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I'm New Here.
Link | by kitsune-sama on 2005-11-24 18:23:17
Hello, I guess by viewing this in this forum you all know that I'm new here. lol...well then.

Well, my interests are in anything thats japanese, but I also like to draw and write my own manga and stories. I also like to design tattoo's, I don't have on yet, mainly because I don't have the money yet for one. lol. Uh, oh, music is another one of my interests, I'm a wicked big music fan.

Well...that's pretty much me in a nutshell, if you want to know anymore...I guess you'll just have to reply to this won't you? lol.

Re: I'm New Here.
Link | by Mentalis on 2005-11-24 22:21:03

I do want to know more. Lol, that was kind of a "skim the surface" intro. I figured I would break the the calm. You said that you are interested in anything Japanese. How do you feel about the partriarchal structure of Japanese culture?

You will please pardon my predjudgice, but I automatically think that everyone who is on forums like this are westerners, like myself. Not that its a bad thing. Or that I think something ill of anyone who is a fan of something outside of their culture. Obviously I am also.

I just wanted to stir it up and ask a provocative question. Cool, feel free to say what you want back at me. Thanks for being cool.

Re: I'm New Here.
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-25 06:31:23 (edited 2005-11-29 00:14:59)
Thanks for coming to! I like more members, it adds to the diversity of the site. And since everyone on here gets along, then it's like world peace! :P

Here's a gift for signing up:

I must remove the image now, I need more room on my photobucket account ^_^ Hope you saw it while it was there!

[no image]

w00t w00t!

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