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Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 19:33:01 (edited 2005-11-29 19:47:03)
Your power animals, talk about you, and what are your dreams and wishes. They also teach us lessons and help us understand our path. It can be an animal or animals.

Yesterday I found out what animals are my power animals. Is the wolf and the butterfly.

Does anybody know thier's?

Also if anyone to know thier's well you'll have to do the dinamic we did, but it is easier if you think about the animal or animals you've seen most and you think you have like this kind of conection with them.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-29 21:32:00
What exactly ARE Power Animals??

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-11-30 05:27:36
How do you find out what they are. Primitive tribes and even modern Native Americans still have a Vision Quest where they find their spirit guide. Normally it is the first animal they see in theor quest.

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-30 07:27:08
You have to do the quest, but not physically, you have to do like a type of meditation. So you have to concentrate about this journey you are making, and you'll find your power animals in the way.

Well power animal are also healing animals, they have different types of medicine (again it is not physical) and they are great teachers, they show you many aspects in life. It also depend in your animal.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by wolf on 2005-11-30 14:25:24
Mine is a wolf ^_^

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-30 14:33:23
Do you want to know what it means, because I have the definition?

It is mine too ^-^

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-11-30 16:35:31
I have no clue. But my educated guess would be some sort of cat.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by Wolf on 2005-11-30 17:33:18 (edited 2005-11-30 17:33:53)
Mine is a no brainer. Wolves and all other canines are my everything.

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2005-11-30 17:48:10
Hey, we have two wolves: wolf and Wolf. Interesting, a wolf pack.
My power animal...probably a cat...

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-11-30 19:41:33
wolf wolf WOOF!


Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-01 18:58:02
I meditated intensly(for 15 seconds) and I realized my power animal is the shark.

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by Wolf on 2005-12-01 19:06:14
Hey there are 2. Awesome. Wat up! Holla back!

Re: Does anyone know their power animals??
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-12-02 05:50:14

nya........... hehe.

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