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Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-03 07:50:26
Sure what the heck..^_^

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-11-03 08:30:30
Halatang masaya kau sa EGR nyo. Anyways, I remember when I went to our EGR. We were all on fire for God for those 3 days. We were taught how God wants to prosper us in all areas of our life, etc. Then, every night, Ptr. Tom, our senior pastor, would let us "speak in tongues". It was so refreshing. He told us that "speaking in tongues" were not from Man but from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Those were the days... (now being reminded of post-EGR and SOL, ouch...) Btw, kawaii pics.


@kei9, kei-kun
How are you ppl?

I will try to post Fire Revolution pics tomorrow. I'm just savoring the last days of my semestral break.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-04 06:05:53 (edited 2007-11-04 06:51:55)

I <3 u Patutina! xD

yay! Vie=gone for 2 days! wel wel i was too busy with school stuffs since sembreak will end soon >.< demmet... i need 2 chill for another week! ooh God help me xD
I HATE FILIPINO! the language makes me >>>>>>>.<<<<<<< i dunno!! filipino poems are just too corny yet these teachers make us memorize them!! but wel.. no sweat xDD im done memorizing them! evilness!!

Lyrical Princess-san: Patutina!!!! nc piccies!! ~.~ *drools* so kawaii!! krizien is also kawaii!! is daryl ur bf? ahhahahahah xDD anyways how r u ?

Anime: bwahahahhaha xDD

Andres: misha! xDD

Fellow fans: how r ya ? so wats new ? o.o


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-04 18:54:51
Hello! here I am again bwahahaha!

Monday is holiday for us here! wheeee... *being lazy* XDD *dances*

@Anime-san: hey! long time no see! I'm doing good, thanks! how about you? good luck with going back to classes ^__^

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-04 21:42:20 (edited 2007-11-04 21:48:00)
@lacus i'm good. nothing particular really but still feverish DX. and nice pics. oh yeah and thanks for letting me join the RP ^^ and for the help.

@kei9 welcome XD

@kei-kun holiday eh...nice XD

@fans hope you guys are doing fine ^^

School holidays starts today until next year! woot! XD now i have more time online maybe.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 01:08:37 (edited 2007-11-05 02:34:45)

o.o wth kirakira!! a holiday until next year ?? xDD how lucky!!
the world is just so unfair >.<

but anyways mwahahahhaha... 4 weeks from now ill be having my longest break ever xDD ateneo fiesta, xmas, new year and errr bday!!!!! xDD ill be free soon!!
i just hev to work hard for now >.< and get high grades xDD

Lyrical Princess-san: patutina wer r u ?

Fellow fans: post.. how r all of u now ? had a great day ? xDD


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 01:25:03

iris-chan: ill try to watch it :p
meteor garden <33
Vic Zhou and VIE Zhou xDD

fellow fans:


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 01:56:04
@vie it's reducing as years passed though DX

@iris ok XD thanks

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 02:56:32

Kira-san: ooh ic.. but still u get to hev a long break xDD
im gona burn down my school to hev sum years of break too xDD

Iris-chan: mwahahha VC :o but really Vic is sooooo kawaiii >.< the perfect guy for me x.x joke hahahahahha xDD
Vic Zhou <33


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-11-05 03:10:22
Yesh. Burn down schools! Bwahahahahahahaha!

Waaaaaaaaaaa! School is back worse than ever!

How ish meh mommeh?

Well, I just endured a beating from teh teachers. Now, I'm suffering from assignments and a cold. I know the Lord will heal has healed me physically and mentally in order for me to do my assignments. How are you ppl?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 03:11:28 (edited 2007-11-05 03:24:07)

Iris-chan: ooh yeh same here!! >.< how boring xDD
Vic Zhou is mine xDD shuu shuu Vic Zhou is Vie Zhou's papae!!

Anime: i hev an idea.. next election ill run for president and vote for me ooh and do everything u can to make me win xDD!! in exchange for the support ill burn all schools for u!! xDD
deal or no deal?? xDD mwahahahahah



Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 03:40:27
>w< mommy!!! nice piccies!!! u r so kawaii and pretty!!! hini~sisshhhh too!!!

<333 am so very happy today!!! >w< weeeeeeee~!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 04:28:51
Hmmm..Its been a while since I last posted here....

SO everybody whats up!?!?Haha

@Vie-I support you in that election.haha

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 05:18:03 (edited 2007-11-05 05:40:56)

Blue Blue-chan: happy bday happy bday! happy bday to me oops you

Kenji-san: mwahahahahha tenchuu x.x
helo garci xDDD

Iris-chan: mwahahaha ara ara arent we a perfect couple ? xDD


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 06:33:38
I am back, sorry for the super late posts, I've been very busy lately.. I just came to check up on you guys.. but, I have to rest.. :3 and i still have to prctice for our dance om saturday.. ^^

I'll surely p0st tomorrow.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-05 07:26:11 ya post !

Can't wait.

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-11-05 21:17:02
Happy birthday blur sish!

How ish meh sish?

Rest. I know you'll need it.

It's Computer time again at my school. No hands-on exercises, no quizzes, free time! awoo!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-06 01:41:51 (edited 2007-11-06 04:39:31)

Lyrical princess-san: Patutina! wahooiii!! dance dance!! anyways goodluck xDD

Iris-chan: wow! u surely know how to pratice euphemism xDD
tnx *_*

Anime: wow.. cool.. u can aces other sites during computer time T.T im jealous

Fellow fans: *_* mwahahha


F or P resident

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-11-06 07:13:24
Ahhh!!!... I'm kinda lost now... ^__^

How you doing?

@Vie: *snuggles*... I don't get the last blinking part on your message ^__^ hehe

@Lacus: awww, no worries finish first what you have to, and come here to post when you have time!... we'll wait for ya!

@Iris: hiya! ^__^ a bakeshop?... I couldn't work there, I might eat all my work XDD

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by gendou on 2007-11-06 22:01:36
iris has been banned. if she returns and posts in this thread again, you know very well what will happen.

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