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Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by Kouri on 2006-03-03 07:09:00
Hey... I'm not really new to Gendou, god knows I've downloaded so much off it... but anyway. Hey. =P

And one question... why is uploading disabled at this time? I'm only ever on at this time, and have to date uploaded only like... one song. I feel guilty...

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by amano-san on 2006-03-03 09:10:39 (edited 2006-03-03 20:34:53)
Edit: Forgot my welcoming image, my bad. Here yae go! ^^


* * * * * * *

AMusic FAQ #31: Why can't I upload?

Read the FAQ/Help.

- - - - - - -
"To be forgotten, is worse than death."

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-03 10:16:03 (edited 2006-03-22 06:44:43)
If you feel guilty because you've downloaded 125 songs and only uploaded one, then try visiting the member(s) with over 2000 downloads and no donations ^_~ I think you're fine, don't worry!

And here's your image!
I'm gonna break from the anime images trend for a second, and give out 10 images of the huge enemies from Shadow of the Colossus ^_^


Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Amano-san was first and still didn't give out an image T.T

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-03-03 13:22:07
i agree with sachiel down there...

well...hi, semi-newbie!!!

never heard of you, so welcome!! nice name, BTW..

don't feel guilty!!!

everything's fine..^_^

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by on 2006-03-03 19:47:42
I'm guilty for downloading only 46 songs and uploading one. *shrug* :P

Uh, but anyway, yes, hello! :)

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by Kouri on 2006-03-03 19:49:08
Um... okay ^_^;

Image? I don't get it. :P But um... huge spiky monster... *_*

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by on 2006-03-04 00:04:01
It's customary to give out images to new members. Erm, I myself don't really have any to give, so I apologize on that part. :0

Re: Erm... hey. ;p
Link | by Kouri on 2006-03-04 05:52:31
I see. ^_^ It's okay. :D

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