Akina, letting her slide down until she was standing on the ground unsteadily. Then Yukio and Akina headed to the grocery store from which Akina got the cat food and got a phone to call the police with.

* * * * * * * *

Sorano was worried, Yukio had been gone for nearly 2 hours... however, she said she'd be at home waiting for him, so she had to stay... But what if Akina had been killed? Or there was a car crash and Akina was caught up in it?
Then Yukio came through the door with Akina holding his arm and tears in her eyes.
"Akina, are you okay? What happened?" Sorano asked with relief.
"I-I'd rather not talk about it..."
"Are you sure?"
"Not yet, at least... maybe sometime later."
Sorano sat down on the floor, and Yukio was trying to help Akina get comfortable again.
"What do you wanna do? Go home?"
"I... I want to stay with you... I don't want to go home."
"Unfortunately, you need to go home sometime. You can't stay here forever."
"But... Please, Senpai..."
"I'll let you stay here for a while, but your parents are probably getting worried around now. You were supposed to be home two hours ago."
Tears welled up in her eyes again, and slowly rolled down her cheeks.
"Sorano and I'll walk home with you, okay? That way you can be safe."
"O-Okay... I want to take a shower..."
"The sooner you get home, the sooner you can do that. Wanna go now?"
"...If you two are with me, okay."
Sorano was still confused, but happily obliged to accompany them.
"...Thanks Sorano, for telling Yukio about me... how did you know?"
"...I just got a feeling that something was wrong."
"However you did it, thanks... No matter how many times I say thanks, that can't express my gratitude, and to you too, Yukio-senpai."
After a brief silence, Yukio began telling Sorano about school before he forgot, and what to do and what not to do, so that's she'd have some preparation before she got there. Then after Akina was inside her house, Sorano asked what happened.
"Someone tried to... rape her. If I didn't get there when I did, she'd be even more humiliated and dejected than she is now."
"...Does this happen frequently?"
"It happens a lot nowadays, but I never thought that someone I knew would be a victim. Akina is... not the strongest when she's alone."
"I don't understand..."
"When Akina is alone, she isn't as strong, physically or mentally, than she is when others are around. I've seen her when she's alone, she's almost always sad until someone talks to her."
"She finds strength in others?"
"Yeah, not only that, but she's a real good motivator, so she's really good to have around, for others and herself."
"...She's not telling us something."
"What's that sudden question about?"
"She has a secret, one that she won't tell anyone..."
"How do you know?"
"Someone told me."
"...The only one she could tell, someone that she saved today."

* * * * * * * *

Argh... this one's a little short too... *wants more free time XD*

Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-03-20 01:10:33
wai^^ i read chapter 6 and 7 in one day^^
*jumps around in joy*
it's short?doesn't looked like it :/
man i wish i can read people's mine like kanaye T_T than the exams would be a breeze O|¯|_

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Re: Tenshizumi (Chappie 12~~)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-26 23:00:04 (edited 2006-08-29 20:55:57)
Izumitaki Sumie
Sex: female
Age: 37
Eyes: yellow
Hair: black, in a ponytail similar to Akina's, no bangs
Personality: Eager to help, usually concerned about something

Izumitaki Noburo
Sex: male
Age: 45
Eyes: blue
Hair: gray-ish brown, combed backwards
Personality: Usually careless, totally unstrict

"Someone told me."
"...The only one she could tell, someone that she saved today."

Chapter VIII: Death and Decay

Akina slowly opened the door to her room, made sure no one was in, then sat down on the side of her bed. Her mother came in, startling Akina.
"Akina, when did you get home? I didn't hear you come in, and you're late!"
"...Mom... If Yukio-senpai wasn't there... I could be..." Akina said, tears filling up her eyes.
"Akina, what happened?"
"...Someone... tried to..."
"Akina, tell me what happened. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong."
"Someone tried to rape me!" Akina said bursting into tears. "I can still feel his spit on my face! If... If Yukio-senpai wasn't there...!"
"...I can't believe this. Do you know who it was?"
"The police will call after they find out... Oh, mom, I'm so scared...!"
Sumie put her hand on Akina's shoulder.
"...What do you want to eat for dinner? I'll get you anything you want."
"...I'm not hungry..."
"Anything you want to do?"
"....I don't know... I'm so confused right now..."
"There must be something you want, something I can do. I can stand seeing you like this, Akina."
"...I want to be with Yukio-senpai..."
"I'll call him over, okay?"
"He's still walking home, I think... He walked me home..."
"I'll call every fifteen minutes until he picks up, in case the police call. Anything else?"
"...I want to take a shower..."
"Go ahead, I'll be making dinner and calling Watanabe for you."
"...Thanks, mom."
Sumie left to do what she said she would do, and Akina headed to the shower. Noburo was at the table reading a newspaper, noticed the worried look on Sumie's face, and tried to take her mind off it.
"So what's up with you?
"Akina... was nearly raped. She would have been if her classmate didn't save her."
"What classmate?"
"Watanabe, the one she has a crush on."
"Ah, that's good."
A flash of lightning whitened the room, quickly followed by a roaring thunderclap that shook the house.
"This isn't good at all! She was nearly raped, for crying out loud! Didn't you hear me!?"
"I heard you fine, but if there's any DNA of his on Akina then we've got him, he'll go to jail, and Akina will like Watanabe even more."
"Things aren't always that simple, you know!"
"Well, we shouldn't worry too much about it because there's nothing we can do about it besides call the police."
"Akina's already done that."
"Then there's nothing for us to do."
"Yes, there is!"
"Like what?"
"...I don't know, but I can't leave things like this. There has to be something for us to do!"
Noburo picked up his newspaper and started reading it non-chalantly.
"If you're not busy, would you make dinner for me then? I need to call Watanabe and get him over here."
"Okay, I'll just get some takeout."
"I don't care what you do, but make sure that Akina likes it."
Sumie picked up the phone and speed-dialed Yukio, who didn't pick up the phone. Since he was probably out walking home still, then maybe she could go pick him up.
"I'll be right back, Noburo, so you won't be able to get the takeout yet."
Noburo let out a "Mm-hmm" and continued reading.
Sumie hopped in the car and drove down the street, keeping a close eye on the sidewalk. All the way to Yukio's house she never saw him, so she hopped out at his house and rang the doorbell.
No answer.
Without a clue as to where he'd be at this time, or any other time, she drove back home and informed Akina about what happened and asked about any place he might be.
"...I can't think of any," she called out from the shower.
"Okay then, I'll just keep on calling him. Let me know of anything else you need!"
"..All right, thanks mom."
Sumie went back to the phone, sat on a chair, and waited impatiently for the fifteen minutes to pass. She had nothing else to do, so that was all she did, wait and call. After for what seemd like an eternity, she looked at the clock. Two minutes had passed. She waited for a long time before a short fifteen minutes had passed, then she called
again, and received no answer again. Then Noburo came home with dinner, Sumie informed Akina, ate her portion, and waited back at the phone.
Another fifteen minutes passed; no answer again.
Then yet another fifteen minutes. Still no answer.
After ten minutes, Akina came down in a towel. Sumie told her that she hadn't reached Yukio yet, and she'd keep on trying. Akina nodded, reheated her dinner, then walked to her room and ate it in there.
Then five more minutes passed before she called again, still receiving no answer. Another fifteen minutes, no answer, then another fifteen minutes, and another, and another. Finally after nearly two and a half hours, Yukio was home.
"...Yeah, that's me."
"Akina told me what happened. I want to thank you for helping her... you have no idea how grateful she is to you."
"Not to be rude, but what do you need me for? I'm a little busy right now."
"Akina said she wants you over. She doesn't feel safe unless you're with her."
"...You think she can wait for a while? I'll get there after I finish up here."
"Okay, I'll let her know. How long will you be?"
"I'm not sure... not anytime soon, maybe an hour."
"...Okay, I'll let her know. Get here as soon as you can, okay?"
"Gotcha. See ya when I get there."
"...Hurry, please. It's for Akina."
"I know, I know, and the longer we talk the longer it'll be until I can get there. See you soon."
"...Get here quickly," Sumie said into the phone, even though Yukio had hung up after he finished his sentence.
She got up and knocked on Akina's door.
"I finally got got Yukio, he said he'd be here later..."
Akina's voice finally had a spark of hope in it.
"He will?"
"...Maybe an hour later."
Akina didn't say anything for a moment, then forced out, in a voice that showed she was sad but trying to sound fine, a quiet "...Okay."
Sumie started walking away from the door, then stopped when she heard Akina crying. Letting out a sigh, she quietly continued to the kitchen for some more food.

* * * * * * * *

An annoyed Yukio was walking home with a taciturn Sorano, who didn't want to tell Yukio anything about what she heard.
"So...? That's not a good answer, Sorano, who was it?"
"...I can't say."
"Why not? Seriously, what's going on?"
"...Did Akina mention anything about a cat?"
"Yeah, she said it was gone. You guys are too quiet, you aren't telling me anything!"
Sorano hesitated for a moment, and said "The cat told me."
"...A cat? You can talk to cats?"
"No, I can't talk to cats. I can't talk to any living things except humans."
"And now you're contradicting yourself! C'mon, this isn't fair! Tell me!"
"...Some matters are better left unsaid. I'll talk to Akina about it, maybe..."
"How come you can't tell me? This sounds serious... and you aren't telling me..."
"...I'll tell you why I couldn't tell you later, but not now. Just drop it, Yukio..."
"Okay, fine. You think you can handle school tomorrow?"
"Yes, I think I can. It'll help if I can go with Akina."
"I'm not sure if she'll be in tomorrow with... what happened earlier."
"Akina seems strong, she can make it."
"...I'm not so sure... that can really be traumatizing for someone to go through."
"...I can see why."
Dark clouds covered the sky. It was sunny earlier in the day when Sorano took flight, but in the last few hours it had gotten dark and windy. Lightning could be seen a way off, and would soon be followed by a rumble or a clap after a few seconds.
Sorano looked very nervous and scared.
"What's going on...?" she managed to get out.
"You don't have lightning from where you came from?"
"...I don't know... but the noise and flashes scare me..."
"Lightning happens occaisonally when there's a storm. It's a big surge of electricity five times hotter than the surface of the sun. It can be really loud, too."
"...How loud?"
"Deafening. You can feel the rumble of the noise because it's so loud."
"...Will it hit us?"
"No, not usually. People are struck by lightning extremely rarely, so I wouldn't worry about it."
A light drizzle began covering everything with an annoyingly small but noticeable amount of water.
"...It's wet? Water is falling?"
"You don't have rain, either? It's when the clouds pick up enough water that it can't hold it all, so it falls down here."
"...I know of clouds, but not rain. This is strange..."
"Maybe your clouds never got enough vapor in them to make rain."
"I don't know... Maybe... or maybe I just learned of--"
Sorano was cut off by a blinding flash and painstakingly loud thunder clap. She quickly put her hands over her ears and hunched down on the sidewalk in fear. Yukio bent down, hardly phased by the lightning, and grabbed Sorano's hand and pulled her up to her feet.
"Yukio... That was loud..."
"Yup, just like I said."
"...It was loud."
"Yeah, it was loud, like you and I both said," Yukio said with an annoyed tone.
Sorano stopped and look across the street to an empty warehouse. Yukio looked at the warehouse as well after he noticed Sorano stopped.
"That thing has been there too long, no one's using it and it's decreasing the worth of the homes around here."
"...I don't like that place...Something about it is frightening."
Yukio had been inside of it before, and nothing about it was scary at all. It was actually fun playing with all the stuff inside of it.
"There's nothing scary about it at all. Wanna go inside and look?"
Sorano pressed herself against Yukio's side and simply stared at the warehouse more.
"Okay then, Sorano, let's go. It'll be dry in there, too."
After making sure no cars were coming through the street, they ran across the street and through the door of the warehouse. Every sound they made a small echo
resounding from the high ceiling and far walls. There was only one room in the whole place, and there was a platform that went around the sides of the wall with no railing. Everything was either black or grey, and without very much outside light it was dark. Old equipment was lying around all over the place, some of it just heaps of metal and some of it lawn mowers and such. There were a few hooks dangling from the ceiling, attached by chains.
"I never learned what they were storing here, or why they put it here, or why the heck they never bulldozed the place. It seems like a waste of space to me."
Sorano just stood nervously near Yukio without saying anything, making quick glances left and right to make sure nothing was coming.
"C'mon, let's go climb up tht huge pile of rubble over there," Yukio said pointing to a pile of old metal rods and boxes.
"N... No... I want to leave."
"Don't be scared, there's nothing that'll hurt you in here."
"...It's so dark... something's here..."
Yukio looked around, and couldn't make out anything living or threatening in the darkness.
"Sorano, there's nothing here, don't worry. You'll be fine."
A tear slowly rolled down Sorano's cheek, and she quietly said, "Yukio...! I want to leave...!"
"Okay, we'll leave in a sec, I want to play around here for a little bit first," he said while heading to the pile of rods and boxes he wanted to climb up before. After clambering up to the top with little trouble, he stood up and looked toward Sorano.
"You wanna climb--"
Sorano wasn't there. Only white feathers remained on the ground where she used to be.
Yukio listened intently for any reply, but all he could hear was the rain landing on the roof of the warehouse. Then something metal fell to the floor behind him. Darting around, he could see a pipe rolling on the floor, but nothing else. Then he saw something dark scurry around from the corner of his eye, but he lost sight of it after less than a second. A chain hanging from the ceiling was hit, and started swaying back and forth. Something was here, Sorano was right. Something was here, and it didn't want to make its presence known. It made some sort of trilling noise, and he saw it scurry to the opposite side of the room. Yukio jumped off the pile and grabbed a metal pole to use
for defense. Since it was round at the end, it wouldn't make too much of a weapon, so he pounded the end on the ground until it was flat and the corners were sharp. The thing made another trill-like noise, but more aggressive, and Yukio couldn't see it and with the echo he couldn't tell where it was. He then discarded the pole and crawled through an opening that led inside the heap he was on before, and hid inside quietly. He could hear something pattering around, and it would start banging at the pile he was hiding beneath from time to time, probably trying to find him, and after three or four smacks it'd run around the pile and dart off into the shadows again. Yukio couldn't stay where he was for long, pretty soon whatever this thing was would get an opening and do who knows what to Yukio. He slid back near the way he got in, and waited for this thing to come back. As soon as it came and left again, he'd make his way in the opposite direction of where it left, and see if he could make his way out of a window, or, hopefully, out the door.
He waited for what seemed like an eternity, and nothing made a sound except the rain. As quietly as he could, he took off his left shoe and threw it out the opening toward the metal pole that fell down earlier. The shoe hit the pole, and the pole rolled around a little. It wasn't really loud, but it could have easily been heard from anywhere inside the warehouse. Nothing came or made a sound. With the decision that he was going to make a break for it, he adjusted his position to make the least sound when he left. When he put his right hand on the floor, he felt something soft and cold. It was a human's torso, lying there for who knows how long or why, surrounded by blood. Its head, left hand, and a portion of its side were missing, and from the color and dehydration of the blood, it had been there for a while. Strangely, no insects were in it.
Yukio could feel his heart beating faster and panic was edging up on him, despite his will to remain calm. He was in a small area with a half-eaten body, and outside in the dark, whether it was still here or not, was something that had taken Sorano and had probably done the eating of the person. And if it could eat the person in here, then that means it could get in...
A swift exit would be best. He'd slide the rest of the way out of the rubble, then make a break for the exit. Then he noticed he could hear something. Some sort of muffled noise... and upon closer listening, he realized it sounded like muffled screaming. Without taking a moment to think or look, Yukio got out of the rubble and listened for the direction of the screaming. It was coming from the ceiling... and on the ceiling was some sort of wriggling cocoon. He removed his other shoe and both his socks, jumped up and grabbed hold of the lowest chain, and pulled his way up. By the time he had made it up to the ceiling, he was nearly out of energy, so he pulled himself on a support beam for the ceiling and lay there to catch his breath for a second, then climbed across the web of support beams to the cocoon. It was hanging from a thin web of some sort, and it was strong enough to hold up the cocoon's weight and Yukio's. Trying to rip open the cocoon wasn't working, and the web was too strong at the connecting point to rip, so he tried biting it. And it worked. It worked surprisingly well, and the cocoon fell from the ceiling. It would've landed on the floor, but Yukio caught it and pulled himself back to the chain. Once there, he tied what was left of the webbing at the top to the chain, and let the cocoon slide down the rope to be caught by the hook at the bottom. He then slid down himself, but didn't stop at the hook; he pushed himself away from the chain and dropped the few feet to the floor. And since biting worked well at the top, why not on the rest of the cocoon? Making an attempt to bite to the cocoon, he realized it was saliva that did the corroding, not his teeth, so he spat over and over again in a small area at the middle until he could push his finger through the hole. A hand grabbed his finger, and by the way the hand felt the person inside was upside down, so he spat at the bottom of the cocoon and stuck in his finger again. He felt something warm and wet, and something solid inside of that; it was a mouth, and he could see some dark hair inside that resembled Sorano's. Now that she had some oxygen, he untied the cocoon from the hook and carried her back outside, across the street, and towards home. As sick as he was of saving people, he still enjoyed it.

* * * * * * * *

When Yukio got home, his phone was ringing. He laid Sorano down on the floor gently, then answered the phone.
"...Yeah, that's me."
"Akina told me what happened. I want to thank you for helping her... you have no idea how grateful she is to you."
"Not to be rude, but what do you need me for? I'm a little busy right now."
"Akina said she wants you over. She doesn't feel safe unless you're with her."
"...You think she can wait for a while? I'll get there after I finish up here."
"Okay, I'll let her know. How long will you be?"
"I'm not sure... not anytime soon, maybe an hour."
"...Okay, I'll let her know. Get here as soon as you can, okay?"
"Gotcha. See ya when I get there."
"...Hurry, please. It's for Akina."
"I know, I know, and the longer we talk the longer it'll be until I can get there. See you soon."
Yukio hung up. He regretted being so rude, but he had to get Sorano out of this cocoon. With a knife, he made a cut at the hole near Sorano's head, and slowly made a cut up to the top. After many minutes of cutting, he finally made his way halfway up the tough cocoon. He reached down and picked up Sorano from her shoulders, and it looked like she fainted, either from fright or from relief. He pulled her out, and pulled off as much webbing as he could from Sorano's hair and clothes. She was still alive; she still had a pulse, and that was all Yukio needed. Then he made some dinner for himself, left out some for Sorano covered in plastic wrap, left a note saying he was at Akina's, and set out through the rain. The wind was rough, and with the freezing rain it was difficult to make it through, but he made it to Akina's house. He spent nearly forty minutes at home, then the long walk to Akina's took ten or fifteen minutes, so he managed to get there a little bit early. He was cold, wet, and tired, but he made it. He reached for the doorbell, but Sumie opened the door before he pressed it.
"Watanabe! Get inside before you catch a cold!"
Yukio stepped in humbly.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Is Akina still here?"
"She's asleep right now," Sumie said shutting the door and head to the bathroom for a towel. "You should have called me and had me pick you up! You're soaking wet!"
"It's nothing. If Akina's asleep, I'll head back home. Sorry to bother you, Izumitaki-san."
"At least let me give you a ride back home."
"No, I'll be fine. See ya later, and tell Akina I was here."
Yukio turned around and opened the door, but was stopped by Akina who came around the corner.
Sumie jumped when she heard Akina's quiet voice. "Akina! I thought you were asleep, so I didn't get you!"
"It's fine, don't worry..."
Yukio shut the door and looked up at Akina.
"You sound better, that's good."
"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be okay..."
There was a brief silence, then Sumie looked at both of them, who were looking at her, then she said, "Oh, well, I need to be doing something... Where was that book I had...?"
After she left, Akina ran to the bathroom for a towel like her mom did before Yukio stopped her.
"Here you go... you're awfully wet..."
"Nah, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you than anyone else, right now."
"...You don't need to worry about me, Yukio-senpai. I'm not... enough to be worried about."
"Who said that? You're tied at the top of my worry list, right beside Sorano."
"Yeah. Your mom said that you felt uneasy, so I came by to make sure you were fine."
"...You did? For me...? Senpai..."
"I can't stay here for too long, so I'm mainly letting you know that I'm thinking about you. If you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me."
"...Why do you have to leave?"
"'s rather complicated. I'll tell you when I have more time. And here's your towel back, thanks for letting me use it."
"Thanks for coming, Yukio. How long can you stay?"
"A few minutes, not too long."
"...You can't stay any longer?"
"Nah, I have to make sure everything at home is okay."
"...Will you at least come with me to my room? It's... safer in there."
"Yeah, I can do that for ya."
Yukio followed Akina to her room, where she layed on her bed, curled up in her pink blanket, and Yukio sat in a chair.
"Feel better in here?"
"...Yes, it's better."
Akina's room was rather flashy; it had blue, thick carpet, a dresser with an elliptical mirror, her bed was in the corner near the window, and a desk for doing homework,
and a bookshelf near the desk.
"Cozy place you have, I've never been in here before, in all the years we've known each other."
"...It's nothing much..."
Suddenly, the lights went out. Something dark ran across Akina's window from outside, and a familiar trilling sound was heard.
"Remember how I said I had to be home? That's why."

* * * * * * * *

Another cliffhanger... Bwahahaha...

Edit: NOOO! Four seconds late!! *cries head off*

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