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hello! ^^
Link | by hikaru on 2005-12-01 11:00:45
Hi! I'm new here!. This web isgenial!, I like its!, I found many songs that I like. I don't speak englis, then I sorry for my "bad english" ^^

Re: hello! ^^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-01 11:39:11 (edited 2005-12-03 03:04:16)
If you want I could teach you some more stuff English. We could instant message each other ^_^

And here's your image for joining!

I must remove the image now, my photobucket accout says X_X Hope you saw while it was there ^_^

[image removed]

That dude there is the REAL Gendou.

Re: hello! ^^
Link | by good_anime on 2005-12-01 13:07:36

wat do u speak hikaru?

hi hi peoples!

Re: hello! ^^
Link | by hikaru on 2005-12-02 08:04:20 (edited 2005-12-02 08:10:52)
^-^ well I'm a girl of chile . I speak Spanish, sometime i would like speak english, because only I know something that in the school.. although I know a little more write and read that to speak it or listen it (I see anime subtitled, because there more that in spanish ^^U).

I would like speak more english, thanks S-a-c-h-i-e-l you want to practice speak english whit me . is good to talk in forums ,then sometime I think that to speak in english will is more easy.

* and , why the photo de gendou ikari?? I don't understand ^^U. or is a signature?

Re: hello! ^^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-02 11:12:26
I just give the new people images, and that one is an image of Gendou Ikari for Neon Genesis Evangelion. The admin is named Gendou, and that's where he got his name ^_^
You can do whatever you want with that image, I just like giving images ^_^

And to help you improve your English, I'll see if I can correct any misspellings or grammar mess ups for you so you can learn better ^_^

In the sentence where you thanked me (my favorite one ^_^), if you put "to" after "I would like", it would be more correct... After S-a-c-h-i-e-l, "that" might have been better... periods don't need a space after the word (example: word . ==> word.).

Don't want to say too much more, it's hard to sound nice while correcting people ^_^; If we could Istant Messenge (IM) each other, it would be helpful, too. You can download Skype (my favorite messenger) here. A little complicated to set up, but really cool afterward. Another thing we could do is email each other ^_^ My email is Any questions, or if you want help, let me know ^_^

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