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afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-28 19:49:10 (edited 2005-11-28 19:50:20)
Why are people afraid of what they cannot see?

- survival instict?

- Curiosity turned dark?

- Past tramatic Incident?

If you've ever heard a strange noise or movement in the dark (or other mysterious place) and where to afraid to ask what,when,where,or how or you just tense up whenever questions like life after passing on or ghost etc. you should post your thoughts on fear of the unknown.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by TheSubsect on 2005-11-29 04:51:21
Fear of the unknown is obviously caused by your genes, if your parents fear the dark, you would most likely fear it as well, nah just kidding, i'm spouting garbage :) I think FEAR stands for False Expectations Appearing Real, so its probably your imagination that causes the fears, I believe.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-11-29 06:28:53
What about you Gentle Wind? What are you afraid of? We have diwcussed fear her before and it is always an interesting subject expecially with so many new members since the last time the topic was up.

We all have fears and we all suspect the unknown of being evil in some way. Sometimes fears are unjustified and other times not.

Unjustifiable fear of the unknown.

I am a pilot and I have been flying for ten years. The plane I fly most of the time is cousin Clarkes, Cessna 210 Centurion, I normally take lessons in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk. Please google images of both. It wasn't until last summer I finally received my actual license to fly. Why? A fear of landings. In ten years I had never mastered them because I was afraid of bad landings. The first landing I ever did on my own with an instructor in the right seat I damaged the main gear and nose strut. It didn't get better it got worse and if that was not bad enough I did major damage on my last lesson. That's when my instructor quit told me I would be a pilot and said don't come here for lessons anymore. If that wasn't bad enough he told the other flight schools as well so I couldn't get lessons. I had soloed and could fly on my own with my students license but I couldn't land.

My problem is (I still do it) I come down to fast and too steep and at the last minute I panic a little as I flare (pull the nose back) just before wheels down. I can't see the runway so I nose down to see, which I shouldn't do and I hit very hard usually in a nose down attitude.

So I started to fly the Centurion with Clarke and Ranger as my instructors. I did the same thing first time only there was a major difference. Instead of damaging the gear and struts I bounced back up very high and came down hit very hard and bounced again, a total of three times. Clarkes 210 is modified for STOL and rough field landing so your not going to damage it hitting hard. Only bug soft tires bounce you back up. It's an SUV among airplanes you can land it anywhere and it lands a lot slower than the Skyhawk. The landing gear is as strong as it would be if it were a big 4WD truck.Only now I couldn't get the bounce under control and that made me more fearful. I didn't know what was going to happen when I landed so I stop doing them and let Ranger land. If I couldn't master those two planes I would never learn how to fly ours, an Aero Commander 520c. So last summer I learned to face that fear and spent an entire day learning to do emergency landings in the desert. There was a crowd friends flew down to watch and I did 25 landings in the sand and finally learned how to do it. After tens years learned the trick to get my landings under control. I had to train myself not to look out the windshield just before TD but to look at the instruments they tell you exactly where, you are what the angle is, how fast, etc. I'm too small to look out even sitting on a pillow and it takes a lot not to look out. I learned to float down, pull the nose up and watch the instruments and hold it just above stall speed until I TD. I can't see the runway in the last 10 seconds and that's what frightened me. I have learned to do it that way or I do damage and that's expensive to repair. I can now fly the Aero. It took a long time to learn to land that one and I prefer Ranger to do the landings since it's much bigger however he put in a custom pilots seat and a video camera looking forward so I can now see what I'm doing. I don't use them, I use the instruments and the method I created for myself. I dopn't think I'l;l ever learn to do a smooth landing and I still bounce sometimes but I can do it.

An unjustified fear of flying into the ground kept me from learning something I wanted to do. I just had to face it the unknown.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by night_link on 2005-11-29 10:08:25
It's natural I suppose for people to fear what they don't understand. Sometimes people don't show their fear.

Just thought of it. Batman Begins talks some bit about fear. Buuuut I don't think that really matters right?

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 15:10:02 (edited 2005-11-29 18:43:07)
I am afraid of robbers and most of all the fear of what will happen after i cease to exist. Not what lies in the afterlife but what happens to the folks when i go. Most people say that they wouldn't want to be immortal, but if they were almost about to pass on they might reconsider if they had a choice of ceasing to exist or to live forever although they may regret it later.

I also remember times when you thing you fear doing something but it actually isn't scary because it didn't live up to the hype. It's kinda life not learning something but more like not trying something because you where afraid because of what people said. The first time i played paintball i was a little tense because they said that it really hurt when you got shot. Just so happens the first time i get shot is in the head. ( I got hit where the mask doesn't cover up your face. The top of the head.) After that I guessed that nothing could feel worse than getting shot in the head and i won the match.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 15:55:14
I really don't know how I would react, but I think there are only 2 options:

1) Be scared and go somewhere save.

2) Search for the mysterious thing.

I like number 2 though.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-29 18:02:09
I'd say to find out what's scaring you, although do it secretly in case it's a murderer or something like that.

And in the face... Ouch...

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 18:07:01 (edited 2005-11-29 18:07:45)
Unfortunatly you do not know if it is a killer or a puppy so you could end up dying or petting depending on what you find at the end of the darkness.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 18:29:24
I know that it is dangerous, but if I run somewhere save I would stay with the curiosity, of what was hidding in the shadows.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 18:31:28 (edited 2005-11-29 18:31:51)
I believe that is better to know not what was in the shadows but what was trying to come out of the shadows. Still if you let the curioustiy consume you, you could just end up tearing yourself apart. Better to forget i believe.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-11-29 18:32:51
I'm afraid of the dark as well and I dpn't go searchingin dark places. There are even night lights through the whole house. Very nice ones with faeries on them. I'm afraid of thunderstorms they really frighten me. It's easier to deal with them in the daytime. At night all I can do is sit and hols Ranger. He does have a way of distracting me fro nthe storms at night though. *giggles*

My biggest fears are loneliness and one I'm not even going to mention tonight. It is posted here and you can search for it if oyu wish.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 18:35:23
I think you r right.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 18:49:37 (edited 2005-11-29 18:50:58)
Lets try think of something besides the a war that we cannot understand or begin to realize what is happening. In fact just last year i figured out (from the news) that my preschool teacher took pictures of little kids and put them on the internet if you know what i mean.
For some reason i wasn't scared at the time of me being at the preschool. The scary thing is the fear of not knowing that anybody could be a nice peroson or a secret Micheal Jackson for so many years.
The person your with now or hang out with could be a very evil person.
That is unknown of course at the time being and i think that is true fear although we realize it too late.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 18:53:17
I think it is true, it would be horrible if something like that happens. I think that is the reason that trust is to difficult to gain.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 18:56:28
The wierd thing was i didn't really care when i heard my old preschool teacher was a child you-know-what. It took me a good year to get tensed up about it.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 19:10:05
I think I would be totally shocked!!

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-11-29 19:15:18 (edited 2005-11-29 19:17:31)
I don't think i'm easily shocked because i've barely been close to tragedy. Besides, sulking for years on end i would think would make me weak, although most people think sulking for things like that is just fine, i'm very stubborn. Oh well, fear is in the eye of the Beholder.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-11-30 05:32:50
Actually fear can take so much control you can actually wind up paralyzed.

Thank you for yur suggestion GWind but please bear in mind how old I am that that this is somethng i have been afraid uf since I was a child. Fear of the dark comes from being locked in a closet for hours.

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-30 10:18:15
...You were locked in a closet for hours?? I never knew that... How'd it happen? Your freak father?

Re: afraid of the mysterious?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-11-30 16:43:32 (edited 2005-11-30 16:45:13)
Actually that was at school, it was a favorite form of discipline. Usually for uniform offenses, your bed not made or your panties folded just right. Bad grades, arguing, fighting almost anything.

The nightlights around the house are called lithophanes. there are six different types, this ones my favorite. Most have blues lights in them.

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