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Link | by aqua_chibi_skye on 2005-11-09 08:34:14
Has any song ever made you cry or made you a little misty?

My List:

Hikari - Utada Hikaru
Simple and Clean - Utada Hikaru
Aeris Theme (Orchestra Edit) - Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack
Puni Puni Densentsu - Puni Puni Poemi *I laughed so hard! XD*
Shiki No Uta - Samurai Champloo *twas pretty okay? u.u*

Come to the darkside, we have cookies!

Re: Tears
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-09 09:10:39
Aeris Theme. She's too young to die!!! Nah..., nay use arguing about it. =( Ah, I think it just made me go berserk for a sec. o.o

Re: Tears
Link | by Aria on 2005-11-09 11:18:26 (edited 2005-11-11 21:18:01)
Indio - Noir - See-Saw
Chikane's Theme, Kannazuki no Miko, Garasu no Hana & Yuki no Sei. - Kannazuki no Miko - Mina(Nami??) Kubota...(She's the composer.I'm not sure what's her real 1st name.)
Fields of Hope - GSeed Destiny - Rie Tanaka
Ok...that's all I could think of right now...but that's most of the songs that makes me eyes so misty ^_^


Re: Tears
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-09 12:00:34
Forever Rachel from FFVI... *sniff*

Re: Tears
Link | by Latias_girl on 2005-11-09 13:04:12
Braja (Brothers) - FMA (After I had a translation)
Lost Heaven - FMA
Gravity - Wolf's Rain
Go To "Rakuen" - Wolf's Rain (Oh, it sounds so empty....)
Bright Red - Rozen Maiden (The violin is the most sad instrument ever made...)

"Well, I'm not sure. A little voice in my head is saying 'this is a bad idea' but I can barly hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is yelling "LET THE 12-YEAR OLD DRIVE!'" - from The Cat in the Hat

Re: Tears
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-11-09 13:26:37
Yeah a lot of the Wolf's Rain songs are just sad

Re: Tears
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2005-11-10 00:40:07
brothers(FMA),right,especially when you know the meanings!!
wolf's rain friends
naruto's sadness n sorrow,grief n sorrow...
n few others

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Re: Tears
Link | by TenSpot on 2005-11-10 09:00:11
I don't usually admit to this sort of thing, but:
Aeris Theme~FFVII
Melodies of Life~FFIX (if you actually listen to the english translation, it's actually pretty sad)
Forever Rachel~FFVI
Eyes On Me~FFVIII (see Melodies Of Life comment)

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