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Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-28 22:28:39
this thread is pretty self explanatory
feel free to post questions, answers, theories, or scienticfic reserch data, if you want to :)

my first question is: why do people prefer repetitious behavior to new or strange experiences. (in general)

Re: Psychology
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-28 22:32:34
That's simple... almost too simple, like I don't understand the question...

Because people are scared of the unknown. They don't know it, they don't like it.

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-28 22:38:12
simple ay, so to say that person is afriad would cause them to break that pattern of security thus exsposing them to this unknown. So would they not try to avoid the unknown by keeping that in it's state of being that unknown. This brings me to my seccond question: what fules human curiosity?

Re: Psychology
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-28 22:44:15
Hmm... That's good, quite good... Humans like knowing stuff, and if you learn stuff then you have more power...?

I have a question which may cause some controversy...

Why do people smoke cigarettes? Not only does it kill you over time, it absorbs all of your money like a sponge... It's like "-_-; Cigarettes = -$ =Death =ILLOGICAL >_<"

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-28 23:03:10 (edited 2005-12-28 23:04:23)
1. to know something is to have ventured into the uncomfortable unknown. and as you have said people are scared of that unkown. this hints at a greter undrelying power, greed, lust, power, or is it somthing altogether different.

2. this can be directly related to the question i just asked. why would you do something that is harmful to you on many fronts. As in the previous questions the answer is not as black and white as one would hope. It again hints at a power so great that it causes one to forgo all logic and act irrationally. Take a gambler for instance, a good gambler knows that at any one time that odds are usally against or dead-even of thier chance of success. Why would a gambler whish to forsake thier knowlage of what is most probable for a long shot. Do you see the human mind is a complex series of decisions that are driven by the end user aka you, and one could say that what drives you is influenced by the decions we make in life. The human mind is like the following problem x=y. So as you can see what one does in life directly affects what decions they make.

To answer your question: let x= the decion to smoke and let y=the past exspriances to which led to that decsion. So you could say that if the person constantly thrived for attention that they would make decisions based on that priciple. so lets say an outside factor came into play z, then the eqaution would look like this: x=y if and only if y>z now lets say that outside influence was that persons bestfriend statted to smoke and lets say that y< z then your past exspiriances no longer affet the decision because x no longer =y.

Re: Psychology
Link | by Jester on 2005-12-29 03:43:48
occam's razor, the simpliest explanation is the best answer. because it's tiresome to keep on changing your everyday activities. it's okay to go for a change for once in a while. but different activities everyday?? think about it.

Re: Psychology
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-29 05:29:40
ok here one...
is it possible to alter your thinking by repeatedly listen or reading things that is opposite to what your thinking?
confuse..ok here's an example, say that i love anime, then if i only read,watch or listen to anti anime crap,will i learn to hate anime?

Re: Psychology
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-12-29 06:06:44
@dirtyninja: It is because people are used to seeing the normal and repititious behaviour, and they like it just the way it is. They are shocked in seeing new and strange things, and others are afraid that they might see/experience the things that they don't want.

@Sachiel: There is one component in tobacco (the dried brown pieces in cigars and cigarettes) that makes you addicted to it: Nicotine. This component is addictive, and with prolonged use, your body starts to depend on it (it replaces some of your body chemicals which you need) which in turn makes you crave for more. When this happens, you wil find it hard controlling yourself in smoking.
How do you cure this such craving for nicotine? Simple: Doctors use Nicotine patches to supply the craving of the body. The doctors at first give you a high dosage of nicotine patches then gradually lowers it down in order for your body to stop depending on nicotine and use its proper body chemicals.

@zparicus: Yes, it is possible, especially if you internalize it. If you just listen (I mean plainly listen and what comes in your ear comes out of the other ear), you will not be "altered" by it. BUT if you took time to analyse it, you will see their point of views and there are chances that you might take them as "correct." It will gradually take on your mind and later on, this will be your point of view. It is like what priests and preechers do.

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-29 08:34:38
to zparticus

as said earlier x=y if and only if y> z
well lets say that y is your love for anime or in ran's example past beliefs on religon or what have you
and lets say z is this new idea that you continually read about
in the beginning y will be many time greater than z, but as you continually read/hear/think this new idea z is built upon
as time progresses the equation may change to something like this y> z-squared and so on increasing exponentially until the z value becomes gretor than the y thusly rendering your past exspiriances null
what is not defined is when y=z if this would occur you be technically unable to make a decision this again hints at an all consuming power, an unquantifiable variation in the human mind aka emotions.

emotions can be defined as a, a=y-x-z+a. so as you can see emotions can aproach an infinitive quantitiy. to explain the above equation your emotinal state is defined by your past exspiriances, minus your current decision, minus an external influence, and plus your emotional state. use ing the example y=z one could substitute a=y-x-y+a. solving this for x results in -x=0. saying that your emotions don't influence your future exspiriances at that current time, thusly you can conclude though reverse aplication that emotions are stongest in the here and know and when looking at the past. what is not shown in the previous equations was the x varible on both sides of the equation. x (past exspiriances) can be divided based on how much of your past was focused on a single point. so to furthur confuse you if i lived half my life hating anime, and half liking it they would cancel each other out, but if were to swing the ballace in a ceratian way lets say in favor of anime then it may look like this y*2/3x> z*1/3x so long as y> or=x. lets say you had no past exspiriance but you intened to aka read about how bad anime is the equation would resemble this y*x> z*-x (future events) so long as y> or=z. we have seen this before, we know that future events have no application on our current decision, and we know that emotions, a, are stongest now and when looking at the past. We can then conclude that
(y*x) to the power of a> (z*-x) to the power of -a. you cna know begin to see that the influence required to change somones mind is tremendous and only though very repetitious behavior with the intent to change can you hope to block out an old feeling aka the love for anime

got that. i barly understandit and i wrote it. this is obviously not complete i need to acount for the possibility of past hatred of anime which would result in fractional expontional growth due to emotions making easier to change, so on and so on.

Re: Psychology
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-29 14:22:27
Yes zparticus it is very possible. Except that you can alter your way of thinking even if your surrounded by it. For instance if all your friends like anime and you don't,instead of getting into it you train yourself and teach yourself that what they are saying is nonesense-even if they are praising it right in front of you.

To dirtninja-finally make the thread huh?

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-29 15:43:10
yea i'v been mulling over these ideas for years i just need an outlet
uless you think the pschological community will accept a 16-year-olds perspective on the human mind?

Re: Psychology
Link | by Dudeman on 2005-12-29 15:51:47
Also with the cigarette question people use it to calm stress. Basically, like a relief, and escape. We all have one, some don't notice it, and others accept it. I know someone that used the patches, but it didn't help her at all. She was influenced by her husband, and she wanted to get rid of her stress in any way. My relief is in music, I listen to any type for different moods. People don't want to accept something not being unsolved. That's why we have different types of religion. We don't want to know, or accept, that we might just die and that's it.

Re: Psychology
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-29 18:07:46
It is said that a person who has follows a routine daily pattern is content with their lives. As for the person who daily pattern is always different is always searching for a different path in life.

It was a saying from somewhere, I don't know if I worded it correctly but you get the gist.

About the cigarettes. The reason people smoke cigarettes is because they want to look cool like Sanji.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Psychology
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-29 18:23:01
really?even if my love for anime is great...
but its only possible right,it's not a fact...

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-29 19:13:01
it's all dependent, although it's very unlikly it is still very possible.
if you encoutered a very stressful exspiriance with anime the effect would be exponetialy greater than a stand alone event. and it is a proven fact not just a possibility. they train animals to chose certain items by either reward or punishment. so if a monkey wants a banana, but you want it to eat something else you could effectivly "program" the monkey to chose that something else every time if you introduce enough stimuli. In essence the monkey will learn to not chose the banna on a past exspiriance that prevented it. but in rare cases the monkey would continually reach for the banana, due to such a strong past exspiriance or even possible emotional effects.

So if you were to appy enough stimuli you could "program" yourself to hat anime, but if you feel very strongly in the opposite direction then no matter how much stimuli is projected onto you.

Re: Psychology
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-29 20:21:33
Yeah, i've programed myself-you could say........

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-29 20:29:03
i was thinking about you when i wrote that. not the monkey part but the whole "programing" your mind deal

Re: Psychology
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-29 20:38:49
I think it's called mind over matter.............I think. It's possible to survive blistering heat and freezing cold and other aliments if you set your mind right. Lately I believe that people who have a very bad fever or illness,or people who have very bad injuries can overcome what the human body itself cannot by not letting the thought of d ying entering thier mind. Many doctors and ER room doctors keep on telling patients to "keep on speaking to me" not just so they know if they are conscious but to keep them from giving up on living. Basically mind over matter can be applied to almost everything...........almost.

Re: Psychology
Link | by D-ninja on 2005-12-29 20:50:00
you know my formula can actually be applied to mind over matter
(x=y if and only if y> z)
x=y is the endless cycle of life
z= your potential control of your mind and the subsequent control of matter
so as not to confuse my self with cross reexamination, it works. just change the wording a bit and it makes sense. so if your mind is strong enough you can break the potential cycle of what could, would, or is happening.

Re: Psychology
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-29 20:59:39
Yea I guess,but not if you get k illed instanly, then you dont have time to tell yourself "okay i'm not gonna d ie." If you're unable to think reguarly I.e. a mental handicap then mind over matter may not be as effective. Theorically you can also keep on telling yourself "don't think,thinking will get you k illed." over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until you completely forget what moral crisis was blocking your beliefs.

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