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For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by Pengu on 2006-01-11 04:16:10
Can someone explain to me why Shiki actually killed Arcueid in the first couple of episodes? I mean, the whole story hinges on the fact that he was able to, but it doesn't make sense why he suddenly went berserk and chopped her into 17 parts at first sight.
I've watched the front to end and actually liked the series. Which is why its so annoying why something important didnt particular flow well... have i missed something?

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-01-11 08:29:38
i'm confused on that part too...but here's what i think,maybe the other shiki has something to do with it.there's this part,can't remember which one(probably the one when his sister told him the truth or when he was reading his dad's diary)his sister did something to him right after the other shiki killed him.and maybe that's when some of the other shiki's personality got transferred to him...and at that moment,it just 'popped' out :-/

i might be wrong in this since i'm writing using my memory(i haven't watch it for so long) and there might be another reasons which was told in the anime itself but we just didn't notice...although i think that it might has something to do with stress :p

maybe i should rewatch it...

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Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by Xaria on 2006-01-11 12:53:18
I have to agree. I too haven't watched it for soo long but i heard that there was a manga of it, maybe that will help explain it better.

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by 破壊 on 2006-01-11 20:23:43
dam u guys have simple minds. remember how shiki kills that beetle on the tree? wouldnt you cut it in half to break a line? the answer is its fun to kill things. Shiki killed Arcueid because of his killer instinct. he probably saw red lines all over her. I bet he wouldve killed some other girl if she was there at that exact moment.
I haven't got a chance to play the H-game yet. I think ill buy it in japan or something. I also have to play that Air H-game since Air was a good series too.

I loved Tsukihime series even tho it was short like Hellsing. Arcueid is soooo pretty with her white dress on. And most of the soundtracks of that anime were good compared to naruto soundtracks and stuff.

Has anyone played Melty Blood final re-Act? its a fighting game of all the Tsukihime characters, I like that vampire guy with the cape but i dont get how he fits into the story.

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by on 2006-01-12 00:58:42 (edited 2006-01-12 01:00:26)
There are many many theories about why Shiki kills fact if you visit this site you'll get tons of guesses. It's a type-moon fansite which i periodically go to see news about new happenings with the company."

Just copy and paste this to be directed to the forum topic....interesting theories these fans's one of the biggest mysteries of the series which we'll never really know since the creators have kept it hush hush.

By the way in the game Shiki kills Arucreid at her apartment and not in the park....she doesn't run since she won't run from a human & also Shiki was to quick.Here's the translation from the game about the "Killing"

Translation from game...pretty lengthy

Shiki notices Satsuki is absent from school, but he doesn't think too deeply about it. Shiki gets sick and falls down during 5th period. He goes home early, but on the way he sees a woman walking down the street. He suddenly gets an uncontrollable urge, follows the woman up to her apartment, and cuts her into pieces. He doesn't understand what's going on and when he realized, he wakes up in his room.. Hisui tells him that her sister found him out of it at the park, and that she assisted him back. According to Hisui, there were some mud, but no blood on his clothes...

(Shiki cutting Arcueid into pieces)
I don't understand.
I don't understand, but I pressed the doorbell.

I heard a voice from the other side, and the door opens slightly.
That instance--- I slipped through the tiny opening into the room.
The woman raises her voice.
No, she tried to raise it.
The voice of the woman was never raised.
Because before that I tore her apart.
Just as I went in the door,
I drew along the lines of the woman's body without taking a second.
Going through,
Running it,
Stabbing it into pieces,
I "killed" her completely.

Neck, back of the head, from the right eye to the lips,
upper right arm, lower right arm, right ring finger, left elbow, left thumb,
middle finger, left breast, from the rib bones to the heart, 2 places of the stomach to the abdomen,
left crotch, left leg thigh, left leg shin, all of left foot toes.
As I went passed her.
Without even taking a second.
Literally at a blink of an eye.
I "dissected" her into 17 pieces of meat.

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by on 2006-01-12 01:15:31
To Skinny Chouji...^^

Yes i have both Melty Bloods...if you visit the Desktop(56k beware) thread you can see it.

My fave character is "evil" Akiha & "normal" Arucreid...if you need advice on getting the endings or all the characters i'll be happy to help unless you already did so ^^.

By the way the Vampire with the cape is Warachia (Wallachia)...he's the main boss of the 1st Melty Blood and the Vampire who turned Shion into one.Here's a brief description of him from a fanbook

The boss of Melty Blood. One of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. His ability is that he already lost his body long ago and became a phenomenon known as Tatari (trick of ghosts/God) At a random location and time, he is able to take shape into people's fear/belief/rumor. That is the reason why Melty Blood had so many different characters, from Evil Arcueid to Miyako who's a master of Kung Fu. Even Shiki wasn't able to completely kill him without Arcueid's help because a phenomenon can't be killed. Using Marble Phatasm, Arcueid summons the Red moon that originally turned Warakia into a phenomenon and turns him back to a vampire.
Wallachia is the vampire that made Sion into one, and he was also her ancestor and an alchemist at her academy. The more he researched the mysteries of life, the more he found out that only death awaits. Thus his personaly is corrupted. His name when he was human is Zubia Eltnam Oberon.

Hope that is of any assistance ^^

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by Pengu on 2006-01-19 03:48:32
Wow... never know Tsukihime had such an extensive and complete background. The anime really doesnt do the story justice, there was just too much left out. I know the rest of it is in a game, but still... was the anime to them just promotional material?

Its not until I read other fansites til some gaps fill in for me, although I still dont get one thing: I read somewhere that Arcueid made Roa into a vampire. Doesn't that mean Arcueid would have been 'fallen' already instead of Roa being responsible for it?

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by -=kuro_woof=- on 2006-01-27 21:29:09
That anime has a really annoying ending isn't it? arcueid died! it sucks!

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Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
Link | by on 2006-01-27 22:19:10 (edited 2006-01-27 22:19:51)
Actually the anime doesn't show everything....Arucreid doesn't really DIE....the game is where the true ending is...

The last scene of the anime looks like Shiki is hallucinating but it's exactly what happens in the game's true ending. What is not there is the explanation! Arcueid was able to come back to life because Roa was killed. She gained some of her power back from him when he died. However, her craving for blood is now uncontrollable and decides to go on an eternal sleep. She said that it won't be so lonely because she will dream of the happy time she spent with Shiki....

Now that I think about it, maybe what Shiki sees in the game ending is a ghost too. Since she's a True Ancestor, a spirit of nature, her existence is part of nature from the beginning. Going on an eternal sleep might mean fading back into nature like a ghost. But either way the anime didn't tell us much so the truth in the anime is really up to your imagination.

Re: For any who has seen Shingetsutan Tsukihime...
what the!? i didn't know that there was a game based on shingetsutan!
well anyway, i'll get to that later.

the anime was superb, even though the anime was short, the story line is easy to see.
but what sucks is that arcueid died and came back again.
she went to shiki's class room and talked then she vanished!
dang! the ending was kinda anti climatic for me and for those who wanted them together.

but what i really like is arcueid's eyes, especially when it glows when she uses her power. i'ts like looking into your own soul....

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