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Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-19 20:19:27
@ Jejechi - sure that's fine! Thanks :D

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by dx005 on 2010-06-19 23:00:15
tnx zero


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by meyrinkay on 2010-06-20 19:00:53
Mou...... anyone want to take my request?

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-21 19:30:41

Everyone: I am so sorry for the late delay for the announcement, please forgive me. Without further ado here it is.

The Results


Judge 1: "Avy looks kind of sloppy but it's interesting so it's a 8.8/10.
The sig is cool but the heart is really out of place. That's just a 9/10."

Judge 2: "Nice Effects on both Avy's and Siggy I personally love the
picture used 9.5/10"

Judge 3: "Avatar
I guess the fonts size are the same but make a little bigger on "Inx". Hmm, I
rather like the render to be focus on rather then the background, like sharpen
the render or blur the background, vice versa. Perfect combination. Reduce some
brush on the face. 7/10
Love the fonts effects on "Chocolate Love". I see you use brushes on the edges.
"D18" could use some work. The background would use some smudge effects, you
don't have to relies on splatter brushes. Paint some chocolate colour on the
background and try to smudge it just a little bit to work some effects. 7.5/10
I feel blackmailed since it's a yaoi couple avy/sig, and I have an allergy to pink."

Avatar: 25.3/30
Avatar: 26/30

Total Score: 51.3/60


Judge 1: "Avies are ok, but the name takes up too little space, making them
almost unseeable. The sig has a pretty background, I'll admit that but the quote
doesn't seem to make sense with it. I would suggest making something that fits the
sig. 8.7/10"

Judge 2: "Font was not right for picture Siggy was plain and could have been
better. 7.5/10"

Judge 3: "Avatar
"Zero" could put top left side and I guess you typed "zero" then "Zero"? Hmm, like
I comment on Li Wen's work, you could render the renders and position the guy on the
left while the girl on the right. It could look like the girl is laying her head on
the guy's chest, like hugging. You could use some light effects too. 6.5/10
Work on the fonts position, chap. If the signature isn't cut into two, you have much
place to put the fonts. Is that original background, but I doubt that. Chap, you need
some light effects tutorial. Put some C4D effects. 7/10"

Avatar: 22.7/30
Avatar: 23.2/30

Total Score: 45.9/60


Judge 1: "Avies and sigs don't have much to offer. They could use more
creativity. Liwen did say he couldn't do sigs well. I'll be generous and give him
a 8/10 for both."

Judge 2: "Font for Avy's could have been different. Siggy's were simple but
nice 9/10"

Judge 3: "Avatar
Hmm, guess sometimes big image shrunk into small would be very stressful or you could
separate the renders by rendering them and then shrunk it. That way you have more fun
adjustment to do. You could do some gif effects on the background. Make it seen through
rather having an orange background. You need to work with your fonts. You don't have to
use the same fonts as in the signature. Since the avatar doesn't have much grungy, try
something that less grungy too(fonts). 7/10
Woah! I know signature limits are 600x100, but try reduce the length of it. The bigger the
size it is the more brush and works or effects you have to put on. You could put some grungy
mode. Genius words, combining eh? I love the fonts. But cut down the edge names. The position
could use some work, rotate it to the right just a little bit to show the gun, if that's your
motif. 6.5/10
This is cute. ...can I start a company that named "Manganime"?"

Avatar: 24/30
Avatar: 23.5/30

Total Score: 47.5/60

Congratulations Inx!

Congratulations to this AxS Couple Set Winner Inx!
And congratulations to everyone else as well! Good job this contest!
Now if only I had something to give you Inxeh. ;-; I don't have anything planned for the winner.
But when I get something I'll be sure to give it to you.
That concludes this AxS Competition! Ja~


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 01:16:30

Its my latest sig so I hope you guys like it. Oh, I think I got accepted into AxS...

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 01:20:05 (edited 2010-06-23 02:19:37)
Kazumi, since you have asked multiple times, I'm more than willing to take on your request.


For future purposes only, if you want a higher chance of people taking your request, please use higher quality images. Many consider it a challenge to use and make it less likely they will want to fulfill it. Try looking for scans, but if you really want someone to pick up your request, try pre cut xD I kid. I hope you enjoy this

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 08:02:17
I totally forgotten about this contest ;-;

Congratulations Inxie o(^^o)(o^^)o
Nice set, you deserve to be the champion d(^^)b

Nice effort there too. I loved your siggy's background <3

Sure you can ;3 I'm sure Mang and Anime would be happy that you started a company with a name based on their gendou ID xDDD

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 08:16:46
[ Sayuri ]
Thank for getting it in dear, sorry to have been pushing you
to finish it ; 3; Thank you though, it was really fun to do.
You really don't have to give me anything, am happy as it is.

[ Scarletteh ]
Oh mai! Its so beautiful! Your getting really good at making them
both, am so happy that I could smother you in my love xDDDD

[ Wen ]
Thank you > w< But I actually thought that yours was better
then mine, I really like yours a lot. And I actually thought
your would win~

[ Judge 3 ]
I know what you mean, I don't really use blur on my backgrounds
cause I always thought "its a shame to blur its pretty-ness" and
that I use splatter brushes A LOT xD I will try to work on your
recommendations and see how it goes. No harm done, we have our
own likes and dislikes. Btw, I also dislike pink... sadly am using
a set thats one xDDD

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 10:31:24

@to everyone in the contest; Good job with the sets! In impressed by all of you. Sorry I had to drop out though, I felt that it would be too unfair if I was in it some family issues came up and I didn't have much time to do the banner.

@Inx: Congrats! I'll give you, er... A high-five and a llama badge? XD

Tales of FC

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-23 11:46:17
I've been a gfx artist since 2005/6, even though it doesn't look like it sometimes.

You're way behind Haseo xD

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by meyrinkay on 2010-06-23 17:34:06

Thx. And i'll remember that.
Honestly it was hard to find a better one for the time being....

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by jejechi on 2010-06-24 02:30:51 (edited 2010-06-26 00:03:38)
... 8DDD

congrats on Inxiee~~~
great work buddy! XD

and you all have nice workin'! XD
reaaaalllyy nice XD

welcome, Scar-nee XD

awesome work, btw XD

liweeenn nice render XD
P4, right? XD

note for Anke-san:
i'm really sorry, i cannot upload your set now... i'm on a different computer and i didn't bring my flashdisk >__> (this is absolutely my fault TwT)
i'll post your set here, i'll update this post later... sorry to make you waiting for a long time... DX
again, sorry X<

i'll post it ASAP DX


@anke-san: your request is done! Hope you like it X3

<img src="">

<img src="">

If you wanna change some parts, please just tell me XD

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by dx005 on 2010-06-24 22:39:57
I would like to request an avy please...

that's the photo URL..

I'd like it to have a border...any cool color you'd like..and the name displayed:


that's it..tnx..


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by holkers on 2010-06-25 09:34:28
Yay congras to Inx.

Just stop by to see the results :3
K. Work hard :D

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by Manglez on 2010-06-29 02:47:23
Hey all! Long time no see ._.

Haven't made a set in a long time, so I haven't exactly had the chance to post any of them here XD. But I attempted making one yesterday, so here it is in all its fail c: I'm still desperate to get a hold of Photoshop CS3 XDDDD am still operating on 7.0 ;_;

I tried the whole, putting the character in the center of the signature thing this time. I still don't like using that kind of technique though XD and yeah, the background does kind of fail, lol.

Congrats for the contest! :D sadly I couldn't participate because, A. I was doing other things that were keeping me busy, and B. I'm reeeaaally lousy at couple avatars XD

- AYU -
That set is amazing!! c: The only problem I have with it is that, in a weird kind of way, the avatar doesn't seem to completely match the signature. I mean the backgrounds are similar, but the same gradient you used in the signature wasn't used very much on the character in the avatar, but I have a personal paranoia about things matching, so perhaps my advice isn't that great XD but otherwise, I adore how you've done the background on both images, it's really cool.

That set is really pretty set! :DD I love the squares pattern... thing XD not sure how to describe, but I'm sure you get what I mean >_> the brushes on the edges were a nice touch, too. The avatar is brilliant, creative use of the image in the signature :) the only thing I would have suggested is that a colorburned dark green would have looked really cool for the stroke on the text in the signature, but otherwise, no problem c:

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by ocean on 2010-06-29 06:38:18
I was playing around with different filters and lighting stuff with a siggy and i liked how it turned out so i attempted a set >_<


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-29 07:34:46
Haha Mango, sometimes I like to differ up the avatar and sig. When I'm lazy, I just extract from the signature.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by temari_fan on 2010-06-29 08:55:26

Hey Guys :D
Im going to start posting my work here so I can get some criticism
Since I finally have time to play around with different effects I might as well take advantage of it

This was a set I made for Tifa recently:

Please comment on it :D

And this was another set that I did for Flora


Please comment and give me some advice :D

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by ocean on 2010-06-29 15:26:15 (edited 2010-07-01 12:44:07)
I'll take DEX's request since no one else is >_>
edit: oops broke the 5 post rule T_T srry bout that

Edit 2: k here you go... if you want any changes or if you want someone else to redo it then tell me since I know I'm not as good as everyone else here XP
Edit 3: srry bout that >_< well now you have a set XP

@ Sayuri
hmm i think the boarder doesnt match the siggy at all. Try using a lighter, pink-er colour and then colour dodge rather then burn
also i would try doing something with the render so it doesnt look like its just been pasted on... things like blurring the edges, adding smudges in the background or adding some C4D's for lighting can go a long way... best option is to experiment, play around with stuff until you get something that you like
im not really a pro at this though so i can't really say much >_<

@ Jejechi
thanks for pointing that out XD my reading skills seemed to have entirely disappeared after school ended
And thank you! i will try your advice ^_^
Edit: i edited the colours by re-layering the original render and setting it to colour and reducing the opacity.... also added in a few adjustment layers >_>


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-06-30 21:04:01
nice work everyone.

here is a sig I did, that I plan to edit later if it isn't good. Please comment.

Here are the other sig that I did recently, currently my newest style.

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