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Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by on 2005-10-12 00:23:34
technically its the next day in my eyes....okay something a little less dramatic than my last one.

If you had super powers would you use it to save the world (for good) or use it to destroy the world (for evil)?

In my dreams i would use it for good but since this world is so FCUKED up i would destroy it...that's how i feel.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by gendou on 2005-10-12 00:41:39
evil, duh!

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Dudeman on 2005-10-12 00:46:34
It all depends on what kind of powers. If you had aquaman's powers, it really wouldn't do you much good. You could have a crappy superpower that couldn't do anything XD. I would use it for good, and for myself though.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-12 01:36:29

I understand wanting to destroy the world. When reading the Berserk manga I was thinking the only way to fix this world is complete apocolypse. But I then decided thats just taking the easy way out. Id take my time and hunt down every demon and evildoer.

To be exact if I had super powers, id use it for good. But there would be alot of corpses. Im not like batman where I just capture the villians just so they can escape 50 times. I would brutally kill all villians. Unless they are like catwoman, then id just spray them with water until they get off the table.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by on 2005-10-12 03:50:30
even if the power came from a sinister source, i'd still use it for good. that's how i was raised. do good to be good. and up to now, i still follow that rule.

*blip* *blip*

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Jester on 2005-10-12 11:51:04
I would destroy the world to build a new one. This world is too greedy.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-12 12:08:53
I would do what is best for me. If it meant that several million innocent people needed to die, I would kill them all.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Jester on 2005-10-12 12:18:16
"I would do what is best for me. If it meant that several million innocent people needed to die, I would kill them all."

And I will follow you, Master!!!

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-12 12:37:22
Damn straight!

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-10-12 16:45:07
I don't think any one person's superpower, or a whole group of people for that matter, can save this planet either by destroying to make a new one or to try to salvage what we still have. I really think human nature will force civilization to gravitate towards our current state, or to where we are headed.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-12 22:21:18
I shall rid the earth of Nuclear Weapons, Solve World Hunger, Save the Environment....

and of course...

Rule the world with an Iron Fist!

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by adana on 2005-10-14 08:07:53
I think I will use it for good because I don't wanna do evil...but I think I will just use that power for my own beneffits...hehehe

smile smile...

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Sturm on 2005-10-14 08:28:57
i would use it for self amusement and ...the sad part is i wounldnt tell ne 1....yep im the kinda person u scream at in comic books and movies...

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by capz on 2005-10-14 20:01:53
maybe....use it to draw a lot of anime characters!!!! but then, if the world is in danger, I'll wait for someone to save it for good but if no one comes, then i'll do it instead...

they laugh at us because we are different;we laugh at them because the are all the same...

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by Ravensender on 2005-10-14 20:12:45
If I had powers I would first fix the world...

Then use my powers to get whatever I want (nobody could be able to stop you, right?)

Then all music would be free, all idiots gone, and anime for the masses!!

The end of the weekend is something that's inevitable... Like a test. Or the Apocalypse. Love Compatibility Test Love Compatibility Test

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-10-14 20:15:04
I would want to be a magical girl If I had powers I would bring Ranger home right now.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by ritz_crackers on 2005-10-14 21:05:25
If I had powers, I'd destroy some people but I'd mainly use it for good. Or something around those lines, destroy anyone I hate... just being honest. ^_^'

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-14 21:13:03
I would try and save it, if i can't blow it up and start again.

I'll eat you.

Re: Hypothedical question # 2
Link | by xenphRAGEum on 2005-10-19 23:24:19
I wont use it. Act normal, but use it when severely needed. Like when a Nuclear war starts bet. US and N.Korea!


Nasci Misrum, Vivere Poena, Angustia mori

It is a misery to be born, A pain to live, and a trouble to Die.

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