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Best romantic anime
Link | by feimau on 2005-09-29 06:59:25
Hey I am obsess over romantic anime so far I have watched Ayashi, love hina, boys be, kimi ga, ichigo 100% and more. I was wondering anyone can give me more suggestion on watching these anime I mostly like watching drama romantic stories but I am open to all sorts of anime. So any recommendations? Thanks

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by Nikki on 2005-09-29 08:02:29
DNAngel is a nice romance anime, too. There's a little action, but get the manga and DVDs. I bet you'll like that.

If you like shounen-ai, then I recommend Gravitation. It's a comedy-romance. There are 4 DVDs, 13 episodes and the OVA which you can order from The OVA has 2 episodes. There are 12 manga volumes.

"The world is a great place...for me to poop on!" <~Triumph

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by soatome on 2005-09-29 10:20:06
My three favorite Romance animes are as follows

1. Maison Ikkoku. (96 episodes) A story about a Ronin who falls in love with the beautiful new manager of his apartment complex. Wacky roomates and bizzare happeings make this series great. It dosent hurt that it was created by Takahashi Rumiko the creator of Ranma 1/2

2. Sentamental Journey (12 eps) This series chronicals the lives of 12 different girls (1 per episode) and their lost or requited loves and how they handle their life afterwards. Its a little plain and unexciting but it is pure romance throgh and through.

3. Ai Yori Aoshi- This is probably the greatest staple of Romantic anime in North America at the moment. I recomend it highly.

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by mayura on 2006-01-27 23:09:51
Try Suzuka
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
Da Capo
Samurai X (very dramatic)
Paradise Kiss

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by Xtreme-X on 2006-01-27 23:27:36
Mine would have to be Blue Gender, nothing beats a romance while your fighting for your lives against giant bugs.


Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-01-27 23:34:48
I haven't seen a lot of anime but i have read a lot of manga, I would ahve to say MARS!


Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by miss kris on 2006-01-27 23:35:38
kare kano and peach girl! 2 of my most favorite anime.

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by Image hosting by TinyPicYuna LuvaImage hosting by TinyPic on 2006-01-30 01:20:23
I would have to say... Elfen lied (very very sad and romatic... i think?)
But i know that Ichigo 100% is romatic and also funny!! =D

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Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by achadr on 2006-01-30 02:25:02
I like Love Hina best. But the first romantic anime that ever shocked me was Onegai Teacher. It reminded me of my long lost love. I heard Onegai Twins was good but haven't wached it.

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by lei8iel on 2006-01-30 11:51:49 (edited 2006-01-30 11:53:42)
onegai teacher and onegai twins... they're both good!
but i like onegai twins more...

i've seen kare kano... but i don't like the ending? does it have an ending?

ayashi no ceres is also nice! ^_^" hehehe...

dies mono dies

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by anya on 2006-01-30 13:18:10
bESt RomAntIC anIME huH??...

lEt MI see eRM...
TsuBasA cHrONicle reSeVoir???
I duNNo!!!!

~~~sesh any cute anime guys~~|.| |_| ?.? ?_? !.! !_!

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by John439 on 2006-02-04 06:57:54
Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora
Honey & Clover

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by Cutie-chan! on 2006-02-04 07:10:19
I prefer Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle since it's like a romantic anime with a mix of love, relationships, excitements and other aspects as well...

Cardcaptor Sakura: Blooming Days!: Dreams and Fantasies Becomes A Reality

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by theufw on 2006-02-04 07:35:16
Well...maybe Fushigi Yuugi and Inuyasha, though I think the romance in FY is a bit too far fetched...!

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by deloris on 2006-02-04 08:08:00
Kodomo no Omocha... I love that series so much, it's innocent love. And the humor's great too.

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-04 10:45:21
Elfen Lied and Midori no Hibi.
They both gave a challenge to the hearts and minds of the couples being focused in these ANIMEs

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-02-15 03:46:28
Midori no Hibi and Chobits

VICTORY goes to the only one who is the bravest!
If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!-->

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by KeLRei on 2006-02-15 04:33:56
RANMA 1/2 is the best.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by dalleto on 2006-02-15 05:46:50
fushigi yuugi, ayashino ceres and vision of escaflowne

Re: Best romantic anime
Link | by lens on 2006-02-15 07:00:04
Kimi ga Nozomu eien << a bit dramatic though.

Might as well put in some romance manga...

Salad Days << my personal favorite
Hot Gimmick
Mintna no Bokura << cutesy type

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