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Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by kirima on 2006-02-17 20:00:03 (edited 2006-02-17 20:37:14)
How much of your vocabular is made up of Japaense words? Which of the follow words do you use in daily life (and drive your friends crazy)? (I use all of them. -_- all the time. x_x)

Kawaii - cute
Nani? - What?
Baka! - Idiot!
Bakayaro - (another form of baka)
Sugoi! - Cool! / Awsome!
Urusai! / Urusee! - Shut up!
Aho - Fool
Kirei! - Pretty!
Doko (e)? - Where?
Doushite? - Why?
Naze da? - Why is it (that way)?
Dare? - Who?
Chibi - small person / midgit / shrimp / runt
Yare yare - Good grief
Eto... - Well... / Let's see... / Um...
Ano... (same as eto) (Yes, "ano" also menas "that over there)
Are? / Huh? (Yes, "are" also means "that over there", same as "ano")
Soshite... - then... / so (then)...
Nee-san - Big sister (that's neh-san, not nii-san)
Nii-san - Big brother
Imouto - Little sister
Otouto - Little brother
Wai - Yay
Ganbatte - good luck! / Do well!
Sensei - teacher
(Chotto) Matte - wait (a moment)
Wakaranai - I dunno
Wakatta! - I know! / I understand!
Kuso! - Damn! / Crap! / Shit! (just an example ...O_O)
Mite! - Look!
Dochi ga? / Which?
Iya! - (this is seriously how I scream.)

And does anyone use the honorifics? (San / chan / kun / sama / dono)

**Modified additions to this list (words that I forgot to add initially until someone reminded me):

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by DCo on 2006-02-17 20:35:14
Eh, I don't really use Japanese terms at all unless I'm refering to something Japanese related... but I DO force some of my friends when applicable "senpai".

But wow, that many words? For every day? That's cool/ inspiring O_O

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by kirima on 2006-02-17 20:38:28
Inpsiring? *Happy tear* Most of my friends think it's annoying. That's nice of you to say that! I feel much better. But my friend lets me call her nee-san, or onee-chan, and we have fun calling people "baka".

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-17 20:43:28
Haha, I speak Japanesse all the time! Thanks I learned something new!


Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by miss kris on 2006-02-17 21:03:25
*moved to japanese section*

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-17 21:05:02 (edited 2006-02-17 21:05:11)
What was it under before o.0 I forgot ^_^


Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by miss kris on 2006-02-17 21:06:34
lol, it was under anime.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-17 21:09:25
okay thanks jeeze I msut ahve short term memory loss! lmao!


Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-02-17 23:20:38
in daily life...........
i don't think much of my vocabulary comprise proper Japanese words. (=.=)
instead, my sis and i often include japanese Onomatopaeia in our conversations (don't ask me why). they're like..
"Uge-!!" "Gaaaan-!!" "Spaaaan!"
ok this sounds stupid. actually i can't remember how i involve japanese in my everyday conversations. they'll just come, mixed within other languages.

but yeah, i do use AHO. :D

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by Filter on 2006-02-18 05:15:12
I don't use Japanese words when speaking English (except for loan words of course). It's stupid, and it drives me nuts when I hear other people doing it. Especially if they don't even *know* Japanese.


Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by 聖竜 on 2006-02-18 12:16:11
Me neither. A couple of times though, I used to say "oro?" It drove one of my classmates crazy.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by 「源」 on 2006-02-18 18:31:29
> I don't use Japanese words when speaking English
> (except for loan words of course). It's stupid, and
> it drives me nuts when I hear other people doing it.
> Especially if they don't even *know* Japanese.

I can kind of relate to that. Those who find out that I am Japanese and understand it, they utter few words out. And I always wonder how I should respond to it. It's not like they expect me to reply to what they say in Japanese...

I usually end up just smiling and hope that the topic doesn't ringer.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by Filter on 2006-02-18 22:28:10
Most people I know who use random Japanese words in their speech either don't even speak the language or aren't even trying to learn it. They think it's cool to go around calling themselves "かわいい馬鹿外人ちゃん", and being the nice guy that I am, all I can do is just roll my eyes and pretend I didn't hear anything. orz

I don't wish to offend anyone in this thread, but y'know... Just thought I'd share my opinion.


Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-02-18 23:34:58
i know of many who uses japanese words so randomly in their conversations, when they don't even understand basic japanese sentences. i've even heard some laughing openly about words or phrases like "mushie mushie" (it's actually "moshi moshi" which means "hello" when one answers phonecalls) or "bagerou" (i think they meant "bakayarou")..

please. i'm not asking everyone to learn japanese. but if it's me, i won't be criticising words i don't even know how to pronounce.

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by Euphony on 2006-02-19 00:21:05

LOL, I'm gonna make everyone say that :D

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by sai on 2006-02-19 01:34:10
Please do Euphony... -_-

Well, to me, i think using japanese words randomly when you're not talking japanese (like if you insert japanese words here and there in your non-japanese conversation) is just stupid...

But well, i use japanese only to swear KUSO!! I think it's better to say that than to say F***! because not everyone understand that... -_-;

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by bishi baka on 2006-02-19 10:13:20
I actually use some 'a those. I'm teaching myself Japanese though so yeah. I know alittle bit 'a Japanese but I don't really use random Japanese words in a conversation. If I'm talking with friends, yeah maybe because sometimes I call my friends "aibou" so yeah. With other people I don't though because the last time I did that, they annoyed me repeating it instead 'a me annoying them. Anyway they weren't even saying the words right so yeah. I can write in Japanse(only hiragana so far) and when I don't like someone I'll write "ばか!" on a peice 'a paper and give it to them. They don't even realize that I'm calling them stupid heh. I'll also write that on the board in class at school and noone even knows. I wish my school offered Japanese though because it's hard just go by self study.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by on 2006-02-19 16:08:09
When speaking to all the Japanese TAs in my classes, I'll mix it up a bit. Only for amusement though, and they get a kick out of it as well. But as for daily conversational use in English? Depends on whom I'm speaking to. If they're Japanese, I'll usually talk to them in English and throw in some Japanese if I want to practice. If they're not Japanese or don't know the language, I wouldn't dare use any Japanese in front of them unless they were asking me to explain things.

What's the use of using random Japanese phrases with people when they wouldn't understand it or if it's the only thing they can understand? That would be one reason why I loathe staying around at an anime convention for long.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by 「源」 on 2006-02-19 16:37:46
To be fair, I had a bit of reverse situation visiting Japan last month.

My wife and I got together with my sister in law. Out of blue, she asked us to speak in English to each other. I guess she wanted to know what it sounds like, since we always use Japanese while she's around us. My wife and I looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Re: Japanese Vocabulary
Link | by Wind on 2006-02-19 20:11:49
Hmmm.... Strange way to put it... I don't think using english with a few japanese word is a good idea (unless the person you talking to knows it as well). First reason.... if a person doesn't know, they will started asking question (it's human nature), this will waste too much time expressing one's communication words. Second reason.... hohoho, I got just one reason for not mixing english with japanese lol.

Take it from me. I'm VietNamese, when I use english word with my viet, my parents always ask me to talk in a language where both understand. It is hard for me to translate for them. Reason one.... Some english words are not translatable in VietNamese and viece-versa. Reason why I use english words in vietnamese conversation? The reason is because english word is already on my mind in the sentence i'm about to say... so it just come out lol.

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