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Hi friends!
Link | by foesita on 2005-11-28 08:43:51
Hello! I'm new for here ;) All this is so beautiful and I'm sure that I'm enjoy it a lot!!
See you!

Hola a todos!! Que tengan un feliz día ;)

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-28 10:15:52 (edited 2005-12-03 03:04:48)
Hello, foesita! This place is really cool, and you'll soon find some awesome threads. And for joining, I'll give you an image ^_^

I must remove the image now, my photobucket accout says X_X Hope you saw while it was there ^_^

[image removed]

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by foesita on 2005-11-29 08:00:01
Thanks S-a-c-h-i-e-l!! Your image is really lovely ;)

Hola a todos!! Que tengan un feliz día ;)

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by night_link on 2005-11-29 10:02:12

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by on 2005-11-29 11:46:31
Hi, I'm new too. Glad some1 took the time to make this site. Much thanx to who ever told me about it. I'm enjoying the music and look forward to new threads and new people:)

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-29 12:38:23
This place totally owns, man. I wouldn't be here if I never joined (, totally duh...). Gendou's a smart man, and many people respect him. Before you do too much, read the rules and stuff, to make sure you don't get banned.

I'm running out of images... I must start using my top favorites...
I present to you this image, this one is very high on my cool list... Make sure to save it...

Image hosted by

...Unless she's too immodest for you ^_^

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by Kioko Uratsuma on 2005-11-29 20:52:12

I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by foesita on 2005-11-30 08:36:04
Thanks all!!

S-a-c-h-i-e-l your images are cool ;)

Hola a todos!! Que tengan un feliz día ;)

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by fai-san on 2005-12-01 18:52:21
hello! i'm still new here... hehehe... i'm afraid a bit coz of my english. if my spelling is wrong or what so ever something, plz don't be angry with me. anyway, plz to meet u all! dozo yoroshiku! *bow

You are Sakura. Compassionate and caring, you try to take others
under your wing; if someone seems hurt, you do
your best to cheer them up. Yet, you're lonely; not very many people understand
you. This pains you deeply, but you take care
not to let it show.

Which TSUBASA RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2005-12-01 19:52:15
Hi there! Here's an image of mine! Welcome to Gendou's! S-a-c-h-i-e-l, you've started a great trend!

Image hosted by

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-01 22:53:28
^_^ Go me :P

Image hosted by

Re: Hi friends!
Link | by capzran on 2005-12-02 02:15:17
your game's kinda cute!!!
eloe there and welcome!

they laugh at us because we are different, we laugh at them because they are all the same!!! KAWAIIIII!!!

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