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Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by ultimatekai on 2005-08-02 11:30:31
I think that the anime Slayers has the best music of any anime. They have the mp3s of slayers in the music section if you don't believe me. I can't decide on the best song, though. It's either Get Along or Give a Reason. I can't chooose!

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by miss kris on 2005-08-02 13:35:43
yeah, i love the slayers' music! i know all the seasons songs by heart, t.v. and full versions. ^_^ breeze is my favorite song out of all of 'em.

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by Loki on 2005-08-02 23:04:56
I liked Just be Concious.

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-08-03 02:32:10
It's a pity that Megumi Hayashibara hardly done any seiyuu work nowadays, since she have to take care of her first child. Otherwise we can hear more of her songs....

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by Inverse on 2005-08-03 12:50:59 (edited 2005-08-04 10:02:32)
agree =) hardly ever new song of Slayers that I find dissapoited me ^-^ songs are so vivid and catchy, yay!

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-03 13:40:17
I think they have the best soundtrack around. Or at least one of bests. I fall asleep to these songs ^^

Re: Aren't Slayers songs the best?
Link | by wildfire143 on 2005-08-04 13:02:26
listening to Slayers music is wierd there times I love it and times that I dislike it but most of the time I enjoy it. One time I started humming Shining Girl from The Slayers Motion Picture OST and got a lot of strange looks.

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