Re: Pokemon Platinum
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Whooaaa.. The figure does look nice. I think I am gonna attempt to score a second figure for my little cousin. Since where I reserved the game is in some back wall GameStop. I found a ToysRUs close to where I live recently. So I got the Regigigas for the game. I thought Rotoms stats weren't that good to begin with. I never checked out the other forms for it. Any stat differences? Gary took Charmander? :o @Unico~ VIA through ordering online, do you still get the figure? O_o ![]() ![]() |
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No wait, I think he took Squirtle... or was it Charmander? He did have the fully evolved form of Squirtle, rightt? My memory is too rusty to fully remember. >_<;; ![]() ------- |
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Gary starts with Squirtle in the anime series, Evee in Yellow Version and of course the other versions he just picks the Pokemon that has the textbook strength over your choice. And no, Rotom is pretty crap in it's new forms too. :/ |
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Yes, yes, that's good. And yeah, I always call my rival in the game a "p****" for doing that, haha. I've always chosen the fire type Pokemon, which is the roughest to start with since the gym leaders to start with have an element advantage over fire type pokemon, but I always manage to get through, as I used to train hardcore when it comes to Pokemon games, its nuts. :D I remember in Yellow, you became Ash when you got Pikachu, but you'd later get not only Pikachu, but Bulbasaur, Charmander, AND Squirtle, though unlike Ash, I think all of mines evolved into their elite forms, and I prefer Raichu over Pikachu any day. XD ![]() ------- |
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These were my starters for each game (excluding Yellow because you can't choose in that one). Red - Charmander Blue - Squirtle Gold - Cyndaquil Silver - Totodile Crystal - Cyndaquil Ruby - Torchic Sapphire - Torchic Emerald - (Started with Torchic but didn't get to finish Emerald version) Fire Red - Charmander Leaf Green - Charmander Diamond - Priplup Pearl - Priplup Platinum - Probably Priplup again, or I might try something different and go for Turtwig. I never use Grass Pokemon, not sure why I'm just not a big fan of Grass types. I mostly stuck to the fire types, but I use the water types sometimes too. |
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Yeah same, I never ever really chose the grass type. Maybe once, but I started over quickly after. I think it's the worst choice, but the water is always a plus cause "Surf" is one of those wutchamacallitmoves in the game you'll need to travel to certain spots, but not only that, I'd love to have Surf as a final move, but not for all of my water pokemon if I have that much. Fire has always been my main choice, instantly, without a doubt, because I simply prefer it better. I forget what version it was, but I was so excited that I finally got Dragonite (from the first level, and made it evolve, then again). The thing took forever to train, cause it evolved late, but I love Dragon pokemon, and they can be dangerous with Fire types (kind of like Ghost/Physic). I can honestly say, Dragonite was one of my favorite pokemon I ever raised, trained with, battled with, etc, cause I caught the first level at a super young level, and I think I raised it to level 85+ or something, since it was in my main six most of the time, and all of my main six, for the majority of the time were always over 70-75. What about legendary pokemon Jon? Ever got interested in them? Hunt them down? Capture them? Ignored them? ![]() ------- |
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Ahhh.. I thought it was Squirtle. I seemed to recall him using a Blastoise in an episode. :o So not much benefit to the Rotom change. That kinda stinks. Its sometimes so hard to find a good Grass pokemon. In Red/Blue and Gold/Silver, I have played the games and restarting with a different Starter each time. I didn't like Mudkip too much in Ruby/Sapphire. Sorry not a Mudkip fan. :c ![]() ![]() |
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THAT'S IT, Blastoise. I orignally said "Turquoise", before erasing it and not posting it, rofl! XD I used Chikarita before, but Cyndaquil is way too cool to NOT use, especially over Chikarita. Actually, that set wasn't that bad, but Cyndaquil is bad455, I loved it's final form and flame wheel was awesome to use. ![]() ------- |
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Lol.. DA. Tried not letting Quilava evolve into Thyplosion(sp), though teh idea of not being able to teach it "Thunderpunch" and "Dynamic Punch" was eerie to me. Thyplosion Moveset: Thunderpunch - for flying/water Dynamic Punch - for rock/ground Flamethrower - for grass/bug Cut/Return - anything that isn't affected by those ^ lol... cut=only normal type attack that I prefered. forgot my Blaziken's moveset... though I know I have Sky Uppercut in that set.. XD Once tried Chikorita... Bayleef(sp) was kinda nice to look at... never evolved it to Megalonium(sp)... and speaking of Legendary Pokemons... never really added them on my Party... but since I want to complete my PkDex I had to capture them.. XD hardest bit = three legendary dogs of G/S/C... Suicune, Entei and Raikou oh gods.. my pokemaster blood is acting up again.. XD /stops ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Pokemon Platinum
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@keiri: lol u better let nurse joy look into that, we wouldn't want u to end up turning into a pokemon now would we. this is one game that i have been anticipating for awhile now, especially when i get my old team back from Pearl if only it wasn't robbed. Torterra Charizard Blastoise Garchomp Alakazam Pikachu oh yeah i plan on evee training them once i get my hands on Platinum ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pokemon Platinum
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by escmacapp!
on 2009-03-20 11:05:31
I played Pokemon games. Pokemon Blue Version Pokemon Emerald Version Pokemon Diamond Version Not much all games... |
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@DA- I have caught all the Legendary Pokemon, except for the ones you have to get through Nintendo events, I hate those Pokemon. Oh, and Rayquaza, since I didn't get the chance to finish Emerald. I would love to have Rayquaza (Shiny form preferably) because he looks so awesome. I have used one Legendary Pokemon on my team before, it was Moltres. I did use Articuno for a little while, but I used Moltres as one of my main 6. I'm hoping I will be able to get my favorites back that I had in Pearl later on in the game (Just so I can have them on my own copy of the game). Shiny Ninetails ![]() Gardevoir ![]() I have these two in Pearl and they are probably my favorites at the moment, but the game was my cousins and I'm hoping he hasn't started a new game and erased mine so I can grab those two and keep them safe on my copy Platinum. (I may possible use them on my final 6 once I train my other Pokemon to their level.) |
Re: Pokemon Platinum
WIsh they'd do a proper, 3D Pokemon game. That isn't fighting.
If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.
Re: Pokemon Platinum
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I kind of wish they would too. The main Pokemon games have always been on the handhelds, but I wouldn't mind main Pokemon 3-D game for console. I think it's because Nintendo has known for a long time that they can keep Pokemon games cheap and still make millions upon millions of dollars. When I say cheap I mean simply using sprites, minimal animation and simple music. Although I still want to see one done. I can imagine what it would be like. The 3-D Pokemon games out there kind of suck. Gale of Darkness was just kind of skimmed down and basic, Stadium has only been getting worse since the 64 version, kind of makes you wish for like a Red and Blue 3-D game. |
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[@keiri] Every form with Cyndaquil (forget spelling, our memories are off XD), is pretty cool. The second one was definitely cool, and when I saw its final form, I was like, all it did was stand up, but it gave off that beasty impression. I hate the move cut, cause even if it's a normal attack, which I use occasionally, I think cut is a weak "normal" type attack for others, though sometimes I see other pokemon use 'em (in trainer battles) and somehow, it's a strong attack. That's one of those special moves you can teach your Pokemon, and it's one of those you have to teach one cause you need it to cut through those special herbs or whatever. I usually give a weaker one in my set, cut, then later either take him out of my party or learn a move over it (when I don't need it anymore for anything, or something like that). Though what's annoying that when I'm trying to find something, I see that I need cut, realize the pokemon I have don't know it, gotta go back to the pokemon center, switch out the pokemon to get the one that knows cut, then go on from there, go back to the pokemon center after I did what I needed to do, then switch that pokemon back out with the original one I replaced from my set. I know my Blaziken had Flame Thrower, probably another punch type attack (two turns to use), Sky Uppercut. That move was pretty to see when using it. I can't remember what the final fourth move was, but I'unno, maybe I'll check later since I still have my GBA Advance somewhere around here. XD Chikorita had a nice evolution as well, and the final form was really nice. I remember Ash actually had his evolved into the second form, but never the third. I think the only pokemon he ever had evolve into its final form was Charizard, though I'm not sure. It's funny how in the anime, his Chikorita actually had a pretty good amount of character development, and dare I say it, I thought it was kind of cute (in that pet master type way). XD I thought the dogs were annoying. Raikou never really made any appearance on TV, which I thought was unfair. Entei was in one of the Pokemon movies, and Suicune has made a few mysterious appearances, too. Now in the game, they were really annoying. I think I caught Raikou like without a fight even, though not sure about Entei. Suicune was definitely the most difficult to capture because most of the time, it would run away before you even attacked. Also, it had to have been one of the most difficult to find as well. I hate when legendary pokemon actually hide in the wild with other pokemon, so you gotta run around in the grass randomly hoping you get it. :/ [@Jon] Rayquaza was awesome! I caught one and instantly it became a part of my main six. I think it knew Fly on its own, though when using it, it did not have a clue how to use it. :D The legendary set with Rayquaza looked cool and I remember I definitely caught all of them. They were all level 70 too, so the challenge at this time, was good. The birds are nice. I think I used Zapdos more often, though I'm not sure why. Or it could've been Moltres, not sure. This set is a blur to me, but I did use Mewtwo for a little while. Mewtwo is fun to use, but too powerful to really include in a game, since in the anime Mew/Mewtwo are just like, guardians of the pokemon world. Oh, and that Ninetails looks so awesome. ![]() ------- |
Re: Pokemon Platinum
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by wind-spear5
on 2009-03-21 18:38:27
DA there are different battle tiers for various pokemon within competitive battling. Mewtwo belongs in the Uber Tier, and the dogs and birds belong in OU(overused) aka Standard. Usually when there were legendary pokemon in sets of 3 they were always set to OU, but the more powerful legendaries were condemned to Uber Tier. Another tier is UU(underused) which is strangely filled up by the majority of the pokemon in existence. I'm trying to breed a Larvitar with Outrage and Dragon Dance, but the only way of pulling that off is by using my shiny Chamander to pass on the two moves and Charmander's lvl 1 and I don't want to train it(I'd rather trade it). So yeah I'm ready for some Platinum as of tomorrow at noon, and I hope the $39 I pitched in will be sufficient. |
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It will be noon before I get it as well, but I probably won't get home to play it until 12:45 since the EBGames here is about a 20 minute drive from where I am. For anyone here getting Platinum, would any of you eventually be interested in battles against other Gendou members? Levels caps can be put in place of course to keep it fair. My girlfriend is getting it as well, and she wants to battle me eventually so I was wondering if any other members would be willing at some point. |
Re: Pokemon Platinum
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by wind-spear5
on 2009-03-21 20:33:23
Oh would you like an egg containing Larvitar? I'm in the process of breeding a T-Tar with Outrage and Dragon Dance. Also I can breed various pokemon with egg moves if you like? Anyways I digress. I would love to get into a battle with you and you're girlfriend and if she wants pokemon with egg moves I'd be more than happy to help. |
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I would be willing to battle anyone but not right now. =( I gotta do some pokemon hunting,pal-park-ing,breeding and EV training before I'm ready to battle on wi-fi.Usually when asking for a wi-fi battle,these are my 'rules' Free Level No Ubers No Hack-ed No Legendary Uxie,Mesprit and Azelf are allowed. Species Clause In case some of you don't know what are Ubers,they're a bunch of Pokemon which are uber-hard to defeat.Here is a list of all the Ubers; Mewtwo Mew Wobbuffet Lugia Ho-Oh Latias Latios Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Deoxys (all forms) Dialga Palkia Giratina Manaphy Darkrai Arceus Regigigas Garchomp ______________________________________________ @ GMEIS Hope I get the toy. I odered the game here,not to sure whether the toy is included. |
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hmm.. too bad I'm not living near/in US for teh Regigigas Event.. x.x unico: lol at teh Wobbuffet in teh list.. XD DA: I had that scenario also.. XD Getting back to teh nearest PKcenter just to 'withdraw'... :P I'm still thinking whether to get a DS just for this game... since I'm feeling that Nintendo would release a couple more Pokemon Games here before finally importing it to teh Wii... which is one hell of a job.. >XD ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------