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Newbie Gendou love ranting + introduction thingy
Link | by kagemarunl on 2005-10-31 13:48:19
Hello! Good evening! And all that! Um, I just wanted to say: I LOVE YOU GUYS! Seriously! I've been searching for THREE YEARS for OST of Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san...and I've also found Ajimu Kaigan Monogatari! YOU ROCK! XD *is VERY happy*

Introduction thingy: Hello! I'm Kagemarunl (somebody already took Kagemaru ¬_¬) from the Netherlands! Favorite anime variate from romantic/drama (like AIR, Full Moon and Saikano) to comedy/action (School Rumble, Mai HiME)

Thanks again for putting all these songs up for download! Once I get a paypal account, I'll donate! You can be certain of that! ^__^

Kyu~! XD

Re: Newbie Gendou love ranting + introduction thingy
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-10-31 13:58:04
Heheh... I love this site too. I just donated $3.00 that I got from an hour of raking using my mom's help to Paypal. Although, it still says $0.00 donated. It's probably that Gendou is busy doing other stuff right now and can't get to it.

Re: Newbie Gendou love ranting + introduction thingy
Link | by Sohei Hien on 2005-10-31 13:58:06
Hello! ^^ Glad to see that I'm not the only nOOb around here! Well, actually I've only been on here for about a week now, and I've already downloaded 100 songs, and I've figured a lot of stuff out. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy it here on Gendou, I know you'll love it! Well, see ya around! *Bows*

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Re: Newbie Gendou love ranting + introduction thingy
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-10-31 19:04:25
WE ALL LOVE this site! well, i wanna donate too but i can't appeal for a credit card yet. When im older i'll donate


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

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