Registered:2008-10-08 05:31:37
Latest Activity:2022-09-14 11:51:17
Forum Entries: View All (2)
Buddies: has 6 buddies in list, is on 22 buddy lists
Battle Stats: Wins: 5, Losses: 8, Ratio: 38%, View Standing
About Me: I'm 17...A Healthy Teenage Currently live in Malaysia..Dreams to go the London UK..Love animes and love Indie Band song Like our LOCAL INDIE BAND HUJAN I loveee you Hujannn or the ARtic Monkeys Or teh The strokes BUT the legend THE BEATLES...I'm not EMO 100% Really...But the conclusion is anything wanna ask PM me or ask me when i'm in chat...SO FINISH READING GET OUT!!! WAIT before get out IF u did not hav add me in facebook please do so here's my adress (
Marriage History:
View 2009-07-12 00:33:00
View haradasakura 2009-06-24 22:06:25 2009-06-28 21:05:46
View 2009-07-12 00:33:00
View 2010-05-14 01:34:31

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