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Happy people
Link | by Dark15 on 2006-02-22 08:02:39
Have you ever meet someone in one of your classes or related to you that was always happy and had a smile on their face. I truly hate perky people in the morning. When School first started in September for me I had first period History with a girl who was constantly happy. Everyone else in the class was either sleeping or drinking very strong cups of Coffee. But she kept saying how nice of a day it was and how we should thank god for this day. She creep out almost everyone. But she love to talk about her. So I finally told her Doesn't hurt your back to kiss your ass like that. After that she became mute for a while. But after a week she went back to her weird perky self. Are these people normal ?

Re: Happy people
Link | by Voxyn on 2006-02-22 08:07:42
yes they are very normal. you were really mean to her.
i too am always perky. nothing gets me down.

but please apologise to her.

熱く 揺るがす 強さ 儚く 揺れる 弱さ 所詮 同じ 結来

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-22 08:09:55 (edited 2006-02-22 08:17:53)
No they probly arent normal. But still....

Being un-normal isnt bad.

I know I am not normal ^_^

I maybe happy but I am not like THAT.

My happiness comes from people. I guess you could say I am happy to get others to be happy ^_^

Wait....a minute...if laughter is I a virus??

lol well I think that is all I have to say so far so yeeeeeeeeeeeeah...
^_^ ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-22 08:49:05
someone who always smile in my class?lemme think...nope nobody.
i don't mind perky people unless they irritate, get on my nerves or did something unbelivebly stupid.
side's, without those kinds of people around,life would really be monotone

@sero,a virus that makes people happy? even scientist would say,"We've decided not to create any vaccine for this particular kind of virus.If we've made the vaccine,our wives won't be smiling at us anymore >.< "
ok maybe that's a bad example....

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Re: Happy people
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-02-22 09:40:13 (edited 2006-02-22 09:40:55)

PS: she is not normal, maybe she is alien, so keep her as friend.

Re: Happy people
Link | by on 2006-02-22 09:41:36
Dark15 your mean, if she irritates you could have just told her in a nice way

and people don't change easily so i don' think she will change after what you said

people who show happy faces may have a different side too, maybe you just don't understand her

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: Happy people
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-22 11:56:41
Me = happy
Sero = happy
Some people I know = happy
And all of those people above = not normal XD

And does this happy girl have MSN? I'd enjoy a talk with her XD

Re: Happy people
Link | by sphere on 2006-02-22 17:57:25
hahahah lucky all of u that r happy ^_^
for me = happy + with fake smile = sad - reflection = anger * hate = peace / love = loneliness.......

DarkMooN "The Soul Collector from Hell" Live Free, Die Well...Hail Sin~!!!

Re: Happy people
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-22 18:09:22
wow~complicated process!!

me=happy....and that's it!!! ^_^

Re: Happy people
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-22 18:32:38
Sero, hmm a virus, I alway knew you could be a questionable form of life. Just kidding, at least your not one of those flesh-eating viruses, then I'd have to laugh to death.

Dark15, hmm never heard that line before. I do have to agree with Yaiba, that was some-what mean of you. I'd be a hypocrit to say that I'm perfect though. I have my mean side just as much as anyone born in the world today. I beive that what you did could be considered a very round-about way of saying "your not wanted go away." I'm a firm beliver of bluntness when it come to those who are a wee bit too perky, either that or be overly-perky back. Nothing makes people stop than doing the same back to them. No one wants to die of their own poison, so-to-speak. I belive that is called the steel-painted-with-gold rule, or do unto others as they have done unto you.

I would not classify myself in anygroup yet mentioned. I would fit into the erratic-mood-swing group. One day happy as a honeybee in a feild of flowers, and another as depressed as well... something really depressed. Although I do feel happy more than depressed more recently.
me= ~eh~ happy if you want to classify it.
If I was happy all the time I woundn't be able to tell what happiness was, after all whats a little cake without the ocasional hard part. I like cake almost as much as like Italian food, and I love Italian food. "If there was no salt in the ocean you wouldn't float as high." I just thought of that, funny what you think of while listening to lilting music.

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-22 19:27:02
Yeah I am happy, but I have my days...

I just dont show it. No one needs to know. They have enough problems.

lolz Yes I AM a questionable form of life. lol ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-23 07:48:54
ppl do need to know...

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-23 10:46:43
No they dont I am here to try and spread joy to others that is what I like to do.

If I am not feeling well or I tell people pf my own problems,

then how can I cheer people up???

They will worry and not be happy and that is not what I intend to do.

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-23 11:30:13
Ah, looks like we're back here Sero. If you don't tell people your problems, then
A: People will worry about you (like me), thus defeating the purpose of not telling people
B: Not sharing your true feelings is not good for you, because acting happy when you're not will make it harder to make others happy
C: You can only give so much. Eventually you have to receive XD

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-23 11:40:58 (edited 2006-02-23 11:41:18)
A: If they dont know then how can they worry??
B: No it is not hard to make others feel happy when I feel like carp
C: Maybe, but I dont like "receiving"

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-23 11:46:33
A: Because I don't know. For al I know, it's some seriously huge thing that's been bugging you your whole life, or it's just a little pet peeve. Regardless, knowledge is power, and I must know what it is >_<
B: Then how come you said you were "losing your edge"? :P
C: All I can say here is "Self improvement". If you're happy just as you are, and you have lots of imperfections, then that's bad. Receiving is not a bad thing, because if someone tries to give you something, but you reject it, it'll make them feel inadequate or something. If everyone was like you, and always gave but never received, then imagine how troubled everyone'd be XD

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-23 11:50:54
Grr....I dont wana post on here but I must answer them here!

A:HAHAHA!!! this one is done!

B:I am always losing my edge, It is just I am able to try arent I?? it doesnt effect it at all.

C:HAHHAAHAAA!!! Dont we all have imperfections??
Also, when I decline something it isnt like:
"Back off or your head is mine!!"
Its more like:
"NO thanks, but appreciate it ^_^"

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-23 11:57:31 (edited 2006-02-23 11:59:00)
A: ?
B: But trying and accomplishing > Trying and not accomplishing ^_~
C: Yes, no one is perfect. However, we can all improve ourselves removing some imperfections. So... Many imperfections < Few imperfections :P
And whether you refuse nicely or angrily, it's still refused. Would you like it if I never let you help me with anything at all? :P

Re: Happy people
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-23 12:02:37
A: I proved my point in a sense

B: I try that is all I can do, If I succed; w00t! If I dont, well that stinks but at least I tried.

C:Why must we strive to BE perfect?? I dont want to be perfect.
Yes it is still refused...however you would feel better if I used the last one ^_~
OOOh good question...well...I would try...then if not meh. I tried, I can not force people to do things.

Light and Dark

Re: Happy people
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-23 12:08:07
A: Elaborate :P
B: Would you rather succeed 75% of the time or succeed 40% of the time?
C: No matter how hard you try, you can never be perfect. But I'd rather be nearly perfect than as imperfect as possible.
Why would you rather be imperfect? And you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. We all know that (heck, take a look at my meet your meat thread T.T). But if the horse was dying of thirst, then making it drink water would be helpful, would it not?

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