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hello! *waves*
Link | by Death2UsAll on 2006-02-12 09:48:32
I am D2UA, which is short for my username. Don't think too bad of me because of the name, I'm a nice person and don't bite.

I hope we can be friends!

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-12 09:54:44 (edited 2006-02-12 10:00:23)
Lol, welcome to Gendous! The tradition is to up-load pictures, but I am still learning how. I have yet to sign under photobucket and such, so i'll make one.


So 'tis sad, gomen nasai (I'm sorry) But it is the thought that counts. Enjoy Gendou's.


Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-12 10:01:57 (edited 2006-03-06 23:32:21)
Ah, I see Schala informed you of our tradition... well, it saves me some typing ^_~

Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Welcome to Gendou's!

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-12 12:19:26

cool name!!!

hehehe...don't bite??? ok..

we are already friends!!! Image hosting by Photobucket

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2006-02-12 12:42:55 (edited 2006-02-15 11:41:24)
Welcome D2UA

I will be the third one tho give you a free pic

Image hosting by Photobucket


I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by YoYotheCananbalisticOreo on 2006-02-12 12:55:04 (edited 2006-02-12 12:56:50)
*waves enthusiastically* Welcome! welcome! I dont have pictures but the thought counts, right?

I could give no less because I could give no more. ~myself

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2006-02-12 13:00:01
it sure does yoyo(it did for me anyways)

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: hello! *waves*
Link | by quamp on 2006-02-12 19:40:31
Welcome to you. Here's another image...

Image hosting by Photobucket

Image hosting by Photobucket My Avatar,

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