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Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Aya. on 2006-04-13 23:59:27
Let's hear some fan rants agaisnt them disbanding!!Sadly, they disbanded last year but let's still rant about it!! >O

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by on 2006-04-14 00:18:31
It actually pisses me off. I just had a feeling this would happen after the 'For the Future' single.

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by on 2006-04-14 11:03:30
i know, it sucks :( i'm anxious to hear Tomiko's solo stuff though. didn't take her long eh? i think it must have been planned for a while before they actually announced it. or before we found out in NA anyway

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Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Pheo on 2006-04-15 09:53:15
They disband?? how come i didn't know... HELP! I'M BEHIDE TIMES!!!


Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Chubster on 2006-04-25 16:32:56 sucks how they have disbanded...and I really like the music too...

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-04-25 23:02:08
*shocked* they.... they disbanded?! noooooooo...

oh, their songs was so good... why disband now?

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by sherlock_holmes on 2006-04-26 00:51:15 (edited 2006-04-26 00:51:32)
how come they disbanded. their is songs quite nice. how can they do this to us.

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Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by jihi on 2006-04-26 16:21:34
Actually, didn't Tomiko Van start releseing singles before they disbanded? Again comes to mind.

- - - - - - -

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by on 2006-04-26 16:31:20
Singles, yeah, but they weren't solo. Right now she's working on a solo project and released her first album.. last month?

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Jax on 2006-04-27 09:57:51
=[ They can and they did guys =[

Jax is here

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Fuu on 2006-04-27 09:58:59
*sniff* yeah its so sad...

... o_O ...

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by augg. on 2006-04-28 07:12:54
i hate it..why do they have to disband...
their songs are so nice..

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Williams "Rei" on 2006-04-28 22:26:35
hmmm how come? what's their reason, so they can disbanded their group so easy like that. how about they fans, such like me???

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by on 2006-04-28 22:34:59
Conflict of interests, so to speak.

Dai wanted to keep writing songs for other artists, Ryo started a new band, and Van is pursuing a solo career.

Also, please fix your name Kira. <kira> is being treated as a tag, and thus does not register with the formatting of these forums.

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by on 2006-04-29 04:05:20
*raises hand*
Among my fave songs by DAI are Oasis and Fukai Mori :D

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by hell butterfly on 2006-04-29 04:56:41
what!?! they disbanded last year.. oh my.. i didn't know! too bad, they were one of my favorite japanese bands... i love fukai mori and lots of their songs...

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Aki Kaede on 2006-04-29 06:59:44
I was also quite shocked when I heard the news early this year...

Well, I hope they will regroup. Cos I love DAI!!!

届かなくても 追いかけて

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by Williams "Rei" on 2006-05-01 22:17:48
hmm, sorry about my last nickname (), i just being confuse to make a good nick name ( i like kira yamato, so i just take his front name as my nick name). by the way, back to the topics, i think that i have been heard some rumours say D.A.I will be back. i hope that's right, what about your opinion??? isn't that possible?

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by lionsaysroar on 2006-05-02 13:27:21
Damn, D.A.I. is being disbanded...that sucks. Good songs. =(

Re: Do As Infinity disbanded
Link | by ncatz on 2006-05-10 16:08:45 (edited 2006-05-10 16:09:45)'s can't believed
it's ...unspeakable's so suck
i like their song
it make me better and peaceful
tell me the reason !!


Alone in the walks of life,No other soul as his companionZ z zZ zz......

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