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anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by aimi on 2005-11-23 20:38:25
i like anime character with golden eye.... so kakoi.... how about you guys?

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by leriko on 2005-11-23 22:10:57
black. especially if the person is the mysterious type. always melted my heart

dunno what to write now... oh yeah... i'm gonna be crazy now...

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-11-23 22:14:51
I always thought it was cool when a character had two different colored eyes, like Yuna from FFX and from some animes, but I can't remember any now...

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-23 22:32:26
For me, it depends greatly on hair color and personality. If I had to choose without knowing that stuff, I'd have to say...

Red, purple, or green ^_^

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by kasumi on 2005-11-25 17:50:47
It would be red, green, blue, silver, or gold!!
It all depends on my mood and my hair color!!

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by doo7749 on 2005-11-25 18:29:36 (edited 2005-11-25 18:35:48)
blue, depending on the hair colour

...well...basically, as long as dat person is hot/cute , I don't

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by TunaCan on 2005-11-25 20:31:17
any color is good as long as it matches the hair color and the face

Signature goes here... i think

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by TunaCan on 2005-11-25 20:31:18
any color is good as long as it matches the hair color and the face

Signature goes here... i think

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by sakura-chan on 2005-11-25 21:56:35
maybe 2 diff color 4 e eyes, too need 2 depend on e hair colour ^_^

god is watching us play our games.....

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-11-26 03:24:16
purple, red, silver

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-11-26 03:36:44
It doesn't really matter though...But the eye colour MUST match the hair colour!

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Muunraito on 2005-11-26 03:40:25
Don't really care but I like blue colour

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by sonic_ver2 on 2005-11-26 04:05:19
I just watched .hack//SIGN at the episode 19.
In this episode i got a glance at Subaru's close up, and her eyes is somewhat brown+gold+orange? It's a good combination with her hair and clothes.
In Wolf's Rain, the main enemy have gold eyes. (The gold eyed wolf)

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Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Khezef on 2005-11-26 06:31:18
Gold or Silver

If humans are supposed to rule this world, then why are we so weak.

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Orihime on 2005-11-26 08:28:52
I love Caldina from Rayearth's bright blue eyes. Have you ever seen Kitty Caldina? She's so CUTE. I also love Izzy from Digimon's eyes, I mean black dude, black.

Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save the Queen...

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by NinjaFox on 2005-11-29 17:14:53
i like gold also!!! like my husband eyes....yuki eiri!!!hehehe
2 colour eyes is also so kakoi, like homura(gensoumaden saiyuki)...but still, the eyes colour still has to match the hair colour....did u notice, a lot of anime character has the same hair colour and eyes colour....for example(again), watashi no yuki eiri...blonde hair and golden eyes....

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Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by SpiritFightZ on 2005-11-29 20:17:25
best is crystal blue colour, those beautiful eyes from air tv

Do wad u think is right, accept your past..............

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Jean Havoc's Cigarette on 2005-11-29 20:23:59
I like gray eyes. Golden and Crimson are good too. Yuki Sohma's eyes are purple, Teletha Testarossa's are grey, Edward Elric's are gold, and Kyo Sohma's are crimson. Yeah, that's great.

JEAN HAVOC! UP IN SMOKE! "She's right, Colonel. Wet gloves won't produce a spark."

Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by Photobucket on 2005-11-29 21:54:31
sky blue eye, looks nice


Re: anime character eye's colour.......
Link | by UncleChan on 2005-11-29 22:10:54
I like red and sky blue. My eyes go gold in the summer, hehe. I do happen to like Sagara Sousuke's eyes as a kid (watch TSR). But red has to be my favourite, girls look great in anime with red eyes.

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