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can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by animelover on 2005-11-22 10:36:19
i dont think so.. they're too many...

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-22 10:57:00
I've only had one... Although I'm a tad embarassed to say it.
Rei Ayanami from Evangelion.

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by Pudding on 2005-11-22 11:21:49
I have alot
Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha
Li from CCS
Edward from Full metal alchmist
Kishu from Tokyo mew mew
Alucard from Hellsing
Kakashi from Naruto
many more but i don't naming all of them ^_^


Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-11-22 11:34:19
I too, have quite a few crushes myself.
They are
1]Kai [Beyblade]: The bad-boy quality...caught my heart.*Swoons*
2]Gaara [Naruto]: Okay, I know this seems freaky but I can really relate to him somehow...and plus, he has this "Lost Soul" appeal.
3]SuSumu Yamasaki [PeaceMaker Kurogane]: Once again, the "Bad-Boy"+"Lost Soul" qualities...

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by Feyon on 2005-11-22 11:49:16
OMG...lets get started...muahahhaa

Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
InuYasha from InuYasha
Hao Asakura from Shaman King
Hikaru Shindo from Hikaru no Go
Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed
Kotarou Higuchi from Pita-Ten
Kazune from Kamichama Karin
Tsukasa from .Hack//Sign
Shuugo from .Hack//Dusk


Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by Aria on 2005-11-22 17:38:39
Now this is my KIND of thread!!! ^_^
Yue/Yukito - CArd Captor Sakura
Kenshin Himura & Soujiro Seta - Rurounin Kenshin
Quatre Raberba Winner - Gundam Wing
Lantis & Eagle - Magic Knight Rayearth
Amiboshi & Nuriko - Fushigi Yuugi

Minako Aino - Sailor Moon
Miyuki Kobayakawa - You're Under Arrest
Chikane Himemiya - Kannazuki no Miko
Presea & Sierra - Magic Knight Rayearth


Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-22 18:14:39
Am I the only one that thinks having crushes on guys AND girls is strange?

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by Aria on 2005-11-22 18:20:07
It is strange...^_^ hehehe...
But it doesn't mean you really love can always say that you idolizes them. ^_^
Most girls look at other girls as a model...their inspiration... and it's almost the same as the guys...they just idolize them...


Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-11-26 21:05:28 (edited 2005-12-02 21:41:37)
For 19 years i never had a girlfriend due to these girls:

Reverie Metherlence(Erementar Gerad)
Iron Maiden Jeanne(Shaman King)
Yotsuba(Sister Princess)
Karen(Sister Princess)
Aria,i know she's still 9,but she's too CUTE(Sister Princess)
Alice Housen(Canvas2)
cisqua(Erementar Gerad)
Viro(Erementar Gerad)
Kamishiro Rin-chan(Maburaho)
Furura(Pocket Monster Movie2,Maboroshi Lugia Bakutan)

...and more coming up soon....


Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by ~*Mel*~ on 2005-11-26 21:14:18 (edited 2005-11-26 21:17:29)
I have a few of these:)
Sanoske Sagara(Rurouni Kenshin)
Kenshin Himura(Rurouni Kenshin)
Lantis(Magic Knight Rayearth)
Gene Starwind(Outlaw Star)
Spike(Cowboy Bebop)

Shuuichi Shindou(Gravitation)
Yuki Eiri(Gravitation)
Gotta luv the gay guys...

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by anime-chan0083 on 2005-11-26 22:51:49
Mizuho Kazami - Onegai Teacher
Karen Onodera-Onegai Twins
Motoko-Love Hina
Shinobu- LOve HIna

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by shio rocks on 2005-11-29 04:29:16
alright, i'll try to list all that i can remember.

tezuka [prince of tennis]
shinji [prince of tennis]
fuji [prince of tennis]
lantis [magic knight rayearth]
zagato [magic knight rayearth]
innova [magic knight rayearth]
kiba [wolf's rain]
tsume [wolf's rain]
dark [dnangel]
yue [cardcaptor]
touya [cardcaptor]
fuuma [x/1999]
subaru [x/1999]
sakurazuka [x/1999]
seravi [akazukin cha cha]

um... that's all that i can remember for the time being. but there's more. haha.

Tenimyu, my life. First Generation of Seigaku Regulars forever!!
nagayama takashi! - eiji takigawa eiji - buchou kimeru - fuji moriyama eiji! - momo shiozawa hidemasa!!! - mizuki

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by wrath012 on 2005-11-29 10:45:27
okay let me try:
koga (inuyasha)
Hakudoushi(inuyasha)c'mon you got to love evil little kids.
masaya(tokyo mew mew)
ryou(tokyo mew mew)
Keiichiro(tokyo mew mew)
blue knight(tokyo mew mew)
kaji(ultra maniac)
rio or so called leo(ultra maniac)
yuta(ultra maniac)
Tsujiai(ultra maniac)
shinn(gd seed destiny)
kira and athurn(gd seed)
oh i have soooo much more!^_^

if you love someone and that person doesn't love you ....don't be sad because one day you will have someone who loves you too. :3

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by on 2005-11-29 12:04:54 (edited 2005-11-29 12:05:20) turn:

Dark(D.N Angel)
Kenshin(Rerouni Kenshin)
Yoh(Shaman King)
Kyo (Samurai Deeper Kyo)
Yue (Cardcaptor)

surprisingly...that's all I can think of right now.. but there's more to come

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by on 2005-11-29 14:13:22
Risa, Riku (D N Angel)
Mistral (.Hack Legend Of Twilight Bracelet)
Rei, Asuka (Evangelion)
and to many names i cant remember lol

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-29 14:36:06 (edited 2005-12-07 19:06:26)
Inuyasha(well you now)
Sasuke(FMP? fumoffu)

Because they remind me of my crushes (real ones)

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by MoMo on 2005-11-29 14:40:17 (edited 2005-11-29 14:40:55)
Ed (FMA)
Ichigo (Bleach)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Sasuke (Full metal Panic!)
Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by hanabi on 2005-11-30 06:02:24
Way too many to list, but mainly are
Renji from Bleach, Sakuya from Kaikan Phrase, and Fuji from Prince of tennis!

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by on 2005-11-30 06:20:02 (edited 2005-11-30 07:37:20)
^^ not really crushes... more like I want to meet them IRL, platonically actually... but eeeh, deeetails, ha ha. I make a list anyway, those most close to crushes I guess:

- Yzak (Gundam SEED)
- Dearka (Gundam SEED)
- Shin (Gundam SEED Destiny)
- Dark (DNAngel)
- Hiro (Gravitation)
- Touya (Tsubasa Chronicle)

And smaller ones on Athrun, Kira (Gundam SEED), Rey (SEED Destiny), Tohma, Yuki, (what was I thinking?? Gravitation ^^), Fai (Tsubasa)... that's about it I think. But I know I probably forgot someone, cos I'm in a hurry. ^^

Re: can you list all your anime crushes?
Link | by yuu_voltz on 2005-11-30 07:58:15
Love them so much... although not really "crushes".

-Daisuke (D NAngel)
-Goku (Gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuki Reload, Saiyuki Reload Gunlock)
-Koganei (Flame of Recca)
-Ginji (Get Backers)
-Jubei (Get Backers)
-Waya (Hikaru no Go)
-Souchi (eX-D)
-Taichi (Digimon Adventure I and II)

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