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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-20 19:50:03
~Outside the Blue Moon~

Ken: *still facing away* I'm not grumpy, It's just the way I am...

Isayana: *turns to Kay* Dont mind Ken, anyways we just have to wait on Team 1 to get over here... *looks at the Blue Moon* I wonder where they are?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by karuzo on 2007-04-20 21:07:27
Reverie: Outbreak and I... ugnh.... Well...... We are doing great

Outbreak: Yes...

-Outbreak looked Reverie and Reverie looked back she smiled-

Alynka: So Kay.... dont worry about us..

Outbreak: Excelion.... Yes.... Its been on my dream for weeks..... i think its a premunition....

Cyrac: Just be good pirate.... and its a first time to saw a pirate with beautiful maiden

-The gang stared at Cyrac he senced something awful will happen-

Cyrac: guys... calm down....


Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-20 21:46:01
Symeria: Sure let's go key-san, noh-san *heads to airport grounds and heads straigth to where ken and isanya are* Symeria shadowsong, Team 1, reporting for duty*salutes*

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Burn you fools! BURN!Noh Seyako on 2007-04-20 22:19:42
((I have returned! Mwhahaha!))

Noh: *Shakes his head and gives himself a little slap across the face* Daydreaming again...Dmmit!
+Looks around+
Noh: Must be near the docks...Wonder what happened to Symeria and Key...
*Spots Symeria leaving, heading for Isayana-sama and an unknown person*
Noh: *to himself* Alright...

~Inner Mind (Sancturary)~

Seyako: *Sigh* Whatever...whenever you get the chance again, summon me.


+Operator's Voice: The call you are calling has been dropped; disconnected; lacking in the two way conversations, that is to say that the receiver has stopped receiving, --
(Distant Voice: MOJO!)
Operator: Oops. *Sighs* Please try your call again later...+

~Real World (aka Outer Mind)~
+Arrives in front of Isayana and Unknown, just a few seconds after Symeria+
Noh: *follows her lead* Noh Seyako, Team 1, reporting! *bows*
+Mid-bow notices Sword of Shadows missing+
Noh: *mutters a quick spell* Miate ai Yami té Reiua..
(Spell: "Come to me Sword of Darkness")
+thinks: Sorry, Kanchou, but I need my blade.+
~Blue Moon, Grunt Quarters, Noh's Bed
*Sword of Shadows shivers and quivers, molds and shapes, finally dissolving into nothing*
Noh: *feels familiar weight of Sword of Shadows on his left thigh* Good.

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-20 22:38:20
~Nome, Airship port, outside the Blue Moon~
Symeria: Sure let's go key-san, noh-san *heads to airport grounds and heads straigth to where ken and isanya are* Symeria shadowsong, Team 1, reporting for duty*salutes*
Kay:heheh, this ship of ours is full of beauties, our dojikko princess Isayana, polite magical girl Ithuqa, tough amazon princess Cthaqa, the rookie battle princess Symeria, the zany mechanic Su, and the killing beauty Ricerca.*grins*
Cthaqa:talking about Ricerca...where is she?
Kay:she's taking care of the ship for us while we're gone
*Noh arrived at the scene*

~back in the Captain's room~
Ricerca:dammit!! how can i lose at janken!!? i never lose!!

~Nome, Airship port, outside the Blue Moon~
Kay:think i missed a few, but oh well...sides, i can be a good pirate, or a bad one, it all depends on the price*shows a menacing grin*
Kay:now then, Symeria and Noh is here, where's Key?
Kay:*thinking*that Key is soo getting a Death Note (uh, was watching eps 1 of Naruto the abridged series, so don't take this line seriously)

@Noh, so~~~what took ya?

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 02:23:59
~Nome, Airship port, outside the Blue Moon~
key rushed toward the group

key:*panting* gomen.... i take the wrong turn in the intersection

*pant pant* key... team 1.. reporting..hufff

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 05:01:20 (edited 2007-04-21 12:14:38)
~Nome, Airship port, outside the Blue Moon~

Ken: Alight, everyone's here. Lets get a move on...

Isayana: *thinking* what's a Dojikko?

*starts walking, and bumps into the wagon*

Ken: Oi! Watch the cargo! I can repace you but I cant replace the goods!

Isayana: *holding her head* Gome... I got lost in thought again...

Ken: *looks at Kay from one of the wagons* Alright, the engines started up, anytime you wanna say go captain...

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by karuzo on 2007-04-21 05:37:23
Outbreak: well we might disturbing some important so will leave now

Reverie: Well its nice to meet you again

Outbreak: I'll try to comunicate with you maybe you need help... and here something for you

-Outbreak thrown four weird bottles-

Outbreak: those are Elixirs those can help you a lot.. well gotta go

-the gang bowed and left Kay-


Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Burn you fools! BURN!Noh Seyako on 2007-04-21 09:07:52
@Kay: Two words- School Projects.

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-21 21:58:54
*grabs the Elixir*
*Outbreak's party left*
Kay:hmm...*seemed to be thinking of something*
*climbs aboard one of the wagon*
Kay:alright then, let's get a move on

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 22:50:33
Symeria: Hai. where to captain...

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 23:18:15 (edited 2007-04-21 23:18:43)
~Outside the blue moon~

Ken: to Singfreid manor...

Isayana: *helping Noh, Symeria, and Key onto another wagon* Hai, after that you all can trek the city as you wish...

Ken: But visiting the Singfreids takes first priority when visiting Nome...

Isayana: *looking at Symeia, Noh, and Key* Right, we didnt tell you much about them yet huh? Well, it's a long story but basically, it all began when Ken was originally captain-

*the wagons start moving*

~In transit tale about the Singfreids~

Isayana: *sittin on a covered box* The Singfreids are a rich and powerful family in the city of Nome itself. This family like several others hold a sort of authority in the city. These families have been known for causing occasional gang wars, assasinations and what not. But they are also renowned for supporting artists and masons to create some wonderful peices of artwork, and usually gives back to their controlled areas in a positive way. Now why the pirates are sided with this perticular group you ask? Well, way back when we where still starting out, Ken needed a sponser to help pay for some of the more pricey things in the feild of Airship management, the Singfreid family agreed to support us in return that we'd give them a portion of the spoils and that we'd do tasks for them is we asked. Though we're indeed more powerful than before, we still hold faithful to that contract...

~A couple of hours later~

Isayana: and that's why the Singfreids are so very important to our pirate group...

Ken: *looking at Isayana thinking* she really loves to tell her stories...

*the wagons arrive at the front gate of a large villa*

Isayana: And here we are...

Guard: Hey! State your buisness here!

Ken: *thinking* They've really stepped up the security here...

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-22 00:44:43
~in a different wagon~
Kay:*yawns*is this the May sickness everybody talking about?
Kay:this might take awhile though...
*looking at the wagon infront of them(where Ken, Isayana and Team 1 are in)*
Kay:bet they're having fun...
*a few hours later, they stopped*
Kay:finally here...
*gets off the wagon*
Guard: Hey! State your buisness here!
Ken: *thinking* They've really stepped up the security here...
*walks to Ken's wagon*
Kay:leave this to me
*turns to the guard and took out a Singfreid emblem*
Kay:now may we?

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-22 01:00:22 (edited 2007-04-22 01:01:32)
~Singfreid Manor Gate~

Guard 2: No...

Guard: *angery pulse* You think we're idiots!? Of course we know who you are!

Guard 2: *leaning against his pike* Yeah, we already know wyou Mr. Senerade, but with some of the recent incidents there's been happeneing, it's mandetory we keep track of visitors and their reasons for being here...

*pulls out a notepad*

*on the other side of the gate, a blonde haired girl walks by*

Ken: *thinking* Asuna-san?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by karuzo on 2007-04-22 01:40:45
-Outside of the Nome port, on battle bus-

Cyrac: any ideas on where are they??

Outbreak: 20 miles form the main city

-after a couple of hours they reached the main city of Nome, they stay there for adjustments and planning for their mission-

Outbreak: after 2 hours we will be off


Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-22 02:24:33
Kay:actually, i do think you're idiots...i thought that butler said we can enter through the gate without any problems as long as we present this...
*looks at the emblem and sighs*
Kay:guess these guards are newbies or sumthin...
*running towards Kay*
Cthaqa:nii-san, what's the hold up!!
Kay:the guards here doesn't want to let us in...
Guard 2: *leaning against his pike* Yeah, we already know you Mr. Senerade, but with some of the recent incidents there's been happeneing, it's mandatory we keep track of visitors and their reasons for being here...
*pulls out a notepad*
Kay:lessee...we're here to deliver the things in the wagons...and thanks to the guards,aka you two, we're late by a few minutes...
*looks at the second guard*
Kay:make sure to write that down as well
Cthaqa:why take all the trouble nii-san...
*pulls out her Blutzauger*
Cthaqa:we can just blast a hole in the gate and get on with it, deliver the goods and get outta here
Kay:now now Cthaqa...violence is not always the answer,,,i've already told you that...

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-22 02:39:32
~Singfreid Manor Gate~

Guard: *eyebrow twitching*

Guard 2: *glances at the second guard* Right, so late because of self indulgence... *scribbles on his notepad* yeah...

Ken: *holding his head*

Isayana: *looking at Ken puzzled*

Guard 2: Right, you'll have to take your wagon to the supply gate. But I'm prety sure such a well prepared person such as yourself already knows that the main gate isnt supposed have cargo wagons traveling through...

Guard: why not go scram pirate, take the rest of that filth with ya.

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-22 03:06:54 gate? you gotta be joking...late because of self indulgence?
*snaps his fingers, notepad combusts instantly*
Cthaqa:*points sword at the guards*let us in, now!
Kay:you know, what we're holding ain't supplies...
Kay:oh i get it, you two must be the lowest guards around...i mean, come on, i've always deliver all my things right in the footsteps of the manor, be it in the past years, or months, today or at the next times i come here.
*looks at his watch*
Kay:and filth?oh please, calling us filth make the Singfreids filth as well. i mean, they sponsor us, so calling us filth is indirectly calling them filth if you get what i mean but oh well, if you really want us to go to the supply gate, so be it. i'm not at fault if anything went missing. i'll simply say the guards at the gates won't let us through. then scary things will start to happen, like a billion dollar painting goes missing just because the guards doesn't let us through...
Kay:*shouts*Ithuqa, could you come over here?
Kay:the three of us are coming in from here, whether ya like it or not
*tunrs around*
Kay:*shouting*Ken, think ya can go to the supply gate? these guys here won't let us through today. and oh, if you see someone from the Singfreids, please tell them that their guards at the main gates just called them filths. and oh, if anything is missing, blame it on these two gents as well. you know how the people at the supply gates are...they tend to take away a thing or two while inspecting

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Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by on 2007-04-22 03:31:30
~Singfreid Manor Main Gate~

Kay: oh i get it, you two must be the lowest guards around...i mean, come on, I've always deliver all my things right in the footsteps of the manor, be it in the past years, or months, today or at the next times i come here.

Guard 3: For the love of Jira calm down, Mr. Powerful shouldnt get so worked up over something as inferior as a change in security measures! *holds his mouth* oh right, ya all are inferior, my mistake...

Guard: Lowest of the low? *spits on the ground* Look who's talking. The Singfreids probably just support you people so you can go around doing menial tasks whilst protecting innocent airships. Either way it's fine with me, your pirates would probably be best off scrapeing dirt off in the sewers, but even then that's probably too much of a high class job for the likes of you...

Guard 2: That's quite a statement coming from somone who raids ships of their goods and takes people against their will... or are you just a hypocrite?

Kay: The three of us are coming in from here, whether ya like it or not.

Guard 2: that a threat or are you just stupid?

Kay:*shouting*Ken, think ya can go to the supply gate? these guys here won't let us through today. and oh, if you see someone from the Singfreids, please tell them that their guards at the main gates just called them filths. and oh, if anything is missing, blame it on these two gents as well. you know how the people at the supply gates are...they tend to take away a thing or two while inspecting

Ken: *jumping off the cart* Aye... I'll go deal with it personally..

*looks at Isayana*

Ken: This might get messy... Isayana, keep team 1 with ya...

*walks off in another direction*

*a green haired girl walks to the guards*

Shachika(that girl): Oi, the heck are you pissing off my guards for Senerade?

Re: AWP 2: Tales of Sumeria 1st Disc (Done)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-22 04:18:57
~Singfreid Manor Main Gate~
Shachika: Oi, the heck are you pissing off my guards for Senerade?
Kay:*shrugs*i wonder...but these guards of your boasts so much, if they can beat the 3 of us in battle...
*holds up the suitcase*
Kay:i'm here to deliver this.
Ithuqa:*whispering to Cthaqa*did they just called us inferior?
Cthaqa:*whispering to Ithuqa*they did
Ithuqa:*is suddenly on fire*why they
Ithuqa:*walking towards the guards*
Kay:*sighs as Ithuqa walked past him*uh...Ithuqa?oh shit...she's...
*grabs Cthaqa and Shachika and runs off*
Ithuqa:inferior? you called us inferior?
Kay:*shouts at the guards*if you know better, apologize to her cause that weak looking girl is...

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