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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-31 00:24:22 (edited 2006-08-31 00:24:47)
I think more people can afford it than they think. If they have time to play games in the first place, they most likely have time to get a second job and earn some cash toward a PS3. Attitude is everything...

So, are you saying you would choose a PS3 if you had the chance? If so, then the answer is all too clear for you and many gamers, don't settle for a weak system just because of price. Play the games you want, have the system you want, save money, work two jobs, and earn the PS3! It will be worth it in the end! You can play Wii at your freinds house, I say! In the end, isn't the gamer who seeks the system/games they want no matter WHAT the time/effort the "true gamer"? Of course, everyone will have a PS3 in three years anyhow, and problaby a Wii and 360 too, (they'll be like $100 then!) so it problaby doesn't matter...

And little kids play non-violent games? On Halo 2, it was an unwritten rule to do everything you could to exclude the MILLIONS of kids on that game from your sessions! Half the players were kids, and Halo IS violent, it's even Teen-rated I believe (maybe higher? someone check)! And these little kids will make Halo 3 the most popular game of the year when it plays during every kid's TV show, already alongside every rap channel, every sporting event, every Sci-fi show, Microsoft has an monster on its hands if they play their cards right...

Parents don't look at variables anymore, for example go to an R-Rated my just be spoiled rich kids though, but still, that is part of the target market.

BTW do you have proof Microsoft lost money on Xbox, because I read once you almost always lose money on a system, it's the licensing of games that they make money off of? And they sold a lot of Halos and other games.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by noobie on 2006-08-31 01:15:30 (edited 2006-08-31 01:16:55)
He's right. Half the players were kids... that's why on, every weekly updates you see have letters form cheaters, modders and standbyers with bad English pleading that ' their kids messed up their console. ' Pathatic.

And besides, the graphics are excellent. Nobody buys a game console for a single game, but the one reason people are willing to spend is due to the fact that the game is GOOD. Some games scored a crappy rating, but are still popular. Others ranked high, but were not that sucessful. The Halo series, besides coming from Bungie that has many other titles under its belt, was one of the few games that ranked high and was immensly popular as well. Marathon, Myth, Oni [I believe that was released on the PS ], these are all champions that have sold millions of copies. And Bungie is a pretty small company.

Why do I know all these? I'm a Halo fan.

Opps, shouldn't have said this in an anime website. Hope I don't get flamed...

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-31 01:19:49
Feo Muchacho is a big Halo fan too, and I like/enjoy the game on a small level, so you're welcome.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by noobie on 2006-08-31 04:46:07
Glad to hear that. Right now I'm aiming to get an Xbox 360. I'v heard that there's a Gundam game in production for the lil' white XBox...

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-08-31 09:58:50 (edited 2006-08-31 09:59:17)
@noobie- Yeah there making a Gundam game for the 360 and I think there making a different one for the PS3, or it might be the same one I'm not sure.

Anyway, I'm not getting back into the discussions, the first page or two is nothing but me and Shishio duking it out. lol


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Sekami on 2006-08-31 11:18:25
Hmm...well I think one thing most people don't understand is that all 3 companies (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo) will not "die". Even the "worst" console out of the 3 is still considered 3rd place. The only way any company would fall would be due to a complete and utter failure, which I see is not possible at this time. Microsoft is definitely proving to be a worthy adversary for Sony and I highly doubt the market share will be in Sony's favor.

I hate to admit it, but RPGs really have been in decline for the past years, however, that's not to say it isn't still popular. FPS are still more of American style game and places like Asia and Europe don't consider it a mainstream genre.

As for Halo, it is an amazing game, that's for sure. I doubt it will take the shoulders of Microsoft and take it to complete domination, but it definitely will assist them. I think games like Gears of War and games not exclusive to ps3 will be Microsoft's best bet at winning this coming generation

As far as I see it...I still think Sony will end up the best out of the 3 because of their wide variety now (the ps2 was known mostly for its library of RPGs, but lacked FPSs and other particular genres). But, I think this generation will be much closer and all 3 companies really need to bring out the best out of their consoles.

In my opinion, I see it as this:
Xbox 360-Amazing online and organization that will assist their FPSs. RPGs are also coming along well. Oblivion is doing great. And of course Halo 3. Could easily get the #1 spot this generation.

PS3-I consider the console a "buffer zone". Sony did extremely well with the Playstation and PS2. They probably see this opportunity this generation to try something they introduced Blu-Ray which is both good and bad. If it succeeds, then the future for Sony looks bright and their technology will be superior to the other companies. However, if it doesn't do as well or fails, then they will probably lose this generation. Also, I think the question comes down we REALLY need blu-ray at this time?

Wii-Most good news have been coming from the Wii...unlike the PS3. I think Wii has the best chances of becoming the #1 contender with their innovative Wii-mote and revolutionary ideas. However, if it turns out to be a gimmick and nothing but novelty, it could really hurt Nintendo.

In the end, I think every company has a chance to shine. ^^

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-08-31 12:53:40 (edited 2006-08-31 12:55:58)
@Sekami- "Do we really need blu-ray at this time?" I don't see why not. It's said that it can hold much more data than DVD, so it could turn out well. I do agree that Blu-Ray is a risky move, seeing as how their other format UMD pretty much failed, but yes if it does take off then Sony will most certainly come out on top. It's all a matter of time, when the consoles are released we'll see the new turn out.

Here's how I think it will go. (Notice I said how "I" think it will go. Don't start giving me all these reasons why I may be wrong, this is my opinion.)

PS3- Best console[If Blu-Ray is a hit.]
Second Best Console[If Blu-Ray becomes sort of popular.]
Worst Console[If Blu-Ray crashes and burns.]

Wii- Best Console[If Blu-Ray fails and the controller doesn't become a gimmick]
Second Best Console[If the controller isn't as popular and Blu-Ray is a hit]
Worst Console[If the controller becomes a gimmick.]

XBox 360- Best Console[If Blu-Ray fails and the Wii's controller is a gimmick]
Second Best Console[If one console fails and one is a hit.]
Worst Console[Basically if Wii and PS3 work.]


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-31 13:34:54 (edited 2006-08-31 13:36:00)
Also notice, that there nver reall yhas benn a time when such things were even up to debate, it was no question N64 would lose to PSX (the licensing, technology, etc). Also, XBox's weak start and the Gamecube's design and continued lack of licensing showed they would not beat PS2. Now though, we have monster anticipated games, new technology, and many innovations, and the biggest flucuation in price I've ever seen. I've seen expensive consoles in the past, but not with popular/anticipated systems (were any of you drooling oer the release of the $600 Neo-Geo back in like 95'? yes? that makes a few of you), and it's been nothing as controversial as this!

People dis Blu-ray, but I say... bring it to us, Sony! I don't care if its BetaMax 2, I just want those classic games in the modern era, on a hyped DVD.

BTW Someone mentioned at some point in one if these threads that these clasic games are "just a reprint" with better graphics when they are put on a new system.


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Um, you know Castlevania, right? It was cool on NES, remember? But it was a whole new experience with the nostalgia on SNES (don't even act like you didn't like it). Then they brought us Symphony of the Night on PSX, one of the best PSX games ever! ANOTHER NEW EXPERIENCE TO THIS DAY GAMERS ENJOY! And finally, they bring it to action/adventure 3-D in one of my fave PS2 games of all time, Lament of Innocence!

Proof that bringing old classics to new systems is good, and licensing is a HUGE issue; after all it works with, oh I don't know, MARIO? METROID? FINAL FANTASY? OH, AND ZELDA!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-31 14:23:54
Blue-ray technology is superior to HD DVD, this I can say with no remorse. However it is much more expensive than HD DVD and thats the problem. In the case of bet-max vs. vhs, vhs won out because it was cheaper and still had decent quality. I fear that this will happen with blue ray, people dont want to pay a thousand dollars for a DVD player with slightly better picture quality. Its as simple as that. As for the ps3 I am very excited about the console and will probably end up buying one just because it looks so good, but sony marketing just isnt well thought out not to say that microsofts was any better. Its not just about who sells the most games or consoles, its more about which one the we the gamers like the most.


Shishios right i'm a big halo fanboy, I also like zelda and metroid.

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Sekami on 2006-08-31 14:37:14 (edited 2006-08-31 14:38:04)
@Shishio: Agreed...classic games are awesome and I would want them to continue onto new systems. Games like final fantasy continue to bring on amazing new RPG elements that just force me and the rest of the gaming community to buy them resulting in millions of copies sold.

@Jonathan: I think the only gripe people have with blu-ray is the price. I can easily afford the price, however, there are many more people that are just not willing to accept a new format at such a high price. Personally, I love how they are trying out blu-ray. It looks really good so far and I doubt it will "fail". Just like CDs (also created by Sony) helped Sony during the 90s up to present day, I think trying out a newer format like blu-ray is going to help them in the long run.

Although a lot of bad news has been going around about ps3 and its ultimate "doom" this generation, I think we have to wait for TGS (Tokyo Game Show)...Sony's last shot to gather as much support before their official launch in November.

Just as a note, when the current generation (ps2, xbox, gamecube) was at its beginnings, many said the ps2 was "too expensive" and many polls around the web showed that most consumers preferred a gamecube or xbox over the ps2, yet we found out that ps2 became the winner in the end. So who knows? Anything could happen. =)

@Feo Muchacho: I agree with Sony and their poor marketing strategies. Especially when the reps stated that "this and this" would happen, but some parts of the ps3 ended up being downgraded due to various reasons. But I really like the Wii's theme this generation by grabbing in casual gamers (those who really don't know much about what is happening these days in the gaming community).

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-08-31 20:18:31
There's plenty of proof Xbox lost Microsoft billions due to the system,,,,
Just search once in awhile.
I don't post unless I have a refined knowledge of what I'm talking about.
Alright, so maybe more people can afford a PS3. Remember what happend with the Xbox360 though? How systems malfunctioned and everything, the same will happen with the PS3. This is where it's gonna hurt Sony. Sony has not even started production yet, and a low estimate of only a few million or under are being shipped out at launch date. The Wii has 5.5 million units planned to be shipped on launch date.

As for Halo and its players, I already categorized, read back please - kids, teens, etc. You probably mean half of Halo's players are TEENS.
Most KIDS will play their Spongebob Squarepants games and other cartoony games.

And a "true gamer" doesn't have to be someone who goes all out to get the game and system they want. A "true gamer" is someone who is not a graphics whore, someone who pays close attention to the story and gameplay. As I already said, who wouldn't want a PS3? I'm going to get one because of the RPGs that will be released in the future, maybe some fighting games.

You're meerly assuming people have the time like you to get two jobs. They may be under conditions are taking care of family, their other job already consumes enough time as it is, and other unsightly conditions.
Just because YOU can do these things DOESN'T mean others can.

On another note, IMO, Lament of Innocence wasn't up to par. Stick to 2D, that's where the heart of Castlevania lies, (i.e, Symphony of the Night, and the soon to be released, Portrait of Ruin for the DS).

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-31 20:39:35
I would like to ask you dragoon if you've played the original Halo. I've played final fantasy games so i'm just wondering. If you havent you should the story is actually pretty engrossing for an FPS. If you dont have an x box buy the PC version, and also halo 2 for the windows vista is coming out soon. I would reccomend checking that out too, the story's pretty could although some argue its not as good as the first. Im not one of these people. I totally agree with you about graphics. Too many people place graphics over gameplay and story which are really the most important things in a game. All us gamers just need to get along :) United we Stand!

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-31 20:54:34 (edited 2006-08-31 20:59:40)
Lament of Innocence wasn't up to par? And the 2D is the heart of the game? Well, then I'm sure that's why they are bringing Castlevania to PS3, and why they make new ones. Maybe you thought it was under par, but a lot of us enjoyed it! Otherwise we wouldn't be looking forward to the next one, or have purchased the new one! It's too bad you found it under par, you didn't have the same experience the rest of us had, it was really good, I enjoyed it just as much as the originals, I think many, I'm not ssayng you, but many let these external factors like "2D will always be better" and "I don't have time for a second job", etc., hold them back from the experience they want!

Dragoon, no offense, but you DON'T have a refined knowledge of what you're talking about though, Halo 2 was rampant with little kids when I played it! We saw a lot of them on Halo 2, along with all the teenagers too! My old bosses six year old plays Halo as well, and is plus level 30! Any Halo player can tell you that the game is rampant with little annoying brats, even some champions are as young as six years old! Maybe you should actually play the game before making broad generalizations!

Halo fans, can you confirm you've seen a lot of little kids on Halo as well? If so, it proves my point that Halo has a KID fanbase, maybe not in good Christian homes, but in the intercity, and the homes of spoiled rich kids, and laid bakc middle class families, Halo is VERY big among kids.

So a PS3 malfunctions, so what? It's not going to make us look forward any less to the games. That's why we're commited to the price anyways. That is what this is about, we wouldn't be paying $700 for graphics and such, it's for the games! If Castlevania, Tekken, FF and many others went to Wii, I'd be there for sure.

BTW if someone has $300 to blow on a new system (Wii), they hopefully haven't been scrounging and saving that for years. My point? Wait several months, set aside the same amount of money for a PS3. It's about two Wiis, and you'll experience the games now! If you're willing to wait a few years, you win anyhow.

It's not the malfunctions/lack of systems which hurt 360, it's the lck of games obviously. You make this too much about external factors and not games, they are always the core of a system's value, always. If games were interchangable, the Wii would lead without question, but there is a debate.

I'm going to search about how much money Microsoft lost exactly, because you failed to mention how much money they lost system-wise versus gains licensing-wise, which is what I was asking about. All systems lose money, it's the licensing where they gain profit, look at the above paragraph! I can't search for every article, but you problaby had one, I was just asking you for proof here!

And a true gamer wouldn't let circumstances hold him back from having the system of choice, as I said, wait several months, save; if you could afford $300, you can problaby save for a PS3 as well.

BTW no one actually emphasizes grapics over gameplay, otherwise games like Halo 2, FF, and others that emphasize story wouldn't outsell so many crappy games! We look forward to FF13, Tekken 6, VF5, Halo 3, Twilight Princess because of story and gameplay, the graphics are a nice plus, and a very neccessary plus! I want better graphics every game, it's a given, but it's the gameplay/story we all focus on first! Let's bury this argument and focus on the real issues at hand!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-01 06:14:01 (edited 2006-09-01 06:31:06)
Same as Shishio said, except I'll expand on it a bit. ALL companies lose money on their consoles in the first year or so, that's a give in. It's because they set the price lower than the production cost so that people will buy more of it and they can establish a base. Sony for example lost billion/millions after releasing it's system in the first year, but in the second year after licensing etc they made well over what they lost the first year. Ever hear of the saying "You've got to spend money to make money."? That applies here. When companies release products such as this [game systems] they aren't looking to make a profit the first year, in fact they don't really expect to considering all the money they've put into research and development and selling it for under production costs, but after they have acquired licensing, support and less expensive production costs. So they usually tend to make money the second year or so.

Whether XBox never earned a profit or not doesn't really matter now that we've entered the next generation. I'm just agreeing with Shishio to say that price won't be a huge factor in this like everyone says it will be. That's the ONLY thing I'm hearing from people about the PS3, price, price, price, price, I didn't hear people complaining like this when the PS2 came out, or the PS1 for that matter. The PS1 sold for about 350-400 compared to the N64's price of about 150-200. When the PS2 came out, it cost 500$, people still bought it, a lot of it.

Bottom Line: Price is not everything everyone says it is. If it was the Gamecube would be flying off the selves while the PS2 sat in the dark.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Sekami on 2006-09-01 13:10:57
^Hmm...I agree wholeheartedly to that statement...I think it comes down more to games and maybe some help with 1st party games. Many analysts still hold their position saying that Sony still be the dominant company this coming generation even with the 500, 600 price tag. Most people don't really know just how large Sony's fanbase is. Although some have swayed from one side to another, the strength of Sony's fanbase is still incredible. People loved the ps1 and I wouldn't be surprised to see the ps3 doing just as well.

As I've said before, Nintendo is trying to grab in the casual gamer and is trying to appease to them with their innovative aspects for the Wii. Whether it works or not...only time will tell.

As for the ps3 price, most people can afford it. That's why many who just think "price, price..." are really just trying to make an excuse. Sure, the ps3 isn't perfect, but then again, which console is? The only reasons I see as logical for not getting a ps3 is:

~Games for that console just don't appeal to that person
~Is not a very committed person to the price and won't be playing the ps3 a lot (this is probably when the Wii will step in and grab in those casual types of gamers)
~Possibly price of each game? I really haven't researched much into the price of each ps3 game, however, I think it would be 60$...not sure though

PS: Found an interesting article about "Possible Leaked Info" at TGS for Sony. I'm pretty skeptical...but most of the stuff might come true. Anyways, here's the article:

As for CONFIRMED info...there are:
~27 Playable Games which includes DMC 4
~Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII Trailers (good news for me since I'm a rpg fanatic)

~Bringing it home campaign (lots of playable demos and trailers and of course some arcade games to show off some Online stuff)

Looks really good for both companies so far =)

If you're wondering about nintendo, they usually don't participate in TGS...but give "keynote speeches" which is like a press conference basically releasing info about their product, games, and future plans.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-01 14:17:46 (edited 2006-09-01 14:41:17)
The other thing about the PS3 is that your also getting a Blu-Ray player for movies and things, this is a good deal seeing as how Blu-Ray players are of a high price. The first Blu-Ray player from Samsung cost 999$. So really that's another upside to the PS3, especially if Blu-Ray begins to replace conventional DVD's and CD's.

PS: Sony is supposed to be releasing writable Blu-Ray discs here soon. An example of the space Blu-Ray can hold is about 4 hours of HD quality video. That sounds like a format I would want.

Also just off topic here a little, but does anyone else feel like this Blu-Ray/HD-DVD thing is coming on us too fast? I mean I only know 1 or 2 people with a HD-TV. Seems like their pushing these two new formats way too fast when it comes to movies.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-09-01 14:56:33
Yes, HD is too fast, but I guess they want to get a jump on the market. I might get one of thos TVs with monthly payments, just to do it. Why save money, when you can play FF13 in HD?

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-01 15:14:14
I think we should be talking more about halo 3 and less about the console wars. In the end each person has already decided who's side they're on and can sum up why with a bunch of dumb reasons and pointless facts. If you like to game thats fine, game just don't go bashing other people because they dont agree with you. I personally cant back the PS3 which doesnt mean I hate the system, I hate the wat sony has presented it, also I really want one! With this though I still love microsoft and Halo and nintedo. There are great games on all three systems, so chose which ones you want and play! Its as simple as that.

So about halo three, from what i've heard the A.I is a much better driver and is less prone to run into walls repeadetly. Also theres something much bigger than a grunt thats got everyone at bunjie scared. Can anyone say juggernaut FLOOD!


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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by on 2006-09-01 15:20:33
@Feo- I don't believe we bashed anyone for the system they chose.

@Shishio- I think you should change this to the console debate. We've pretty muched ended the Halo winning the war debate. I'm going to search for a next gen console debate here. There isn't much left to say about Halo 3, we're just restating points that have already been made.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-09-01 18:35:55 (edited 2006-09-01 18:40:10)
Well Feo, to tell you the truth I have never played a Halo game, I'm one of the traditional gamers, not really into FPS, which you could probably say is why I'm not the most fond of Halo. Although, I have played 007 Golden Eye, which is one of the best FPS in the world, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but after Rare stopped making them, it went downfall from there as EA could not accomplish excellency

"Dragoon, no offense, but you DON'T have a refined knowledge of what you're talking about though, Halo 2 was rampant with little kids when I played it! We saw a lot of them on Halo 2, along with all the teenagers too! My old bosses six year old plays Halo as well, and is plus level 30! Any Halo player can tell you that the game is rampant with little annoying brats, even some champions are as young as six years old! Maybe you should actually play the game before making broad generalizations!"

This I find humorous, six year olds champions? Give me a break, their minds aren't built enough to be able to be "champions", you're over exaggerating here. Show me a video of a six year old child owning a 14 year old, if you can provide this I'll shut my mouth and never post here again. Maybe YOU should think a little bit before insulting other peoples knowledge. Honestly..a 6 year old being a "champion"..

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence also received SOME negative feedback, and by the way, by par I meant what I normally expect in Castlevania games such as Aria of Sorrow. You'd know what I mean if you played Aria/Dawn of Sorrow. Anyways, the negative feedback from players was, controls (well this could be said for all games), the length of the game was too short, and (my friends tell me) it's too easy. Hopefully the PS3 carnation of Castlevania will be as good as it sounds. As for the part where how they continue to make new games, of course they will, thats a given, you wouldn't be a very good company if you gave up after one try.

It does matter if the PS3 does malfunction actually, it costs the company millions of dollars to replace and repair parts, look at it from Sony's perspective, not a player's.

Also, the money you lose from the system does matter, you lose 4 billion dollars, you think just from "licensing" you can make that back? You have a lot to learn then, if a company could make that much money back, Nintendo wouldn't have been in the situation they were in years back.

A person who does whatever it takes to get the system they want is not a true gamer..that means they are fanboys. Prove me wrong.

"I'm going to search about how much money Microsoft lost exactly, because you failed to mention how much money they lost system-wise versus gains licensing-wise, which is what I was asking about. All systems lose money, it's the licensing where they gain profit, look at the above paragraph! I can't search for every article, but you problaby had one, I was just asking you for proof here!"

Nope, I gave you direct websites to search for, message boards, articles, the works. I gave you the proof you wanted, I'm not going to give you direct links just because you're too lazy to search yourself.

I may have posted this in another topic but, PS3 games are rumored to be 80 dollars a piece, costly...of course you'll just counter with "you can save up your money" but that's not the point, the point is, think about the money you spend over time, I have around 35 PS2 games, possibly the amount of PS3 games I'll have, 35 times 80, that's 2800 dollars. It's inevitable that PS3 and its games will sell but, hopefully it doesn't leave you with an empty wallet. Again, stop thinking about yourself, I knew some people who barely even had enough money to keep themselves off the street, and yes they had a job. Where I live, for just an apartment is a bit overpriced due to the enormous population increase, a normal person would have trouble keeping up with the PS3 and keeping himself inside a home.

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