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Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 02:57:43
Nice one Jonathon! I sure like the idea! I hope it'll work fine :3

I don't have any more ideas about the categories, but I sure do know who woul fit in those ;)

Keep it up!

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Puku~San on 2006-12-06 03:05:36 (edited 2006-12-07 01:38:25)
I have every nominatess for every category!

Best Storyline RP - A WANDERING PATH


Craziest Member [Crazy in a good way] - Can It be Lady Maia?

Favorite Member: JONATHON

Bloodymoon -In the Waste of Time section

"naaaaaaaaah later"-In the Anime section

Bloodymoon -In Gendou City

Michiyo!-In the Other section

Michiyo!-In the Physics section

In THE INSANE WORLD When we kill santa.-Funniest topic

Lady Maia?- Happiest member

Karuzo- Darkest member

None other than the Hiranabegumi!-Most intimidating clan

Fratello?-Most missed member

Nekomimi!-Best personality (person)

Lady Maia!-Wildest imagination

Kei-Kun-Brainest / Most knowledgable member (Any topic. Has to be facts.)

?-Most loved anime character in Gendou community

DeathNote-Most popular anime/manga in Gendou community

MIne!Hahahahahahahahaha!Best avatar / signature (Current, can't be any from over a month ago.)

Michiyo or Nekomimi?- Most helpful / friendliest member

Jonathon!-Member of the year

Ill edit it later...


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by karuzo on 2006-12-06 03:40:11
Best Storyline RP: Valkryja: Beggining of Disaster

Best Random RP: Th Insane World

Craziest Member: Maia- hime [Lady Maia]

Favorite Member: Overall

In the Waste of Time section: Bloodymoon

In the Anime section: [not yet decided]

In Gendou City: Bloodymoon or Ugopetamia

In the Other section: [not yet decided]

In the Physics section: Michiyo

Funiest topic: [none]

Happiest member: [not yet decided]

Darkest member: Karuzo [me]

Most intimidating clan: Hiranabegumi

Most missed member: [not yet decided]

Best personality: Nekomimi

Wildest imagination: [not yet decided]

Brainest / Most knowledgable member:

Most loved anime character in Gendou community:

Most popular anime/manga in Gendou community: Bleach or Deathnote

Best avatar / signature: [not yet decided]

Most helpful / friendliest member: [not yet decided]

Member of the year: Jonathon


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-06 03:58:58
uh guys i think he was talking about sending him a pm im not sure but two (soli and karuzo)sure are into it!hehehe

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 13:08:32 (edited 2006-12-06 14:40:18)
Nominations can be sent through PM, you don't have to but I just thought it would save you a post in your WoT 10 post limit.

@Zparticus: I'll stick with Christmas I guess since there are 3 possible dates for the aniversery. Nominations are already open.

Also, you probably won't be able to do this with the number of catagories but if you can then try not to nominate the same person more than twice for one catagory.

@Soli- Oh yeah, 'Lady Maia' isn't a topic. For the Funniest Topic catagory you have to name the topic not the creator.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 18:09:25 (edited 2006-12-07 19:24:29)
@Jon: Wouldn't it be fitting to have it on New Years instead? Just wondering, but since it is the start of a whole new year, and the first version of Gendou's Anime Music started January 2001.

Best Storyline RP -
Best Random RP -
Craziest Member [Crazy in a good way] - LuBu
Favorite Member: schala_zeal
-In the Waste of Time section: Jonathon
In the Anime section
-In Gendou City: Jon
In the Other section
In the Physics section

Funniest topic: Kingdom Hearts 2 Humor
Overall Fave member: ....schala_zeal
Happiest member: roqstar14 (he did start the Hapiness thread)

- Darkest member: Dark lol
Most intimidating clan
Most missed member: ItachiX
Best personality (person): schala_zeal, roqstar14, Lubu, or darksamurai777 (will edit once decided)
Wildest imagination
-Brainest / Most knowledgable member (Any topic. Has to be facts.): roqstar14 was very intelligent in Meet your Meat, if that counts :P
-Most loved anime character in Gendou community
-Most popular anime/manga in Gendou community: Naruto or Bleach
Best avatar / signature (Current, can't be any from over a month ago.)
Most helpful / friendliest member: roqstar14
Member of the year: In 2005 (when I joined) almost all of the pages were full with the Depression Thread. I'm not saying that I have anything to complain about, I'm making a point. Now, there is also the Hapiness Thread; where you can say why you are happy and be exepted, and praised. The maker of this thread was roqstar14, and my nominee. :P

I will edit this later!

OoOOOOO: Idea!
How about most artistic? As in like, the u draw anime thread?


Best couple (or something like that)

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 18:24:17
@Gackt Lover- Actually that's a pretty good idea. It would give me a few more days for voting/nominations, and it is a fitting day to hold it. Maybe New Years eve.

Meet you Meat, could someone verify that topic for me? Or at least tell me where it is? It needs to be a factual topic for roq to qualify for the Brainiest member.

I'd like to keep Gendou out of the Member of the Year nominations. I'm pretty sure he everyone already sees him as the most important guy here. I'm allowing the Mods to be a part because their regular members that just edit and enforce rules. However Gendou can be nominated for any other category[Might change though].


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 18:33:47

I'll change my thingy tomorrow. (Nominations) I hope that ^ helps.

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 18:36:44
@Gackt- Thanks. Looks factual to me so I'll approve that nomination.

There's only about 3 weeks left until the time to announce the winners. So we need to get to the voting stage by at least Dec. 20th. So nominate more people! Or else people could win by default or choices will be limited.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by K i D on 2006-12-06 21:03:08
was thinking.... for the new-er members that have just joined Gendou, they might not know much about the people who have been nominated..

other than viewing their profile, maybe we could get them to intro themselves before the votings? so that everyone could join in the fun of voting and NOT just the long-time members or the more familiar faces voting... yeah?


- It's NOT.thecolorofyour s k i n.|BUT|.thec o n t e n t sofyourHEART.that reallymatters -

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-06 21:03:40
Most artistic!! That's a cool one!!

Jonathon are you going to put the female winner and male winner or is only one in general...cuz that's even harder!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-12-07 06:20:21
there's a thread like this that was made by SHISHIO already. =.=...

you have to scan through the waste of time section to see it.

here's the link: Gendou Academy Awards!!


I'm sorry.... I may ruin your fun but... why do you keep making threads like these? Member of the week... and the "Gendou Academy Awards". they almost have the same idea: Popularity, Fame and people will eventually get big heads then they'll think that they're the best. <_<

it's not bad or anything. But, isn't one enough already?

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-07 11:02:58 (edited 2006-12-07 11:10:00)
@Lady Maia- Yeah but Shishio is no longer around and I need to be able to edit the first post of the thread to keep updates in an easy to find place. Since Shishio is banned he can't delete it or give me the ability to edit that first post.

As for the other thing, it's just fun. It's not fame or popularity it's just recognizing people who should be recognized. I don't think anybody is going to get a boost of fame by winning something like this. So please just either go along with it or ignore it. It's only fun. I could say the same thing about other WoT threads you know. I don't see the point or fun in the other WoT games, at least me and Shishio were being different in the WoT section.=.=

Also, I don't think anybody around here is going to get a big head from this. You'd have to have a pretty egotistical nature to be cocky winning this. I don't think anyone here at Gendou is like that.

@Pame- If I do that then it'll only double the categories and that will make voting longer and more confusing. The winner can be male of female.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Huy on 2006-12-07 11:45:48
Hey, how about "The best Karaoke song in the karaoke thread"?

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-07 13:04:33 (edited 2006-12-07 13:50:08)
@Huy- That's a good idea. I'll add it.

@Lady Maia- Read your comment on the other site. If you don't like the thread then I'll just remove you from it.

~~~~~~~Lady Maia cannot be nominated for any categories~~~~~~~


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-12-07 15:13:12
@jonathon: hahaha~! riiiggghhht~! big heads? ^___^ *points at some people in gendou* anywhoo... thanks for taking me out. ^^ wai~!

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-07 15:24:58 (edited 2006-12-07 15:25:54)
@Lady Maia- I know what you mean, but really just how big headed can you [Not you as in Lady Maia] get? It's fun, nobody is actually getting anything for this whole thing, I'd even say everyone will forget about it within a month.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-15 16:30:45
So, are we still going to do this, or is it cancelled? Just curious, because I thought it was a very good idea. Anyhoo, I really liked it, and there hasn't been any activity in a while.

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-15 17:00:12 (edited 2006-12-15 17:06:26)
No-one bothered to post their votes. I'm still willing to run it and do it but first off we need at the very least 2 nominee's in each category.

Edit: So far there are no categories which have 4 nominee's. Some have three and others have none. I may elminate a few categories but only a few.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-15 17:35:31
I got confused! A lot of people mentiones categories...Which ones are the Real ones?? I want to nominate and vote!!!! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

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