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Ello Gendou
Link | by Rika-Sama on 2006-02-25 13:02:43
Hehehe, that rhymed.

Saa, Ohayou minna. I'm Rika, you'd do well to add a san or chan with that. Why? 'Cause it sounds better. Well, I've nothing else so...

Ja ne!

"Kono shiroi yukitachi to issho ni kieteshimattemo anata no kokoro no naka ni zutto saiteitai kara." "yorisotte dakiatta nukumori wa wasurenai de ne chigau dareka o aishitemo."

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by amano-san on 2006-02-25 13:08:28 (edited 2006-03-26 23:17:13)
Ohayou, Rika-san! :P
Welcome to Gendou. Here's my image for yae!

Please be guided by the FAQs/Help here, and also consider this: HTML for n00bies

- - - - - - -
"To be forgotten, is worse than death."

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by on 2006-02-25 14:20:42
Konichiwa, Rika-chan! Welcome to!! PLease enjoy your stay while browsing the anime music and forum. I recommend you to read the FAQ/Help to understand and know more about how the rules and guidelines work here. Nice meeting you and hope to see you around the forums! ^_^

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by Shinya on 2006-02-25 14:47:37
Wow, it's great to see new people here! Nice to meet you. Jaa mata atode!

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by taishi on 2006-02-25 15:16:06

a. bai

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-25 22:19:07 (edited 2006-03-22 06:30:54)
Hello! You seem rather energetic and friendly, that's good ^_^

Here's my image for you!

Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Re: Ello Gendou
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2006-02-26 05:26:43 (edited 2006-02-26 05:28:22)
Konnichiipuu~ Rika-san;

Welcome (Irasshai) hope you enjoy your stay here *Sore wa, my serifu already...* Tonikaku...welcome, welcome :P

Here's my pics for you

Ja mata ne,
mi-chan yori~


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