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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-14 23:43:37
{Le Rim City}

Kay:whatever's fine with me
Kay:go on with ya date, i'm heading for that hill there
*points to an empty hill*
Kay:just don't get into anymore trouble.we'll meet back here in 4 hours
*heads out of the restaurant,looked at them for a moment before flying off*

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-14 23:52:56
Le Rim Ciry`

Zpartan: hey wait a minute kay! dont-*sees kay flys off*

Meer: wow! your friend can fly?*walking with meer*

Zpartan: well uh because of his ARM..opps

Meer: his ARM? is it an heavenly ARM?

Zpartan:uh i shouldnt be telling you this..

Meer:alright...ok just follow me...

Meer led the boy to a quite place with a great view of the port, the city and the sunset

Zpartan: uh i though were going uh see the city...

Meer: well this is the best spot in town...i figured its the only way i can repay you

zpartan: repay me..hahaha nevermind about that,it was my pleasure to help such a fine young lady

Meer: *blushes* really...

the two talked for hours and watched the bautiful sunset...5 hours later

~le rim city Minerva's restaurant~
zpartan saw his friend wait outside the restaurant
zpatan: kay! im so sorry!i lost track of time!
Meer: i just had a wonderful time with Zpartan..sorry

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-15 00:08:46
{Le Rim City}

Kay:well, guess i'm alone for 4 hours
*fly to the hill and sits on the grass, enjoying the breeze*
Kay:ahh....this place is great, the view is great and the smell of the sea is refreshing
*lying on his back*
Kay:even the sky looks refreshing
*fell asleep and woke up an hour later when he felt someone poking his cheek*
Kay:nn...who is it...?
*wakes up to see a familiar face*
Kay:hey...aren't you?
*the person ran off*
*stands up but stumbled and lost sight of her*
Kay:what is she doing in Le Rim? she was in Ikuto Town a few days ago...
*after awhile he flew back to town and went to various shops, hoping to find something interesting.2 hours later, he went back to Minerva's Heaven*
Kay:looks like i'm 1 hour early
*sits on a nearby bench where 1 hour later, he walked to the restaurant and leaned on the wall next to the door, another hour later...*
zpatan: kay! im so sorry!i lost track of time!
Meer: i just had a wonderful time with Zpartan..sorry
Kay:sheesh, you simply know how to make someone wait...anyways...i'm hungry....

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-12-15 00:31:48 (edited 2006-12-15 00:33:29)
Offspring City - General

Ayato suddenly feel irregulars presence.

Shia :*master !*

Ayato : i know !

Ayato stand and run to the door. Before he goes out, he said to Reinhart.

Ayato : Don't leave this room before you feel better...and avoid any fight !

After that he run outside the room.
At the main street, he meet with SHiro. Ayato notice that at SHiro's left hand there's a spot of blood and at one part, his cloth tear.

Ayato : Shiro...what happen to...

Shiro : It's not important now. I'll tell you later.

Ayato : Okay !

Shia : *master ! They come at the east gate !*

Ayato : Shiro ! To the East Gate !

Shiro : I already know it. Let's go !!

Both of them rush at maximum speed.
THey astonished when they see the situation on East Gate.
Half of the gate has breached by Irregulars, making them easyly infiltrate the city.

Ayato : Holy light ! Lead me the way !!

HIs ring expolode and Shia appeared behind Ayato.

Ayato : Sword !

Shia : Yes, master !

Shia hug ayato and touch his right hand. Shia dissapeared at the same time when a large sword with chain connected to it's hilt appear from the air.

Shiro : Don't be reckless, you will get killed !

Ayato : I know !

Then Ayato run into a group of irregulars that slaying the soldiers.
He swing his sword and kill one irregular. The other irregular try to attack ayato, but a strike of lightning kill 2 out of 5 irregulars.

Ayato : Thanks Shiro !

Shiro : Stop talking ! Watch your back !

Ayato spin and block an attack from an irregulars that try to attack him from behind. Then, ayato slash the irregular's head.

Ayato : Damn ! They're too many !

Yell Ayato after kill his 6th Irregular.

Shiro : We've to find the leader !

Ayato : What !? They have leader ?!

SHiro : They act like a well organized soldiers...they must have a leader. To fInd and kill the leader seems to be a best resolution to this problem.

Ayato : Shia ! Locate the leader !

Shia : Yes master, but make me locate the enemy means that your sword will vanish.

Ayato : Just do it !

Ayato run from the battlefield and get near SHiro.
Shiro chant a spell.

Shiro : Round Wall !

A translucent wall appear around Shiro and Ayato, prevent them for being attacked.

Shiro : Hurry up ! THis wall won't last long...

Ayato : Disarm !

Ayato's sword dissapear and SHia reappear. then, SHia closed her eyes, trying to locate the Irregular's leader.


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by karuzo on 2006-12-15 06:35:43 (edited 2006-12-16 01:32:16)
-Scarlet Kingdom, Library-

Outbreak stood as he observe his companion, still the symbol on the floor

Riana: Machinist...

-the librarian appeared-

librarian: whats going on here??-

-noticed Riana with the symbol-

librarian: OH MY IT CAN BE!!!!!

Riana: The time has come....

Outbreak: WHA-!!!!

librarian: It cant be... she has the bloodline of the ancient machinists!!!

Outbreak: WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!

librarian: So it was true.... only time can tell when the bloodline of ancient machinits..

Riana: Ancient Bloodline of machinists.... Chizuna Izuki

-as she said this words, Riana was covered with white and blue lights, then on her right hand a strange item appeared, a bracer- looking bracelet, then she fell on the ground-

Outbrreak: RIANA!!!!

-the boy rushed to the girl, the girl was unconscious-

Outbreak: Riana....

librarian; well i think it should not be here...

Outbreak: Sorry for this incident

librarian: dont worry it will be fine at least she did not destroy all the books

Outbreak: Ok.

-Character profile-

Riana Chizuna Izuki

Age: 9 yrs old

Biography [Riana will have to journey to retrive her identity for short she had an amnesia]: A 9 yr old girl that Outbreak saved, she requested Outbreak to join him in his journey. A happy, innocent and loving girl

Armored Arm: Deus Machina

Type: Weapon Armored Arm

Activated Form: A Seige Kit [A 3 ft long arbalest with 4 medium arrow pods mounted on the side of the arbalest on each side and 4 mini arrow pods mounted on each side of the medium arrow pods, with blade below of the handel[hidden]

Armored Arm Special Move: Infinite Big Bang Burst

Activation Spell: For the power that lies beneth silence.. now hear my call DEUS MACHINA!!!!

@ all- i need some critisisms about Riana's profile your help would be highly appreciated

Edit: OK I edited this post. thanks for everyone for critizing this post sesp Red rackham, kay and others again thank you.

Note: Arbelest was still a machine, an VERY OLD machine =)


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-12-15 06:47:40
I guess Riana's Arm is too 'modern'...
I think this RP timeline is around Middle Age or Medieval....ask Kay. And i think at that time there's no advance gun....


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by karuzo on 2006-12-15 07:00:46 (edited 2006-12-15 07:06:57)
@ Red rackham- thanks i send Kay a message PM i need his reply to ENTIRELY change it.. for now it will remain as that but I WILL NOT USE HER ARM YET due to some character plots *sigh* sorry for the inconvience i am having a hard time to adjust to the medieval/ ancient times things, most of the Rps i joined was more on Modern tech and i am used to it..

thanks for that

[again GENERAL EDIT will be implemented]


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Huy on 2006-12-15 08:09:11
[Offspring Kingdom - East Gate]

Yuki and Rena finally arrived at the east gate. Half of the gate has breached.
Lots of irregulars were infiltrating the city. Though the archers on the wall killed a lot of them there seemed to be three monsters appearing for one which died. Rena noticed Shiro and Ayato standing on the border of the battlefield with a translucent wall around them which proteczed them. But the wall already losing strength cause of the attacks of the irregulars. A huge irregular was jumping towards the wall which was flickering.
Rena could see how the wall will break and the irregular will chop Ayato in two.
An arrow appeared in her hand, as fast as she could, she aimed at the irregular.
She realesed the arrow. It to buzzed trough the air. The wall broke down and the enemy readies to strike. Before the axe could split Ayato in two Rena`s arrow hit the opponent in its armpit and dissapeared entirely in its body. The lung and heart (if they have one) was iced.

Eternal Ice: The guardian of his arm wants to locate the leader of the irregulars.

Due to the momentum is fell in the lines of the enemy. This obtaine enough time for Ayato for his plan. A sword appeared in his hand.

Rena: Yuki, Ayato wil kill the leader. We have to prevent the irregulars from entering the city.

Yuki: OK.

Yuki threw her kunais at enemies which were trying to dissappear in the streets and Rena shot them with her bow.

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-15 14:06:06
~unknown shore~

Guard: best we contact the order as soon as possible...

Ayeca: *nods*

Ujji: *on a stretcher*

Ayeca: *smiles* he worked himself too hard.. but me did list to day 120...

Priestess: well let's moe out of here, we should find a town as soon as we can...

Ayeca: of course... I have a feeling those gang boys are still after us, let's keep moving.

*all walk inland*

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-15 19:20:42
@kay, is there gona be a big event where all of us characters will have to maybe gather of meet in one place?
[Several days went by, but the anticipated attack was yet to come]

Cyrone: [walking around town square] this is suspucious, THEY are just in the outskirts of this city. but why aren't they attacking?

[Cyrone was walking towards the defence line. Vigilant of the impending attack. From the corner of his eye, he saw someone sneeking out into the forest. He follow the person secretly. When the person stopped walking, Cyrone ducked into the bushes. He could see that from the figure of the person's body that she is a woman. And when she turned, he was surprised to see the same woman that he saved a few days before.]

Cyrone: what is she doing here..?

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by karuzo on 2006-12-16 01:47:58
@ fallguy: I asked Kay days ago.. yes all our characters will met on Geass Continent but the exact place i dont know.. i will asked him again.

librarian: dont worry it will be fine at least she did not destroy all the books

Outbreak: Ok, but can i ask you something.. where can i lay her down.

-the librarian pointed a sofa, the boy went and lay her down, he returned to the librarian and helped her to fix the dismantled shelves and boo, after 7 hours of fixing-

Libraian: thanks for haelping..

Outbreak: its ok, well we should go now its going dark now

Libraian: Yes, you are right..

-he went to Riana, still sleeping, carried her and returned to the inn-

Outbreak: Riana... who really are you..

-he did not notice a banana peeling, he slipped and fell backwards then Riana fell in front of him-



Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-16 02:35:40
@karuzo: tnx! Geass? thats gonna be quite a travel for my character.. hehe..
Cyrone: what is shee doing here...

[The woman was walking around and seems to be worried about something. Cyrone watched her for several more minutes. Then, there was a ruffling in the bushes. The woman sees it and she looked at that direction, waiting. But then suddenly a huge figure stood up from the bushes.]

Cyrone: looks like i was not the only one watching her.. [looks at his ring] Wrath of lightning hear my call. Defeat my adversaries, make them fall. [poleaxe materialized.]

[Cyrone rush attacked the monster head-on.]

Cyrone: raaa....! [running towards the monster]

[With a sudden bust of speed. Cyrone leaped into the air and quickly slashed the head of the irregular off.]

Cyrone: [walked toward the woman] that's twice now... what are you doing here? its dangerous.

???: im.. im waiting for my father.... [sigh]

Cyrone: your father..? why? where is he?

???: he went of a jouney to Scarlet Kingdom... he went because our town is about to be attacked by the irregulars and we need help..

Cyrone: but if they were heading towards Scarlet, i should have seen them along the way here... i came from the Scarlet kingdom...

???: really?! so then where's my father...?

Cyrone: [removes the ring given to him by the man he helped. showed it to the woman] is this ring familiar to you...

???: [tears started to fall from her eyes. she looked at Cyrone into his eyes] why... why do you have father's ring? what happened to him..?

Cyrone: sorry... i tried to help...

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-16 02:44:09
@all, even though our characters are meeting in Geass, we're not meeting all at once. also, we starts to meet each other slowly by the middle of chapter 2 XD

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Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Aeriol on 2006-12-16 03:03:27
@kay, thisis where I start....

Turmeric:..... Sure is lonely here...

Turmeric:...... (Glares at the sky)

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-12-16 06:27:31
Offspring Kingdom - East Gate

Ayato can't believe his eyes. He has saved by Rena's arrow.

Ayato : Rena ! Thanks for the help !

Shiro : No time to chit-chat ! Have Shia find the leader ?

Ayato : Yes !

Shiro : what are we waiting for ? Go !

Ayato and Shiro breach through the wall of enemy infront of them.
At that time, Ayato know that SHiro is really a Great Wizard, with his help, Ayato's neck has saved more than 2 times.

Suddenly, Ayato notice something.
He see a huge Irregular with full armor ride a large horse-like-irregular.

Shiro : That's the leader !! Kill them !

Ayato : Okay ! Cover me !

Ayato rush towards the leader. MAny of the leader's guardian trying to stop ayato, but with Shiro's help, Ayato is able to get near the leader.

Leader : Human ! How dare you challenge me !!

Ayato startled when hear that the leader of irregular can talk, and he speaks human language fluently.

Ayato : I'll never let your army enter the city !

Leader : Hra...haaa...haaa !! What can you possibly do ?

Ayato jump towards the leader and try to take him down from his horse.
But unfortunately, this irregular is quite strong. He parry Ayato's attack with his armoured right hand.

Ayato : Damn !

Leader : Fool !

The massive irregular grab his sword and swing it. Luckyly, Ayato is able to avoid the attack, but it was fatal. He fall to the ground and almost get kicked by the leader's ride.

Shiro : Ayato ! Take down the leader's ride first !

Ayato swing his sword and cut the horse-like-irregular's legs. The irregular falling to the ground. But the rider manage to jump before he fall.

Leader : You !?

Ayato : I'll kill you ! ENHACE !!

Ayato's sword glow, it's dimm but the power that flow isn't small. Ayato suddenly feel his life force sucked violently. He has awaken the Arm's special ability....the ability to cut almost everything.

Ayato : Take this !!

He scream as he swing his sword. The leader, without knowing what happen, try to defend with his sword....but Ayato's arm ability has enhace the sword cutting ability. The sword is cutted in two along with the holder of the sword.
Blood spill all over the place from dead Irregular Leader's body.

Shiro : YOu did it !

Suddenly, the irregular that attack the city stop moving. And they start attacking their own allies. The chaos continue untill almost all of the irregulars die. The remainings are chased by the City Guardians.

Ayato : Thank God..we're save....

Then he fall to the ground, losing his consciousness.


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-16 06:53:01
~some continent, wandering about~

Ujji: this place is so boring!

Ayeca: would you rather be dead on the gorund back in Chanz?

Ujji: oh right...

*after a few hours*

Villager: *running* Bandits!

*sees smoke from a small town*

Ujji: that's too bad...

*turns around*

Ayeca: *grabs his collar* You're a Valkyrie... act like it...

Ujji: no the only problem is that-

Ayeca: You're taking too long! *puhes him forward*

Guards: *runs after them* dont worry, we'll serve as handicaps for his fort tries...

Priestess: very well. Do be careful...

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by Huy on 2006-12-16 11:32:25
[Offspring Kingdom - East Gate]

Ayato: Rena! Thanks for the help!

Rena and Yuki took out their Wakizashis when a irregular was running towards them. Facing it, Rena with her right hand and Yuki with her left hand, attacked the monster. When the blades of Sakura and Momo no Hana were gliding through the opponent`s body, they touched each other cutting the enemy`s head off. The sword was very sharp Rena hardly could feel any resistance. A short look in Yuki`s eyes and Rena knew what she thought. THey were a perfect team, but the irregulars were too many.
Then she saw Ayato. He screamed as he swung his sword. The leader, a huge irregular with full armor riding a large horse-like-irregular, tried to block with his sword...but Ayato's Arm Ability has enhanced the sword cutting ability. The sword was cut in two along with the holder of it.
Blood spill all over the place from dead Irregular Leader's body.
Suddenly, the irregulars that attacked the city stopped moving and started attacking their own allies. The chaos continued untill almost all of the irregulars were dead. The remainings were chased by the City Guardians. After the last monster`s brain was sprayed on the wall due to Yuki`s attack Rena saw Ayato falling to the ground, losing his consciousness.
Yuki and Rena ran to Ayato.

Yuki: What happened?

Rena: His Armored Arm is from sacrifice type. While slicing the Leader, it`s special ability was activated, allowing his to cut almost everything but also using up a lot of energy.

Yuki: I see... Shiro, bring him back to the General to Reinhart. We`ll send you a doctor and then we`ll fix the gate.

Rena: *to a City Guardian* Some of you guys shoud start to repair the gate. There may be more of them somewhere outside.

Guardian: Yes ma'am.

Yuki: Rena, let`s go.

They left the place to search for help.

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2006-12-16 13:02:49 (edited 2006-12-16 13:04:46)
offspring kingdom

Reinhart that was going out to the forest, running toward the city because he sense something weird. when he found the gate was broken and there are a lot of irregular body, he fasten his step.

@i have edited reivant's profile, please take a look. i will start now.

a man with a black mantle and long silver hair sit on the top of the roof. he never let his golden and red eyes from Rena, Yuki and Ayato.

??? : "interesting...i want to test their power once again..."
??? : "Darkness, Fear my soul and come forth to me, release your self from the heaven bond and let we see the end of the world, Virsago..."

five big golden wheels appear.

??? : "Fourth gate, executioner, slash the border of sky and let them fall down to the earth"

one of the five gates began to spin very fast and suddenly attack Rena and yuki.

Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by on 2006-12-16 18:45:47 (edited 2006-12-16 18:52:36)
Albel: *arriving at Requim Town and disembarking from the ship* Now where am I going to go. One thing I didn't plan out when I ran off from those psycho's. Probably should have thought this through a little better. Oh well, guess I'll just get some food and head out before Meru catches the next boat over here.


Meru: *leaning over the railing. looking at the sky. thinking* [Why did he do that for me? Of course a better question is how did he do that? He used to put up a good fight against me even though he never had an armored arm but even if he did get one of his own he could never be THAT strong. There must be something more to it.] *snaps out of her thoughts and notices the dark sky* Oh great, a storm. I better go in and hold on. Good thing I don't get seasick easily.


Re: Valkyrja-End of TBoD and AotHB(season 1 and 2 end)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-16 22:38:15
~Le Rim- Minerva's Heaven~

Meer:sorry about that kay...ok i'll fix you guys dinner! my treat!

Zpartan: really! thanks Meer!

later Meer returned with 3 plates of lamb chops

Zpartan: wow your so kind Meer!*starts eating*

Meer: so kay right? can i ask a question? how can you fly? it must be great isnt it?does it have something to do with your armored arm?

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