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::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by Ara-san on 2005-11-28 14:28:18
Yeah, that was dumb. Anyway, I was looking for the lyrics to the Baka Song from Ranma ½ and ended up here. Looks nice. Maybe I'll present regular patronage. Rock on. oO;

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-28 15:51:45 (edited 2005-11-29 00:29:45)
This site owns, dude. I suggest making 10 entries in the forum, and see if you want to stay then. You'll never leave >:-)
Anyways, welcome to Gendou and here's my image to you for joining.

I must remove the image now, I need more room on my photobucket account ^_^ Hope you saw it while it was there!

[no image]

If you're a 56k person, then sorry for the large size of the image ^_^; It was the only image I could find that had "Ara" in it's original name...

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by Ara-san on 2005-11-28 15:53:52
Me? 56K? Right. XD Not fast enough! Had to get DSL, and it's still too slow.

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-28 16:31:35
lol, you sound like me ^_^ I have cable, but it's from a not-too-good network connection, so my speed is more like 30 kb/s to 100 kb/s.

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-11-28 20:34:22
Welcome Ara-san. It seems we have the same feelings on that one. I suffered with dialup for some 3 horrible years and I finally just got crap 256k:d/128k:u DSL and that's definitly not fast enough (25Kbps dl max), but so much better than (5Kbps dl max) dialup that I can't complain.

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by ketsuki on 2005-11-28 20:50:14
welcome. ara-san.

im stuck with dialup. grrr

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-11-28 21:27:01
welcometo gendou, ara-san. :)


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: ::insert evil laughter here::
Link | by Ara-san on 2005-12-07 09:16:41 (edited 2005-12-07 09:17:16)
Schweet. I feel welcomed.

Well. I don't know if you guys will still like me much if I give you the URL to my website. My views on internet connection speed may be good, but not many people like my taste in a certain anime couple that I made an online shrine of sorts to.

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