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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 01:01:00
aaawww,, too bad... I hate it when that happens >.<

I see, I missed voting... but it's ok since I was planning to vote for Mata Ashita...
btw, congrats for making it to the finals!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 01:42:02
@Neon:: Thanks!! Do you have any comments as to how we should spilt the song?

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 09:10:39
Engel: I'm going to look for a song with a lot of harmoniess yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hehehe

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 20:15:49
Yay to Pame!!! But please find one that is easy to sing or it'll take me forever to learn the song... I dun wanna do 65 (or was it 68) takes like without you did for his eyes on me!!!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 21:58:19
@Pame: ahaha~ yesH ^^

@Engel: loLzZ~ xDD

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-17 22:06:20
*raise hand* I wanna sing Mata Ashita (coz my voice can really handle Hare Hare Yukai right now and I don't know what does Hey! Say! sound liek)!

So yea, I suggest the members pick what song they want to sing. xD

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 02:26:50
@Rixena:: You can listen to Hey!Say! here !
And this shows that there are ppl who vote before listening to all the entries but oh well... the songs that won are good songs!!

For Mata Ashita... we'll have to wait for a score (thanks to mystuhmusic) and then for instrument players (I recommand Rei, Without you, Shinta and whoever can play an instrument and mystuhmusic if he isn't too busy) to make the Karaoke ver for us~

So 1 (rixena) prefers the song to be chose by members... any other ideas/preferences?

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 09:22:30
I also agree with the members choosing their songs...

And a vocal coach to divide the lyrics so the voices sound matching and good

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Erkun on 2007-09-18 09:41:46
woah ver 2....!?!


Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 15:27:42
I wanna sing mata ashita~

@ Engel: 60+ O_____O that is serious devoution, omg O____O

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 17:33:19
Yeah, members should be able to choose ^^

I'd rather sing Mata Ashita! Or Hare Hare Yukai :P

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 18:10:31 (edited 2007-09-24 18:29:27)
Hmm... since most members have agree to singing the song they choose...
Lets go with the flow then.


Now that the KC theme songs voting have ended, the next step will be for the KC Members to take part in the songs!

Please choose 1 song from the following list by September 31st October 15th (extended).

Hare Hare Yukai
Mata Ashita

If a particular song ends up with overwelming results (meaning we have max the song's ability to capture the max number of ppl), the members who decided last will have to choose again from the remaining songs. Meaning this will be purely on a first come first serve basis.

Please also take note for those who choose Mata Ashita, the recording will begin later as a score and the instrumental needs to first be created. As there has yet to be any news on a Karaoke ver of Hey!say!, recording of that song will have to wait too.

KC Members can post the song they wanna sing here or drop me a PM. A mail will also be sent from to all existing members at a later date, incase some members who are not visiting this thread miss out on this event.


@Pame, Without You & Shinta:: You guys might wanna start dividing the lyrics to see how many members each song can fit.

Can you play an instrument?! We need you!
Mata Ashita, one of the 3 voted KC theme song has yet to have a Karaoke ver. And we need you to make one! (Once the score is out)
Please help us!!

Also... are you good with making Karaoke versions with Audacity or other similar programs? Help us!! in making a Karaoke ver of Hey!Say! and Mata Ashita (I gave up on this becoz previously Yinzhao says she tried to make one but it was bad... but perhaps with other programs it can be good... won't know till we try!)
Please help us!!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 18:16:36
Wow~ don't you mean the deadline is September 31st? XDD

Ahh I have to choose between Hare Hare Yukai and Mata Ashita o.o

Ummm...I play the piano, but I doubt that it'll be used in the score :P
But I'll be happy to help ^_^

I think I'll choose Mata Ashita for now. Hare Hare Yukai is a bit high.

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-09-18 18:53:18
i go with hey! say! lovely complex baby!hahahaha

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 20:01:24
@Suzaku:: yea... deadline for CHOOSING the song is Sept 31st. Will announce after that who needs to re-choose... meantime... it'll be good if ppl can go practise the song they want~

@Z:: yeah!! Lovely complex rulezzzzz~~

I wanna sing Hey!Say! too!!!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 22:06:58 (edited 2007-09-18 22:21:43)

I wanna know who is interested in making the karaoke of Mata Ashita, even thought the song only has a guitar and drums and others, I can insert some other instruments too! Anything is fine! You can play the bongos for all I care, as long as we have a good full score, we can do it! but of course, the guitar would be appreciated ^.^; I can't start without the instrument line up. So everybody that wants to volunteer, just pm me an instrument and I guess your skill level, I don't want to make something too challenging... ^.^; Much Thanks!

Wanna set a deadline for the score too? I might have to take some time on it, but if you want it before a certain time, I can work towards that

And lol, since I'm trying to make the score, I definately wanna be in the song ^.^

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-18 22:46:11
@mystuhmusic:: Hmm... normally how long does it take to come out with a score? Also, I believe u'll need to know which will be the instruments that will be playing b4 u can start with the score making~

Would it be helpful if we set a deadline for the ppl interesting in helping out making the instrumental to submit their availability by end Sept and by mid Oct for u to finish the scores and by end Oct to have the final instumental ready? What do you think of this rough schedule?

Also... worst comes to worst, we might need ur help making another Karaoke ver... for Hey!say! in case we can't use progs to edit the exisiting songs.

I think there is a thread that have lotsa "instument players" exchanging their stuff... think I saw W/o you's post there too. Wonder if we can seek help there too~ Can't find it now though....

OMG... the KC activities are escalating much higher than expected... This might just turn us into song writers + own singers club... OMG!! this is great!!!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-19 10:11:41
I want to sing Hey Say and Hare Hare Yukai...and I'll star dividing the lyrics. ^-^

Lyrics division will be posted soon!


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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-09-19 17:33:51
Pame dear~ you can only choose one song at a go~

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by MONIQUE on 2007-09-19 18:46:39
@ engel: don't need to make a karaoke version of Hey! Say!...coz i happen to have bad...not to tell you guys earlier ^__^' i thought gendou already have it

and i still insist want to sing Hey! Say! too

no siggies needed

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