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New here...
Link | by locke13 on 2006-02-26 04:43:28
Well, I guess I'm new here to posting at the forum. Heya everyone. >_>
I have a question too. If I have a better quality version of a song already on this site, can I upload it? Looking for a response. Thanks guys. ;3

Re: New here...
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2006-02-26 05:01:33
Hi locke-san,

Welcome, Irasshai Mahou~

Mochiron...provided you're not restricted to upload. Please take note, only those song which are being requested otherwise you'll get yourself as well as the owner of this site into trouble...that's what i've did before...demo ne...Gendou-san is very considerate...he reactivate my account.

Please ensure that you'll check the request list before uploading any songs. I guess the size is about 7MB - 5MB, for more info, please visit the FAQ....

mi-chan yori~


Re: New here...
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-26 09:45:36 (edited 2006-03-22 06:30:01)
I think you may need to ask Gendou that personally... Anyways, here's your image!

Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Re: New here...
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-26 11:59:35

don't be shy!!

we're friendly!!

welcome to gendou and have fun!!

and about your wuestion, i have no clue...O.o


but, enjoy!! Image hosting by Photobucket

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