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What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by with_broken_wings on 2005-08-12 00:50:20
what sort of anime series would you rather live as?

For mine, i rather be like saiyuki

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Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-13 22:03:02
Boogiepop Phantom's Kirima Nagi.

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by revoutionarygirl on 2005-08-13 22:37:46
For me.... anything that involes magic and high school conflicts

for example.....

Rei Ayami - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Maron - Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Sakura- Card Captors Sakura
Kareshi Kano


Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by H e l l o Disease on 2005-08-14 02:14:10
I'd totally wanna be Excel from Excel Saga. I'm already freakishly like her. It'd just be more amusing to live her life. And die all the time.

To dance!
No way to make a living;
Masochism; Pain; Perfection;
Muscle Spasms; Chiropractors;
Short Carrers Eating Disorders!

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by on 2005-08-14 02:35:53
Um... I would like to live in the Super Gals! world...
um... I'm not sure which character though...

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Rui on 2005-08-14 03:01:18
Perhaps in Rurouni Kenshin as another samurai, or in Slam Dunk as Ayako (although Miyagi Ryota isn't exactly my most favorite character in that series). ^_^

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by YeNg on 2005-08-14 06:25:27
I want to live as a ninja... maybe a ninja working for Tasuki in Fushigi Yuugi... that would be great =)

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by -akutenshi- on 2005-08-14 07:14:42
I would like to be one of Syaroran's companions in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles travelling to different worlds ^_^

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-08-14 07:19:19
Living in the world of Maburaho would be the best!

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Nikki on 2005-08-14 19:10:40

I'd say Chobits, because it would be neat to have a persocom. X3 They're so cute. <3 If not that, then Cowboy Bebop. Traveling around the galaxy would be awesome.

"This isn't a boat, it's frickin' las vegas with seagulls..." ~Jigen

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-08-14 19:26:44
I take mine back, I definitly want a Perscom, Chobits wins!

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Mawaru on 2005-08-14 19:29:22
Naruto, Bleach, Gakuen Alice

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by jiromai on 2005-08-15 00:38:43
hmm I would like to live in:
or in Evangelion, Gundam W world

~Please visit my website **Satoshi daisuki!!!

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Jing-kun on 2005-08-15 01:00:01 (edited 2005-08-15 01:01:03)
wow this is a vague question is this like saying being similar to the main character type ie. Heero is gundam pilot? assuming yes
gundam wing
naruto(minus the sasuke)
fruits basket(because i too want the power to turn into a cute fluffy cat)
cowboy bebop
Tsubasa Chronicle

all seem like decently interesting ideas

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-15 03:17:01
Cowboy bebop!! Chobits' world is too depressing in my honest opinion

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by Kitty on 2005-08-15 03:21:36
For me it would be Full Metal Alchemist ^^;


Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-08-15 03:21:46
prince of tennis! (there is no homework, yey! FREE!)
gundam! (robot wars, seems interesting, hurray for rey za burrel and ZAFT, killed kira yamato!)
yami no matsuei (a shinigami works, never be boring at all!)
bleach! (i'm the new ju-ba taicho, the sucessor of hitsugaiya toushiro.)
death note (justice will prevail, yagami raito-kun..)

Image hosted by tsuzuki asato - yami no matsuei Image hosted by hitsugaiya toushiro - bleach Image hosted by allen - d dray man

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-15 03:52:57
one piece! they sure have fun!

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by on 2005-08-15 06:26:12
I was very preoccupied with Super Gals! that I forgot to include One Piece... hek hek...

thanks for the reminder razz...
anyway... gals in Shibuya always have fun.. so does people in One Piece..

Hm.. Well, bishounens suddenly entered my mind.. uh.. I like Rei-kun's appearance.. but he's somehow cold.. Sanji would definitely pay more attention nee minna? ^__^

Re: What sort of anime life would you rather live?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-08-15 08:18:50
well nothing beats the feeling of operating your own
mobile suit!so i'll go for GUNDAM but it also feels good
to live life as an adventure of sorts so one piece,saiyuki and samurai
x is the way to go...

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