Registered:2007-07-19 14:46:05
Latest Activity:2012-07-09 00:18:05
Forum Entries: View All (4)
Buddies: has 13 buddies in list, is on 33 buddy lists
Battle Stats: Wins: 2, Losses: 1, Ratio: 66%, View Standing
About Me: Hello my name is shiranui, better known as Photobucket im 19 years young, and am married to my best friend and most amazing guy in the world. I blow out my candles march 12th. And i have the cutest little girl anyone could ever ask for. I love anime, and i love reading manga. Video games are my addiction, and final fantasy is amazing. I love the old school stuff like zelda and mario. and i am a really loving and caring person who loves her friends to no end..but..if you really want to know About me, just talk to me..youll find out so much more than this little box could ever tell you.
Marriage History:
View 2007-07-26 12:39:32 2009-11-28 11:27:11
View 2010-08-08 18:36:06
View Hidden Text 2010-08-09 14:33:20

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