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which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2005-12-20 07:40:48
haha maybe you might think i'm a bit crazy asking
this type of things
but i do like it
ohh you can pair up any anime character from different
just as long as it shounen-ai or shojo-ai pairing
to me i think
kenshin(rurouni kenshin)xkurosaki ichigo(bleach)
itachi uchiha(naruto)xryoma(gravitation)
kadsuki(get backers)xsanzo(gensomaden saiyuki)
i think these should be enough for the time been^^
so which is/are you favourite pairing??

never regret for what you have done!!!!

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2005-12-20 17:54:52
i can't think of a crossover pairing..
but i'll vote for shuichi n yuki from gravitation!!^_^

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Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by rae-chan on 2005-12-22 11:48:46
hisoka and suzuki from descendants of darkness aka yami no matsue

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by Jineto on 2005-12-22 13:11:16
O_o well... i have a lot of favorite pairings >_ Here are my shonen-ai favorite pairings:
@o@ Favorite ones:
Shaman King: HoroxRen - YohxHao - LysergxHao - YohxRenxHao (@-@)
Gravitation: ShuichixYuki - TatsuhaxRyuichi - KxHiro
Loveless: SoubixRitsuka
Kyou Kara Maou: Wolfram x Yuuri
FAKE: DeexRyo
Fullmetal Alquemist: HughesxRoy - RoyxEd - AlxEd
Yami no Matsuei: TsuzukixHisoka - TatsumixTsuzuki
DNAngel: SatoshixDaiuske - DarkxDaisuke - DarkxKrad
HunterxHunter: KurapicaxLeorio - KiruaxGon
Sukisyo: YoruxRan - SoraxFujimori - ShinichiroxNanami
Yu Yu Hakusho: HieixKurama
Tsubasa Reservior Chronicles: FyexKurogane - ToyaxYukito

And shojo pairings:
Shaman King: YohxAnna
Fullmetal Alquemist: RoyxRiza EdxWinry

._. and thats all... ((@-@))

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by on 2005-12-22 13:15:39
I think I would go with Sakura and Syaoran from Tsubasa RC! >_<

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by on 2005-12-22 17:30:38
The only shounen ai pairing that I like is the ShuichixYuki pairing from Gravitation. ;3 And maybe a little of TatsuhaxRyuichi pairing as well. *squee*!

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by kara-chan on 2005-12-22 19:34:24
Sanzo x Goku (Saiyuki)
Ban x Ginji (Get Backers)
Gojyo x Hakkai (Saiyuki)
Kazuki x Juubei (Get Backers)
Kazuki x Toshiki (Get Backers)
Kubota x Tokitoh (Wild Adapter)
Roy x Edward (FMA)
Edward x Ling (FMA)
Zack x Cloud Strife (Last Order)
Fai x Kurogane (Tsubasa Chronicles)
Touya x Yukito (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Dee x Ryo (FAKE)
Athrun x Kira (Gundam Seed)
Abarai Renji x Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach)
Vash x Wolfwood (Trigun)
Spike Spiegel x Vicious (Cowboy Bebop)
Akutabi Gamma x Elwood (Zombie Powder)
Akutabi Gamma x C.J Smith (Zombie Powder)
Homura x Goku (Gensomaden Saiyuki)
Albert x Franz (Gankutsuou)
Tetsunosuke x Suzu (Peacemaker)
Tetsunosuke x Susumu (Peacemaker)
Okita x Hijikata (Peacemaker)
Tsume x Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
Luffy x Zoro (One Piece)

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by on 2005-12-23 04:45:30 (edited 2005-12-27 05:13:52)
shounen-ai meaning boyXboy and shoujo-ai meaning girlXgirl right?

anyway... I haven't considered pairing characters from different anime but I have shounen-ai pairs from some anime...

MitsuiXRukawa, RukawaXSendoh, SendohXRukawaXMitsui

I guess that's it... ^___^

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2005-12-23 09:05:39
hmm quite a lot
it seems like many of you
like gravitation
have you read before gravitation remix?
if you haven't try go to msn group
search for yaoiyuri forever
but need to register before you can read

never regret for what you have done!!!!

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-23 15:37:02 (edited 2005-12-23 15:37:31)
I'll just give one.

Sakaki and Kaorin, Azumanga Daioh. Kaori's scenes always make me laugh.

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Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by bolt90 on 2005-12-23 22:08:08
Konoka x Setsuna (mahou sensei negima) the best shoujo-ai pairing ever!!

pickle's are cool. Image hosted by nothing can chain me down i will always be free..Image hosted by

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by Tasuki17502 on 2005-12-24 07:13:50 (edited 2005-12-24 07:14:36)
I only do shounen ai, so here are my favorites:
Tasuki x Chichiri (Fushigi Yuugi)
K x Hiro (Gravitation)
Yuki x Shuichi (Gravitation)
Ryuichi x Tatsuha (Gravitation)
Yoru x Ran (Sukisho)
Shinichirou x Nanami (Sukisho)
Ichikawa x Nagase (Sukisho)
Muraki x Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei)
Dee x Ryo (FAKE)
Kyo x Shigure (Fruits Basket)

Okay, I am going to stop while I am still ahead. . .I fear this is making me look silly.

Dubbed? No thanks. I prefer my seiyuu to what you call "a really cool english voice." ^_^ Visit my Xanga for contact info, or to simply read more about me.

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by adana on 2005-12-24 07:35:56
anyone will do ...

smile smile...

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by oturansama on 2005-12-24 08:13:08
Himeko and Chikane from Kannazuki no Miko ;_;

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by Yuki Judai on 2005-12-24 09:53:46
Sango X Kagome...the Kagome and Sango I know always get pissed when I say I like this no no wait....Kagome X Kikyo...or Kikyo X Sango X Kagome the LUVE Triangle~~~~>) XD

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by Aya-chan on 2005-12-24 20:24:29

-KaibaXBakura from Yuugiou (wierdness, lol)
-SesshoumaruXNaraku from Inuyasha
-YukiXShuichi from Gravitation
-TatsuyaXRyuchi from Gravi
-RaitoXL from Death Note (known as "Light" in VIZ dub)
-SatoshiXDaisuke from DN Angel
-HatoriXShigureXAyame from Fruits Basket (mabudachi <3 trio!!)
-KyoXYuki form Furuba
-EnvyXEd from FMA
-Kenshin XSanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin
-CreedXTrain from Black Car
-RyhouXKazuma from sCRYed
-SoubiXRitsuka from Loveless
-Dee X Ryo from FAKE
-Himura X Kazahaya from Gohou Drug
-DoumekiX Watanuki from XXXHolic

and the shounen-ai/yaoi goes on an on.... as for shoujo-ai, erm, I guess I could put down:

-Yuzuki X Chii from Chobits
-Sakura X Tomoyo from CardCaptor Sakura

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by on 2005-12-30 08:55:33
EirixShuichi - Gravitation
RyuichixTatsuha - Gravitation
EirixTatsuha - Gravitation O_O Remix 5
YohxHao - Shaman King
HoroxRen - Shaman King
SasukexNaruto - Naruto
KuroroxKurapika - Hunter X Hunter
LeorioxKurapika - Hunter X Hunter
KilluaxGon - Hunter x Hunter

+Na no da+

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by rizaroy_addict_014 on 2005-12-30 18:05:10
Fruits Basket- ShigureAyame, HatoriAyame, HaruAyame
Prince of Tennis- KaidohInui, TezukaFuji
Slam Dunk- MitsuiKogure, SendohKoshino, KoshinoMitsui(hehe weird, huh?)


Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by tsukiko on 2005-12-30 19:08:01 (edited 2005-12-30 19:10:59)
DarkxDaisuke - DNAngel
DrakxKrad - DNAngel
SatoshixDaisuke - DNAngel
MurakixTsuzuki - Yami no Matsuei
NarutoxSasuke - Naruto
SoraxRiku - Kingdom Hearts
YukixShuichi - Gravitation
RitsukaxSoubi - Loveless
SoraxSunao - Sukisyo
YoruxRan - Sukisyo
ShinichiroxNanami - Sukisyo
YukixKyo - Fruits Basket

Re: which is your favourite shojo/shounen ai pairing?
Link | by on 2005-12-30 20:17:57
YYH: Kurama-Hiei (though i hate thinking them as a couple, i still find it cute)
CCS: Touya-Yukito
GetBackers: Kazuki-Jubeii, Ban-Ginji, Ginji-Akabane
Fruits Basket: Ayame-Shigure, Ayame-Hatori, Shigure-Hatori, Shigure-Akito, Yuki-Akito, Yuki-Haru, Yuki-Kyo (?)
Slamdunk: Rukawa-sakuragi, Rukawa-Sendoh

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