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Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by zahara on 2006-03-08 12:24:55
Hello! My name es Lenna and i like music anime so much
Ehm...i don't know english so much...but i can write and read and express myself...jiji^^. Well, i hope to can understand the majority of things you write...'cause i'm so glad to meet you...

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-08 12:40:07
Ah, you've come to the right place, because people here aren't gonna yell at you for not knowing English ^_^ I can understand everything you wrote there XD

A tradition we have is to give out images to new members, so here's two for ya ^_^

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by Shinya on 2006-03-08 12:55:19
If it's great music then this is the place to be. I do hope you like it here. Have fun!

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by Alex on 2006-03-08 14:15:52
Hey.... My Names Alex... I'm a bum. But i like anime. And cows. And more anime. And more cows. Welcome to messed up Language of ENGLISH!!

We gotta do something. Absolutly.You know what we gotta do? Toga Party!

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by zahara on 2006-03-08 15:08:54
thanks a lot! you're so nice ^_^

I have a i can download the music? i don´t find any link like a search or something like this...for example, if i want to load only one song....well, i don't know how work(?) (waaaa!! i forget the correct word "funcionar" in spanish) the mode(?) or way(?)..if it's by a "package" of some songs or one by one.....(sorry U.U)

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-03-08 15:14:36
look above, then see and click "Anime Music". then goto "download section" and right click onto one of the links and press "save as..." then choose where u want to save your music then u r done :)

if u want to preview the song, then just press the link. but it will count as one of your download points. ask me more if u need anymore help

oh by the way, Greetings~
here's a pic for u, click:

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-08 15:28:09
Hello, Bum (^_~)! Here's my two images for you!

If either you or Miyuki have any more questions or don't udnerstand something, don't hesitate to ask ^_^

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-08 15:34:18
Hello welcome to Gendou's! Enjoy!!!


Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by zahara on 2006-03-09 16:03:54 (edited 2006-03-09 16:10:03)
I don't understand about download points...what that means?
How many points i have? hmmm....How many songs i can preview? or How many songs i can downlaod? s many as i want?

Oe! Can you tell me how i can to put a signature, or avatar or just a little image?

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-03-09 16:48:44
Hey Miyuki-san, check out the FAQ section of Gendou's. It's underneath the Forum rolldown bar on the top bar of your screen. it explains everything. Download as much as you want!

As for avatars and stuff, the very first two threads in Introduce Yourself have all your answers! The two threads with the "!!!" Next to them explain it perfectly, good luck!!!

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by chrono on 2006-03-10 21:35:29
I'm just a newby that found this site by a total fluke. *Sighs* Well, here I am.

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-10 22:46:28
You've made a few posts, so I'll dub you "Knowledegable of the tradition."

I'm gonna take a break from the anime images and give out my last two Shadow of the Colossus images for now ^_^

19 and 20/20

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by zahara on 2006-03-12 06:57:04 (edited 2006-03-12 07:01:48)
I've made a few post 'cos the simple reason I don't know what to write...jeje ^^'

So, I can put my avatar and my signature (eee!! ^_~)
And I learned how to download songs (eeee!! five years ago I was looking for a song and I found it here!!)

I've read the forum too...I fund a thread with japanese names and it was funny...jeje^^

Although I don't know put pics inside mi post....How do you do that?

PD: sry for grammar mistakes

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by Shinya on 2006-03-12 07:53:31
Cool! Nice meeting you. My english isn't bad either, haha. Hope you like it here.

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-12 09:18:14
Just do the same thing you did with your avatar but in your post. like this:

<img src="">


Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by xSunFlarex on 2006-03-16 17:22:04
Hi. Im new to Gendou, hope to get along with everyone, heh. ^_^x

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by amano-san on 2006-03-16 17:30:27
Welcome, SunFlare-san. You'll get along, I'm sure.
Tradition: A Flame of Recca (Rekka no Honou) pic for yae.

Be guided by the FAQ/Help and The n00bs guide to posting with HTML (READ).


- - - - - - -
"To be forgotten, is worse than death."

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-16 19:21:36
And another image ^_^

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by Leiaala on 2006-03-17 11:13:11 (edited 2006-03-17 11:14:25)
Hello, My name is Leiaala, I'm new to the site as well. I love all japanese music, even traditional. You got a bunch of great anime music to listen to, but I haven't seen anything from Inuyasha yet, I hope to see some here soon. I already own a few anime CDs, can never get enough.........HEHE!

Re: Hi !!! i'm so happy to be here
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-03-17 13:18:46
Hiya Leiaala! Welcome to Gendou's! WE CAN NEVER GET ENOUGH OF ANIME HERE ^_^! Here's a free pic!

Enjoy! Have fun here!

V has struck again! Mwahahahaha! ^_^

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